HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 27, 1999 ~~ OF PiC ",0 ~ !f!!I~ I- (j) .. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES ......... MONDAY SEPTEMBER 27, 1999 - 7:30 P.M. PRESENT: COUNCILLORS: M. Brenner D. Dickerson - Chairman M. Holland R. Johnson D. Pickles D.Ryan ALSO PRESENT: ,- T.Quinn N. Carroll S. Reynolds G. Paterson B. Taylor D. Kearns - Chief Administrative Officer - Director of Planning - Director of Culture & Recreation - Director of Finance & Treasurer - Town Clerk - Committee Co-ordinator ABSENT: Mayor Arthurs - Celebrating 30th Wedding Anniversary Councillor Pickles - Urgent Family Matter (I) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Regular Meeting of September 13, 1999 (II) DELEGA TIONS 1. The Director of Culture & Recreation introduced Stephen Teeple, Architect, who presented a conceptual building design and costing options for the Western Library Branch and Multi-Functional Community Centre. He advised that this design meets the Kingston Road guidelines and the north end of the site opens onto a park. -- 2. The following persons addressed the Committee concerning Woodsmere Park: a) Melanie Hancock, 439 Woodsmere Cres., representing area residents advised that the residents have been working with Councillor Pickles and are in full support of Councillor Pickles design proposal. 56 b) Pat Obergfell, representing the Pickering Baseball Association, outlined the need for the new diamond. She stated that sports are necessary for the development of youth and the youth are requesting the approval of this proposal. (III) MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION -- 1. PLANNING RECOMMENDATION REPORT #16-99 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 17/99 DIAMOND SWAN VENTURES CORP. PART OF LOT 17, RANGE 3, B.F.C. (PART OF PLAN M-1040) (SOUTH- WEST CORNER OF SQUIRES BEACH & CLEMENTS ROADS) Approved See Recommendation #1 2. INTERDEP ARTMENT AL TEAM REPORT #04-99 REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF CULTURE AND RECREATION WESTERN LIBRARY BRANCH & MULTI-FUNCTIONAL COMMUNITY FACILITY BUILDING DESIGN AND FINANCING OPTIONS Approved See Recommendation #2 3. PARKS & FACILITIES REPORT NUMBER #13/99 WOODSMERE PARK - Approved See Recommendation #3 4. FINANCE REPORT NUMBER #24-99 Y2K PREPAREDNESS OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING Approved See Recommendation #4 5. LEGAL REPORT NUMBER #35/99 ROAD - DEDICATION (STROUD'S LANE) BLOCK 181, PLAN 40m-1810 By-law Forwarded To Council 6. LEGAL REPORT NUMBER #37-99 PART LOT CONTROL BY -LAW DANLU HOLDINGS LIMITED LOTS 1, 4 AND 5 AND BLOCKS 7 AND 11, PLAN 40M-1981 By-law Forwarded To Council - 7. LEGAL REPORT NUMBER #38/99 ROAD - DEDICATION/ROAD NAMING PART LOT 20, CONCESSION 8, PICKERING (PART 5, PLAN 40R-18149) By-law Forwarded To Council 57 8. CLERK'S REPORT #37/99 UNITED WAY GRANT 9. ,-. Approved See Recommendation #5 CLERK'S REPORT #36/99 APPOINTMENT OF BY -LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS TO ENFORCE THE PARKING BY-LAW AT 1945 DENMARROAD IN PICKERING AND THE REMOVAL OF ONE BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER FROM 1822 WHITE'S ROAD, AMBERLEA PLAZA By-law Forwarded To Council 10. PROCLAMATION - NATIONAL WALK A CHILD TO SCHOOL DAY - OCTOBER 6, 1999 Approved See Recommendation #6 (IV) OTHER BUSINESS 1. - Councillor Ryan advised that he had received a call from a concerned resident regarding the condition of a vacant lot. The resident advised that she had been in contact with the Region Weed Inspector concerning this matter, but was advised that it is necessary for her to leave her name in order that the owners of the vacant land can be informed as to the person complaining. Customer Care were requested by Councillor Ryan to check into this matter and it was confirmed that this is the case. The Chief Administrative Officer was requested to review and advise if a policy change is required. Councillor Ryan further requested that an inventory of vacant properties be prepared, by-law visit these properties regularly and charges be laid when necessary. 2. Councillor Ryan advised that the Toronto Star reported that tritium levels in the Ajax water have been deemed safe and he questioned why Ontario Power Generation does not address issues more openly with the public. He further stated that OPG, with this support, could stand up proud. 3. Councillor Ryan commented on an article in the Toronto Star advising that Toronto are looking for alternate locations for the disposal of garbage. He questioned Councillor Johnson on whether the Region are actively setting up waste disposal locations within Durham and also whether there are two facilities within Pickering tendering on waste disposal. Councillor Johnson advised that options are being reviewed by the Region and that he understands that a Whitby firm and a Pickering firm with their facility located in York Region are both tendering on waste disposal. 