HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 28, 2004 C¿ú¡ o~ Minutes I Meeting Summary Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Wednesday April 28, 2004 7:00 pm Civic Complex - CAO's Boardroom Attendees: Councillor David Pickles Debbie Blake Stephen Little Kelly Collins Bill Boyes Lisa Eisen Prem Noronha-Waldriff Invitees: Tim Moore, Chief Building Official Tyler Barnett, Senior Planner - Site Planning Absent: Sandy Stanton Catherine Smeglicki Plannin Staff - Plannin Process I Site Plans - Tim Moore (Chief Building Official) and Tyler Barnett (Senior Planner - Site Planning) were invited to discuss the Planning Process and Site Plans. - Tim advised that all new buildings are required to meet Accessibility Standards, however this applies to new buildings only. - All new buildings must meet the code (access - parking lot to entrance to washrooms to amenities. - Building Services covers all internal aspects of a building. - Tyler advised the Site Plan Process covers all external aspects - parking I sidewalks I property line the building. - Monthly DART Meetings reviews site applications with the various parties. - Building Permit and Site Plan are 2 distinct processes, regulated under separate legislations. The ODA speaks to the Site Plan Process onl . Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 - David Pickles: Site plan application should come to the Committee earlier in the process rather than later. - Debbie asked how many applications are returned: Tyler indicated that most are OK from an Accessibility viewpoint. - Stephen asked if grading is looked at: Tyler indicated that grading is very important - yes. - How many applications in a year do they look at? 30 on the go right now; less than 100 in a year. - Committee does not have authority to review building permit submission. Permits are reviewed by building plan examiner for conformity to accessibility standards. - Tim indicated that it would be really useful for the Committee to identify any barriers - as it would be useful information for him. ~~!Igi,n~ permits are ensconced in law - no such thing as ~y~Iª~§ anymore. Parking spaces are a municipal bi-Iaw (Pickering Has one) Building Code - maintenance is hard to enforce if things break down. Municipal bi-Iaw governing property standards should bE~ required (enabling legislation) - code for existing buildings. "Gallantries" restaurant - doors in the front are very heavy (Tim will address) In Summary: Committee would like to review all site plans for now to get a feel for what the City is dealing with - not to hold up the process - but to get familiar with for now. - Tyler to send the Committee Committee to review for now and set up a protocol for the future. - Tim advised that it would be helpful for the Committee to suggest any Code amendments as it is amended every :5 years. CORP0228-2/02 Tyler to provide copies of the "Site Plan Review Manual" for the AAC - Prem to send out with minutes. Committee to bring Accessibility Issues that they see in the City to the meetings. Prem to pass on to Tim I Tyler. C. David Pickles will look into: Enabling of Building Code Property Standards Bi- law And bring back to the Committee. Tyler to send the Committee a summary of 2003 information for review. Prem to send out with the minutes. Page 2 3 City Website - barriers, comments, suggestions? Accessibility Advisory Committee Website Information - to be develo ed -Committee decided to invite City Webmaster Nancy Johnston to the next meeting to address the Website. Kelly Collins reviewed various City websites for an idea of what is on AAC web pages: Oshawa has the best one with a survey for feedback. www.citV.oshawa.on.ca Committee to review further at next meeting. 4 Review Accessibili Plan to date Prem advised that all doors designated in the plan at the Pickering Recreation Complex and the Pickering Civic Complex is now fully accessible. Committee requested an update from Joe Hunwicks on the Emergency Plan. 5 Other Business: Committee requested a Regional Meeting Update 6 Next Meeting: Wed. Ma 26, 2004 Meeting Adjourned: 9:00 pm Copy: Director, Planning & Development Division Head, Culture & Recreation Supervisor, Culture & Recreation CORP0228-2/02 Prem to invite Nancy to next meeting. Prem to get an update from Joe. Prem to get an update from Pauline Reid from Region of Durham. Page 3