HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 31, 1970 8/70 PAR K S & R E C REA T ION M E E TIN G A meeting of the Pickering Township Committee of the Whole in Parks & Recreation was held on Monday, THIRTY-FIRST of August 1970, at 8:25 p.m. PRESENT: Deputy Reeve G. Ashe - Chairman Reeve John R. Williams Councillor V. Rudik Councillor J. L. McPherson Councillor D. Kitchen Councillor R. Chatten Councillor J. Kruger Director D. E. Bass Arena Manager Tom Quinn 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES MOVED by Councillor Kitchen, Seconded by Councillor Rudik THAT the minutes 7/70 of a meeting held on Wednesday, July 8th., 1970 be adopted as presented. CARRIED. 2. BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES The minutes of a meeting held on Wednesday, June 24th., 1970 be amended to contain Councillor Chatten's name as one of the Committee members present. 3. SWIMMING POOL REPORT Mr. Bass was directed to prepare reports on four assumptions written in a recent article appearing in a local weekly Newspaper. 1.By letting the Pickering Pronghorns go to Scarborough through neglect and what appeared to be outright disdain for their program. .2.By instituting an outrageously expensive swimming program and renting a poòl which has failed to make moaey. 3.By failing to support the West Rouge Canoe Club in their fight against the Conservation Authority. 4.By alienating many people who have served in recreation in the Township in the past. Mr. Bass has put us at least one step backwards. The article continues by making mention of an unauthorized trip to Ottawa that reportedly cost the taxpayers $2,000.00. This latter assumption was clarified by Mr. Ashe who pointed out that the correct cost was $147.55. - 2 ~. : .' 3. SWIMMING POOL REPORT (cont'd.) Motion 28/70 MOVED by Councillor Kruger, Seconded by Councillor Kitchen THAT we invite Mr. Beddall and Mr. Saccoccio submit preliminary designs for a Swimming Pool to be located at the Arena or other sites. That the cost of the poól be approximately $350,000.00. That the successful Arc.itect be asked to submit preliminary cost estimates of a pool of standard and Olympic size for cost comparison purposes. That the Recreation Director be instructed to negotiate with hydro, and tú co-ordinate the internal departments in the Township, regarding problems relative to the Arena site including parking, financing and other points. To negotiate with any external agencies which might be necessary. That Council, through the Parks & Recreation Director, negotiate the times and costs for use of the pool, with the County Board of Education on approx- imately the reciprocal of the Agreement between the County Board of Education and the '~Ci ty of Oshawa relative to the General Vanier Secondary School, but at all times ensuring that in matters of control and priority the Township has a sovereign position. That it is the objective of Council to construct the pool with all speed. CARRIED. 4. LETTER FROM MRS. D. R. LINDON RE: NEED FOR FENCE ON NORTH SIDE OF BALSDON PARK. This letter was read to the Committee by the Chairman following which it was decided that Council would take no "further action until the Director had presented a report to Council outlining the work that should be completed, cost of improvements, extensive way in which the park is being used now and how the use of the park could change. Motion 29/70 MOVED by Councillor Kitchen, Seconded by Councillor Chatten THAT an estimate on the cost of completing the work requested in Mrs. D. R. Lindon's letter Re: BaIsdon Park be presented to the Committee at the next meeting. CARRIED. 5. LETTER FROM MRS. ABRAHAM RE: USE OF ARENA COMMUNITY CENTRE AS DAY CARE CENTRE FOR THE BAY RIDGES MONTESORRIE CLUB The letter was discussed by the Committee, after which the Committee decided that Mrs. Abraham's letter would be kept on file until a decision is reached as to whether the Township shall operate a Day Care Centre or rent it to an organization. Mr-..- Bass in c.onsoltation with Mr. Pearce, the Welfare Co-ordinator is to draw up a report regarding the need for Day Care Centres throughout the Township, and the best means of opcr.ation of such Centres if they are required. ~ " " \ .