HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 9, 1966 \ ,} J ¡ t I j C; c) .LdI. II I:lr:.~ JL _._---- t· 1':-(·(.T T,C~l' 0 :.:.~J...ÃU¡~)_ v, 1966 .:...~ .~:TU2C~"C i11g or t ~n.8 ? i cl(\..:;r·irlC~ r.Cc~-;,:nOlsll ip t'L1)~ SC"Llr!.. C OLD~:~ìt tee './3.8 llC le1 rrUT..3Df\..Y) AUGUST 9) 1966 ,::'It I~ul1:í.cij)al 3ulLi.Ìll[:;, BroughaEl. O~' .~ ?1"[særr~2: :1o()er·t,L~ìl18J7:J ]_11 t 110 C~18.i:c Eil to:: ?a.rld.n l.'!i.l 83 1~8.1"·~;1 lLl-~clerSOll 1'.2" S. IllJ."ch II.9..Y s. Florree qissbrot s~ Llsa Starry, Secret~ry ~ "(") "\:'7 '¡) 'ìY :"¡~ c! 'j' .;","') --:);'"1 ~ I~ c --\~-l :,c.."-" ,,~.:.J ..:.,.. ""'" L.;.._ 0 '; .L·.l.v....... ......\.' ¡JUt , of llsating held July 26, seeo·~·:.(led '¡Jj!" l.Il"s. "1is:3brot, th'3.t. tIle Elil"].'Lltes 19ô6, 'oe ::?..cl01Jtec1. C.:lIHIED C lJ I=~~~E S? OFf j)JLl:' CE Ce_l~~~ 'lì8-LJ. I.Ius81::.r:ls J.\-s soc ia t iC)l1 ~;10l11D~ bs J.J leEl S(~d. t Cj ~~)"!..L i.:, r?ic Ice J~illg; rro~.·!rls11ip Ì~1.1[3G11rl ll~) :{'OI~ ;:.'t1)PI~O·~JJ.1J :Lfr,Ù..ls;3lU~1 falls ~:1ìthirlr:; t~llG Q330ciation's defi~ition. SeCTe'tQry dir(Jctad to inquir3 t L13l~8rshiD faG lS~ Che CllairI.l3.n r'3)o:.'úSG. t;hat,~he mIllSI' of one of til8 lots at o~E~ t:r~e :l11J.S8LlIl1 l"lét;J i.1:¿11n.:~:;d. ·tl1t: ).!!ìo(~ :eO:2 tILE: J),~lI·Gel a t ~~3) OO:J" +- 11 '-' lJ_...'..J T'8 f0.r I..iI' _) Ï[illel--a ~rc~coriiEl;:;r.cled t11:1-3 tl:e lot I>LlI'cllélsecl i'l-)OTl i.~rs. G:LllIJ3.11 be surveyed, tOßethsr ~ith the adjoining lot. JtCI)L=£) tl13 t I.x. I~ille r vIìll 8. sIc D. J 0 hs ~rill get a price on such Q SllrV8Y. h Ìl.l ,:1. Il3.T:le to c o:c. tac t . J?li t,z, :rO"\7I1Sll ì i) L:l~So I,~cPl1(~~r3::)11 C 10 .,..,1.... i of' $ '-, ~ -)..) .. --- Fíl.l.l C;l ve I,'ir. i.~iller l--a~':>Dort¿-:;(l tllat tr:.8 :L'erice ,9.1~OUllèl ttltD 1,'~lJ~St~ill~l r,fIEiEJ DO·t s~bar·tGd yet, and he needed SCTI~ Qssis,tance to ~eel tIle posts. 1-:8 ~ru.[~csGs·t,c(l tllC ferlCG be J)u..t 1.11 fror~t of LLU_::1I::UI:l b~J.ilclir:ß. Er-. :?a:;:,kin said. he ìjToulc1 lHCG to see a gatehouss at the en "trance - a 1)18.oe to house su]plie s, :~lncì. :Crom \'l11ic11 to offer Ii tors. tln~8 an~ articles for sale. A T)e rJ.estrian en tr2.llce and 16 -foot [!/.lte;'.ray vIill b3 ph1.ced at the Sar:l8 place in í'rOl1 t of the 1.1.US2UE:. Lr. Liller e..{~;rec:d to contact tll.c eleGtriciaE, ¡~r. .::.;. Carru.thers, asain to inspect and repair wirir;, and furnish outlets. Li:c's. }Tallis hE,S ad-:ised that. ti:'lO vJOoc1en bo:x:e S Lade by ?otel~ I.Ia -::~h81:JS ..:rc. displayed in Fort -{orl:. Since Fe tel' Ua tths\'!s re ::3ièled and V·!8.S buried in IJiclce.ring T01·.rr1ship, th'3 secre tary '¡ras instructed to ask if onB of the boxes could be donated to Picl:ering 'i'Ü':'JTlsIÜp LuseuI:l. fi l , f' f I' /: i' I J .