HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 20, 1966 "\ ! l'lr. D _ J. PI i i î-iUS EIn·1 BOA,RD !>IA Y 20 1 1966 A m.-::eting or the Pickering rrownship Nuseum Board viaS held on FRIDAY, the Ti:^lENTIETH day of Ì'1AY; 1966, at the Hunicipal Building, Brougham; at 8:30 o'clock p. m. PRESENT: Robert Hiller, in -the Chair £.lilton Parkin Florree Wisebrot Mary Anderson John Grosart Mrs. J. McPherson Ruth Hay Ronald Mitche~l, Treasurer Elsa Starry, Secretary I'IOVED by Mrs. tJicPherson, seconded by Mrs. Hay, tha-t the rvIinutes of April 26, 1966, be approved. C~RRIED Nrs. Hay advised that the following '4ee1< \vould be a busy one a'c tûe Museum since Hr. Peter Fairburn's Najor Achievement Class \Va.::; coming each day to improve the grounds and restore some of the articles, and se7cral large classes had appo.in-tmentsto visit ,the Museum. Hr. J'ililler volunteered to assist Mrs. Hay on Tuesday, 11ay 24; Mrs. Wisebrot said she would go on the same day to get public icy for 'the Museum; and Mrs. McPherson volunteered -co assist on ¡\-lay 26th. J>trs. 1disebrot advised that a barn on the Westney farm in Scarborough '.'las being Ò,:):!!lolished piece by piece, and Hr. Miller agreed to investigate the possibility of it being preserved¡ also to inter-, ;¡Ü¡1$' t>:liss Eades. 'who resides on neighbouring property. Mrs. McPherson advised that on Wednesday, June 22nd, a committee of County Council were making a tour, and ¡,vould like 'co include the Museum. She said that representa'tives of six municipalities would be in attendance - ~fuitby East, Whitby Township, Þn1itby Town, Ajax, Pickering Village and Pickering Township. ,i>10VED by rIrs. W isebrot I seconded by Nis s Ander son, that a. hospitality in the form of maple sugar candy be presented gUGsts a't the time of the tour. token of the CARRIED Mrs. McPherson agreed that she would contact the secretary as to the time members of the tour would attend. Mr. Parkin asked to be notified. " i j r. ,; i r" - 2 - C0ntC!'l!\iaJ_ Souvenirs ---.---.------ t, d,i3CU3G.Loll VX)};: place:! on C<,'.nadiarl maple sugar candy buds, and it ¡;;w a::p:".:::,cd Ula'c tbair distribution, in suitable containers 'i,vith 'Ln::;ccJ.ptions com:Y1J2 .rGoratinq Can::lda s Centréjnnial, and noting the f) ~Lng irO~,,:<l.rlSl1:LI.) f*luseur:1, lJè a C:2ntennial proj ec·t. !(:J;Ð b:,/ L,i'í::.;~ ~'ïisebrot secon.ded by j>lr~ Parkin, that Hr. Grosart P:'1'CC1'1.:1SC 250 celop"hane bags, wit:h the ','lording nComp1iments of Pickering ·..¡'n·./.;:·'S'..·1.i.1.... ';"'--'101" ~-"'···C.,...~lD·"a·' :-";;<>~f-1on "...... to ~ cost of $25 00 and .., . .. - ,J ~.. '" ~ .;;::....,:... .1. L¡. ,:, J...J.. '.. .... ".' ._~. .::. ,....1;-' c. . , . '. ;,¡is:3 f;.r;.den30n order: t:.he candy at a cost of $12.50. CARRIED Ii:cs. Z!1::1?ì1'2rSO;:1 contribu,tedthc cost of the candy ~ X\~~~(~0TJl.:JI!S ;-,ícrV'SQ D,'l r!.rs. E3.Y, s~-::cond:::~d by Mn>. Hisebrot; that the following ~CCOllnt3 be paid: Mr. Robe~t Miller - Articles and repairs Sr,,\t'E\.:1 ;3e:cvic(~ Lirnited ..- Pic~(.\::l:·i!1g T'\.ip. Î'/laps j"['C::;" Pl(J'cr0l2 HL::;r2brol.: ... Post2.g-e for Opening E.