HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 28, 1999 ~'\II. OF PIC J....O ~ ~~~ ~:œ;G) - ~...... EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES MONDAY JUNE 28, 1999 - 7:32 P.M. PRESENT: Mayor Wayne Arthurs COUNCILLORS: M. Brenner D. Dickerson M. Holland R. Johnson D. Pickles D. Ryan - Chairman - ALSO PRESENT: N. Carroll N. Killens G. Paterson C. Rose B. Taylor D. Kearns - Director of Planning - Manager of Transportation - Director of Finance and Treasurer - Manager, Policy Division - Town Clerk - Committee Co-ordinator (I) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Regular Meeting of June 14, 1999 (II) DELEGA TIONS 1. Deputy Chief Derek Denson, Durham Regional Police Service, addressed Council regarding the proposed telecommunications tower to be installed by Clearnet and its effect on the potential Police and Fire radio system. He stated that these towers would provide improved coverage for officers, allowing them access to the radio system when away from their vehicles. - 2. Jill Hamilton, representing Participation and the Trans Canada Trail Relay 2000, addressed Council about the opening of the Trans Canada Trail. A video was shown concerning the relay and Council were advised that Pickering is on the Trans Canada Trail Route. She requested Council's support of this event. 3. The following persons addressed the Committee with respect to the Notice of Motion regarding the relocation of hydro wires: 44 a) Bill Alexander, 2003 Cedarwood Court stated his objection to the relocation of the wires from Kingston Road to the Hydro Corridor, commenting on the health risks to residents, the impact on the homes in the area and the absence of benefits to this proposal. If there is a possible health risk, Council should not be considering this relocation. b) Paul Merin, 1223 Fieldstone Circle, stated that these unsightly, potentially unhealthy hydro wires should not be placed in a residential and/or school area. The hydro corridor should not be blemished further with more wires. He advised that numerous trees would have to be removed or tops cut off for this proposal to proceed. ,,.... c) Mary-Jo Merin, 1223 Fieldstone Circle, read out a letter sent by Mr. T. Quigley of 1235 Fieldstone Circle advising of his objection to this proposal. The letter identified problems with the communication process, advising that residents had not been notified and were shocked with the proposal. 4 Pam Spence, 705 Foster Court, addressed the Committee regarding Loeb's Glendale Market being changed to No Frills on August 16th. The major concerns outlined included; a) the loss of a friendly neighbourhood store; b) job loss; c) decrease in value of homes; and d) no competition with consolidation. She advised that she had a petition signed by area residents in opposition to the No Frills store. She requested that the Competition Act be amended. 5. Dan McTeague, M.P. commented on the weak Competition Act, advising that it needs to be stronger and more competitive. He requested Council's assistance by approving a motion which would address this Act. He stated that the Super Centre (Lob laws) is being renovated to include extras not available at the new No Frills and that this renovation could create parking problems. .- (III) MA TTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 1. ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 18/98 1. PITINO (SOUTH SIDE OF RODD AVENUE) FILE NUMBER - A 2310 - A 18/98 In Planning Recommendation Report Number 10-99, it is recommended that Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 18/98, submitted by 1. Pitino, on the south side of Rodd Avenue, to change the zoning on a portion of the east side of the subject lands to match the zoning which currently exists on the west side of the subject lands; to change the zoning on lands within 10 metres of the top-of-bank on the east side of the subject lands, to "OS-HL" - Open Space Hazard Land Zone; to permit the existing dwelling on the subject lands to remain in place until such time as the owner of the subject lands wishes to construct any new dwelling, at which time the existing dwelling must be removed; be APPROVED and that the by-law to implement this application be forwarded to Council for enactment. Approved See Recommendation #1 ~ Bv-Iaw forwarded to Council Greg Mason, 544 Rodd Avenue, gave the history of the Pitino proprerty. He requested Council's and resident's involvement in moving the line in order that 535 Rodd Avenue would remain an Open Space Designation. He requested that residents have an unbroken Waterfront Trail. Herb Wank, 480 Rougemount Drive, speaking on behalf of the President of the Rosebank Ratepayers Association, advised that the Association did not have a meeting, therefore, could not review or endorse the flyer which she advised them of but they did strongly endorse her comments. 