HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 26, 1999 .O~~ OF PIC'~ IJ.J ~ J: Z I- G) EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES - MONDAY, APRIL 26, 1999 - 7:40 P.M. PRESENT: Mayor Wayne Arthurs COUNCILLORS: M. Brenner D. Dickerson - Chairman M. Holland D. Pickles D. Ryan ALSO PRESENT: - T.J. Quinn E. Buntsma N. Carroll G. Paterson S. Reynolds B. Taylor D. Kearns - Chief Administrative Officer - Director of Parks and Facilities - Director of Planning - Director of Finance and Treasurer - Director of Culture and Recreation - Town Clerk - Committee Coordinator ABSENT: Councillor Johnson - (death in family) (I) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Regular Meeting of April 12, 1999. TABLED (II) DELEGATIONS - 1. Robert J. Strickert, Site Vice President, Pickering Nuclear Generating Station, was present to sign a lease for the Town's use of the beachftont, Hydro Park and Kinsmen Park and to make a financial commitment to the Millennium Trail. He thanked the Community Working Group for their work and also thanked Mayor Arthurs, Members of Council and staff for coming to this agreement. 25 2. Lorraine Roulston, representing the Waste Reduction Committee, addressed the Committee to announce International Compo sting Week ITom May 2 to 8, 1999. She advised that displays will be placed in the Rec. Complex, Civic Complex and schools. (III) MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 1. PICKERING MILLENNIUM TRAIL PROJECT FILE NUMBER - A 2110 - In Councillor Holland's Report to Council, No. COl-99, recommendations are made with respect to the Millennium Trail project. Referred to Council Meetin2 of May 3,1999 with the Director of Finance to provide information on financin2 of the project 1. The following persons addressed Council as part of the delegations with respect to the Millennium Trail: a) Ross Barnett stated that he hoped to see the Millennium Trail become a reality. He commented on and explained the Millennium Logo. b) Paul White, representing Fairport Beach Ratepayers Association, spoke in support of the project. c) David Green, representing the Pickering Rotary Club, advised that they are excited about the project and would like to participate. / d) Jim Dyke, representing the Frenchman's Bay Yacht Club, stated that they will continue to support this project and help in any way they can. He advised that the project is multifaceted enough for everyone to enjoy. ,~, e) Marilyn Hedge, stated that she would like to see the work go ahead on this project. f) Paul Kelland, representing the Eastshore Community Association, stated their support of the Millennium Trail and thanked everyone for their work. g) Dave Johnson, representing the Frenchman's Bay Festival, stated their support of the Millennium Trail and Square project. He stated that the Festival Committee would be willing to provide space to the Millennium Committee for a display to be set up to inform the residents of the project. h) Marilyn Carriere, representing Cool Water Farms, explained the project they are proposing for a trout pond on the ITont portion of their property ITonting Liverpool Road. She advised that discussions are being initiated with the Town. She stated that they want to ensure that their proposal fits with the concept of the Millennium Trail and Square project. i) Jim Grady, Pickering Lions Club, congratulated Councillor Holland for leading the Committee through this process. He advised that the Lions Club want to be active participants and will assist with money, manpower and anything else required. - j) George Zubulakis, WaterITont Bistro, congratulated everyone involved. He offered the Bistro facilities and encouraged everyone to become involved. 26 k) John Sabean, representing Heritage Pickering, spoke about the arts and interpretative displays proposed for the trail. He also addressed the Committee with respect to the designation of the Palmer-Voss house at 2101 Valley Farm Road. He advised of the history of this property and how it came forward for designation. 