~tl:CI~h.lis ~~f~:-~~~·t. -- - cl"~a.i1il1·'J materials SUr:p}l Lis :\lar;çr0t - Refrc'3hmen-c.':3; Opéming Day $ 48.50 174.83 3.00 4.37 6.13 11 ::: ~:J ~ ~?et·ty Cas~'t j)_LSJJlt cs(~tn(';!l-ts 20000 U~s. Hay - P2tty Cash Disbursements 18.31 CARRIED f-:' "',1,"-:7 -r J::>rr'r""t (;'.{ ~ ",.,' ~;:.~~~=..:.:..:....::2._~.4--.!- X\(5.lni,~3~3,,·ì_·:J:ttS 21.(1::1 Don.2.t.:io.t~s (t121Y 1,;:1 Opaning) i1 (~{):)i(:;s !:¡rl1~3 Pic1'::-21:ir:.s¡ S'to:-~~(" Pit..~]\.<;;l"',·LrlSJ ~rO~ilrls11ip ;\{.~tl)3 Sale of Soft Drinks. Nay 14 Opening (net) 62,,00 16.00 8.00 10.75 Mr. Miller reported that $28.00 had been collected for maps to date. a:'. G:';'osart reported that maps of ~')hitby and East. t'lhithy 'I'mmships could be prep3.red at ·the follo~'¡in9 prices ~ 100 maps :Eor $52.00 500 II .n 100.00 1,000 II l60.0Q, è':.i::-. ~-Üllc.::-c rCf)ortcd that a J':osicl..::..rrt of Whi·tl)y ~ro1¡.jnship would con- t'cibu'::c: $30,00 to''''ardsthc~ CO:'jt of the ma.ps. ~ . t' ~. t , '.. i r , i f , r.; 1 j -. 3 -. filOVED by Hiss Anderson, £;ccond8d by ;'lrs. Hisebrot, tha-t Nra pn'!pare 500 maps of \'lhity 'I'Q',\Tl1ship at a cost of $100.00. Grosart CARRIED H:c. Grosart suggest.cd the.tthis 1)8 a C.:::nb}nnial map. Agreocl by d:2 Board... and the matter of desiç¡n was lor'c ·to the discretion of Nr. Grosart. C08.RESPONDENCE 1. Letter from Mrs. Rosella Cole; who donated her old house for the Centennial Village projec-to She asks -that the building be moved soon. 2. Letter from Netro and Reg ion Conservation Authority, 5rtating th'lt it .....TOuld be pleas"-Jd to donate barn on í·ts property in Uxbridge Tmmship providing -the premises \vere left in order. 3. Letter from Nrs. C. Parsons expressing pleas'.lre in visi-ting the Museum on Opening day, and advising that she hoped to come again from time to time to learn more of the Tm-inship I s history. 4> Let:tür rrom Norman Panzica, Staff 1/7riter! Hydro Nuclear Station, regre·tting absence at Chalk River for Opening, bu·t advising tl1dt hc, cud his ¡,..¡ife would visit it. durÜ!.'J the coming months. ::>. Lc·tter from r-'liss N. Robins: sücre-tary to J-as. 1\.0 Blay, D:Lrector of Public Relations, regretting that Nr. Blay was unabli3 to attend Opening because of a convention in Bosto1J.. 6~ L2"t"ter from Miss Natalie N. Bundza, Projects Officer, Department of Tourism and Inrorma·tion... Centennial Planning Branch, advising that. she would be interc~sted in a·t·tendirl':f Huseum Opc:.!ning, a:r:.c1 ...·lOuld make an attempt to comeo 7. Letter from D. E. 'limit'8; Public Relations Officer, Pickering Generating Station: advising that he would be present on Hày 14 opening. 8. Let-cer from J. E. Feni:on, Secretary to John Fisher, Centennial Commissioner, regretting Mr. Fisher's absence because of a commitment in Granby, P.Qo 9. Letter from Dorothy D. E. May, Secretary to H. Spencer Clark, Presidont, Guildwood Village Ltd., wishing success for May 14 Museum Opening, and if possible, sho would attend. 10. Lett.er from ~'lrs. Janet de San·tOG offering assistance to the Nuseum by typing or work she could do at home. F ( L¡': ~' Ii ¡; i- F ~., ¡ ! ! } 1·1 - : "; L(~t:t:(::c :ê:CO!èl Pc:tor B. }."airbu:cn, Vice Principal Prenchman's Bay Public Sc-hooL advL3ing thùi::. Najor þ,chievemcmt Class will at.U;nd r>11.1SCnil1 frorn Hay 16 to ilay 20th, to repair and clean it. .L¿. Furth:r let.tor f::::-om Hr. Fairburn; advising his class would at.cr-md at tl1e l'-'luseum frœn May 24 to May 27, enclosing sheet wit:,htas}:s -tiley hope -to accomplish. ~.;;t¡nJ\~,'II3E.R~R.