HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 8, 1999 ~~ OF p/Q ,,0 ~ Ï'~~ ~ :œ: G) ~ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1999 - 7:30 P.M. PRESENT: Mayor Wayne Arthurs COUNCILLORS: M. Brenner D. Dickerson M. Holland R. Johnson D. Pickles - Chairman D. Ryan ALSO PRESENT: .- T.J. Quinn E. Buntsma N. Carroll B. Taylor D. Kearns - Chief Administrative Officer - Director of Parks and Facilities - Director of Planning - Town Clerk - Committee Co-ordinator (I) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Regular Meeting of January 25, 1999. (II) MA TTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 1. MONITORING OF SITE PLAN AFPROV ALS FILE NUMBER - B 2310 In Planning Report #2-99, it is recommended that this report pertaining to the Monitoring of Site Plan Approvals, be received. ,~ Approved See Recommendation #1 10 2. TENDER FOR EAST SHORE COMMUNITY CENTRE FILE NUMBER - C 4300 In the Director of Parks and Facilities' Report PF 02-99, it is recommended that the tender for the construction of the Eastshore Community Centre Renovations and Addition, be approved. Approved See Recommendation #2 3. REDUCED LOAD PERIOD BY-LAW ANNUAL COMPILATION OF STREETS FILE NUMBER - E 4000 In Public Works Report PW 04-99, it is recommended that a draft by-law to designate highways under the jurisdiction of the Town to which a reduced load period applies, be forwarded to Council for enactment. Bv-law forwarded to Council 4. Y2K COMPLIANCE - PRE BUDGET APPRO V AL OF EXPENDITURES FILE NUMBER - C 2200 In the Director of Finance and Treasurer's Report FIN 02-99, it is recommended that the expenditures included in the attached report entitled "Y2K Compliance Status" be given pre budget approval. - Approved See Recommendation #3 5. "HEART AND STROKE MONTH" - FEBRUARY, 1999 "INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR THE ELIMINATION OF RACIAL DISCRIMINATION" - MARCH 21, 1999 "1999 PITCH-IN CANADA WEEK" - MAY 3 - 9,1999 FILE NUMBER - A 2111 That Mayor Arthurs be authorized to make the following proclamation: "HEART AND STROKE MONTH" - FEBRUARY, 1999 "INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR THE ELIMINATION OF RACIAL DISCRIMINATION" - MARCH 21,1999 "1999 PITCH-IN CANADA WEEK" - MAY 3 - 9, 1999 Approved See Recommendation #4 (III) OTHER BUSINESS 1. The following matters were discussed prior to the regular meeting: ,..... a. The Director of Finance & Treasurer distributed and commented on Report FIN 03/99 regarding Bill 79, the Fairness for Property Taxpayers Act, 1998. 11 (IV) ADJOURNMENT The Meeting adjourned at 8: 15 p.m. DATED J1ItRc/l- II, /977 CLERK .- - TOWN OF PICKERING That the Executive Committee of the Town of Pickering having met on February 8, 1999, presents its third report to Council and recommends: 1. MONITORING OF SITE PLAN APPROVALS FILE NUMBER - B 2310 That Planning Report No. 2-99, pertaining to the Monitoring of Site Plan Approvals, be received. 2. TENDER FOR EASTSHORE COMMUNITY CENTRE FILE NUMBER - C 4300 That Report PF 02-99 regarding the Eastshore Community Centre be received and that: 1. That tender for the construction of the Eastshore Community Centre Renovations and Addition in the amount of $609,770.30, including net G.S.T., be approved; 2. Additional project costs and debt financing in the amount of $32,770.30, including a contingency amount of $20,000, be approved; and - 3. The appropriate officials of the Town of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. 3. Y2K COMPLIANCE - PRE BUDGET APPRO V AL OF EXPENDITURES FILE NUMBER - C 2200 That Report FIN 02-99 regarding the "Y2K Compliance Status" be received and that: Council give pre budget approval of the expenditures included in the attached report entitled ''''Y2K Compliance Status" in the amount not exceeding $179,000 in order to make the Town's operations Y2K compliant. 4. "HEART AND STROKE MONTH" - FEBRUARY, 1999 "INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR THE ELIMINATION OF RACIAL DISCRIMINATION" - MARCH 21,1999 "1999 PITCH-IN CANADA WEEK" - MAY 3 - 9,1999 FILE NUMBER - A 2111 - That Mayor Arthurs be authorized to make the following proclamation: "HEART AND STROKE MONTH" - FEBRUARY, 1999 "INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR THE ELIMINATION OF RACIAL DISCRIMINATION" - MARCH 21, 1999 "1999 PITCH-IN CANADA WEEK" - MAY 3 - 9,1999