- 2 - ~~. .~.~, ;',--", ,- ~ , ., '. ..... ;:;tsd. 1':'CICi. T, r ~j '.) ~.L ì \;;]. s ·u'..·.; r. :.3. c1 c: Off tile bË:;for8-r:æntioned U O=:,~D ~3 G ot'.\[ertl I" tJ ~ ~-:~ ~ ,:.~; ~LC' ~-t -{ ¿\.C ~T1:1 OT:; ..--~- tll':J.t the s'-.J.r.!:gestÜ)~1i3 ne.de by LIS. D0l1aldson be t:lbled for monæLt, cxcent those rcla~ing to History in Action day. I.=ill.r::c tc ~é'epo=L't ::::.t next fleetinG on cŒlùtLeting rides throu&'l .)~, " '~T ìlJ_,:.::.(::e .-.. ~'\ '._: .L i3::e Oï,.ï. 2:l'lat.J. ~ ,~1~1 ,,-. ,;... l; 1 :..'..:.;., ~) :,,'5C)~r SC()lJ.ts be irL C]:~Clrc;e 4 ,Secretary to ::;or1. t:~lC t "~":'<'I"~; t.s - 1,I:cs~ l-·:.QP}~Li"aI~~jCrL. Sl.lr~;cçGstGcl tfl8.t, pétllcal:es a11d syrup ~;..; :-:c:l'v:")èL, a:'ll. :l,~ ë/,;:)S a c¡(L tiut the.sc:: ;J.J::.:1 other foods in:'keeping ·;,.'iOT1.e~J~C t}D.jT3 be :JP:I~\tG(l. .!\..~~ill-:~.~~~') th.g..~ notìoes 'be S811t to aslc ':1 :.~'.~) l),].l,·.e ~CCI' 110r_~~;1:i~t(12 '~'j~11(irl(2: s~:'i.le 0 t ;'()(J~l COlJin.i·~ () (),tU~l:] Ct)r: ~ I:':c s ~ I3:CC),"ifY!-) ;,·Jl·;:l.'t. 'D()V:;':~I" e t1:~~ CO~_;(qIJi3eèL of L~iss ..i..Lr.1.d.GItson, Llo:rd T3'2r~LOl~, T.irs ~ t~8rvin lL.~l'lìs, to arId. to this COG:I.1Ìttee, ConveEor; and 11.;:[' ',!:Llll_~()ntact 1'1rs. EmTJ.rd lialcoll:l, Ers. ! :-.')""'! r!..~ .I...:...L ;.J" \..... \.J .Jt~llG -~lrl . -j 1 () J:: .:. J_(J..~i~~(~"::1 - ~ re .;.... ~·,l TI~~,.. C 0 ~~J. . :0'a.iriJurll 2:1nÜ /\.cl1ieVel!:.ent ~,,:~ S to (:.. ~j S:l. ,:..; '0 -3 ilir~s - " L~il~L0r ,'r ~ ï .: " .l.___ (; 011 tac t .Ali' I"~ ::1 I;~:l '.;/8 8 8.11'J. Cl1ar13 s :8'ulle r. ~"',~ '.e·~~Ol"" _ [)~~;c~cetar~r to COrlT~~3.C·G J..l~. I::'ûIJ.cV.3.IJ. l.\.li.(ler~·)c;~tl. 'GO éisl( if he '":;,[C)lJ.léL Si_¡_~:')~~;:r~'";ïJ..3D rC;)E'tir-\ ~..]fl t11í3 tl"\(~.ctor 11r:; ctOY2..3.t/3d., 3.11d clrive ìt o~t':. ,Jt~(:~e~'" :L11 I~Gt,l.o~(\. d.(.1.~T~ It 'riT'J.3 3tl(c,çgcstecl tll.J.t, l.'~:c. ï".~allcer assist. ¿...~.~ i.r.lC: - Lil~ a 11 set 1.1.ìJ and knit sock. li.O;)C; ï Cf (./ - J..:-.../...0-:,) ..f'~lclG I~ SÛ~: ,\.,'j 'f ¡ ,1..:.,.........1- cor~·t~D.ct BO':1 SCOl1tS~ C::'~.ll(~~ls -L=:~l ;~-:ir~L;; ... :'--'"t - 1.1....... P·~rkin ~¡ill inv88tlg~'te. f31:1CI(~~r.:j. tll - ;,":3(:: c~ce t3.1":{ \TI1 ì t~ R 4 D2y"',¡ l-ir ( L~ìl18 r ~:.,ill ge t i11 tOlJ..ch \,'Iitl: }JC1~t Salte:c. r3TLLrlnlrl.;~; .- Seer's tD~I'Y V!ritfj i.:rs. Jac}c I ~Stllsell. __~;tìlIC~ - S()CI'f~~t,1J:':/ cOll-!sa.ut l'.-Irs. J3(jVrerl. 3~l~~S:1¿~e,-I,~3.1~il"'~~; - ;3':~CI'(:; t8.r':I COD..tC:.C·c ìTre t~~ i:)ro'~11eT's 0 3.:1.-',',1 - 88cr0t~ry wri·te HO\'Brd Turner, 1.1'), r.lll¿t ¡1St: hi:L:l tC1 co:nt:let TlElll a t~ble, anJ display' it~ advise that tbe drag ?'Ího finishec1 ono of the S:J.