45 Joe Pitino, 541 Rodd Avenue, stated that the proposed homes could potentially create reinvestment in the Town and beautify the gateway to Petticoat Creek. He further advised that the homes proposed are not monster homes but approximately 2,500 sq. ft. .~ Marion Martin, 525 Bella Vista Drive, spoke of the distribution of approximately 12,000 flyers. She advised that members of the Rosebank Ratepayers Association had knowledge of the flyers. She commented on the size of the proposed homes, stating that they appear to be approximately 4,000 sq. ft. 2. SITE PLAN APPLICATIONS S 15/96 (R99-4) PUBLIC WORKS CANADA (CLEARNET INC.) NORTH PART OF LOT 19, CONCESSION 7 (DPW #312) (WEST SIDE OF BROCK ROAD, NORTH OF 7TH CONCESSION ROAD FILE NUMBER - D 3310 In Planning Report #12-99, it is recommended that a decision be made with respect to the erection of a 70-metre-high telecommunications cell tower (guy wire supported) at 4190 Brock Road as outlined in the letter nom Walker, Nott, Dragicevic Associates Limited dated May 6, 1999. Approved See Recommendation #2 3. PROPOSED DECK ADDITION TO PICKERING DRIVING RANGE FACILITY 2510 BROCK ROAD NORTH PART OF LOT 19, CONCESSION 3 FILE NUMBER - B 1000 - In Planning Report #13-99, it is recommended that Mr. Dan Lally (1317970 Ontario Ltd.) be authorized to apply to the Pickering Committee of Adjustment for permission to extend or enlarge a legal non-conforming use, to accommodate the introduction of a deck having a gross floor area not exceeding 67 square metres. Approved As Amended See Recommendation #3 4. HYDRO MERGER FILE NUMBER -F 2710 In a letter dated June 18, 1999, the Solicitor for the Hydro Commission provides a draft by-law to authorize the execution of the Merger Agreement. By-law forwarded to Council 5. ROUGE PARK NEIGHBOURHOOD DETAILED REVIEW AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED WITH THE ENVIRONMENTAL MASTER SERVICING PLAN FILE NUMBER - B 1000 - In Planning Report #14-99, it is recommended that the "Proposal for Consulting Services" submitted by XCG Consultants Ltd., to undertake an Environmental Master Servicing Plan for the Rouge Park Neighbourhood be received. Approved See Recommendation #4 46 6. FCM REPORT - NATIONAL HOUSING POLICY OPTIONS PAPER - A CALL FOR ACTION FILE NUMBER - A 2160 In a resolution passed on June 18, 1999, the GTA Mayors and Regional Chairs requests all GT A municipalities to endorse the report entitled "National Housing Policy Options Paper - A Call for Action" dated June, 1999. ,...... Approved See Recommendation #5 7. V ALLEY RIDGE ON THE ROUGE NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH FILE NUMBER - A 2160 In a letter dated June 11, 1999, the Durham Regional Police Service advises of the establishment of the "Valley Ridge on the Rouge Neighbourhood Watch". Approved See Recommendation #6 8. 1998 PRE-AUDIT BALANCES OF RESERVES AND RESERVE FUNDS FILE NUMBER - C 1000 In the Director of Finance and Treasurer's Report FIN 16-99, it is recommended that this report, regarding the 1998 pre-audit balances of reserves and reserve funds, be received for information. Approved See Recommendation #7 ,- 9. AUTHORITY FOR THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE AND TREASURER TO RECOMMEND PROJECT FINANCING APPROVAL DURING THE 1999 SUMMER RECESS OF COUNCIL AND AMENDMENT TO AUTHORITIES FILE NUMBER -C 1000 In the Director of Finance and Treasurer's Report FIN 14-99, it is recommended that the Director of Finance and Treasurer be authorized to recommend and approve project financing approval during the 1999 summer recess of Council and amendment to signing authorities. Approved See Recommendation #8 10. ST ATEMENT OF THE TREASURER RESPECTING 1998 REMUNERATION AND EXPENSE PAYMENTS TO MEMBERS OF COUNCIL AND COUNCIL APPOINTEES FILE NUMBER - A 2110 In the Director of Finance and Treasurer's Report FIN 05-99, it is recommended that the Statement of the Treasurer for the year 1998 respecting remuneration and expense payments to Members of Council and Council appointees be