~,:' . ~~,YR.T~'J IS T~t\'ED ~Ii~l L 832 Narocn Blvd., 83Y Ridges, Pickering, Ontario. .\C., Jul;y 10,1970. Director of parks & Hecreation, Municipality of the Tw;¡. of Pickering, pickering, On tario. . " Dear Sir, :"\ '~..!;' The attached petition is being submitted for your consideration in an· attempt to' urge the To.wntlip to complete certain 'work to. Balsion Park which has been badly neglected. 'Neare no~_requestingmajo:t;·.impl~ovem{ent~ ~u~ merely the ba,sic' '. ~. necessities "~hDt àte exþ'éc,t,ed' ·o'f.. 'ap'ark,:~glv'1ng;"'due consideration to homeownçrs surrounding the area. 1. ,'.or Entrances Only:;'o¡;:¡:e" of ,tJ:1e th~~~¡etltranç~s,;haê\.b..eèItc{)mpl~ted;; ",;~~ ,. the other two are loca:t.ed on Naröch'ßlvd " ,.and Krosno' Blvd., at tíverp~olI,~oad. Fir~tJ.Y; ·wesuggest that' Frost fencing be ï'nstalled on both sides' of the wal:k:- we,ys in, order to prot.ect properties. from.. continuous .\ abuse. Secondly, as'þhal t paviJ:1'€{ to "th~;full 'width . of the entrances wot.:.ldél~minate th,e weeds ,mud and., general slumlike conditions. If these two ßntrances could be completed similar to,the onè, that has alreaày been completed, it would certain,ly enhançe the lookeof the park ... unti 1· you get iTgh t into the park ths.t fs. -$ >.\~ ¡ ~ 2. surrounding Fences Many of the people on the .attached list would like to see the fencing finished that was started by the TOW~1i~ on the South sidf: last year, and continued in a uniform manner on the North side. 3. Playground Alea It W3G installed--then just .left to detericrRte. The 32.n(1 :1£13 (:iE:appeared, lenving 'Nlst mud puJdles in wet wC'8ther, anCl vvTe,Js aplenty. surely our children deserve better than tuis, and we as taxpapers celtainly €' xpe c t more. --- .. .~! " . I f. '. ~' ...:....: ".:{' \ . . ... .... -G'- .:",;.' I am not in the habi t of making complaints tó Council' '.. :about the lack .of pleasantfacili ties in. the ne·ighbourhoo.g, " however, you sugge:::;ted yoL.l·self that no ac,tion viOuld. be..'tåken unless. Thad the support of other residents~ There are close to a hundr'ed names on the attached list -and 1 t would not be· difficult to swell the number if necess·ary·. ... .co, !.""·"YOU fiådt; IIÌy'ver bâi coÍnpÍå:tÎl't' "pr{:¿jf;: t o·'·y'oiurd;~g·t';,Bõ å·~(t Meeting but failed to bring it into tÌ1.e open. Coþies of this' letter and at tachedpeti tion,.are beipg sent to:.Mr.:Plitz ,.." Mr. J. williams and Mr.. D. Kitchell., çmd I res·pectfuIly ·t'equest that i( be~:bfop~l}tu..P at..t~e,:,·next. JJ;1.ee,ting, anq,n,ot.'p:Lo,nke.c;L'into ·F~le.'.l3.·~·.;:.\· ';' - . .., .' ::.......":'...~...;.,. .."',,:.. ~~./ ;." ·..~.,r··J·,. ... r..;" .;,. " OJ' , '·fh· ':¡' Copies to: Mr. PIitz, .Clerk £~~r. J .·~R.-Tv\1illi·ams ... Mr. D. Kitchen ~ ,..: ';.;¡' "'. -¿'II I /" ,1~l;. .;It· t.) Naroch Blvd. II " " " n II " " " " :¡ II " n II '1 Hod?dn :\d. 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" '-:r~. 2J~ .scd~. " II II " I 1 ! I t , i t I r I t , . o ¡. - 3 - 6. DON BEER SPORT ARENA ITEMS (a). RELOCATION OF ALL PARKS & RECREATION STAFF AT THE ARENA ------------------....--------- The Committee felt that as many Department Heads as possible should be located at the Municipal Building. Mr. Thomas J. Quinn the Arena Manager would be located at the Arena, The Director of Parks & Recreation would remain in his office at the Municipal Building. (b) . OFFICIAL OPENING OF THE ARENA --------------- The program for the Official Opening of the Arena as presented to the Co~ttee by the Director was approved with the exception that the time of the Opening was postponed until 1:30 p.m. Saturday, September 19th., 1970. (Schedule #2) OFFICIAL OPENING OF THE FIRE HALL The Official Opening of the Fire Hall was decided upon as Saturday, September 19th., 1970 at 1¡:30 p.m. The Official list of guests, as prepared by the F~re Chief was accepted by the Committee. Motion 30/70 MOVED by Councillor Kruger, Seconded by Councillor Kitchen THAT as many donations as possible should be obtained to finance the Opening of the