2. Councillor Holland, Chair, Millennium Trail Ad-Hoc Committee and Committee Member addressed the Committee with recommendation for Pickering's Millennium Trail. - a) Councillor Holland thanked all involved in this project and advised of the cost associated with it and the Town's portion. b) Victor Ford, Consultant working with the Millennium Trail Committee, outlined the elements of the proposal which include, sculptures, umbrellas, map set in tiles, seating, possible play area, beach volleyball, etc. c) David Steele, spoke of the WaterITont 2001 Vision, how it was developed and the various Committees involved. He made a comparison between the WaterITont 2001 Report recommendations and the Millennium Trail proposal. He stated that they support this proposal providing all environmental recommendations are followed. d) Tom Mohr, President, Pickering Historical Society, gave a brief history of how this project came about, i.e. WaterITont 2001. He advised that the proposal will include eastern and western gates, sculptures and interpretative signage. He advised that the Millennium Trail will be broken into three sections: a) First Nations Trail, b) Monarch Trail and c) Peake Trail. e) Andrea Graham, Edward Falkenberg and Dorsey James, made a presentation concerning the arts aspect of the proposal. They spoke of the kinetic sculpture proposed for the middle of the square, the impact of the gates at the entrances, a possible insect walk and various visions for the trail. - 2. STAFF RECOMMENDED REGIONAL NODE 2 DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES AND RELATED FILE ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 16/98 1153808 ONTARIO LIMITED (GENTRA CANADA INVESTMENTS INC.) (METRO EAST TRADE CENTRE) PART OF LOT 18, CONCESSION 1 (SEE RECOMMENDATION REPORT NUMBER 6-99) FILE NUMBER - B 2310 In Planning Report #8-99, it is recommended that the "Regional Node 2 Development Guidelines", attached as Appendix I to Planning Report No. 8-99 be adopted and "Regional Node 2 - Informational Revisions to the Pickering Official Plan" revising informational text and Map 19 of the Village East Neighbourhood, as set out in Appendix II be adopted. - Referred to Council Meetin2 of May 3, 1999 27 3. ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 16/98 1153808 ONTARIO LIMITED (GENTRA CANADA INVESTMENTS INC.) (METRO EAST TRADE CENTRE) PART OF LOT 18, CONCESSION 1 AND RELATED FILES REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION 98-006/D (REGIONAL NODE' A' INCLUDING THE METRO EAST TRADE CENTRE) APPEALS 8, 9, AND 10 TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN (CERTAIN SPECIAL PURPOSE COMMERCIAL USES IN REGIONAL NODE 2) REGIONAL NODE 2 DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES (SEE PLANNING REPORT NO. 8-99) FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - In Planning Recommendation Report #6-99, it is recommended that Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 16/98 submitted by Gentra Canada Investments Inc. being Part of Lot 18, Concession 1 to permit the development of large format retailing, including a large format food store and ancillary specialized retailing, in addition to the existing trade centre, be ENDORSED IN PRINCIPLE AS RECOMMENDED BY STAFF. Referred to Council Meetinsz of Mav 3, 1999 4. DURHAM PLANNING SYSTEM REVIEW PHASE 1 REPORT FILE NUMBER - A 2240 In Planning Report #6-99, it is recommended that the Durham Planning System Review Phase 1 Report, dated February 11, 1999 be endorsed. - Approved See Recommendation #1 5. METROPOLITAN TORONTO HABIT AT FOR HUMANITY BLOCK 24, PLAN 40M-1366 (DUNN CRESCENT) FILE NUMBER - A 3310 In Planning Report #7-99, it is recommended that reViSions be made to a Development Agreement between Metropolitan Toronto Habitat for Humanity and the Town of Pickering which was previously authorized for execution by By-law 5236/98, be authorized. Approved See Recommendation #2 6. PALMER-VOSS HOUSE DESIGNATION 2101 VALLEY FARM ROAD CONCESSION 2, LOT 20 FILE NUMBER -D 3400 - In the Report to Council HP 01-99, from John Sabean, Chair of Heritage Pickering, it is recommended that this report be received and that the Palmer-Voss House be designated as a Heritage Property. Approved See Recommendation #3 28 7. SUBDIVISION COMPLETION AND RELEASE DANLU HOLDINGS LIMITED, PERDANCO HOLDINGS LTD. AND INPERDEL HOLDINGS LIMITED LOTS 1 - 41, AND BLOCKS 42 - 49, PLAN 40M-1508 FILE NUMBER -B 2310 - In Legal Services Report L 13/99, it is recommended that draft by-laws to assume Town roads and services installed in the development of Plan 40M-1508 and to amend By-law 1416/82 (places of Amusement), to recognize the completion of the project be forwarded to Council for enactment. By-law forwarded to Council 8. SUBDIVISION COMPLETION AND RELEASE DANLU HOLDINGS LIMITED, PERDANCO HOLDINGS LTD. AND INPERDEL HOLDINGS LIMITED LOTS 1 - 20, AND BLOCKS 21 - 26, PLAN 40M-1449 FILE NUMBER -B 2310 In Legal Services Report L 18/99, it is recommended that draft by-laws to assume Town roads and services installed in the development of Plan 40M-1449 and to amend By-law 1416/82 (Places of Amusement), to recognize the completion of the project be forwarded to Council for enactment. By-law forwarded to Council 9. BILL 108, THE STREAMLINING OF ADMINISTRATION OF PROVINCIAL OFFENCES ACT PROVINCIAL OFFENCES ACT (POA) - TRANSFER FILE NUMBER -A 2310.31 - In