received. Approved See Recommendation #9 47 11. AUDIT COMMITTEE - PRELIMINARY REPORT RE: NOTICE OF MOTION FILE NUMBER -C 1000 In the Director of Finance and Treasurer's Report FIN 18-99, it is recommended that subject to final approval by the Audit Committee, the draft amendments to the Notice of Motion referred by Council to the Audit Committee at its meeting of March 22, 1999, be approved. - Approved See Recommendation #10 12. EMPLOYEE GROUP BENEFIT INSURANCE - 1999 RENEWALS FILE NUMBER -A 4000 In the Director of Finance and Treasurer's Report FIN 13-99, it is recommended that the firm of William M. Mercer Limited be instructed to renew the Group Health and Dental Plans for the Town of Pickering with the present carrier, Liberty Health and renew coverages with Maritime Life for Group LifefLong Term Disability. Approved See Recommendation #11 13 . RENEWAL OF THE GENERAL PROPERTY AND LIABILITY INSURANCE PROGRAM FOR THE TOWN OF PICKERING FILE NUMBER -A 1100 In the Director of Finance and Treasurer's Report FIN 12-99, it is recommended that the General Property and Liability Insurance Program for the Town of Pickering for the Period July 1, 199 to July 1, 2000, extendable to July 1, 2002 be renewed. Approved See Recommendation #12 14. REVISED 1998 TAXATION BILLING FOR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND MUL TI-RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES FILE NUMBER -C 5000 In the Director of Finance and Treasurer's Report FIN 19-99, it is recommended that the 1998 Taxation Billing for Commercial, Industrial and Multi-residential properties be revised. Approved See Recommendation #13 15. SECTIONS 442 AND 443 OF THE MUNICIPAL ACT ADJUSTMENTS TO TAXES FILE NUMBER - A2310.293 In the Director of Finance and Treasurer's Report FIN 11-99, it is recommended that the Treasurer be authorized to write-off taxes due to fire, demolition, clerical error, exemption and assessment change as provided under Sections 442 and 443 of the Municipal Act. Approved See Recommendation #14 16. 48 BENCH ADVERTISING AGREEMENT WITH CREATIVE OUTDOOR ADVERTISING FILE NUMBER -D 3310 ,- In the Manager of Transportation's Report TR 02-99, it is recommended that a draft by-law to execute the Agreement for a five year term commencing on July 1, 1999 and expiring on June 30, 2004 with a renewal option for an additional three year term commencing July 1, 2004 and terminating on June 30, 2007 providing that Creative Outdoor Advertising has met all of the contractual obligations contained in the Agreement, be forwarded to Council for enactment. By-law forwarded to Council 17. ROAD DEDICATIONS PART LOT 8, PLAN 282 PARTS 4 AND 5, PLAN 40R-19015, OAKBURN STREET (H. KIRCHERfU. LEE) FILE NUMBER - E 4000 In Legal Services Report L 23/99, it is recommended that a draft by-law to dedicate Parts of Lot 8, Plan 282, designated as Parts 4 and 5, Plan 40R-19015 (Oakburn Street), as public highway, be forwarded to Council for enactment. By-law forwarded to Council 18. ROAD DEDICATION PART BLOCK 84, PLAN 40M-1515 PARTS 1 AND 8, PLAN 40R-18609 RICHARDSON STREET FILE NUMBER - E 4000 In Legal Services Report L 22/99, it is recommended that a draft by-law to dedicate those Parts of Block 84, Plan 40M-1515, designated as Parts 1 and 8, Plan 40R-18609 (Richardson Street). By-law forwarded to Council 19. ROAD DEDICATION PART BLOCK 37, PLAN 40M-1552 PARTS 1 AND 2, PLAN 40R-XXXX SQUIRES BEACH ROAD FILE NUMBER - E 4000 In Legal Services Report L 26/99, it is recommended that a draft by-law to dedicate those Parts of Block 37, Plan 40M-1552, designated as Parts 1 and 2, Plan 40R- XXXX (Squires Beach Road), as public highway, be forwarded to Council for enactment By-law forwarded to Council 49 20. ROAD DEDICATION PART BLOCK 35, PLAN 40M-1919 PARTS 2 AND 3, PLAN 40R-19037 FALCONWOODWAY FILE NUMBER - E 4000 - In Legal Services Report L 25/99, it is recommended that a draft by-law to dedicate those Parts of Block 35, Plan 40M-1919, designated as Parts 2 and 3, Plan 40R-19037 (Falconwood Way), as public highway, be forwarded to Council for enactment. By-law forwarded to Council 21. ROAD DEDICATION PART LOT 21, PLAN 819 PARTS 1, PLAN 40R-XXXX FAIRPORT ROAD FILE NUMBER - E 4000 In Legal Services Report L 27/99, it is recommended that a draft by-law to dedicate that part of Lot 21, Plan 819, designated as Part 1, Plan 40R-XXXXX (Fairport Road) as public highway, be forwarded to Council for enactment. By-law forwarded to Council 