HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 12, 1966 ~ -~ PICJCRING 'PO'1J:::srup l:Ug·,tJII OmrrII'rTŒ:C oc::romm 12, 1~65 A lllSé;tinc; of the =:;ic1:.::·':.,) ~S:::;~lr[,~:.:JAY,._th(' 12t:l d o:c' CC:J(.-C::c, BUJ.1(l1ns, srough"-Il, ::1t 8 o'clock p. 1:1. 8'U1'.: (;,:'pxlittco '17).8 held on l')6G, ~.~ tilo ~ 'unici;:nl PI{cS:~I:r: Hobcrt Li11::;r, in tho Ch~ir Ers. /. ""is¿:,brot lliss 1:..1":; Andel"son Lil ton J?qrkÌl1. I:rs. Ruth E...,y Ers. .~;. Storry, Sccrot"lr~T I~r. Goo:rgc Sni th, I)J.~r':1..'Ln""" Dopecrt:mont r'«')""JI'.' ("·,..,C'··...0·' 'r''';' ~i.,.,U '.-J)...?:::-'l\: ~..=~_~:.~ 1 Lptt,,~ "'~''''n'~'' ri·..,O,.'Til""'! /\sn- ·""8 r'ì "i·)OO'l' "0........"0.".,.,+40,., S...:...-t:;"l-· t"'-:-+ . ~ I,:, ~ :_..L. u.....i. f...J J..... '" J.j., _. Ö\; U I., ~:; ;')J- û,~:- v ..I'.. .~. ... J.. ';... '..J..... .... "- :.·t ..i..J.. ':~' ,,:,J..:. u a sead c10w:T, s::,r:~p':"8 dl vL.tCr, El1.CrOSCopa, '111d ,LalJ.l1cc i;'!(}rG J.v-:iln.blc to the; LUSC,Ul:1 c~'G "', 110!1in':'.1 IJrico of' '/10.00. I'.Oï1TD 1)"~ :¡-,,~, ,'q ....,...,'''\"·~'o·~- O"co"'r' ,,1 'IJ"'~ ""'''S rt,:,\"T tlo,,"¡" ~t""r"s f'r"OI"l '.~ 'i.....:.. ~~j ,.I..J..>:::J. _,-~::)\... ...J.. .J, J-,i\J J.Å·_t·~,\.,.;" J ....-.J... . .,I......'...¡) J...._~V...L. \_·..1.... 1 tho .J.:.:p~.:ct::J.l:l.lb of _'...~rìcultUl·O, :~llLd.l:jò. by tJ.I.C G:'''O'rITYl Assets \., S"')o<:,.-,.L~ ,""'o-";)o·."",.J..'iOI·l ""'"I,,;I'T 0,'(' sc""" 1-ín1:Vr 0'r'1~ S<:" :··1~1,... JJ_, 1 .þ.... v ~~.;.. J..'~ v.!. ) J...;..-.......'..,.J' 1.l.·; I ,......\04 :.)___! ..'-' , 0J,-Lf... 0 ... ......J.v, ""11'0 c'·-".""'l.-,'iì\rl"("·'-~S "'''{Y", ..,-,..:.1:., "r>1:;,).,...t'·o·,'.r"t·'lly· "'''croo::<n01:é. ~~.IJ 1;:)......I"..I.'J~i~... ....'. u~_ J :...t.,,-,': , ¡;:J1J....,h .'.,¡,...,.-f.__. .J."'V.r:I't..: .L..__'~. _ , .LJ...I..J.,. Qv .'.:".J, Jjausch .L01ÚJ, '.nv. bal:.:rlCc, Be ckür dons, be ]!urch:::osod at T.Jric:; of 10 . 