HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 4, 1970 .)/ ('J PARKS &: RECRßATION . MEßTING A meeting of the Pickering Township CommH,tee of the ~'jho1e in Parks &: Recreation \10.8 held on Thursday, the FOURTH of June 1970 at 8:05 p.m. PRESID.rr 9 Deputy Reeve G. Ashe ~ Chainnan Reeve John R. tä1liams Councillor Mrso J. L. !~cPherson Councillor R. Chatten Councillor V. HudiIc Councillor J. Kruger Councillor Do Ilitchen Director Arena ~lanager - ¡'Ir. David E. Bass "~ t4ro Thomas J. Quinn 1. .ADOPTION OF r,m\JtJ1':ŒS ~roVED by Councillor Kitchen? Seconded by Councillor J. L. McPherson THAT the minutes 4/70 of a meeting held on Thursday, Na~r 7th. 1970 be adopted as presented. CARRIED 2. AUDIT REPORTS - NEST ROUGE AND PICIŒRING TOWNSHIP HOCIŒY ASSOCIATION TIle financial re?ort for the Pickering To~~ship Hockey Association and the West Rouge Hockey Association were presented to Council by the treasurer. This 'tv-as follm1Ted by a lengthy discussion during \'lÌlich Council directed specific questions concerning the e::"''þendi tures during the 1969-1970 hockey season. r-iotion 21/70 MOVED by Councillor Mrs. J. L. McPherson, Seconded by Councillor Rudik THAT the complete hockey executive, as it eJdsted be asked to appear before the committee to discuss the expenditures during the 1969-1970 hockey see.son. CAR1ll1ID 3. ARENA Bill Saccoccio end Nick Sorichetti appeared before the committee to discuss the progress being made in the Don Beer Sport ¡~rena. Several items? pertaining to the Arena were clarified (eg. rink boards, light guards and soil conditions.) L~. JOB DI¡;SCRIPTION - Superintendent of Parks (IJ.oyd Pascoe, Parks Foreman has resigned as of Friday 9 }Jla.y 29th.? 1970.) Motion 22/70 MOVßD by Councillor Chatten? Seconded by Councillor Rudik TlIAT the committee refuse the , request for a Supel~ntendent of Parks. THf~T the foregoinp motion be amended to read: I-lOVED by Reeve J. R. 11Tilliams? Seconded by Councillor Kitchen iH1~T the Committee refuse the request for a Superintendent of Parks but that it be gi.ven furthei1 consideration at a lat.er date. CARRITI'J) 5. .ADJOURNMENT 140VFJJ by Reeve J. R. Hilliams, Seconded by Councillor 11rs. J. L. McPherson THAT this meeting be adjourned at 11:45 p.m. CA11RIED ~~ ~. \.'\ ~ '~~'l("';.J,-i ,::-àt,,~ .... --------..:::.;:S----~ G. Ashe - Chairman