HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 26, 2005 CiÚf a~ Minutes I Meeting Summary Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Wednesday October 26,2005 7:00 pm Civic Complex - CAO's Boardroom Attendees: Stephen Little Prem Noronha-Waldriff Joe Hunwicks Absent: Councillor David Pickles (regrets) Bill Boyes (regrets) Kelly Collins (regrets) Sandy Stanton Responses to questions posed at the June AAC meeting were discussed: How does a document like this get coupled with emergency planning in Pickering? Pickering is clearly in the business of public alerting because it is an essential component of a community emergency management program. Council recently directed staff to continuing reviewing options to expand Public Alerting to the entire community for all types of emergencies. A comprehensive Public Alerting Systems includes a lot of different technologies for visual, hearing impaired. Also in multiple languages. Will take a few years to get into place, however commitment is there from Council. With what is going on in the US, accessibility planning is key to the development of emergency plans. Emergency planning and procedures should be for all residents e.g. Transit Systems must include accessibility. Joe is going to make it happen in Pickering with the work he is currently doing to establish a new Community Emergency Management Plan and supporting documents. Is Pickering a High Risk Community? Pickering is considered a high-risk community because of the nuclear plant and because of the existence of Hi hwa 401 and the two ma"or rail lines, which trans ort Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 large quantities of hazardous materials. The Province now requires municipalities to conduct proper risk management by determining what their risks are and then planning for them. Live Testing - How will it be done? National Standards are now being developed and will suggest that testing must be done on a regular basis, e.g. via radio / TV / Internet / siren activations, etc). . Dates / times of testing to be made public prior to activations. Communication/Language - English / French / Braille / alternate formats / multiple languages / mediums, etc. All will be considered in the plan. New phone books will have red bordered pages of nuclear emergency instructions. March Forum - Not circulated to committee prior to deadline. Some comments were included in the current Federal Public Alerting Vision Document. Comments from the committee will be brought forward. Line between Alerting and Evacuation? - 2 different processes. The Public Alerting Vision document is only for alerting purposes. Accessibility will definitely be included. Evacuation means to have people moved out of harms ways and is covered under separate plans and procedures. Other comments: On Sept. 1/05, the Ontario Commissioner of Emergency Management, Julian Fantino, came to a meeting in Pickering to discuss public alerting with the Mayor, Council, CAO, and Community Emergency Management Coordinator. The City's consultants have suggested that 4 sirens are enough to provide adequate sound coverage. The Region's consultants originally indicated that 29 are required. Commissioner Fantino suggested that 4 sirens could be installed and the results evaluated. Councillors went to Dallas, Texas to a conference on transit and were exposed to emergency management information and activities due to the ongoing response to Hurricane Katrina. Councillor Brenner brought back lots of really good emer enc mana ement information. Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 Sept. 11 inspired a sharp increase in emergency management activities in both countries. - The U.S. has traditionally been well advanced of Canada in terms of planning and preparedness.. Joe gave us a copy of "Guide of the Special Needs of People with Disabilities" from the Emergency Preparedness Initiative. - We have got to be better prepared, not catching on as fast in Canada. U.S. Federal government dedicates huge dollars for emergency management - very aggressive in the U.S. In Canada there is very little funding for Emergency Mgmt. - There are many good informational resources available - will continue to use. Will forward info to the AAC for involvement and comment. - Would be good if someone from the AAC would like to sit on the Community Emergency Management Program Committee. - AAC Committee will be kept up to date on all progress. - Joe is actively working on the development of a new community emergency management plan, which is targeted for early 2006to have before Council for approval. - The Draft Plan will be discussed at the CEMP Committee during next month's meeting. roved 2005-2006 - Copies distributed. 3.0 Nøw AAC Members: - Lori Murray I Chris Del Luca - still to be confirmed. 4..0 .u date on Site Plans: Stephen commented on site plan for City Centre residence (Retirement Home): Generally seems acceptable. Strong concern that there is only 1 accessible parking space for residents and visitors. - Accessible entrances and exits seem to be very limited. Non-existent accessibility for staff. 5.0 Other Business: None. Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 5.0 Next .Meeting: Wednesday November 23, 2005 Meeting Adjourned: 8: 15 pm Copy: Division Head, Culture & Recreation Supervisor, Culture & Recreation (Acting) Page 4 CORP0228-2/02