HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 25, 1972 1/72 lARKS & R E eRE A T ION - MEETING r A meeting of the Picke~ing Township Committee of the Whole on Parks and Recreation was held on Tuesday, TWENTY-FIFTH of January at 8:00 p.m. at the Township Offices. PRESENT: Councillor D. Quick - Chairman Reeve J.R. Williams Councillor J. Anderson Councillor D. Kitchen Councillor K. Matheson David E. Bass - Director of Parks and Recreation Christine Quibell- Recording Secretary 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES , The adoption of the minútes was dispensed with due to the fact that the new Council had not received copies of the minutes of the last Parks and Recreation Meeting. 2. PRESENTATION OF THE SQUIRT SOF!BALL AWARD The Parks and Recreation Committee Chairman Don QuiCk presented the Squirt Softball Award to Mr. Doug Willoueby who accepted it on behalf of the West Rouge Softball Association. Councillor D. Kitchen, and Councillor k. Matheson presented the members of the Squirt Softball team with their crests. 3. SIGNING OF AGREEMENT WITH EAST WOODLANDS AREA RECREATION ASSOCIATION The Director of Parks and Recreation introduced the Agreement between Area Recreation Assooiations and Council for the benefit of the new members of Council. Motion 1/72 MOVED by Councillor D. Kitchen, Seconded by Councillor J. Anderson THAT the Committee recommend to Council that the Reeve and the Township Clerk be authorized to sign the Agreement of Area Recreation Associations with the East Woodlands Community Recreation Association. CARRIED. It was suggested that for convenience sake that Mr. and Mrs. John Evans of the East Woodlands Recreation Association sign the agreement now and that the Reeve and Township Clerk sign the agreement and mail it back to Mr. John Evans. 4. PROPOSED OCMMuNITY~CONFERENCE ON RECREATION - A~ril 29~h.t 1972 The Director of Parks and Recreation went over the proposed Pickering Township Communi~y Conference on Recreation proposed ou~line and s~ressed the importance of the at~endance of the members of Council so tha~ they may hear the recommendations of the people present and may provide importan~ input for the benefit of the people attending the Conference.. Motion 2/72 MOVED by Councillor D. Kitchen, Seconded by Councillor J. Anderson THAT the Commi~tee recommend to Council that the proposed outline for the Community Conference on Recreat.ion be approved as presented. CARlUED. -2- I. COMMUNITY USE OF SCHOOLS CONFERENCE - MARCH 11TH.. !972 The Director of Parks and Recreation reported on the progress of the Communjty Use of Schools Conference to be held in Markham on March 11th., 1972. Members of Council interested in attending this important conference should contact the P~rks and Recreation Director as soon as possible. 6.A CIMCO REFRIGERATION It was suggested that the maintenance agreement with Cimco Refrigeration be left until the next Parks and Recreation Meeting. 6.B LETTER PROM CD1CO REFRIGERATION The Township staff recommended that the available second hand refrigeration unit should not be purchased from Cimco Refrigeration for the Greenwood Arena because in breaking down the horse power of the engine. many problems could arise and ~intenance costs would be too high. It was suggested that a new unit be purchased at the time of the completion of the second and third stages of the Greenwood Arena. Motion JIL2 MOVED by Reeve Williams, Seconded by Councillor J. Anderson THAT the Committee recommend to Council that the Township of Pickering does not purchase the second hand refrigeration equipment as outlined in the letter from Cimco Refrigeration. CARRIED. 6.C. !QE RE-SpRFACING MACHINERY FOR SECOND ICE p~ It was suggested that since the second ice. pad has been deferred until a later date that the information regarding the ref.igera~ion machinery for the second ice ~pad~ from Cimco Refrigeration be accepted as information only. 7. REQUEST FOR PAYMENT OF TAXES FOR CLAREMONT LAWN BOWLING LEAGUE A letter received from the Claremont Lawn Bowling League requesting that payment of taxes by the Township Council was discussed. The ownership of the land lies in the hands of the Claremont Lawn Bowling League and Reeve J. Williams questioned the legality of providing a grant for land not in Township ownership and whether the Association would be willing to turn over the ownership to the Township if Council paid their tases and provided for their continuing use of the grounds and buildings. Motion 4/72 MOVEn by Reeve J. Williams, Seconded by Councillor D. Kitchen THAT the Director of Parks and Recreation check with the Treasurer into the legality of the forgiveness