22. APPOINTMENT OF BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS TO ENFORCE THE PARKING BY-LAW AT DCC #136,1525-1535 DIEFENBAKER ROAD, VILLAGE AT THE PINES AND DCC #139, 1400 THE ESPLANADE, CASITAS AT DISCOVERY PLACE FILE NUMBER - D 2200 - In Clerk's Report CL 30-99 it is recommended that the draft by-law to appoint one person to enforce the Parking By-law at DCC #139, 1400 the Esplanade, Casitas at Discovery Place and three persons to enforce the Parking By-law at DCC #136, 1525- 1535 Diefenbaker Road, Village at the Pines, be forwarded to Council for enactment. By-law forwarded to Council 23. APPOINTMENT OF BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS TO ENFORCE THE P ARKING BY-LAW AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS FILE NUMBER - D 2200 In Clerk's Report CL 31-99 it is recommended that the draft by-law to appoint eight persons to enforce the Parking By-law at DCC #1, 1210 Radom Street; DCC #31, 1360 Glenanna Road; DCC #42, 1319 Fieldlight Boulevard; DCC #51, 1958 Rosefield Road; DCC #52, 580 Eyer Drive, DCC #58, 1975 Rosefield Road; DCC #60, 1915 Denmar Road, DCC #93/106, 1880/1890 Valley Farm Road; DCC #136, 1525/35 Diefenbaker and 1530/40 Pickering Parkway; DCC #139, 1400 The Esplanade, Casitas, DCC #152, 1625 Pickering Parkway, OCC #2, 925 Bayly Street, OCC #11, 1235 Road Street, be forwarded to Council for enactment. By-law forwarded to Council 50 (IV) ADJOURNMENT - DATED - The Meeting adjourned at 12:30 a.m. SEPT· I ~-/1 9 ( CLERK ~. {/--- t/ TOWN OF PICKERING That the Executive Committee of the Town of Pickering having met on June 28, 1999, presents its eleventh report to Council and recommends: - 1. ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 18/98 1. PITINO (SOUTH SIDE OF RODD AVENUE) FILE NUMBER - A 2310 - A 18/98 1. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 18/98, submitted by 1. Pitino, on lands being Part of Block A, Plan 233, Town of Pickering to: (i) change the zoning on a portion of the east side of the subject lands from "R4 - detached Dwelling Residential Zone to "R4-10" - Detached Dwelling Residential Zone in order to match the zoning which currently exists on the west side of the subject lands; (ii) change side of the subject lands, as determined by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority from "R4 - Detached Dwelling Residential Zone to "OS-HL" - Open Space Hazard Land Zone; and - (iii) permit the existing dwelling on the subject lands to remain in place until such time as the owner of the subject lands wishes to construct any new dwelling, at which time the existing dwelling must be removed; be APPROVED, as set out in the draft amending by-law included as Appendix I to Recommendation report 10-99; 2. That the amending zoning by-law to implement Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 18/98, as set out in Appendix I to Recommendation Report 10-99, be forwarded to Town Council for enactment. 2. SITE PLAN APPLICATIONS S 15/96 (R99-4) PUBLIC WORKS CANADA (CLEARNET INC.) NORTH PART OF LOT 19, CONCESSION 7 (DPW #312) (WEST SIDE OF BROCK ROAD, NORTH OF 7TH CONCESSION ROAD FILE NUMBER - D 3310 That Town Council supports the request of Clearnet Inc. (Clearnet) to erect a 70-metre-high telecommunications cell tower (guy wire supported) at 4190 Brock Road as outlined in the letter from Walker, Nott, Dragicevic Associates Limited dated May 6, 1999. '.-. Councillor Johnson declared an interest as the lands in Question are owned by the same landowner he is a tenant of. 2 3. PROPOSED DECK ADDITION TO PICKERING DRIVING RANGE FACILITY 2510 BROCK ROAD NORTH PART OF LOT 19, CONCESSION 3 FILE NUMBER - B 1000 1. That Council authorize Mr. Dan Lally (1317970 Ontario Ltd.) to apply to the Pickering Committee of Adjustment for permission to extend or enlarge a legal non-conforming use, to accommodate the introduction of a deck having a gross floor area not exceeding 67 square metres; ,..... 