Legal Services Report L 14/99, it is recommended that this report is intended to summarize the opportunity presented by Bill 108 (Provincial Offences Act Transfer) to opt into this potential revenue generating program with other Municipalities in Durham Region. Approved See Recommendation #4 10. ROAD DEDICATION BLOCK 21, PLAN 40M-1896 (WILDFLOWER DRIVE) FILE NUMBER - E 4000 In Legal Services Report L 15/99, it is recommended that a draft by-law to dedicate Block 210, Plan 40M-1896 (Wildflower Drive) as public highway, be forwarded to Council for enactment. By-law forwarded to Council - 29 11. APPLICATION BY PICKERING NUCLEAR TO AMEND CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL A 390203 CLOSURE OF WEST LANDFILL SITE AT THE PICKERING NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION FILE NUMBER -F 2710.01 - In Clerk's Report CL 18-99, it is recommended that the Ministry of the Environment be advised that the Council of the Town of Pickering has no objection to the application submitted by Pickering Nuclear to amend the Provisional Certificate of Approval No. A 390203 respecting the closure of the West Landfill Site at the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station. Approved See Recommendation #5 12. NOXIOUS WEEDS FILE NUMBER - A 2260 In Clerk's Report CL 20/99, it is recommended that the publication of a Public Notice regarding the destruction of weeds under the provision of the Weed Control Act be authorized. Approved See Recommendation #6 13. APPOINTMENT OF BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS TO ENFORCE THE PARKING BY-LAW AT DCC #139 1400 THE ESPLANADE, CASIT AS AT DISCOVERY PLACE AND DCC #136, VILLAGE AT THE PINES, 1525-1535 DIEFENBAKER ROAD AND AMBERLEA PLAZA, WHITES ROAD NORTH FILE NUMBER -A 2111 - In Clerk's Report CL 19-99, it is recommended that a draft by-law to appoint four persons to enforce the Parking By-law DCC #139, 1400 the Esplanade, Casitas at Discovery Place and two persons to enforce the Parking By-law at DCC #136, Village at the Pines, 1525-1535 Diefenbaker Road, and Amberlea Plaza, White's Road North, be forwarded Bv-Iaw forwarded to Council 14. "INTERNATIONAL COMPO STING WEEK" MAY 2 TO 8,1999 "THE SALVATION ARMY RED SHIELD APPEAL MONTH" - MAY, 1999 FILE NUMBER- A2111 That Mayor Arthurs be authorized to make various proclamations. Approved See Recommendation #7 15. APPLICATIONS TO CONDUCT TWO CARNIVALS FILE NUMBER - D 2300 - To approve two applications to conduct two carnivals as submitted by Wally and Diana Townsend at the Metro East Trade Centre and Robertson Amusements Limited at the Canadian Tire Store on Kingston Road. Approved See Recommendation #8 30 (IV) OTHER BUSINESS 1. Mayor Arthurs commented on his displeasure with the approval of the Regional Budget and the Regional Budget process. 2. Councillor Brenner also voiced his disapproval of the passing of the Regional Budget. 3. Councillor Pickles extended his appreciation to all volunteers who assisted with the clean-up of various areas within Pickering on Saturday, April 24th, Community Pride Day. - 4. Councillor Ryan requested that the Chief Administrative Officer direct the Director of Parks & Facilities to provide a cost estimate for the completion of the waterITont trail ITom the western boundary to Rodd Avenue. 5. Councillor Dickerson stated his concurrence with the comments previously made concerning the Regional Budget. He also commented on the Regional Waste Committee's lack of consideration of Pickering residents with respect to Miller Waste. 6. The following matters were discussed prior to the regular meeting: a.) The Director of Projects and Policy distributed, for Council's information, documents concerning Agricultural Easements. b) The Director of Finance and Treasurer advised that new T4 slips would be distributed to Council on Apri127th. c) A presentation was made by the Town Solicitor and Mr. Ketchisen on the Gentra application. d) Councillor Brenner forwarded a letter for response to the Chief Administrative Officer which was received ITom the Claremont Royal Canadian Legion advising that they did not appear in the Town of Pickering Newsletter. ..... e) Councillor Brenner advised that the Ward 1 Councillors were not provided with a copy of a letter sent to Mayor Arthurs ITom Geraldine Goudie. He requested the Chief Administrative Officer ensure that Council are copied on all pertinent correspondence. f) The Director of Parks and Facilities distributed to Council, for their information, copies of the TRCA's Frenchman's Bay WaterITont Study. g) The Chief Administrative Officer advised that the CANATEX Exercise would be taking place on April 27th at the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station. (IV) ADJOURNMENT The Meeting adjourned at 11 :30 p.m. .......... DATED I1A'i /71 / '7" ~ CLERK L~{L TOWN OF PICKERING That the Executive Committee of the Town of Pickering having met on April 26, 1999, presents its seventh report to Council and recommends: 1. DURHAM PLANNING SYSTEM REVIEW PHASE 1 REPORT FILE NUMBER - A 2240 - That Town Council endorse the Durham Planning System Review Phase 1 Report, dated February 11, 1999, and That a copy of Planning Report 6-99 and Council's resolution respecting the Durham Planning Review System Review Phase I Report be forwarded to the Region of Durham. 