~[ .i?ESlrI~lAL f:(Y:~:D by ;',[r.:3,. rté:1~r, s0conded by.ìY1r. Parkin that the date of Saturday 31;t1\7 9th DO Sf:; t as d<lte for St::::-ai¡lber:cy Fes,tival, and that Centennial P2shion Show be asked to assist. CARRIED ¡-':OV.2D by~,Li..ss ]\nderson, s2conded by Nrs. r-1cPh.2rson, that a contest 't,:: Ì1'JJ..d for a Festival QUc.~e!1 among Service Clubs; High School, Legions, Fire DepartmantsJ etc. MOTION LOST ~m8ndment to above Motio~ -.--..---- !"(O'J:-~D 'by Nr. ':>êtr~(in: second,;~d by r-Irs. Wisebrot ~ i:hat each one of q.":'OtlpS S:;?o;:lsor a mod<:Ü for: thc'?-J,:::;hi.on Show. Cl\Ri~IED Secretary dir(~cted -foy: C()St~:.~2S '" to I¡.,ri,t,:~ 'to Oêltario Hospital abou,t weaving, cloth t (;,~)¡T!~L~-~·.rIi\ L GR.Z',;..rï'rr ._----~._. t~·~~~~ ;'I~L-tcll~~11 :ce:p()rtc¿l ·tr-lat: }1::': l1.::....'.), COl1tac'tec1 j.\"!rg Iiflartj_Il, of tl1e C(;;:1.tJ:::lrL~al COlr'_mission, who adv:Lsl~d trl:J,t a number of approved ,:~p¿)li:::dtion~ \'¡~-"rQ going oni::. -from O:.ta~·¡a shortly} and tha't Pic}:ering ';:"7.';n '::;~lÍp ~: \\'as O'dB o:tth¿'m. (Off ic i:::Ü app'coval 'das la'ter receiv2d. :::-)~:. '!·'¡~:!d~o:J(J.~):- ¡.' ?.'13~~? 25th).. .T Mitc~ell also r2Ported that 20 more coples of The Pickering S co::y had }x;on sold recently, and th3.t there W::0rc~ 52 more books 18ft to c 1 r", a.r oEE d(~b tto Tu-,mship, T¡viththe balance of -the books t.O 'th''::D to DC! turned OVG:r to the Historical Socie'ty. Scc::.:etarv ì.laS directed to inquire about Canadian .iYluSeThl1S ì\..ssocia'tion =mCl cost of ï;ì.omDership. kC3. Hay de:::1mlstraced Centennial Stationery -that she had purchas;-:!d :f::01: lv:~r:'3olf. and recorrunend,2d 'cha't it be sold a-c th'é:) Nuseum at a ~)~::()f it:... nOVZD by ;,11"5. r-lcPhersŒl, s,,-~co-nded by Hr. Grosart, 'that 100 packages clf (:;,~Jrlte!1ilial stélt:.iot1ery b(~ orclerc;d élt ,:;. cost of $50aOO. Cl\P..RIED ~ f: r: " f' Ii ! í}' ¡: ..:!"' t ! i ,\ - 5 -- MY. Grosar t reported thû.c an idQél to purcha.sc~ rf\cdal1ions ¡"Tit'h t.he former Curator's irrlpression in rocking chair a't log house, had been look(:d into! and that dyes alone cost $700.00. This \Vas felt by -U18 Board -to be too costly v and -tabled until funds were available. Hr, Hiller >,¡ill look into the condition of the f-'luseu.111 flag pole, wnich r1r. Mitchell reported was broken. 'rhe matter of the Huseum opening on Sunday mornings \1ê'..S lef't until a later meeting. Nrs. Hay agreed to arrange with Nrs. H. T. Cook a visit to the f,:useura by Pickering Township's handicapped children. Sücr~tary was directed to write x-lt. Zion Church to arrange for day to demolish Church sheds, donated to Huseum.. Hr. Kenneth Reesor has advised he \'70uld assist with -this project. N:r;. Grosart reported that t1w cos-t of envelopes to ma:tch NuseUll1 s~ationery would cost: 1,000 for $34.50. or 5.000 for $100.00. {¡lOVED by filrs. Hay, seconded by filrs. i-lcPherson, -that LOOO envelopes at $34.50 be ordered. CARRIED HOVED by f'lrs. NcPherson, that the mee-ting adjourn, at 12 midnight. Secretary APPROVED 1966 Chairman ~ .;' ~~: ¡ , ; ¡ f