4. .- Councillor Brenner questioned what mechanism is in place to prevent a farm from being changed into a golf course when applications have not been submitted. He suggested that a review of the process be undertaken and if there is nothing to stop this from happening then the process should be amended. 5. The following matters were discussed prior to the regular meeting: a) The Chief Administrative Officer advised that his final restructuring report would be coming before Council within the next couple of weeks. 58 b) Councillor Holland gave an update on the Winterfest event, advising of those sponsors involved and events to take place. He requested and received Council's concurrence with the Winterfest Committee's proposal for a float to be decorated for the Santa Claus Parade. c) Councillor Ryan advised that Rougemount Co-op would be making a presentation at the Council Meeting next week. '" d) Councillor Johnson advised that presentations would be made next week at the Council Meeting by Big Brothers and Claremont Slo-Pitch. (V) ADJOURNMENT The Meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m. DATED 5 E PT· '2--'7 /997 CLERK Á ~ - - TOWN OF PICKERING That the Executive Committee of the Town of Pickering having met on September 27th, 1999, presents its thirteenth report to Council and recommends: 1. PLANNING RECOMMENDATION REPORT #16-99 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 17/99 DIAMOND SWAN VENTURES CORP. PART OF LOT 17, RANGE 3, B.F.C. (PART OF PLAN M-1040) (SOUTH- WEST CORNER OF SQUIRES BEACH & CLEMENTS ROADS) - 1. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 17/99, submitted by Fred T. Reisman & Associates Limited for Diamond Swan Ventures Corp., on lands being Part of Lot 17, Range 3, B.F.C. (Part of Plan M-1040), in the Town of Pickering, to add commercial-recreational, community, cultural, and personal service uses to those presently permitted on the site, be APPROVED. 2. That the amending zoning by-law to implement Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 17/99, as set out in Appendix I to Recommendation Report Number 16-99, be forwarded to Council for enactment. 2. INTERDEPARTMENTAL TEAM REPORT #04-99 REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF CULTURE AND RECREATION WESTERN LIBRARY BRANCH & MULTI-FUNCTIONAL COMMUNITY FACILITY BUILDING DESIGN AND FINANCING OPTIONS - That Report IDT 04-99 be received by Council and that: 1. That the presentation by Stephen Teeple, Architect on the Western Library and Community Centre be received. 2. That staffbe directed to proceed with design and construction drawings for 10,000 sq. ft. library, plus 1,500 sq. ft. community room plus 6,100 sq. ft. community centre (total 17,600 sq. ft.) 3. That the following sources offinancing be approved: (a) the proceeds from the sale of the Rouge Hill Library, currently estimated at $350,000, be applied to the financing of the total cost of the Western Library and Community Centre; (b) transfers from the Development Charges Reserve Funds: - Library Facilities Major Recreation Facilities Seniors Community Centres Parkland Development $ 36,000 50,000 220,000 162,000 4. That financing in the amount of$I,257,900 be approved with the source of financing to be reported on by the Director of Finance and Treasurer at the time of the 2000 Budget deliberations but not later than when the tender for this project is submitted to Council for consideration. - 2 - 5. That the appropriate officials of the Town of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. 3. PARKS & FACILITIES REPORT NUMBER #13/99 WOODSMERE PARK - That Report PF 13-99 regarding the tender for construction of Woods mere Park be received and that: 1. Tender T-II-99 be approved and awarded to P. Gabrielle & Sons in the amount of$390,863.67. 2. Council approve the Total Project Cost of $420,864.67. 3. The appropriate officials of the Town of Pickering be given the authority to give effect thereto. 4. FINANCE REPORT NUMBER #24-99 Y2K PREPAREDNESS OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING That Report FIN 24/99 of the Director of Finance and Treasurer be received and that Council approve the Y2K Contingency Plan. 5. CLERK'S REPORT #37/99 UNITED WAY GRANT - That a grant in the amount of $2.65 per household (approximately $69,000) be made to the United Way of Ajax - Pickering; and That this grant be paid in the Year 2000; and That these funds be allocated in the Year 2000 Operating Budget in Account 2195 (Grants to Organizations and Individuals). 6. PROCLAMATION - NATIONAL WALK A CHILD TO SCHOOL DAY - OCTOBER 6, 1999 That Mayor Arthurs be authorized to make the following proclamation: "National Walk a Child to School Day" - October 6, 1999 -