of taxes and to ascertain whether the Lawn Bowling League was prepared to turn over the ownership of the property to the Township. Also that representation from the Association be invited to attend the next Committee of the Whole meeting on Parks and Recreation. CARRIED. -3- 8. AGREEMENT WM. G . DAVIS PUBLIC SCHOOL The WID. G. Davis Agreement for the use of the play area as an Athletic Field was read and amended by the members of the Committee. ~otion 5/22 MOVED by Reeve J. Williams, Seconded by Councillor D. Kitchen THAT the Committee recommend to Council that the Agreement for Wm. G. Davis Athletic Field be re-written as amended and prior to signing be sent to the Township Solicitor for his comments. CARRIED. 9. AGREEMENT ROUGE HILL GOLF CLUB -CLUB HOUSE The draft agreement between the owners of the Rouge Hill Golf Club -Club Hòuse and the Township of Pickering was discussed by the Committee.Several a~pects of the lease were not acceptable to Council, especially the length of the life of the lease. The Director of Parks and Recreation was directed to request that the Reeve and the Township Solicitor, . . Mr. Hassard meet with Mr. Sarick and his lawyers for the purpose of negotiating a more favourable lease agreement with the owners. 16. AGREE~íENT GRAND, VALLEY PARK Mötion 6/72 MOVED by Councillor J. Anderson, Seconded by Reeve J. Williams THAT the Committee recommend to Council that the Agreement between the Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority and the Township of Pickering with regards to Grand Valley Park be signed as presented. CARRIED. ll. AGREEMENT MOORE 9 S ROAD The Director of Parks and Recreation informed the Committee that the lease agreement between the Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority and the Township of Pickering for Moore's Road should be forwarded to the Township shortly. It was suggested that the Moore'. Road Agreement be submitted to Council immediately upon it being received by Township staff. 12. P~OPOSED~SUMMER PROG~~¡ES 1972 A proposed Summer Programme was presented to the Committee by the Recreation staff. There seemed to be some concern as to the feasibility of a grant from Council for transportation costs for Day Camp, Swimming, and the Summer School of the Arts programmes and further discussion as to cost sharing will be undertaken at the Budget meeting of January 3lst., 1972. 13. S~r.n~NG POO~ PROGRESS REPORT Thomas J. Quinn, Assistant Director of Recreation-Facilities reported that the Swimming Pool is now two weeks ahead of schedule. According to Reeve J. Williams we are going to secure the completed building below estimates. The Reeve J. Williams indicated that the originally specified galvanized steel pool equipment could be exchanged for superior stainless steel equipment at a cost of approximately $3,000.00. The Committee concurred that the stainless steel equipment should be installed. -4- 14. GREENWOOD ARENA PROGRESS The Greenwood Arena project was also reported to be coming along very well. The Director of Parks and Recreation was directed to un<:!ertake ins'Pè~t~on tðu:rs of the Greenwood Arena, siiièê I 1. " . l5. TEEN CENTRE It was a concern of the Committee that the Teen Centre Board of Directors was taking certain powers beyond its authority, into its own hands. It was stated that there was a definite lack of communications between the Board and Council and that it would be a good idea if the 1972 Board of Directors of the Teen Centre met with Council at a closed session and discusse the guidelines established for the Board of Directors. The meeting was set for Tuesday, February 15th., 1972. at 8:00 p.m. in the Committee Room. A prior meeting of Council on February 14th. 1972 was also arranged for the purpose of establishing the guidelines and the Parks and Recreation staff was directed to provide a proposed set of guidelines prior to the February l4th., 1972 meeting. 16. RESULT OF PLEASURE SKATING DURING HOLIDAYS It was recommended by the Recreation Department that due to the lack of public support, Christmas Day Pleasure Skating should ftD~ be scheduled in future years. The Committee directed the Parks and Recreation staff to eliminate the Christmas skating programme from the 1972 Arena Schedule. 17. NEXT MEETING The Next Parks and Recreation Meeting will be held on February 15th., 1972 at 8:00 p.m. in the Committee Room. 18. ADJOURm1ENT The Meeting Adjourned at ll:OO p.m. ,\ ~'- , -~,"""""" ..---......~~ ." .-' .., ..... ,r-, ." .. . i---'::"" . L. L.--~ , - - - - - - - - :.:-~...=_~,.JI'III------;;;:;:'"=":" - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ __ MR. DON QUICK - CHAIRMAN