HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 12, 1999 it\~ OF PIC .,,0 '\ :r z I- G) - EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY OCTOBER 12, 1999 - 7:35 P.M. PRESENT: Mayor Wayne Arthurs COUNCILLORS: M. Brenner D. Dickerson M. Holland - Chairman R. Johnson D. Pickles D. Ryan - ALSO PRESENT: T.Quinn N. Carroll G. Paterson C. Rose B. Taylor D. Kearns - Chief Administrative Officer - Director of Planning - Director of Finance & Treasurer - Manager, Policy Division - Town Clerk - Committee Co-ordinator (I) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Regular Meeting of September 27, 1999 (II) DELEGATIONS 1. The Honourable Janet Ecker presented a cheque in the amount of $38,200 to the Town of Pickering in support of the program Ontario 2000 - Mainstreet Ontario. She congratulated Council and the volunteers who made this application possible. - 60 (III) MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 1. PLANNING REPORT #16-99 REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION 99-005/D REGIONAL INITIATED COMMUNAL SYSTEMS IN THE RURAL AREA REGION OF DURHAM - Approved See Recommendation #1 Angie Jones, R. R. #5, Claremont, stated that if communal services are allowed in the rural area, applications would be submitted by developers. She stated her concerns to include: residents not being notified of this application; lack of studies and urbanization of the rural area. Do not implement changes that would be irrevocable. Fred Beer, R. R. #5, Claremont, advised that this gives Cherry Downs an opportunity to build ClubLink. He suggested asking Durham Region if health risks exist in the Region and would communal systems alleviate this risk. Septic Systems should be investigated for health risks rather than the approval of communal systems, redirect energies to other issues. He spoke of a previous meeting when he was refused the opportunity to address Council but the opposition was allowed a halfhour. - Bill Wilder, 5335 Sideline 12, stated his concern with the lack of notification to residents. This submission was published on October 5th which does not afford enough time to residents to submit their comments. A petition relating to the June 21st meeting and the resolution passed by Council is being circulated in the rural area. Over 200 signatures have been received and it is expected this figure will reach 1,000. Chris Willens, North Part of Lot 15, stated that the issue is how Council will be perceived by their constituents. It is believed that anything pertaining to ClubLink is in the bag. He advised that he has no problem with the Town installing communal servicing to solve problems but not in favour of private ownership. 2. PARKS & FACILITIES REPORT #14-99 WATERFRONT TRAIL WEST - T-9-99 Approved See Recommendation #2 3. FINANCE REPORT #21-99 PROPOSAL TO INCREASE INFORMATION SYSTEM'S APPROVED 1999 CAPITAL BUDGET FROM $400,000 TO $550,000 ,~ Approved As Amended See Recommendation #3 4. LEGAL REPORT #40-99 FINES IMPOSED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVINCIAL OFFENCES ACT, R.S.O. 1990, c.P. 33, AS AMENDED By-law Forwarded To Council 61 5. PROCLAMATION - TOASTMASTERS MONTH - OCTOBER 1999 2-MINUTE WAVE OF SILENCE - 11 :00 AM. - NOVEMBER 11, 1999 WHITE RIBBON WEEK - NOVEMBER 25 - DECEMBER 6 Approved As Amended See Recommendation #4 - (IV) OTHER BUSINESS 1. Councillor Dickerson advised Council of the following issues relating to the Town which are being addressed by the Planning Committee at the Region: a) Phase II Application by Miller Waste to expand scope of their operation. b) Declaration of Protection of Airport Lands. c) The construction of structures on barges. 2. The following matters were discussed prior to the regular meeting: a) Councillor Ryan asked what will be included in the $8,800 Professional Fee that is shown in Tender T-9-99 for the Waterrront Trail West. b) Councillor Dickerson suggested that an item be included on all Council and Committee agendas called Regional Reports that would allow the Regional representatives to notify Council on matters of a Regional nature affecting Pickering. ,...... c) Councillor Holland provided an update on donations to the Millennium Trail. (V) ADJOURNMENT The Meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m. DA TED f\J () v {}-1 tJ tP- 1- /9 O¡ 9 CLERK ¿c , - TOWN OF PICKERING That the Executive Committee of the Town of Pickering having met on October 12th, 1999, presents its fourteenth report to Council and recommends: - 1. PLANNING REPORT #16-99 REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION 99-005/D REGIONAL INITIATED COMMUNAL SYSTEMS IN THE RURAL AREA REGION OF DURHAM 1. That Council advise the Region of Durham that it supports the use of new Regionally owned and operated communal systems for water and/or sanitary sewage in rural settlements to deal with health or environmental problems; and 2. That Council advise the Region of Durham that OP A 99-005/D as currently worded is too restrictive, and should be revised to reflect the Town's position that privately owned and operated communal systems should receive equal consideration with all other viable means of servicing appropriate forms of development in the rural area; and 3. That the Town Clerk be directed to forward a copy of Planning Report No. 16-99 to the Region of Durham. - 2. PARKS & FACILITIES REPORT #14-99 WATERFRONT TRAIL WEST - T-9-99 That Report PF 14 - 99 regarding the tender for construction of a Waterrront Trail (west section) be received and that: 1. Tender T-99-99 be approved and awarded to Central Contracting Ltd. in the amount of $87,472.50. 2. Council approve the Total Project Cost of$93,266.50. 3. The appropriate officials of the Town of Pickering be given the authority to give affect thereto. 3. FINANCE REPORT #21-99 PROPOSAL TO INCREASE INFORMATION SYSTEM'S APPROVED 1999 CAPITAL BUDGET FROM $400,000 TO $550,000 That Report FIN 21/99 of the Director of Finance and Treasurer be received and that Council: ~. 1. Approve a $61,000 increase to Information System's 1999 Capital Budget, to provide for the purchase of replacement PC's, and other related equipment. 2. Approve a $15,000 increase to Information System's 1999 Current Budget, to allow for the purchase of services to support the Town's website; 3. The foregoing additional expenditures be financed by surplus 1999 operating funds and a transfer rrom the Community Facilities Reserve Fund if necessary; - 2 - 4. Endorse the concept of a managed replacement program for all personal computers, peripherals, and servers for the Corporation; and 5. The appropriate officials of the Town of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. - 4. PROCLAMATION - TOASTMASTERS MONTH - OCTOBER 1999 2-MINUTE WAVE OF SILENCE - 11:00 AM. - NOVEMBER 11,1999 WHITE RIBBON WEEK - NOVEMBER 25 - DECEMBER 6 That Mayor Arthurs be authorized to make the following proclamation: "TOASTMASTERS MONTH" - OCTOBER, 1999 "2-MINUTE W AVE OF SILENCE" - 11:00 A.M. - NOVEMBER 11, 1999 "WHITE RIBBON WEEK" - NOVEMBER 25 - DECEMBER 6 - ,--.