HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 23, 1970 9/70 PARKS & R E C R E- A'T ION M E E TIN G A meeting of the Pickering Township Committee of the Whole in Parks & Recreation was held on Wednesday~ 'NII.:ltTY-THIRD of September 1970 at 8: 05 p. m. r'" e NT '1 PRESENT: Deputy Reeve G. Ashe - Chairman Reeve John Williams Councillor V. Rudik Councillor J. L. McPherson Councillor D. Kitchen Councillor R. Chatten Councillor J. Kruger Director - David E. Bass 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES MOVED by Councillor J. L. McPherson~ Seconded by Councillor Kruger, THAT the minutes 8/70 of a meeting held on Monday~ August 31st., 1970 be adopted as presented. CARRIED. 2. BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES That the minutes of a meeting held August 31st. 1970 be amended to read that Councillor Chatten abstained from voting on the motion (31/70) Re: accepting the tender of Pinecone Wood Products for the constructioq of the Snack Bar at the Arena. The reports requested by Council at the last meeting were not presented at this meeting. These reports will be submitted prior to the next parks and Recreation meeting. The following questions were asked by the Committee. (a) Si~ns at the Arena: They are at the Arena awaiting installation. The Clerk has contacted the Ontario County Roads Department to acquire permission to situate signs on their property. (b) Sandy Beach Athletic Field: All information was forwarded to the Atomic Energy Board on October 7th., 1970. 3 . ARENA REPORT The Committee discussed the Official Opening Re: the efficiency of staff on du'ty" enthusiasm òf public and helpfulness of volunteers. The following points concerning the Arena were discussed in detail. (a) The reason for double rentals at the Aren~ and ~ they have been solved by the Arena Staff. This has been done by better rental procedures. The time that will be alloted for pleasure skating. Monday to Friday - 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Friday evening 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. (b) Pre-Schoolers and Mothers Monday to Friday - 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. to 4=00 p.m. (c) Safety guards of some type shou1d be put on top of the Zamboni garage and Compressor pooms to keep children off these areas. 2 (d) Rink board extentions. Cost ~ð be included in 1971 budget for consideration. Mcrtion 37/70 MOVED by Councillor Rudik, Seconded by Councillor Kruger, THAT the Director set up a Pre-Schoolers and parents skating program at the Arena at a cost of 25¢ per individual up to a maximum of 50¢ per family. CARRIED. Motion 38/70 MOVED by Reeve Williarns~ Seconded by Councillor Kruger THAT we establish the times and rates of friday 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m,; Sunday 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and 12 and under 35¢, over 12 50¢, Faœály a maximum of 75¢. Hours be withdrawn. MOBED by Councillor Chatten, Secortded by Councillor Kruger THAT we establish the rates for public skating at 35¢ for children 12 and under, 50¢ children over 12 and a family rate of 75¢ maximum. CARRIED. 4. PROPOSAL FOR MOORES ROAD DEVELOPMENT RE: ATHLETIC FIELD The Recreation Director directed the Committee's attention to a map showing the exact location of the Moore's Road Property under acquisition. The cost estimate of deyelop- ing the land was obtained from Tottem, Sims, & Hubicki. Earth excavation 21,000 cubic yards @ 90¢ $18,900. Cleaning and grubbing 100. Leveling and seeding 2~000. Replacing topsoil ~OO. Total cost not including the cost of the lease--$2l,500.00 The Director was instructed to contact the treasurer to determine the assets that could be used for the initial cost of the development. Motion 39/70 MOVED by Councillor Chatten, Seconded by Councillor J. L. McPherson THAT the committee authorize the clerk and Reeve to enter into an agreement with Metro Toronto and Regional Conservation Authority on the leasing of the property for a period of 99 years or wh~t- ever other terms the M.T.R.C.A. deem necessary, The sums of money involved will have to be discuss~d at a later date. Director to report on funds . available to develop Moores Property. That members of Council should see agreement before approving it~ CARRIED. ?4otion 40/70 . . HOVED by Councillor Kruger, Seconded by Councillor K;'~chen THAT the motion be tables. CARRIED. 3 Two other suggestions were made: 1. See what monies were available and then seek priorities. Get some tenders on developing of property to be undertaken at this athletic field on a deferred payment basis. 2. 5. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT OF tvM. G. DAVIS PUBLIC SCHOOL Representatives of the West Rouge Sports Association along with the presi~ent were present at the meeting. Mr. Dave Carnie the president and spokesman for the group read aloud a letter which his association had prepared for presentation to the Council. The following points were brought out. (a) There was never proper allowance made for the maintaining of the School yard at West Rouge school and W. G. Davis Public School. (b) Fertilizer was not applied last fall because it was too late for it to have been of any effect on the condition of the grounds. The money that was saved by not fertilizing was not used to improve the grounds in apy other way. (c) The grass had only been cut a couple of times all season. (d) Weeds are growing through the cinder track. It needs a strong weed killer. (e) Ball diamond had been moved before the Association had a suitable location to place it at. It was told the Association earlier that the Diamond would remain at it~ location until they authorized its removal. (f) Something should be done to block off the entrances to the school yard to prevent people from driving cars and motorbykes over the grounds. The Director felt that the West Rouge School Yard needed complete resodding to bring about any results and even if this was done people would have to be kept off the field during the spring. It was suggested that Council ·meèt with the Ontario County School Board to make them honour their part of the agreement with respect to tbe upkeep of the two school yards. The Committee decided that. (a) The Township must be prepared to handle the program and not rely on the School Board to initiate the project on either W. G. Davis or West Rouge Public Schools. Total redevelopment in the West Rouge area was greatly needed. That the Director of Parks and Recreation attend a monthly meeting of the West Rouge Sports Association to resolve any other unsolved matters. (b) (c) - å - rp r:\ p "\'1' ,... , \ . ..... ' . a' T. 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