HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 22, 1999 *~ OF p/Q ,,0 1-~ ~--~ .... :œ: G) - EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES MONDA Y, FEBRUARY 22, 1999 - 7:30 P.M. PRESENT: Mayor Wayne Arthurs COUNCILLORS: M. Brenner M. Holland D. Pickles D . Ryan - Chairman ALSO PRESENT: - TJ. Quinn N. Carroll B. Douglas B. Taylor L. Taylor D. Kearns - Chief Administrative Ot1ìcer - Director of Planning - Acting Fire Chief - Town Clerk - Manager, Current Operations Division - Committee Co-ordinator ABSENT: D. Dickerson - Ontario Good Roads Association Conference R. Johnson - Ontario Good Roads Association Conference (I) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Regular Meeting of February 8, 1999. (II) DELEGA TIONS 1. Anna Mariani, Public Relations Advisor, Bayshore Division, Guides Canada, addressed the Committee to request that the week of February 21 st to 27th be proclaimed as Guide Scout Week. A presentation was made to Mayor Arthurs of the proclamation and a box of cookies for the Members of Council. ~.... 13 2. Carl Andognini, Executive Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer and Bob Strickert, Site Vice President, addressed the Committee to give their annual report on Ontario Hydro's operations at the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station for 1998 and to give an overview of their application for a licence renewal. Mr. Andognini stated that progress has been made on all four commitments and there have been great strides in performance. Mr. Strickert made a presentation on their application for a two year licence. He reviewed the 1998 Report Card, Key Performance Trends, Status of Pickering 'A', Y2K Program, Key Improvement Initiatives and Community Relations and also addressed the Key Challenges. 3. Robert Leblanc, Barry Parsons, Jim Blythe, Artur Faya and Patsy Thompson of the Atomic Energy Control Board addressed Members of Council with respect to the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station. Robert Leblanc introduced those in attendance ITom the AECB and spoke about Power Reactor Relicencing. Mr. Blythe outlined the licencing requirements, AECB Processes and Criteria, Results of the AECB Staff's Assessment and Future AECB Actions. He advised that a two year operating licence has been recommended. 4. Irene Koch, representing Durham Nuclear Awareness, addressed Council to give an outline of concerns about the relicencing of the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station. She advised that a request will be made for the licence to be limited to one year with strict conditions. She asked that the Town join in their fight to have reports released by Ontario Hydro. She also advised that Durham Nuclear Awareness will attempt to have the decision concerning Freedom of Information reversed. (III) MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 1. DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 18T -98002 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 7/98 V ALLEYTRAIL DEVELOPMENTS LTD. PART OF LOT 21, CONCESSION 2 (NORTHWEST CORNER OF FINCH AVENUE & V ALLEY FARM ROAD) FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - A 7/98 - 18T -9800 - In Planning Recommendation Report #3-99, it is recommended that Council recommend to the Region of Durham, that Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T -98002 submitted by Valleytrail Developments Ltd., on lands known as Part of Lot 21, Concession 2, be APPROVED AS REVISED and that Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 7/98, to implement Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T- 98002 to allow residential development, be APPROVED AS REVISED. Approved See Recommendation #1 Ted Cieciura of Design Plan Services, representing Valleytrail Developments Ltd. distributed a revised plan. He stated that he had discussed this plan with the Ward Councillors, the Planning Department and residents and all were in agreement. Tara Manson, owner of the property adjacent to the subject property, questioned the plans for the mature cedars and maples along the property. She also stated that she was to be contacted about a working group but has not heard anything to date. - Mrs. Clark, owner of the property adjacent to the property in question is not in agreement with the development but understand it is going to happen. She does not want fencing but mature trees and landscaping. Marilyn Metcalf, 1462 Finch Avenue questioned what the Town considers a satisfactory submission for tree preservation. 