HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 13, 1999 .O~~ OF P/C'~ 4J ~ ~ ¡E s t5 - EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES MONDAY SEPTEMBER 13, 1999 - 7:35 P.M. PRESENT: Mayor Wayne Arthurs COUNCILLORS: M. Brenner - Chairman D. Dickerson M. Holland R. Johnson D. Pickles D. Ryan ALSO PRESENT: - T.Quinn T. Melymuk N. Carroll C. Rose B. Taylor D. Kearns - Chief Administrative Officer - Director of Corporate Projects & Policy - Director of Planning - Manager, Policy Division - Town Clerk - Committee Co-ordinator (I) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Regular Meeting of June 28, 1999 (II) MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 1. PLANNING RECOMMENDATION REPORT #15-99 DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 18T-98015(R) ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 19/98 ESTATEOFV.E. SWAN PART OF LOT 28, CONCESSION 2 (EAST SIDE OF WHITES ROAD, NORTH OF HYDRO LINE) .- Approved See Recommendation #1 Richard Ward, 3709 R. R. #9, Orono, stated his opposition to this application because subject lands are north of Gatineau hydro line. This is part of the Rouge-Duffins corridor and has not been circulated. 52 2. PLANNING REPORT NUMBER #15-99 LAND SEVERANCE APPLICATIONS LD 234/99 (INCLUSIVE) P.C. HERBERT & A.M. NEAULT LOT 25, PLAN 410 (SOUTH- WEST CORNER OF PINE GROVE AVENUE AND VALLEY RIDGE CRESCENT) Approved See Recommendation #2 - 3. CULTURE AND RECREATION REPORT NUMBER #03-99 JOINTS'N THINGS INC. AMENDING LEASE AGREEMENT By-Law forwarded to Council 4. PARKS & FACILITIES REPORT NUMBER #12-99 COMMUNITY CENTRES & FACILITIES - DON BEER ARENA PRO SHOP LEASING - PICKERING HOCKEY ASSOCIATION INC. By-Law forwarded to Council 5. PUBLIC WORKS REPORT NUMBER #13/99 REGULATORY BY-LAW PARKING BY-LAW 2359/87 (NO PARKING) PORTION OF GLENANNA ROAD By-Law forwarded to Council - 6. PUBLIC WORKS REPORT NUMBER #14/99 GUARDED SCHOOL CROSSING; AND AMENDMENT OF PARKING BY -LAW 2359/87 - PORTION OF WESTCREEK DRIVE Approved By-Law forwarded to Council See Recommendation #3 7. FIRE REPORT #01/99 BILL 84 Approved See Recommendation #4 8. LEGAL REPORT #34/99 ROADS - DEDICATION BLOCKS 23, PLAN 40M-1961; BLOCK 36, PLAN 40M-1936; BLOCKS 24 AND 25, PLAN 40M-1916; BLOCKS 31 AND 32, PLAN 40M-1689 AND BLOCKS 55 & 56, PLAN 40M-1446, PICKERING HOLBROOK COURT, FAIRPORT ROAD, STOVER CRESCENT, FA WNDALE ROAD AND LITTLEFORD STREET - By-Law forwarded to Council 53 9. LEGAL REPORT #36/99 PART LOT CONTROL BY-LAW 704858 ONTARIO LIMITED LOTS 2, 9 AND 12, PLAN 40M-1956 By-Law forwarded to Council 10. CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE REPORT #10-99 ONTARIO POWER GENERATION PICKERING NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION "A" RESTART FEDERAL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PEER REVIEW TEAM - Approved See Recommendation #5 11. CLERK'S REPORT #35-99 APPOINTMENT OF BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS TO ENFORCE THE PARKING BY-LAW AT DCC #145, #1, #42, #52, #60, #136, #139, #31, #51, #58, #93/106, #152, #42, #129, OCC #2, #11, 963-979 BROCK ROAD AND 1735 BAYLY STREET, PICKERING By-Law forwarded to Council 12. PROCLAMATIONS - KIDS DAY INTERNATIONAL - SEPTEMBER 25, 1999 WORLD MENTAL HEALTH DAY - OCTOBER 7,1999 MIGRAINE AWARENESS WEEK - NOVEMBER 1 -7, 1999 .- Approved See Recommendation #6 (III) OTHER BUSINESS 1. Councillor Holland gave notice that a motion would be coming forward concerning the West Rouge Canoe Club and Millennium Trail joint venture. 2. Councillor Holland gave notice that a motion would be coming forward next week concerning the proposed townhouses at the bottom of Liverpool Road. 3. Councillor Pickles gave notice that a motion would be coming forward with respect to Official Plan and zoning policies regarding waste facilities. 4. Councillor Pickles gave notice that a motion would be coming forward concerning the findings of the residents task force with respect to Hwy. 407. 5. Councillor Johnson commented on the information being distributed this evening concerning the merger of Ajax and Pickering. 6. Councillor Dickerson gave notice that a motion would be coming forward requesting Council review and decide on insurance pooling across the Region of Durham except for Oshawa. - 7. Councillor Dickerson advised that Janet Ecker, M.P.P. would be present at the Frenchman's Bay Yacht Club on Tuesday, September 14th to present a cheque to theTRCA. 8. Mayor Arthurs advised that the Governance Report would be on next weeks agenda for consideration and copies are available. 54 9. Councillor Brenner commented on the Governance Report and advised that residents have been informed of the contents and are well aware of what has been taking place concerning this over the past month. He requested that a copy of this report be made available on the WebSite. 10. Councillor Brenner requested that the Chief Administrative Officer thank staff for the work they did over the summer. 