HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 26, 1971 1/71 PAR K S (1 R E C REA T ION MEETING A meeting of the Pickering Township Committee of the Whole in Parks and Recreation was held on Tuesday, TWENTY-SIXTH of January 1971 at 8:10 p.m. PRESENT: Councillor V. Rudik - Chairman Reeve J. R. Williams Deputy Reeve G. Ashe Councillor J. L. McPherson Councillor D. Kitchen Councillor R. Chatten Councillor S. Scott Director - David E. Bass Secretary- Miss K. White 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES MOVED by Councillor J. L. McPherson, Seconded by Councillor Kitchen THAT the minutes 11/70 of a meet~hg held on Monday, Decèmber 7th., 1970 be adopted as presented '. CARRIED 2' PROPOSED CONSTITUTION FOR AREA RECREATION ASSOCIATIONS The proposed constitution for Area Recreation Associations was discussed between representatives or Area Recreation Associations and Council. The attached Draft copy is the result of excellent dialogue between the Associations and Council, and is to be forwarded to Mr. James A. Taylor,Q.C. for his comments. The final constitution is to be signed at a future Council meeting. During the discussion, concern was expressed regarding the extent of liability insurance that the Township possessed covering the programmes that would be held on Township owned or controlled land, and the volunteers supervising the programmes. The Director, was instructed to speak to Mr. Noel Marshall regarding this matter and have him prepare a report on this subject. Motion 1/71 MOVED by Councillor Kitchen, Seconded by Councillor J. L. McPherson THAT the Constitution for Area Recreation Associations as amended at the joint meeting of January 26th.,1971 be accepted following perusal by the Township solicitor. CARRIED 3. ADJOURID-'IENT MOVED by Councillor Kitchen, Seconded by Deputy Reeve ç. Ashe THAT the meeting ~".._-~~ \ 7" " , . 1 ' / .,' ," \ /' / .~ -,,¿, ,4~ , RuA'V- r.'~m adjourn at 11:00 p.m. CARRIED TOWNSHIP OF PICKERING AGREEMENT I FOR AREA RECREATION ASSOCIATIONS DESIGNATION: The name affixed to those organizations to be dealt with by this constitution shall be, the Township or Pickering Area Recreation Associations, hereinafter referred to as the Association(s). Council shall mean the Pickering Township Council. PURPOSE: The Township of Pickering Council area Recreation Associations are the Township's Recreational organ- izations and as such, dedicate themselves to the promotion and support of sound recreational programs for all the people of all ages all year round. ~lEMBERSHIP : Any resident of Pickering Township interested in recreation may, subject to any further rules or regulations relating to membership, within the Area Recreation Association become an active member or an Association and may participate in any activity provided by the Councilor by the Associations. STRUCTURE: The Council: The Pickering Township Council as the overall authority for recreation in the TQwnship of Pickering. Shall be the final authority in matters pertinent tø the operation of Township owned or controlled recreation facilities. The Association: An Area Recr'ea'tj.on Association shell be foz'med by the people of any area of 'the Township and under the guidance and with the assistance of the Council, 'the Association may by its efforts as a volunteer organization au~ment the Parks and Recreat- ional ~pportunities available 'to the citizens of that area. -2- EXECUTIVE: There shall be an executive for each Association whose membership duties and method of election shall be as follows: r-lembership: The executive shall consist of at least seven members. Sub-Committees may be appointed or elected to act for the executive in opcêifie a(~ti v... ities of the Assðciation. Method of Election: (a).. Executive members shall be elected at the Annual Meeting by general vote by the members of the Association. (b). A nominating sub-committee shall be appointed one month before the annual meeting, and shall bring in a slate of candidates who will stand for Qffice. Further nominations may be made fr~m the floor during the Annual Meeting. FINANCE: An Association may raise monies through contributions or projects provided that these ventures are in keeping with the best interests of community recreatio These monies ~hall remain entirely at the disposal of the Associations to use as they see fit in their recreation programming. The Associations shall at least once a year submit an audited financial report to the Council. On the signed petition of any twenty- five members of the Association the Council shall cause an audit of the financial records to be made by competent professionals and the cost of same at the discretion of Council shall either be a charge against the Association OP against the Township, or the initiating group. RECORDS: All books and l'ecords of any association as referred to herein shall be under the management and control of an executive member of the said association and shall be read at all general meetings of the Assoc- iation. Upon the written request of a member thc books and records must be opened for inspection at an agreed upon time. - 3 ~ RECORDS: (cont?d.) The books and records can be requested to be CO-ORrINATION: JURISDICTION: NEETING: opened by Council at any reasonable time. In order to provide an ongoing operation of the Parks and Recr'eati.on programmes and to maintain a baJ ance in this progranlJne the Council si1all a~sume certain responsibilities. These responsibilities may include: 1. Provision of a trained professional recreation staff to provide leadership and advice to any Association. 2. Installation and maintenance cf playground facilities and provision of such equipment pf a Carital nature as is deemed necessary froM time to time. 3. The Council may provide programme staff to operate major recreation progranunes ego playground supervision, in summer. 4. Assistance in providing recreation aetiviti.es. 5. The Prime financial support given by Council to sports and recreation will be in the for~ll of providing facilities_and the maintenance of -, them. These will be facilities covering all manner of sports and recreation. The Director or his designate may attend any meetini~ or give BOY direction as an agent acting on beh~lf of the Council. In all matters wherein there may be dispute fursuan-v to this constitution, any association may ap¡:ly in writing to the Council and the said Council shall meet with the said Association in order to settle the dispute. , 1. Þ.nnual Mee!-ing:: Ther'e shall be an annual meeting for the purpose of conducting the gc:.n!.!l1äl busineiJ£ of the Association and tho ø13r-d-.-: .~.. "'... ur Æ..1.v._J...... hBETINGt{cont'd.) NOTICE OF INTENT: BY -LAt"!: - 4 - 2. Executi ve M0etirU~ = .Exoðuob:i. VQ Mo£d;ir..zs 1Õ:'ha 11 be called at the discretion of the executive as the business of the Association warrants. Executive meetings should be held at least monthly for th6 purpose of dealing with the business' of the Association. 3. General ~~eetinp.:: General meetings may be set by Charter or by the executive. 4. Notice of Annual and General Meetine:s: , a notice of an annual or general meeting shall be given in writing to each dwelling in the Association area or shall be advertised in avail- able news media at least one week in advance of the meeting cr in accordance with the Associatior: Charter. The notice shall state the date, time, and place of the meeting and the discussion agcnë 5. Cornrni ttce and Association ~íeetinø:s: At least one meeting with representative from the Ccunci~ and the Area Recreation Associations shall be held each year. Such meetings shall deal with matters of overall concern to all. This agreement between the parties shall become effective upon adoption by Council on behalf of the ~'!unicipality and upon adoption by a general meeting of the Recreation Association and shall continue fror.1 year to year. Thereafter three months notice in writing must be given by either party tc each other, declaring any intent to amend or terminate this agreement. Nothing in the foregoing shall overrule By-La,\' number 2051, which embodies the reason for being of the Municipal Parks and Recreation rrogran~e. - 5 - AGREEMENT Between . . . . . . . . . . rICKERING TOWNSHIP COUNCIL and AREA RECREATION ASSOCIATION. Signed this ____ day of 19_. REEVE - Township of Pickering PRESIDENT -.------ CLERK SECRETARY