HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 16, 1972 5/72 PAR K S & -- R E C REA T ION M E E TIN G ........ A meeting of the Pickering Township Committee of the Whole on Parks and Recreation was held on Tuesday, SIXTEENTH of May 1972 at 8:00 p.m. PRESENT: Councillor D. Quick - Chairman Deputy Reeve G. Ashe Councillor J. Anderson Councillor Mrs. J. L. McPherson Councillor D. Kitchen Councillor K. ~atheson David E. Bass - Director of Parks and Rec~eation 1. PRESENTATION OF CRESTS TO CHM1PIONSHIP RING~TTE TE~¡. The Recreation Committee presented crests to the 1971-1912 Championship Ringette team. 2. ADOPTION OF MI~UTES MOVED by Councillor D. Kitchen, Seconded by Deputy Reeve G. Ashe THAT the minutes 4/72 of a meeting held on Tuesday, April 18th., 1972 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED. 3. LELEGA!ION REQUESTINQ COUNSILvS CONSI~~O~ FOR THE ERECTI6N " OF A SECOND ICE PAD AT THE DON BEER SPORTS ARENA A delegation appeared before the Committee for the purpose of requesting Council's consideration for the erection of a second ice pad at the Don 8eer Sports Arena. MotioE 17/72 MOVED by Mrs. J.L. McPherson, Seconded by feputy Reeve G. Ashe THAT the Cow~ittee recommend to Council that the -financial report regarding the ~roposed second ice pad at the Don Beer Sports Arena be updated by the Parks and Recreation Director, and that the updated report be discussed point by point at the Finance Meeting scheduled fer May 31st, 1972. CARRIED. 4. BANDY~BEACH ROAD ATHLETIC F~ELD The Director of Parks and Recreation outlined the content of a letter from Mr. C. F. S. Tidy, Manager of Properties, Ontario Hydro, which indicated that the Hydro Commission had approved th~ leasing of 15 acres of land on Sandy Beach Road, and also anot~1er letter from Mr. N. A. LambIe, Land tevelopment Officer, Ontario Hydro, which indicated thåt the To~nship can proceed with the landscaping work on the Sandy Beach Road Athletic Field. Motion 18/72 MOVED by Deputy Reeve G. Ashe, Seconded by Councillor L. Kitchen THAT the Committee reoommend to Council that the Director of Parks and Recreation be authorized to notify Tottem, Sims and Hubicki and Associates that work can now proceed to ~stablish an Athletic Field on part one and part two of ùntario Hydro Survey, Plan 40 R. CARRIED. -2- s. JOINT DEVELOPMENT AND USE OF SEPARATE SCHO~L GROUNDS. The Director of Parks and Recreation outlined the discussions that he has had with representatives of the Ontario County Separate School Board regarding the joint development and use of Separate Schoo~ grounds. 'l'he Director of Parks and Recreation was directed to c ont.inue to communicate with the Separate School Board for ·the purpose of establishing mutually beneficial park development plans for Separate School grounds within Pickering Township and to report back ~o . Council regarding the concept and cost factors as pa~ of the 1973 bUdget presentation of the Parks and Recreation Department. The Director is to also secure legal advise on whether Township funds can be spent on property owned by School Boards. 6. FEES CHARGED TO DEVELOPERS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF REC~ATIONAL FACILÍT~ES AND OPEN SPACE AREA§ The Committee discussed the need to reconsider the fees charged to developers for the development of recreational facilities and open space areas. Motion 19/12 MOVED by Deputy Reeve G. Ashe, Seconded by Councillor K. Matheson THA~ the Committee recommend to Council that the Treasurer, Planner and the Director of Parks and Recreation be directed to provide to Council figures on realistic lo~ levy fees for recreation purposes and to provide to ' Council a policy for the inclusion of certain recreation facilities as part of subdiYie.~on agreemeñts ~here.such agreements will result in such a population increase that major recreation facilities will be required to solely serve that subdivision. CARRIED. 1. INVESTIGATION OF THE PORT UNION EXPR~ STATION .The Director of Parks and Recreation reported to the Committee on his investigation of the Port Union Express Station. The Director was . directed to ascertain the cost of moving the building to Moore's Road and to report his findings back to Council. 8. DATE OF NEXT MEETf~Q The date of the next m~~~1·ng 1·S Tuesday ~une 13th 972 , oJ .,. ~ 9. AD JOURNMENT MOVED by Councillor J. Apderson, Seconded by Councillor K. MatbG.on THAT the meeting be adjourned at 9:30 p.m. CARRIED. DON QUICK -CHAIRMAN