11. Councillor Brenner requested that the Chief Administrative Officer review the situation at St. Marys Separate High School concerning the lack of washroom facilities for the students. - 12. The following matters were discussed prior to the regular meeting: a) The C.A.O. advised that negotiations have broken off concerning the Priest property. b) The c.A.O. advisesd that a cheque for $15,754.21 had been received :trom C.P. Rail for the fire which occurred along the tracks last year. c) Councillor Dickerson gave a short status report on the proposed Millennium Events: Pickering 2000 will be attending the Altona West Community Association Parkfest and distributing flags and pins; possible October fest; family fall festival, New Year's events will include youth and teens with seven to eight types of venues. Councillor Dickerson further advised that an audit will be undertaken. d) Councillor Ryan complimented the Town Clerk for his response to a resident concerning Habitat for Humanity. He requested that a review of the plans submitted to the Building Department be undertaken to ensure that what is being built complies with these plans. ~. e) Councillor Pickles reminded Council of the Mayor's Horseshoe Challenge taking place on October 3rd at the Museum. t) Councillor Johnson advised that he has a conflict next Tuesday evening as chair of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. He requested the Clerk forward a letter to CLOCA if one of our meetings again conflicts with theirs. g) Mayor Arthurs requested that it be noted in the minutes that the meeting next week has been scheduled for Tuesday rather than Monday due to Yom Kippur. (IV) ADJOURNMENT The Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. DATED S EfT. '2-q 19. '7 CLERK /~ - TOWN OF PICKERING That the Executive Committee of the Town of Pickering having met on September 13, 1999, presents its twelth report to Council and recommends: - 1. PLANNING RECOMMENDATION REPORT #15-99 DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 18T-98015(R) ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 19/98 ESTATEOFV.E. SWAN PART OF LOT 28, CONCESSION 2 (EAST SIDE OF WHITES ROAD, NORTH OF HYDRO LINE) 1. That Town Council recommend to the Region of Durham, that Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-98015 submitted by the Estate of Violet E. Swan on lands known as Part of Lot 28, Concession 2, Town of Pickering, be APPROVED AS REVISED subject to the conditions outlined in Appendix I to Recommendation Report 15-99. 2. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 19/98 to allow residential development and conserve open space lands, be APPROVED to implement Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-98015, subject to the conditions outlined in Appendix II to Recommendation Report 15-99. 2. PLANNING REPORT NUMBER #15-99 LAND SEVERANCE APPLICATIONS LD 234/99 (INCLUSIVE) P.C. HERBERT & A.M. NEAULT LOT 25, PLAN 410 - (SOUTH- WEST CORNER OF PINE GROVE AVENUE AND VALLEY RIDGE CRESCENT) 1. That the request ofP.C. Herbert & A.M. Neault, to permit the division of the subject property, being Lot 25, Plan 410 (also known as 1830 Pine Grove Avenue), into five lots through Land Severance Applications LD 234/99 to LD 237/99 (inclusive), rather than by draft plan of subdivision, be APPROVED. 2. That Town Staff advise the Durham Land Division Committee, and the owner of the subject property that a development agreement will be required between the Town and the owner, prior to the Town's final clearance of severance conditions. This agreement will address those matters commonly addressed in subdivision agreements and will include requirements for an overall Tree Preservation Program Report (including an overall grading plan) and a Siting and Architectural Design Statement. 3. PUBLIC WORKS REPORT NUMBER #14/99 GUARDED SCHOOL CROSSING; AND AMENDMENT OF PARKING BY -LAW 2359/87 - PORTION OF WESTCREEK DRIVE - That three (3) school crossings, as set out in Public Works Report Number #14/99, be adopted and installed for the Highbush Neighbourhood and they be staffed with fully trained adult guards; and 4. FIRE REPORT #01/99 BILL 84 That Resolution #353/97, passed by the Council of the Town of Pickering at its meeting of September 15, 1997, be rescinded. 2 5. CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE REPORT #10-99 ONTARIO POWER GENERATION PICKERING NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION "A" RESTART FEDERAL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PEER REVIEW TEAM 1. That Report to Council CAO 10-99, regarding the hiring by the Town ofa peer review team to oversee Ontario Power Generation's environmental assessment be received by Council. - 2. That Council accept the proposal fÌom University of Toronto/McMaster to conduct an independent peer review of Ontario Power Generation's environmental assessment. 3. That Ontario Power Generation be requested to confirm in writing that it agrees to fund the proposal for an independent peer review team as accepted by Town Council, in accordance with the funding specifications outlined in that team's proposal to the Town. 4. That a copy ofthis Report be forwarded to the Atomic Energy Control Board for their information. 6. PROCLAMATIONS - KIDS DAY INTERNATIONAL - SEPTEMBER 25, 1999 WORLD MENTAL HEALTH DAY -OCTOBER 7,1999 MIGRAINE AWARENESS WEEK - NOVEMBER 1 -7, 1999 That Mayor Arthurs be authorized to make the following proclamation: - "KIDS DAY INTERNATIONAL" - SEPTEMBER 25, 1999 "WORLD MENTAL HEALTH DAY" - OCTOBER 7,1999 "MIGRAINE AWARENESS WEEK" - NOVEMBER 1 - 7, 1999 _.