00. C.AIm.ISD ~ . - 2. Lc::;t .1' 'l~l'Cll GVTcn II: 'Gc'Ü:C G, :Jur:: urll O:~2t1c, E'J.:m.il ton, !01.s1cing for (lorn. tiCL for Ilrlori,:ll for :-{uth Eua8, whc'1ssistcd rlQr.y sr:1::'..ll rrJ,SUtlI.1S. l.Irs. I.IClY ,:',n(l LI'S. Storry to .o;c:t YlOI'C inforrLLtion".t Luscun -or or lŒhop . Ix. GrJorge a 106'7 n:''\.j') Ont: m.:.i.i.l ono'" t 1.0 t l(}Q -:ICJ.I~S vTillin~j to cons.:H.tt. .snl th èLiscusscd. "rlth the comr:ittcG tho Dossibilitic.1s of of th.. tovJllship 'LS ~t 5cntcnni:ll ::¡roject, showing f:rns, I:";di'.D. site.s, tl:e :pr:..smt churches, stono bridges 5, CorlO,-:, 3sior~ '7, to by, '!C:l C or:lp;1rison botvrcD. l':'OY¡ and '~o. Ix. 3:rrith s;?id th",t, tho :;Ü.lnning bOJ.l'Ù. "¡ould bc 'or}: OIl suell".. LElp '~~3 'cimc IY.J:".c:.ittcd., 'áth Council's LO·T8.o by Ill'. :e-~rkin, s, co:nc'l'd. by 1:i,38 1u:..,101'son, that PicJ-:cJ:'ir.:.g ::eo'i:nship GOUllC i1 b. r;:spc:ctf'ully flskoc1 to Jj,-'rrÜ t the) pl::J.l1ning bo?.rd to prep,J.l'" 1£5'7 r;r-,ps 10c1ting ::Lnc1i::i.11 gJ,t::s, e:mrchcos, etc. CA11R:D:;D TJOil.?T"' 'O*T;,T ì: IC'f ',~T::'I~~r CI ~ '~~:-~fq lì'T ¡.....,<¡ ·1):ì-"'~1· ... ..,;J.) <I ".r òO. -_.c.J, ,:;>,,,·,,011,. ,,,"C U.,¡ .I....;.. .'. d.. :c~n, "", str'J.ight lin.:. ..~?pl'o:dT;lr,tly 10 fC~lt fror:l the g~tQhousc ~G to thG c~st of the school Gn~r:1ÚCü bu )J:'oYid...,d for vehicle.s. tlr,t front í'cmco be in ·...'1 .'. I"· "1 <,<,0 UI" 1·.., l:l~ld; n..,. +h'" + v.l..V ,..1,..""\:)\.... .J. v...r.. _ b' ;.).1. '~.l. lJ -, r~ tr'''''''- C ''': "">r d "'" lot' t""..;.J. ..~.lJ- \.,1, v~..:.~ '..... OATIRD-':D ~ - - 2 - It w~s reportod tlEi.t the north lot line on Gillm"1n lot cont"lins 3. row of pi1.1I: trees. T·,f"'\T·'D by '-rs T·rl·S~""-''''''1''''''-'' \'" <"""'"'1',''''1'· ~'-l..,r-t .('-.,.,c.... b.... i/tV-vZ'~ 1~" :....... ,-,U..Ll)!"" ~ ·_I'-.'.:',~ ~¡ .~:..l. .J..:,._;~j~~ .õ., U.i...I..,t J.. GJ.J. t;:;¡ Co (;\roctcd Oi.L GilJ.~·nn lot al':ProxìK:.t';l~1" 4 fc.<\t south of' the SlU'W:'Y lins . CA..'i..:1.IED 1I0V'.i;D by LisE: A.nd,-rson, scccrdod by 1::1'. P3.rkin, th3.t l. tree, or treos, bc_. pl'mt,;d' üñ. th:..: rmsoum Grc1.1.nds as '1 Ccntcllni::Ù projoct. CAl·G:1IED Hrs. EcPlvrsor, vÓo ~.'r.'lS in attc:.nd::mcc ::-L t'1 1:1ootin8 of council in corm:ni ttco ,1pp:;:';c1.l"'ud ':nd 'ls1cod vJl1a t use th'.1 C OTDIJli ttOD '."!Íshcd to L1aka of th·:: old Y;lUlÜcip::tl building. 811..:: vl3.si.d"'!~.:-;,)d tl1S'ct at tho momon t t~':"'-·.l (, ..:> C:,:' S'tOl"'::;.gc; cf IlJT 8.rti.., .