2. That, subject to all necessary approvals, Council support the proposed deck addition as an acceptable leasehold improvement; 3. That the location and design of the deck be reviewed by the Site Plan Advisory Committee prior to receiving the approval of the Director of Parks and Facilities and the Director of Planning; and 4. That Council indicate that it has no objection to the proposal by Mr. Dan Lally (1317970 Ontario Ltd.) to apply for a liquor license to the LLBO for the new deck area. 4. ROUGE PARK NEIGHBOURHOOD DETAILED REVIEW AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED WITH THE ENVIRONMENTAL MASTER SERVICING PLAN FILE NUMBER - B 1000 1. That Town Council receive the "Proposal for Consulting Services" submitted by XCG Consultants Ltd., to undertake an Environmental Master Servicing Plan for the Rouge Park Neighbourhood, as set out in Appendix I to Planning Report No. 14-99; 2. That Town Council set as an upset limit for the total project cost, inclusive of expenses and GST, an estimated $51,936 as proposed by XCG Consultants Ltd., and contribute $17,312 towards this cost (one-third of the total), with the remaining funds (two-thirds of the total) being secured nom landowners within the study area; 3. That once all necessary funding is secured, the consulting firm of XCG Consultants Ltd. be retained by the Town to undertake the project, generally as set out in the proposal contained in Appendix I to this Report; and 4. That Town Council direct staff to establish an appropriate mechanism that will enable the Town to collect monies nom applicants submitting major development applications within the Rouge Park Neighbourhood, for the purpose of reimbursing landowners who may have over-contributed towards the cost of the project. - 3 5. FCM REPORT - NATIONAL HOUSING POLICY OPTIONS PAPER - A CALL FOR ACTION FILE NUMBER - A 2160 That the following resolution of the GTA Mayors and Regional Chairs passed on June 18,1999: - BE IT RESOLVED that the Federation of Canadian Municipalities' report entitled "National Housing Policy Options Paper - A Call for Action" dated June 1999 be endorsed by the GTA Mayors and Regional Chairs; and THAT the report be referred to all GTA municipalities for consideration and endorsation; and THA T all municipalities be asked to make representation to their Federal MPs and Provincial MPPs to enlist their support. be endorsed; and That Dan McTeague, MP and the Honourable Janet Ecker, MPP be advised of Council's endorsation. 6. V ALLEY RIDGE ON THE ROUGE NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH FILE NUMBER - A 2160 That the letter nom the Durham Regional Police Service advising of the establishment ofthe "Valley Ridge on the Rouge Neighbourhood Watch" be received; and That this Neighbourhood Watch be authorized to erect Neighbourhood Watch Signs in their service area as a crime deterrent. 7. 1998 PRE-AUDIT BALANCES OF RESERVES AND RESERVE FUNDS FILE NUMBER - C 1000 That Report FIN 16-99, regarding the 1998 pre-audit balances of reserves and reserve funds, be received for information. 8. AUTHORITY FOR THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE AND TREASURER TO RECOMMEND PROJECT FINANCING APPROVAL DURING THE 1999 SUMMER RECESS OF COUNCIL AND AMENDMENT TO AUTHORITIES FILE NUMBER -C 1000 1. That the Director of Finance and Treasurer be authorized to recommend and approve project financing to the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer for projects contained in the annual capital budget or current budget, during the 1999 summer recess of Town Council; and ,,,.... 2. That Resolution # 466/97 (Attachment 1) be replaced; and 3. That the Director of Finance and Treasurer be authorized and directed to undertake any and all activities, including the execution and signing of agreements and contracts, necessary to undertake, safeguard and ensure the financial affairs and banking of the Town, including, but not limited to, those items and activities indicated in Attachment 2, Section (a); and 4 4. That the Mayor, Director of Finance and Treasurer, Deputy Treasurer, Manager of Accounting and Manager of Finance be named Signing Officers for the purposes of conducting the financial affairs and banking of the Town of Pickering and that any two of them be authorized to undertake the activities outlined in Attachment 2, Section (c); and 5. That the appropriate officials of the Town of Pickering be authorized to give effect thereto. - 9. STATEMENT OF THE TREASURER RESPECTING 1998 REMUNERATION AND EXPENSE PAYMENTS TO MEMBERS OF COUNCIL AND COUNCIL APPOINTEES FILE NUMBER - A 2110 That the Statement of the Treasurer for the year 1998 respecting remuneration and expense payments to Members of Council and Council appointees be received as set out in Report FIN 05-99. 10. AUDIT COMMITTEE - PRELIMINARY REPORT RE: NOTICE OF MOTION FILE NUMBER -C 1000 It is recommended that, Council, subject to final approval by the Audit Committee, approve the draft amendments to the Notice of Motion referred by Council to the Audit Committee at its meeting of March 22, 1999 as contained in Report FIN 18-99. 