2. METROPOLIT AN TORONTO HABIT AT FOR HUMANITY BLOCK 24, PLAN 40M-1366 (DUNN CRESCENT) FILE NUMBER - A 3310 1. That Town Council authorize revisions to be made to a Development Agreement between Metropolitan Toronto Habitat for Humanity and the Town of Pickering which was previously authorized for execution by By- law 5236/98. These revisions to the Development Agreement shall provide for: the development of two dwelling units on Block 24, Plan 40M-1366 in a design which includes linking of the two dwelling units by a full common wall; exterior cladding of the dwelling units with brick on the front and sides of the first storey and vinyl siding on the second storey; dwelling and driveway sitings; road work lighting, and servicing matters; and construction of noise attenuation features, all of which have been agreed to the Town, Metropolitan Toronto Habitat for Humanity, and a Community Working Group. Such revisions to the Development Agreement shall be made in a form satisfactory to the Town Solicitor and the Director of Planning. - 2. That Town Council consider a request by Metropolitan Toronto Habitat for Humanity to refund an application fee of $450.00 which was paid by Metropolitan Toronto Habitat for Humanity as part of Minor Variance Application PICA 80198, on the subject lands. 3. PALMER-VOSS HOUSE DESIGNATION 2101 VALLEY FARM ROAD CONCESSION 2, LOT 20 FILE NUMBER -D 3400 - That Report #HP 01-99 regarding the designation of the Palmer-Voss House, 2101 Valley Farm Road, be received; and That the Palmer-Voss House be designated as a Heritage Property. 2 4. BILL 108, THE STREAMLINING OF ADMINISTRATION OF PROVINCIAL OFFENCES ACT PROVINCIAL OFFENCES ACT (POA) - TRANSFER FILE NUMBER -A 2310.31 That Legal Report L 14-99 to summarize the opportunity presented by Bill 108 (Provincial Offences Act Transfer) to opt into this potential revenue generating program with other Municipalities in Durham Region, be received. - 5. APPLICATION BY PICKERING NUCLEAR TO AMEND CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL A 390203 CLOSURE OF WEST LANDFILL SITE AT THE PICKERING NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION FILE NUMBER -F 2710.01 That the Ministry of the Environment be advised that the Council of the Town of Pickering has no objection to the application submitted by Pickering Nuclear to amend the Provisional Certificate of Approval No. A 390203 respecting the closure of the West Landfill Site at the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station. 6. NOXIOUS WEEDS FILE NUMBER - A 2260 That Report CL 20-99 regarding Noxious Weeds be received; and - That the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering authorizes the publication of a Public Notice regarding the destruction of weeds under the provision of the Weed Control Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter W.5 of the Province of Ontario and directs the Regional Weed Inspectors to cause noxious weeds or weed seeds to be destroyed in such a manner as they may deem proper; and That the expenses incurred by the said Weed Inspectors in the discharge of their duties shall be placed on the Collector's Roll of the Town of Pickering against the respective parcels concerned and that such amount shall be collected in the same manner as taxes under the Municipal Act. 7. "INTERNATIONAL COMPO STING WEEK" MAY 2 TO 8, 1999 "THE SALVATION ARMY RED SHIELD APPEAL MONTH" - MAY, 1999 FILE NUMBER - A 2111 That Mayor Arthurs be authorized to make the following proclamation: "INTERNATIONAL COMPOSTING WEEK" MAY 2 TO 8,1999 "THE SALVATION ARMY RED SHIELD APPEAL MONTH" - MAY, 1999 APPLICATIONS TO CONDUCT TWO CARNIVALS FILE NUMBER - D 2300 8. 1. That the application for a Carnival Licence submitted by Wally and Diana Townsend to conduct a carnival at the Metro East Trade Centre on Saturday, May 1, 1999 and Sunday, May 2, 1999 be approved. .~ 2. That the application for a Carnival Licence submitted by Robertson Amusements Limited to conduct a carnival at the Canadian Tire Store on Kingston Road from Thursday, April 29, 1999 to Sunday, May 2, 1999 be approved.