~h:J. t CQI~:.::.ot yet be hOUSCléXG '1:;118 :,l"SCù.lll. To be Jiseuss~:d f'ur·c,llcr. /1. study of t 110 Con telllli'.ll vill2.?;c plan :.:Ilsui:)d ,:.nd disG"J.ssiol1 took into cOllsió.c..;rat:'on l'::' t p11n 1ílith c. f::lI'I,lS:d -.t the 1;o.c1>: of the log housu ,....lJ.d b:-LrIl, :;Ji th lX; rlo~.1 outbuildings. Er. Liller mentioned oth,cJ:' build.ings the. mmr;rs 01' 111hioh V10rr.. 1,villinr: "Gü don.J.t,..';, a.nd. oth;,;I's still ~";:lÌch he :f'c¡lt it wise to request. r-r.L'l' :.t'll¡-;-"·' le+- '1'.',11 '0(' n <:'·',c+40n ·....10 ," '):'''1"'-''''] ''''ft'''r 1000 '11.1-0'1"" _ >..~ _...L. ....~..........1. __ o,J J'I.....~ >..J." ".,. J-'\." u..t.. O' ...1 :.t. ... .J... .......""_ ...1.. '-.)....' ,,'" '.", ~",'^..L. v the rU::'O:.lndcr r, 'l:][llnS lEo.'.;,(.:G:..... 'rIns lot 'fllll COL tÜll1 [~':'.SC..LlnO S+J.-t4 11-"'("'" ..1'~<·"'··: t-...~·.... C! ,..,.j- ..-. ""'u' 1""" 1',,1 '·~r·l.-" (1"··.".'··.. v'. .J.O ..~.,,~ -,;...:,lHUS, .l:¡Ci.JOr...., 0·...· ,¡.... \...~...·,~L·.d .::l~-,.lL ~..)~ ,.~r \-..'..",:1 ~ ' t' 1 ." t 1 .. , , " C'P.'i'Y ..., ""<.....",[!... ',·'1 .-, O' -ro C' """1·"')"" r·'lrr~r.··"'" .,...,...,,..,.... 'Y:'1)C'un("J' ¡..)_,... ..... t:...~..L-....:j\.·., .., ...).. ......,' .,A.,u) '..' .,~'I"..~"~j~ )::J, vJ_~;._,..!- .L.,-.,.,ö, l.J-!_J.\>~';I, .L.;-".I. J. Õ -'cu', "'.,..-' ~, . .' ··-l··t""" ,...... 1; '·ì··t,.., 'r' '. lbet"" ..,1'r."1,.-1 '... \.;.1 ~.:!L1:,l.l"G, .LlC,nc,. 1..' '.l ' 0, rJ,J. .....""...'-'... Q all,~ [,u ..:>,.¡:,,,- 1:5....1.'..".' ...I. .:.~F).VO sl')rlCC for twc: or thr'Jc C';.I'C. .:' 0,_7:)'::'C" ·D' tl~ ""\ t qo I'V1." " C 1 ' , 1- ." T.'" ¡OF' '¡" 4, ':~ ~.... '" "~" L' -- ., ~ ü~.~.w L,._ .Cc 11as, SL,C,l .,8 .L;..li,.,~.,.J-S, ,"vv·..,..,I...3.ns, ·].uh.,:" l.:·H:.-iof' 8 :'i'i"',y"";' (¡ì"'î,-,"'~ 'C' '1' "'-r,,,·,·, 'D .·,....':-:··1 "iF' ·L.1·,··,'7 ~1'lOulr'l '00 ". ¡~~.) ...¡,........ '..._~~...._, -..J _ 1/.....::6...,._ J._~ .1·, ,.,i:.:.:,..(.tJ , '_.' ....o.L~\~· '-'.. ......~ v...,.'..1.J" --'-.. 4nt""'··s·t-··'j4y ;I,....'"'~~..,--_..'. 7';-.'1""" '\... ""d .,-..'". ,.:1 .J. ....:", I..l_ .J..1 ,J.Ld.1C.;..].S.'....LJ.:.-.:, L:,. 1..J.J.ùL ..nüJ.rCU Slll S, V.c.L1.0US D8.rns 8.¡:,-I, ot;h,r buildinn~s VThich hn,V() b on d.on':t t..::..c1. to tho I:U8GUll in 'PrC~D3.ra tiol1 of drGY!ing th:n to th·: nr..:LSC1..11: grounds, sue h club s to bo liaidJ.: by the 1""'18"-"""'1 PJo;-'rd ·c' r: ì)o·l·~·' '114tl'1 t',c"l'r" ''''ro'Írc+Q ,I.J..L tJ \.,.u.,. .....l. ~ _~. ~'':! \...... U.,¡..i. .1-_ '.