HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 15, 2003 C¿ú¡ o~ Minutes I Meeting Summary Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting October 15, 2003 7:00 PM Civic Complex - Boardroom Attendees: Absent: Debbie Blake Sandy Stanton Kelly Collins Stephen Little Prem Noronha-Waldriff (Chair) Prem Noronha-Waldriff Councillor Dave Ryan Bill Boyes - Plan was revised to include requested changes by the MC prior to going to Council for approval. - Approved by Council on September 15, 2003 - Plan has been made available to the public beginning Sept. 24, 2003. - This was advertised a number of times in the AlP News Advertiser, on the Community Page. - Hard copies are available at the Civic Complex or at the Pickering Central Library. - Also available on the City's website. - Plan has been produced in alternative forms: regular 12 size font; enlarged font (22 for visually impaired); and CNIB is currently transcribing into Braille. - A copy is on order for Sandy Stanton, and others will be ordered upon re uest. CORP0228-2/02 - All members have a copy, except Bill Boyes. Prem to provide to Bill at next meeting. Page 1 $ - Prem advised that the Core working group will be meeting bi- monthly to review progress to date. - 1st barrier on the list - Emergency Planning for members of the Community with special needs - timing: Sept 2003. - 2nd barrier - Visually impaired voting independently: Nov 2003 - Discussion ensued on future frequency of MC meetings - committee concurred that we could also meet bi-monthly, opposite to the CORE working groups meetings. - Staff / committee to look into proper signage for all facilities. - Building Standards for signage would be a good place to start with. - Braille for Washrooms; fire extinguishers; elevators. - Facilities (arena's / libraries / Civic Complex / Rec Complex) would benefit from a pictogram layout of the facility. - At Civic Complex the signage is very high and in very small print. - APT A - Braille at the bus stops for visually impaired? - Map of Ajax/Pickering with streets designated in some sort of raised surface? - Handitrans may be able to provide some demographics for where the disabled are in the communit . Several other accessibility issues were brought up for discussion: 1) Request for a Cross Walk (Valley Farm Road / South Esplanade area) was brought forward. It is extremely difficult to cross the street due to speed and volume of traffic. 2) Snow shoveling in the city is very poor on side walks and especially curb cuts. Bi-Iaw does not enforce enough. More ads in Community Page required - enforcement also required. 3) Bi-Law: Over night parking in the winter - cars park on the street and are shoveled in. Disabled cannot find the curbs. More enforcement required. CORP0228-2/02 - Committee requests update on these items at next meeting: Nov 19/03. - Committee requests a schedule of CORE working group meetings to determine a schedule for MC meetings. (for Nov 19/03 meetin - Sandy has a contact at CNIB, and also a sign company that she will check with. - Steven may also have a contact that he will check with. Prem to bring forward at CORE working group meeting. Page 2 Next Meetin : Wed. Nov. 19, 2003 Meeting Adjourned: 8:40 PM Copy: Stephen Reynolds, Division Head Culture & Recreation Marisa Carpino, Supervisor Culture & Recreation. Page 3 CORP0228-2/02