HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 24, 1971 7/71 PARKS & R E C REA T ION M E E TIN G A meeting of the Pickering TOBnship Committee of the Whole on Parks and Recreation was held on Tuesday, TWENTY-FOURTH of August at 8:00 p.m. held at the Don Beer Sports Arena. PRESENT: Councillor V. Rudik, Chairman Reeve John R. Williams Deputy Reeve G. Ashe Councillor J. L. McPherson Councillor D. Kitchen Councillor R. Chatten Councillor S. Scott Director- David E. Bass Arena Manager- Tom Quinn Recording Secretary- Mrs. Christine Quibe1l 1. ADOPTION OF MINU!ES: MOVED by Deputy Reeve G. Ashe, Seconded by Councillor J. L. McPherson THAT the minutes 6/71 of a meeting held Wednesday, June 23rd. be adopted as presented. CARRIED. 2. DELEGATION R&: USE OF ICE ftY HOLY REDEEMER HQCKEY LEAGUE Motion 34/71 MOVED by Deputy Reeve G. Ashe, Seconded by Councillor R. Chatten THAT Mr. Ron Fahey be heard vy the Committee regarding the use of ice time by the Holy Redeemer Minor Hockey League. CARRIED. Mr. Fahey indicated that he realizes the problems involved in acquiring ice time at the Don Beer Sports Arena, but he wished to be assured that any available ice time, over and above that used by Minor Hockey, Figure Skating, and/or Ringette, be made available to the Holy Redeemer Minor Hockey League. The Director of Parks and Recreation was asked to inform the Council as to the possibility of such available ice time, during the coming winter. Mr. Bass indicated that there were three possibilities existing and these are as follows: 1. That ice time may become available should the registration for Minor Hockey, Figure Skating, and/or Ringette not reach the anticipated levels. 2. That hours between 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. during the mornings from Monday to Friday be made available to the Holy Redeemer Minor Hockey League. 3. That the staff evaluate the success of the Adult skating programme "held Saturday evenings from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. and if such hours are not used by the public that they may be made available to the Holy Redeemer Minor Hockey League. The Holy Redeemer Minor Hockey League, was assured that no other groups will be considered before the Holy Redeemer Minor Hockey League for ice time that may become available during the winter of 1971-1972. Councillor Don Kitchen brought up the problem of çrogramming in the Arena for girls. He stated that there were some girls that would like to play ice hockey, and because of the lack of ice time these girls were not being provided with the opportunity of participating in their chosen sport within the Don Beer Sports Arena. -2- It was the opinion of the Committee that the existing programmes of Ringette, Figure Skating, and Minor,Hockey shoul~ have pri0r.it~ in acquiring ice time at the present t1me. T~e Comm1t~ee also 1nd1ca~ed, that when additional ice time becomes ava1lable, e1ther at the eX1st1ng ice pad or at a second ice pad, that all community associations be provided with an opportunity of using the Arena whenever possible. 3. FAIRPORT RATEPAYERS DELEGATION RE: ASSISTANCE FOR THE FAIRPORT CO~~NITY CENTRE j Mr.. Burney Diotte of the Pairport Ratepayers Association requested that Council subsidize their Community Centre by paying the heat, hydro, and water bills and by paying for the installation of the sewers and water pipes into the Community Centre. Mr. Diotte indicated that many v~lunteers community recreational groups were making use of the centre, but because of the unsanitary condition of the washrooms many groups were unable to use the centre. The aspect of ownership was discussed at this time, and Mr. Diotte accommodated the Council by producing the deeds which proved ownership to be vected ·~ith the Fairport Beach Ratepayers Association. The Reeve indicated that where the Municipality does not own property it has no control over it and that privately owned property is not eligible for subsidy. The Reeve also indicated that there are legal problems associated with the spending of Township money for capital cost in facilities not owned by the Township. Council felt that it could assist the Fairport Beach Community Centre to the extent of paying for heat, hydro, and Water costs but that it cou1dnVt assist with any capital expenditures. Motion 35/71 MOVED by Councillor D. Kitchen, Seconded by Deputy Reeve G. Ashe THAT the Committee recommend that the 1972-1973 Council support the Fairport Beach Ratepayers Association to the extent of paying for heat, hydro, and water bills out of the 1972 budget. That the staff negotiate with the Fairport Beach Ratepayers Association regarding the possiblities of turning over the deed of the Fairport Beach Community Centre to the Township Council so that the Council may assist with the installation of sewers and water. CARRIED. AMENDMENT TO MOTION 35/71 MOVED BY Councillor R. Chatten, Seconded by Councillor J. L. McPherson THAT the 1972-1973 Council consider payment for heat and hydro from this date <August 24th., 1971). MOTION DEFEATED. 