Arena, and that allæpects of the Official Opening should be free to the Public. CARRIED. (c). SNAC~BAR_AND_PAVING ,Q.UOTES_ Motion 31/70 MOVED by Councillor Kruger, Seconded by Councillor J. L. McPherson THAT the Committee accept the tender of Pinecone Wood Products in the amount of $2,594.00, and that the price be subject to a delivery date which should not be greater than three weeks. CARRIED. Motion 32/70 MOVED by Councillor Kruger, Seconded by Councillor Chatten THAT the two entrances at the arena be paved immediately and (up to the Westerly limits of building) that suitable crushed stone be put on the Parking Lot Area. CARRIED. It was recommended by the members of the Committee that Mr. P. H. Poulsson, Township Engineer, secure quotes for the work necessary to accomplish this. (d). ESTABLISHMENT OF ARENA AND COMMUNITY CENTRE RATES Motion 33/70 MOVED by Councillor Chatten, Beconded by ~~~K'~~~\~ THAT the rates for the Arena be accepted as they stand for the winter season and that the rates be reviewed at April 1st., 1971. CARRIED. 4 Motion 34/70 MOVED by Councillor J. L. McPherson, Seconded by Councillor Rudik, THAT the rates presented for the Community Centre be accepted as presented with the exception that the special events be solicited through the Director and not Council. CARRIED. ARENA RAT E S PRIME HOURS: Monday to Friday Saturday and Sunday (c"ð ~ p.m.-12:00 midnight 6:00 a.m.-12:00 midnight I/J)(J. c;Ò $'~ per hour ~~ :.-90 per hour f:>,,·Ð~OO per_ hour 6:00 a.m.- ~:OO p.m. 6:00 a.m. Township Youth Programs Local Groups Out-Of-Township Groups NON PRIME HOURS Monday to Friday All Days from midnight to Local Groups Out-Of-Township Groups $15.00 per hour $25.00 per hour COMMUNITY C E N T R E RAT E S $75.00 per day $50.00 per day Event with liquor permit Events without liquor permit Special rà~es for special community functions, may be solicited from the Director of Parks & Recreation. (e) . NATURE_OF OPERATION OF _PRO_SHOP Verbal report was given to the Committee on the scope and function of the Pro Shop wit~in the Arena. Motion 35/70 MOVED by Councillor Chatten, Seconded by Councillor Rudik, THAT the Fa~ks and Recreation Department operate the Fro Shop on the same basis as Ajax and Whitby for a period of six months after which it will be reviewed by the Committee April 1st. CARRIED. (f). SIGN LOCATED BAYLY STREET & BROCK ROAD ----------------.--..... Discussion regarding a reflectorized sign of a high density quality which was to be placed on Bayly Street and Brock Road signifying the location of the Don Beer Sport Arena. The Committee decided that the reflectorized sign was unnecessary and that the Director should contact the people who have quoted prices to determine the cost of a sign similar in size but of a non reflectorized quality. (g). TICKET_BQOTH_AT !HE ARENA Motion Defeated MOVED by Councillor Kruger, Seconded by Councillor Rudik THAT $390.00 be spent to install a ticket booth and railing at the Don Beer Sport Arena. It was decided by the Committee that the Director seek other means of collection of money at the Arena entrance. 5 7. COMMUNITY USE OF SCHOOLS PROGRAM Motion 36/70 MOVED by Councillor Kitchen, Seconded by Councillor Rudik THAT subject to suitable agreemønt with School Board as to costs involved, Mr. Bass shall initiate the hiring of Ed Grant at $25.00 a night to develop recreational programs at Dunbarton High School, CARRIED. 8. REFORT ON MOORES ROAD AND SANDY BEACH ROAD ATHLETIC FIELDS The Director informed Council that the entire 11 acres is under acquisition from the Metro Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, and that the results will be known at a meeting of the Conservation Authority on September 9th., 1970. The Director indicated that the information requested by the Atomic . Energy Board, re~arding Sandy Beach Road.Athletic Field.:·~quest, .will be forwarded to the Board short'ly. 9 . ADJOU.RNMENT s. MOVED by Councillor Kruger, Seconded by Councillor Kitchen THAT the meeting be adjourned at 12: 03 Æh.zD... CARRIED. - ~ <¡;" - _.~...,-,-_...... ..- ~ -"",...~..~~~,.,..,. ,.......~, ..........~._,. ,,-'" ~. ~~he - Chairman