11. EMPLOYEE GROUP BENEFIT INSURANCE - 1999 RENEWALS FILE NUMBER -A 4000 1. The firm of William M. Mercer Limited be instructed to renew the Group Health and Dental Plans for the Town of Pickering with the present carrier, Liberty Health, at a renewal premium of $699,323.00, plus 8 percent Provincial Retail Sales Tax of approximately $55,986.00, for the period January 1, 1999 to December 31, 1999. Other terms and conditions to remain unchanged; 2. The firm of William M. Mercer Limited be instructed to renew coverages with Maritime Life for Group LifefLong Term Disability at a renewal premium of $324,835.00, plus 8 percent Provincial Retail Sales Tax of approximately $25,988.00 for the period April 1, 1999 to March 31,2000 and UNUM Canada for Group Accidental Death and Disability at a renewal premium of $8,800.00, plus 8 per cent Provincial Retail Sales Tax of approximately $704.00; and 3. The appropriate staff of the Town of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. - 5 12. RENEWAL OF THE GENERAL PROPERTY AND LIABILITY INSURANCE PROGRAM FOR THE TOWN OF PICKERING FILE NUMBER -A 1100 1. The Town of Pickering renew its general property and liability insurance coverage through the Frank Cowan Company as outlined in Attachment #1 for the period July 1, 1999 to July 1, 2002, to be approved annually, with the 1999/2000 total renewal premium of $245,485 plus applicable taxes; - 2. The purchase of "Y2K Insurance" as outlined on Attachment #2 be approved ; the Director of Finance and Treasurer be authorized to make application for the coverage and the cost be charged to General Government appropriation for insurance; 3. The Director of Finance and Treasurer, as part of the Risk Management Program, be authorized to continue the Reimbursable Deductible Program through the Insurance Adjuster and the Frank Cowan Company and further, that the Director be authorized to settle any claims within the total deductible limit where it is in the Town's interest to do so; 4. The Director of Finance and Treasurer be authorized to pay the total cost of any insurance claims settled that fall between the previous deductible and the new one, including any adjusting and legal fees, nom the Insurance Reserve Fund; 5. The difference between the total 1999/2000 insurance premiums plus applicable taxes and the amounts included in the 1999 Current Operating Budget for insurance be transferred to the Insurance Reserve to provide funding for costs related to the General Insurance and Risk Management Programs; 6. The Director of Finance and Treasurer be authorized to engage the services of a risk management/insurance consultant to assist in reviewing, analyzing and reporting on options for the 2000 renewal including renewing with the present carriers, insurance pools and tendering with funding to be provided by a transfer nom the Insurance Reserve; and, 7. The appropriate officials of the Town of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. 13. REVISED 1998 TAXATION BILLING FOR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND MULTI-RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES FILE NUMBER -C 5000 1. That the Director of Finance and Treasurer be authorized to issue the final adjusted 1998 Tax Bills for commercial, industrial and multi-residential properties with a due date of August 27, 1999; 2. The Director of Finance & Treasurer be authorized to make any changes or undertake any actions necessary, including altering due dates, in order to ensure the tax billing process is completed; -~ 3. The Director of Finance & Treasurer notifY Members of Council in advance of the Bill 79 adjustment billing, including any communications issued and any changes in the billing process. 6 4. The necessary By-Law No. 5527 as contained in Schedule A be read three times and approved; and 5. The appropriate staff of the Town of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. 14. SECTIONS 442 AND 443 OF THE MUNICIPAL ACT ADJUSTMENTS TO TAXES FILE NUMBER - A 2310.293 That the Director of Finance and Treasurer be authorized to write-off taxes due to fire, demolition, assessment department clerical error, exemption or assessment change as contained in Attachment #1 to Report FIN 11-99 as provided under Sections 442 and 443 of the Municipal Act. -