HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 25, 2005 Citq c~ Minutes I Meeting Summary Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Wednesday May 25, 2005 7:00 pm Civic Complex - CAO's Boardroom Attendees: Councillor David Pickles Debbie Blake Stephen Little Kelly Collins Bill Boyes Prem Noronha-Waldriff Guests: Joe Hunwicks, Community Emergency Management Coordinator Absent: Sandy Stanton cy .anagem(;J até Proposed: 29 sirens in the contiguous zone (3 km radius) Reg. Project mandated by the Province PAS (Public Alerting System) proposed prior to OPG (70's) More discussion in the 80's and 90's Pickering played a key role in getting the province to set up a PAS. Consultant design - proposed 29 sirens Regional Council approved - not a lot of details were released. Nov 2003 - Region came to Council Meeting - gave a clear picture of the 29 sirens - very large - no public input) 1.6 million dollars - for equipment Council said 'no' - need more info / public input. - 2004 - OPG provided funding for a peer review of the plan to date: Can we reduce the # of sirens? Can we change the locations? Consulting team has done a good job: Science based approach I gov't to review all decisions City consultants came back with less sirens - minimum # required 2 + 1 back up and 4th siren on the west side of Pickering. No where near homes - to be put in industrial areas. Goin to the Province to be reviewed in detail. - Joe to provide AAC with hard copies of draft to review and comment. Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 _ Will be using same equipment already purchased (25 extra sirens now) Required a certain noise level Reality is 29 sirens would have caused a hearing loss for people. Plan to have gas stations I offices I stores I homes in the contiguous zone. 10 db's above background noise indoor devices not necessary I strobe lights, vibrating devices Sirens - 2 way radio signal - interfaced with the Police Police would send signals to the Poles which would activate devices in all buildings. Outdoor alerting is being addressed now - indoor will come later. US standards exist for design and operating standards - 1980 in draft form - never completed. In the US when a plant opens a PAS must be in place- 10 km radius. In Canada - must alert all citizens within the 3 km radius within 15 minutes. - We could be on the leading edge of this issue. Province being requested to increase from 3 to 10 km radius. Stephen: tonal alerting devices - we need to know more clearly how they work - can be interfaced with devices for hearing I visual impaired. Draft Vision document - will copy next draft to AAC for review and comment. Integrated approach to include website I cell phones / blackberries etc. C. Pickles: we could come up with a page of detailed info. Joe to provide AAC with hard copies to review and comment on. 2005 Input requested from committee. Staff in the process of submitting information from each Division/Dept. Committee OK to review staff submissions. 3.0 Re idnal AAC>ChairMeetin - Kell Collins attended on behalf of the Cit of Pickerin and cORP0228-2/02 - Kell Page 2 reported back to the Committee: Represented by Ajax 1 Pickering 1 Lakeridge 1 Durham / Whitby. Updates from each area Lots of plans in the works in each area - Ajax: City Hall to review the issuance of Disabled Parking Passes _ Whitby: must have at least 1 accessible taxi for each taxi company Oshawa: Building new facilities that are accessible - Access booths at the Oshawa Mall. Lakeridge: apologized for the consultants at the Regional Meeting. - Awards Program - Durham Region Awards - recipients will come from individuals City's/Towns. No selection Criteria right now. Next meeting Wednesday September 14/05 at 3:30 pm 4.0 Qther Business: Durham Sun (Linda White) - short article on Disabilities in Durham - spoke to Stephen - may have a short quote. Pickering should invite someone from the Ministry Accessibility Directorate to come to speak at a future meeting. Prem to look into. - Tim Hortons - no auto doors (Kingston Rd/Liverpool) West Creek School- accessible parking - no curbs cuts. PCCC - no space for curb cuts. Lonestar Mall deleted 1 parking space. What can we do to move forward on these issues - in the meantime things are going up all the time that is not appropriate. 8..0 Next Meeting: Wednesda June 22, 200501 Meeting Adjourned: 9:00 pm Copy: Division Head, Culture & Recreation Supervisor, Culture & Recreation cORP0228-2/02 minutes when she receives. Page 3