2. 14 DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 18T-98009 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 15/98 CARRA V AGGIO AND GAMISCH PART OF LOTS 3 AND 4, PLAN 819 (WEST SIDE OF FAIRPORT ROAD, OPPOSITE BONITA AVENUE) FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - A 15/98 - 18T -98009 In Planning Recommendation Report #2-99, it is recommended that Council recommend to the Region of Durham, that Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T -98009 submitted by Tunney Planning Inc., on behalf of the owners, on lands known as Part of Lots 3 and 4, Plan 819, be APPROVED AS REVISED and that Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 15/98, to implement Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-98009 as revised, be APPROVED. Defer to the Executive Committee Meeting of April 12, 1999 3. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO DRAFT APPROVED PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 18T-97006 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 11/97 EST ATE OF VIOLET E. SWAN PART OF LOT 28, CONCESSION 2 (NORTHEAST CORNER OF FINCH A VENUE AND WHITES ROAD) FILE NUMBER - B 2310 In Planning Report #3-99, it is recommended that Council recommend to the Region of Durham, that proposed amendments to the Draft- Approved Plan of Subdivision 18T -97006 submitted by the Estate of Violet E. Swan, on lands known as Part of Lot 28, Concession 2, be APPROVED and that Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 1 1/97 to allow residential development and conserve open space lands, be APPROVED to implement the Draft-Approved Plan of Subdivision 18T -97006 as amended. Approved See Recommendation #2 4. BROCK WEST LANDFILL - LANDSCAPE PLAN FILE NUMBER - F 3220 In the Director of Parks and Facilities' Report PF 01-99, it is recommended that the landscape plan for the Brock West Landfill Site (dated July 1997), prepared by Victor Ford and Associates for the City of Toronto be approved Approved See Recommendation #3 5. RIGHT TO SELL ADVERTISING SPACE- TRANSIT BENCHES - RFP -6 -98 FILE NUMBER - C 4300 - F 4 I 00 In the Manager of Transportation's Report TR 01-99, it is recommended that Creative Outdoor Advertising be awarded a five year contract for the right to sell advertising space on transit benches in the Town of Pickering under terms and conditions established in Request for Proposal RFP - 6 -98. .~ Approved See Recommendation #4 6. 15 CONFIRMATION OF FIDELITY INSURANCE FOR 1999 FILE NUMBER - A 1100 In the Director of Finance and Treasurer's Report FIN 04-99, it is recommended that this report regarding confirmation of Fidelity Insurance for 1999 be forwarded to Council for information. Approved See Recommendation #5 -- 7. SECTION 442 OF THE MUNICIPAL ACT ADJUSTMENTS TO TAXES FILE NUMBER - A 2310.293 In the Director of Finance and Treasurer's Report FIN 06-99, it is recommended that the Treasurer be authorized to write-off taxes due to fire, demolition, clerical error, exemption and assessment change as provided under Section 442 of the Municipal Act.. Approved See Recommendation #6 8. ROAD DEDICATION BLOCKS 59, 60, 61, 62 AND 63, PLAN 40M-1700 SANDHURST CRESCENT, MELD RON DRIVE, PINE GROVE AVENUE AND WESTCREEK DRIVE FILE NUMBER - E 4000 ,.... In Legal Services Report L 005/99, it is recommended that a draft by-law to dedicate Block 59, Plan 40M-1700 (Sandhurst Crescent), Block 60, Plan 40M- 1700 (Meldron Drive), Block 61, Plan 40M-1700 (Sandhurst Crescent), Block 62, Plan 40M-1700 (Pine Grove Avenue) and Block 63, Plan 40M-1700 (Westcreek Drive) as public highways, be forwarded to Council for enactment. By-law forwarded to Council 9. ROAD DEDICATION BLOCK 23, PLAN 40M-1482 (BROCK ROAD) FILE NUMBER - E 4000 In Legal Services Report L 007/99, it is recommended that a draft by-law to dedicate Block 23, Plan 40M-1482 (Brock Road) as public highway, be forwarded to Council for enactment. By-law forwarded to Council 10. DISPOSAL OF LANDS FORMER FIREHALL, LIBRARY AND SENIORS CENTRE CLAREMONT PROPERTIES FILE NUMBER - D 3360 ~ In Legal Services Report L 008/99, it is recommended that a draft by-law to authorize the sale of surplus municipal lands regarding former Firehall, Library and Seniors Centre, be forwarded to Council for enactment. By-law forwarded to Council 11. 