¥;~r ì;3 ;J~:;t c- .J 1_\"1 L ;J ìT;.to ~ í f f r ¡. " f ¡{' I·' t, } 1 1 - 0 - C=L()"';.~(J ..t~l)T)l(:;;] - l=r·s~ ITEtY i.fill .Cltt',]IlCl l~O t11i'3 ,~ter_~orlst:ratiol1. EjG·~~t D:"cìI:}~;--; - l·.î:cs. ~-J:-:l~j ",till leolc (:t:t ~r. ~\'::'~ r i 51) 1 .- 3c~c_r':~t;8.1~=/ eorlt/":~ct :f01111 i:~ictlt:.'_011d, TJl')l)C:;I~ CCtl!.f:'tël~··~ .t~ ;(:1 :Ierr¿l 4 P()"GtJI··~Î - eI·2t>~Jl.~~r coritElct.:. ~3 Q Ì'LoI;~El:F 1")8 ljottor:r" Li ,tin[::; Display - Lliss Ju~c1s:cson ;¡¡1.ll cDntc.ct ILr. L. Rl'.ssell. Indi~n Dancers - 38cretQr~' to co~·tac·bo S11r)':;~.:~ll'Ce~C' - I~I)" Iij_llsi.... "'.:'!ill. COllt!~1.et ~-{llss811 CollirlS.. o c tllJlir.~811 t:J.~r:I 'sícl::e t s - .~:~i:}IE~IGD 'D_~lEL t, der:lo~:s t;ré;l torrJ aY':'Q 0 tlJ.Gra s fI.SS i s t i-Ilf~ O!1. I-{i s tor:! ill ..:~e 't~ioJ.:" do..~¡7· oe 8el:" t COT:ll)1 ir18 11 t;3..r:r tiolce t s tc' 1J(~ p:rcE3Gll"teQ s."G tl18 gatfa. CellG3Ili1is.l Cor:!riliss ion - 3e CI'8 t3.r~T VTJ~i te for SI)c~(3.1<:er re (llles·t i11g sl10rt, Eldclr:'S3S on CallClcla Y s CelT-Gelln:léll. Cld,:;r - lÙ"'s. "iS3brot cont.ac t Le.PPJ.n! s CIder Fill and ask for ctor:.2tion. of hocsshee.d3 of Gic~e:r:o Sllg~~estiolJ. T,112t LI:..'"). :1i,sel)1~ot, and LI1~ ~ O'{>::J:)1101t 3.ssist; ',"Ii t11 tllìs C18 LlDllS tr8,t 1011. :':n. tc h~¡l':llcì:rlg VI:-1tcl~nJ.al;:er c:t - I=rl) l~illGr 'CCì il'¡-v:3stic;ate. t·.Till eorLtl.1.ct i~~!a.:{ r;r. ¡r. Faullcnc:.:' v:llliES to loe..n ï;JiJ.·Gchr:13.king tools. C~'~1·Ge}C<:;¡;3I)e:c 8 - }tc)r~·:J.lëi lj~itcllell, Rl.~t~l I{~1.Y, -~!ill:L;ll~,;, B:·C()~.'-Jrl~ };l:l1Jlieit:/" ~- LIr. Gl~OSfl~l.:~t, tlllE1.ble to lJG 1)rc~3t3nt, serlt: }?lc1c9.~!.:'ds D.11d. c'ct11:3r 1)\11} J_j~c i ·t·~T 0 Proc~rIEli",.l to iJe de si[sr~o(l later. l.~I'., i.iil18r to &s1:: hr'. E3.I'ry Silang to c1istI'i0ute SOE:'3 0::::' tho post;('~rs. SOES to 08 nailed to ,rarious LTLlse1J.nlS. Storll'::-Splj.'[:,t.ing - ~lr. Il:lller -:::1.11 cont,s.o";.; John D-=.:vitt. ltirl[:; .- I.:is3 jtl'llDr'So11 1:.rill cont~:tc t seniol" ci tiZ(~llS:t Pin Display - Er. Parkin 'ilill set up ".'[ooder: l)irlS uS'3d for barn ,. . "(jll~lOG:;: 3.. O~I.l.~R l3U8TIv.GS3 It VIas reported that 1..¡r. J. j?aullD.'ler rGceived a cut on the head by the; sign ovor the booth ¡¡¡nile on d. u ty at the nuseUlll. IiI'. I.iiller ',Ii 11 nnde I' t:Ù:e toe le va te the sign. The CŒ1I:lÌ't,tGG ~/Jas ::...dvised that 1':1'. J. C. '7:... Ir1'rìn, i:hìtevale, cOllî)lìn:cm ted the C ol"m::LÌ ttee on the:; v10rlc they 1:'1Cre doing vli th little fiE;ll1C io.l 8.ssistance, fornardcd a dona.. tìon of ~:;;300) arcd cont ibuted ~?lO iJ.t the Stravrberry Festival. Secretary has acknovrledged. 01:1 FOTIOF the r:lceting adjourned. S8 ore t,"J.ry Chairnan ì ~.. } h ~1 . f t: r " , "