4. REPORT RE: THE WEST ROUGE CANO? CLUB - COMMUNITY C~NTRE Mr. Atis Bredovskis, Commodore of the West Rouge Canoe Club presented the facts regarding the proposed location for the new West Rouge Canoe Club-Community Centre. Mr. Bredovskis indicated that the membership in the club at this time is 160, that the West Rouge Ratepayers Association, East Rouge Ratepayers Association, Rosebank Ratepayers Association and the West Rouge Sports and Recreation Association were all prepared to support the erection of a Canoe Club-Community Centre on the EaÆ side of the Rouge River, but only because it was very unlikely that the Canoe Club-Community Centre could be located on the West side of the River. Mr. John McCarten, President of the East Rouge and Rosebank Ratepayers Associations indicated strongly that the most suitable location of the West Rouge-Community Centre would be on the West Side of the Rouge River, because of parking and traffic difficulty that would be experienced on the East side of the Rouge River. The Director of Parks and Recreation outlined many of the points presented in the brief prepared by the -3- Department Heads of the Township of Pickering, The Director of Parks and Recreation pointed out that there were more serious problems associated with locating the West Rouge Canoe Club on the west side. of the Roug~ River along with access considerations and the problems that w1ll be assoc1ated with the future development of the west shore of the Rouge River south of the railroad tracks. However, Council felt that these difficulties could be overcome through dialogue between the Township Council and the Metro- politan Toronto and Region COBservation Authority. Motion 36/71 MOVED by Councillor R. Chatten, Seconded by Councillor J. L, McPherson THAT the Committee recommend to Council that $30,000.00 be granted for the construction of the West Rouge Canoe Club to be located on the west side of the Rouge River in approximately its present location. The construction of the building should be in such a manner that the building may be moved at some later date. The West Rouge Canoe Club must be designed subject to the approval of drawings and estimates by Council, and subject to the arrangement of a lease agreement with the Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. CARRIED. 5. REPORT ON EVENING FALL AND \~NTER PROGRAMMES FOR CHILDREN ANR ADULTS AS PREPARED BY MRS. CHRISTINE QUIBELL Mrs. Quibell gave a brief on the proposed Fall and Winter programmes with reference to cost, supervision and facilities. The programmes are intending to be self sustained and supervision and administration will be taken on by Mrs. Quibell in co-operation with the Ontario County Board of Education. 6. FOGGING PROBLEM IN THE DON BEER SPORTS ARENA Mr. Tom Quinn, Assistant Director of Recreation (Facilities) reported that he had the problem of fogging at the Arena practically solved by the use of additional fans. The fans are presently on loan at no charge. In order to keep the fogging problem under control it will be necessary to purchase fifteen of these fans at an approximate cost of $1,800.00. The purchase of these fans was left in abeyance until the submission of the 1972 budget by the parks and recreation director, and Mr. Tom Quinn was directed to investigate the various types of installation materials that could be applied to the steel structure situated on the ceiling of the facility. 7. REPORT ON THE ANTICIPATED REVENUE FOR THE DON BEER SPORTS ARENA The terms of reference for the Don Beer Sports Arena was that the Township of Pickering would pay for the debenture costs associated with the Arena, but that the operational costs will be paid for by those making use of the facility. The Director of Parks and Recre~tion presented a report on the anticipated revenue for the 1971 season and the anticipated deficit that will be incurred if the present rates are applied to Fall programme. motion 47/71 MOVED by Councillor S. Scott, Seconded by Deputy Reeve G. Ashe THAT the Committee recommend to Council that the subsidized rate be increased immediately from $15.00 to $20.00 for local organizations. CARRIED. -4- 8. PROPOSED SECOND ICE PAD AT THE DON BEER SPORTS ARENA At previous Committee of the Whole meeting the Township Council requested that the Director of Parks and Recreation prepare a report as to the anticipated profit and loss statement of a second ice pad. This report was prepared and forwarded to Council members and discussed at this Parks and Recreation meeting. The report indicates an anticipated reduction in the capital cost and operational costs should the second ice pad be located at the Don Beer Sports Arena. The Director of Parks and Recreatiom indicated that the second ice pad revenue would pay for the full operational costs of the second pad plus the majority of the debenture debt on the second ice pad, with an overall annual deficit of $6,000,00 Motion 48/71 MOVED by Councillor S. Scott, Seconded by Councillor J. L. McPherson THAT the Committee recommend to Council that the report on the second ice pad at the Don Beer Sports Arena be received and tabled. CARRIED. 9. COMMUNITY CONFERENCE The Director of Parks and Recreation outlined briefly a community confere~ce being proposed for the late winter of 1972. The purpose of this conference is to inform the public of the programmes being offered by the Parks and Recreation Department, and to involve the citizens of the Township in dialogue so that they will be able to express their points of view as to the types of programmes that should be offered by the Parks and Recreation Department. 10. ADJOURNMENT MOVED by Councillor R. Chatten, Seconded by Deputy Reeve G. Ashe That the meeting be adjourned at 11:40 p.m. CARRIED. ) I , / . / / ~. "../. .: ft. ../ . )R \/// '--- ..' Rtfr.aL-' CHAIRMAN ¿./~}/.J!.'../; Gì . VIC