16 REGULATORY BY-LAW - PARKING PORTION OF GLENANNA ROAD BETWEEN KINGSTON ROAD AND PICKERING PARKWAY FILE NUMBER - E 4000 In Public Works Report PW 05-99, it is recommended that a draft by-law to amend Schedule B to By-law 2359/87 regulating parking restrictions and prohibitions on certain highways, be forwarded to Council for enactment. By-law forwarded to Council ~ 12. APPOINTMENT OF BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS TO ENFORCE THE PARKING BY-LAW AT DCC #19,32, #42,51,52,58,60,93/106,136,139,152, OCC #2 AND #11 FILE NUMBER -A 1900 In Clerk's Report CL 9-99, it is recommended that a draft by-law to appoint seventeen persons to enforce the Parking By-law at DCC # 19 - 1210 Radom Street, DCC #31 - 1360 Glenanna Road, DCC #42 - 1319 Fieldlight Boulevard, DCC #51 - 1958 Rosefield Road, DCC #52 - 580 Eyer Drive, DCC #58 - 1975 Rosefield Road, DCC #60 - 1915 Denmar Road, DCC #93/1 06 - 1880/1890 Valley Farm Road, DCC #136 - 1525/35 Diefenbaker Court and 1530/40 Pickering Parkway, DCC #139 - 1400 The Esplanade - Casitas, DCC #152 - 1625 Pickering Parkway, OCC #2 - 925 Bayly Street, OCC # II - 1235 Radom Street, be forwarded to Council for enactment. By-law forwarded to Council 13. "GUIDE SCOUT WEEK" - FEBRUARY 21 TO 27, 1999 "ENGINEERING WEEK" FEBRUARY 28,1999 "RED CROSS MONTH" - MARCH, 1999 "NEW HOMES MONTH" - APRIL, 1999 FILE NUMBER - A 2111 - That Mayor Arthurs be authorized to make various proclamations. Approved See Recommendation #7 (IV) OTHER BUSINESS I. Councillor Brenner gave notice that he would be bringing forward a motion concerning the government's announcement of Ontario Hydro's exemption from Freedom ofInformation. 2. Councillor Brenner commented on the Public Health Department's inspection of the portables at St. Mary's Separate School. He advised that mould had been found and the Board have requested that a working plan for corrective measures be initiated. 3. Councillor Pickles gave notice that a motion would be brought forward concerning the Ontario Realty Corporation and Agricultural Easements. ....... 4. Councillor Holland gave notice of a motion concerning partnering with the TRCA and the waterfront lands. 5. Councillor Holland advised that a report concerning the Millennium Trail Committee would be prepared for the next meeting. 6. 7. 8. - '..... (V) 17 Councillor Holland advised that twenty-seven municipalities have endorsed Council's Resolution concerning Child Poverty. Councillor Ryan requested a status report on the lands along the waterfront. He requested that TRCA be invited to appear in the Chambers with a detailed update on the properties they hold, the movement over the past two years and their plans for the future. The following matters were discussed prior to the regular meeting: a. The Chief Administrative Officer advised that the Town of Ajax will be purchasing an Aerial Ladder Truck. b. The Chief Administrative Officer advised that a report would be coming forward concerning the extension of the sprinkler system at the East Shore Community Centre. c. The Director of Finance & Treasurer advised that a public meeting of Council must be held to discuss the Draft Development Charges Act. June 16th has been set aside for this meeting. d. Mayor Arthurs advised that Councillor Brenner, the Chief Administrative Officer and he would be meeting with the Atomic Energy Control Board in Ottawa on March 9th to discuss fire and building inspections of the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station. He further advised that he would be attending along with the Chief Administrative Officer the relicencing hearing in Ottawa on March 25th. e. Mayor Arthurs requested that Council meet at 5:30 p.m. on March 1st to discuss the organization restructuring. f Mayor Arthurs advised that correspondence had been received from the Hon. David Collenette concerning his support of Council's initiatives regarding declaring the Pickering lands as an airport site. g. Councillor Pickles advised that residents could be in attendance tonight concerning the off-street parking by-law. ADJOURNMENT The Meeting adjourned at 11: 15 p.m. /f, /((77 /r!