HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 27, 2005 CiÚ¡ o~ Minutes / Meeting Summary Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Wednesday April 27, 2005 7:00 pm Civic Complex - CAO's Boardroom Attendees: Councillor David Pickles Debbie Blake Stephen Little Bill Boyes Prem Noronha-Waldriff Guests: Don Carr (Rick Hanson Wheels in Motion Event) Denise Klock (Rick Hanson Wheels in Motion Event) Regrets: Kelly Collins Sandy Stanton 3rd year for the event. Don working as an ambassador for the event. Scotia Bank is a major sponsor/ to match funds. 50% to community/50% to cause. Event to be held June 12/05 in Ajax at Rotary Park. Scotia Bank; St John's Amb; Metroland; KX96 will be there. Councillor Pickles suggested that they invite the Mayor and Members of Council to the Opening Ceremonies of the event. C. Pickles to speak to event staff on how we can assist or promote the event. Contact: Jenny Schledermann @ (905 )619-0703 C. Pickles to speak to the Mayor on possibility of "Rick Hanson" Day. The Province is preparing Emergency Preparedness Public Awareness and Education materials in Braille print and will be providing municipalities with copies -- I will forward samples to the Committee when the become available. - Committee had some questions. Prem to request that Joe attends next meetin for further Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 The Region of Durham's Public Alerting Project did include the purchase of indoor tone alert devices that will flash a light or control a vibration unit when activated. The Government of Canada's recent draft of the Public Alerting Strategy document includes considerable mention of the need to address accessibility matters of all types. I have commented on the draft and supported the direction that is being taken. When I receive the final copy, I will forward excerpts to the Committee. Next week is National Emergency Preparedness Week and Pickering is actively participating. On May 6th I will be at the Pickering Town Centre, north doors near Laura Secord and Peoples Jewellers, with a Public Awareness and Education Display -- Committee Members are welcome to join me plus my Provincial and Regional colleagues to obtain emergency preparedness information. 3.0 Site Plan Review: S04/05 Crossb -DevvarPro·ects Inc. Committee reviewed site plan and had the following comments: 1. Confirm curb cuts at the main entrance. 2. Confirm auto door openers (1 button to open both doors) 3. 2nd floor - what is the purpose of the 2nd floor - looks like can only be accessed by stairs? 4.0 Other Business: 1) Notice of Amendment - reviewed community page ad, advising public of Property Standards By-law 5943/02 amendment. 2) Terminology respecting disabled persons - Reviewed by Committee: Change "handicapped parking" to "accessible parking" and "handicapped person" to "person with a disability" 3) Region of Halton - Accessibility Handbook: reviewed accessibility handbook given out to all new staff when hired. CORP0228-2/02 discussion. Prem to send comment sheet back to Tyler Barnett. - Supported. - Supported. - Prem to check with HR if the City has - if not, should develop for new hires. Page 2 4) Regional AAC Chairs Meeting: Councillor Pickles unable to attend due to a Council Meeting. 8.0 25, 2005. Meeting Adjourned: 9:00 pm Copy: Division Head, Culture & Recreation Supervisor, Culture & Recreation CORP0228-2/02 - Kelly Collins to attend and report back May 25/05 Page 3