HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 23, 2005 Minutes I Meeting Summary Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Wednesday February 23,2005 7:00 pm Civic Complex - CAO's Boardroom CitJ¡ c~ Attendees: Guests: Absent: Councillor David Pickles Debbie Blake Kelly Collins Prem Noronha-Waldriff Kim Thompson (Acting) Manager, By-law Enforcement Services Stephen Little Bill Boyes Sandy Stanton CORP0228-2/02 Kim Thompson gave an overview of By-law Services: - Works in response to complaints only Not enough staff currently / another staff person starting next week. No round the clock parking control officers. Complaints of snow being shoveled into handicapped parking spaces. Property Standards By-law has been updated and approved by Council. Some of the problems are that neighbours do not clear sidewalks. Snow issues (300 tickets issued over 3 days - actual) Call by-law of any issues with snow removal $300 fines (signs might be a good idea - money would be recouped) Would be a good thing to promote a 24-hour call In system (would end up paying for itself) Cars blocking sidewalks (if tires are on the sidewalk then it is an infraction) Bring issues to By-law's attention and they will respond to. (Call in to Customer Care or Clerks and will be forwarded to by-law. Kim to follow up on sign at Brock and Dellbrook. ESCC needs to clear snow out of disabled parking spaces. Councillor Pickles to speak to Clerk about drafting ads for the Community Page (ACC to review) 1. Property Standards Amendment. 2. Property owners must maintain equipment. 3. Residents to report if not maintained. Page 1 3.0 Committee reviewed Plan Update - commented on the Planning counters. Whole area is to be restructured in the future. Fine with u date to date. Accessibility Budget Update: All No update at this time. Prem to prepare for next meeting. Prem to find out more info on the clubhouse at Progress Park. (re: Handicapped ram dollars for Prem 4.0 Civic Awards Update: Access. Award for Disability Issues - AAC Committee nominated for Access Award! Other nominations include Disabled Children's Swim Program and Nile Killens (Deputy General Manager, APTA) - All 3 will be recognized with an award in this category. Consultant came to meeting to speak to Audit done at Lakeridge Health Centre - had a difficult time as there was no real imput from the disabled community - relied on 30 years of experience. Each Committee presented an overview of their activities this year. Lots of good exchange of ideas and information. Kelly Collins Debbie Blake PremN"W Prem to speak to Ajax staff re: audit / site plans for Rouge Valley HC. Prem to provide minutes when received. 5.0 Review of Regional AAC Meeting in Whitby (Feb. 1/05) 6.0 APTA U date - No update as Sandy was absent. Sand Stanton 7.0 Other Business: Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 8.0 Next Meeting: Wednesda March 30, 2005. Meeting Adjourned: 9:00 pm Copy: Division Head, Culture & Recreation Supervisor, Culture & Recreation Page 3 CORP0228-2/02