~ , DATED nAtcf( ,\\A., CLERK TOWN OF PICKERING That the Executive Committee of the Town of Pickering having met on February 22, 1999, presents its fourth report to Council and recommends: ..... 1. DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 18T-98002 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 7/98 V ALLEYTRAIL DEVELOPMENTS LTD. PART OF LOT 21, CONCESSION 2 (NORTHWEST CORNER OF FINCH AVENUE & VALLEY FARM ROAD) FILE NUMBER - B 23 10 - A 7/98 - 18T -9800 1. That Town Council recommend to the Region of Durham, that Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T -98002 submitted by Valleytrail Developments Ltd., on lands known as Part of Lot 21 Concession 2, Town of Pickering, be APPROVED AS REVISED, subject to the conditions outlined in Appendix I to Recommendation Report Number 3-99; 2. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 7/98, to implement Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T -98002 to allow residential development, be APPROVED AS REVISED, subject to the conditions outlined in Appendix II to Recommendation Report Number 3-99. 2. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO DRAFT APPROVED PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 18T -97006 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 11/97 ESTATE OF VIOLET E. SWAN PART OF LOT 28, CONCESSION 2 (NORTHEAST CORNER OF FINCH A VENUE AND WHITES ROAD) FILE NUMBER - B 23 10 ~- I. That Town Council recommend to the Region of Durham, that proposed amendments to the Draft-Approved Plan of Subdivision 18T -97006, submitted by the Estate of Violet E. Swan, on lands known as Part of Lot 28, Concession 2, Town of Pickering, be APPROVED subject to the conditions outlined in Appendix I to Planning Report 3-99, further revised by Council by deleting "a public walkway and" from Section 2.3.5(f) of the Recommended Conditions of Approval and delete that portion of Block 128 between Lots 101 and 102 as illustrated on the staff recommended plan; and 2. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 11/97 to allow residential development and conserve open space lands, be APPROVED to implement the Draft-Approved Plan of Subdivision 18T -97006 as amended, subject to the conditions outlined in Appendix n to Planning Report 3-99. ,..... 2 BROCK WEST LANDFILL - LANDSCAPE PLAN FILE NUMBER - F 3220 3. 1. That Town Council approve the landscape plan for the Brock West Landfill Site (dated July 1997), prepared by Victor Ford and Associates for The City of Toronto, and attached as Attachment #1 to Report PF 01-99. 2. That Town Council endorse the general planting concept and implementation phasing of the plan, as set out in Attachments 1 and 2 to Report PF 01-99. 3. That Town Council recognize that completion of these landscape works satisfies Section 26 of the Minutes of Settlement dated April 4, 1996 between the Corporation of the Town of Pickering and Metropolitan Toronto (now City of Toronto) and identified as Court File No. 94-CU- 80485. 4. RIGHT TO SELL ADVERTISING SPACE- TRANSIT BENCHES - RFP -6 -98 FILE NUMBER - C 4300 - F 4100 That Creative Outdoor Advertising be awarded a five year contract for the right to sell advertising space on transit benches in the Town of Pickering under terms and conditions established in Request for Proposal RFP - 6 -98. 5. CONFIRMATION OF FIDELITY INSURANCE FOR 1999 FILE NUMBER - A 1100 .- That the Director of Finance and Treasurer's Report FIN 04-99 regarding confirmation of Fidelity Insurance for 1999 be forwarded to Council for information. 6. SECTION 442 OF THE MUNICIPAL ACT ADJUSTMENTS TO TAXES FILE NUMBER - A 2310.293 That Report FIN 06-99 be received and; that The Director of Finance and Treasurer be authorized to write-off taxes due to fire, demolition, clerical error, exemption and assessment change as provided under Section 442 of the Municipal Act. 7. "GUIDE SCOUT WEEK" - FEBRUARY 21 TO 27, 1999 "ENGINEERING WEEK" FEBRUARY 28, 1999 "RED CROSS MONTH" - MARCH, 1999 "NEW HOMES MONTH" - APRIL, 1999 FILE NUMBER - A 2111 That Mayor Arthurs be authorized to make the following proclamations: - "GUIDE SCOUT WEEK" - FEBRUARY 21 TO 27, 1999 "ENGINEERING WEEK" FEBRUARY 28, 1999 "RED CROSS MONTH" - MARCH, 1999 "NEW HOMES MONTH" - APRIL, 1999