~ .,!.~}. ...' ',... iJ "J . lil... raller to c:on.'C·:ct L:c. :~n"~.:'ison:;,1;)out l.lO"TÍI.l:'; buildings. '. (:'\',1' ,) 'D~,T ,q..,.... .r-:torr·:r ~'~0111,,:¡ .. '''"''r-< ....(' """ t~ ".., '11 ......v.-....L 0;.. .I._...i-.:J. ,':;) .j, ;:;~~;r...;;'.(l·;'l_ ~J~; }.'...Lt). ~Tit)~;ìJJ~oij, ';'~P..·~ :.J? J<i cr c~r:ralle;8 f'c:c I:LO\Tì~lC; i..)i~ blll.l(..li11~:;S - t~1C., J/1:-1111;: 110l:S(~, bC;':.1'c1 'F!all houso, b1clclcS}::lith shop, Gte., and eont""~ct lIyd:;.~o and rC;:lo'1)hono COI'1pany ,.."bou t costs for 'my 1'lÌl~' -I.lOving. Cj~l.~'p" lICV-8D 1J"ir I-48's :\'I'1C"l ""'C'Y' C'·"'cOI-.ld-'-L·' ''',~,. T"rs .) .I.~ . ... ...,J..i. .l... ' -' _.!-, I,';'~ , '" '- !..... ~.I J. '.... . bo cOLsult0d ~~cut th~ r stc~ltion of t ':~8.:r, t11n.-c I:r. R\~ln.n¡7il historical buildIngs. C.ù:~:;tIBD hr. l.il1(;~ J:cport~.;d.. th;.'G ?~' n~ch r.nturi'll ,.r,?,S C?r;l~ll0 i:n., both aood lD - ·,·'ti ....1>-,;- l+ - <:, l-¡ - 1"1"'-; O'Lll·t ~-o '-"', '1') 1i'11-CJ' l·t :-n;..L';: b: ..J u ..........:. , U _.;. ,-... \J ..; J.. ~~¡.. -'-.J.. .-_ .... .J . v \.J '.J L....i.. _ . {I .,.... ~. .L.L ... . chairn:llJ. 1:1..:8 :.i..ists of ,J.rticl.,s to U1SI)Cct, -tILe 1f tlr.1C :;:.')CTJ:J.1ttüd, could be on duty ,;v(:ry L.i::ht. .- -~ - 3 - Ill". Lillor :cJ?ort ;0. thq't Lrs. ':'.rticlcs 'lrc stored, "1" sho Ulel b: Dove cl . - -:-. J.. , ' 1 h ftl ..', ,: onns t-on S SD.é·"C , ~i'L ::è r:-: SOrlO O' 10 -,c'i··f:·~rd '-'¡'è5..·' t.l·,.". t thc; 8::: ·J.rticlo S SO~I''-' "rJ',·'cl,· '" ''''r''' ,~....:)(-..,,+ "':¡:-', r'lc'"T;''' 10'''('''' "'tol"',r """">"11~ ·f-h.-' "'S'-,""1 ..,...L\.~.".~. t..._,- ....It::) _.t. V .:... ',~_,~ ........ u\.'\.._ 'Jt .' ....' ...' \.~ ...J.~ ~ _",'_'_.H.:" _L w_~.. V.·y .L.,l,.,.I. ~.. \,..U.".~, and tlF; Cur-::tor r:..)ortod th...t childron ';¡,~rc CC::lJ.llG' intc) th,::; r·;rounds '.::q 'd Cl~ '. S·l..rIYTl' l'!:t e;'01';:: of tl¡ L-, ")'''0 DI" l' t~T C"o.""" r ryr'. rl t.r·:l'...... t ;'1~:- f r 11'C' -TnO' CL_..I. \.-'~ lJ -t... ._,.) I;:) ,_.....' ....~ .;'~..L J.~' .). ùJ. \.,J :....t C.::/-' -- >..J. V~J,....., \--.... ...l. t:J be JCJIW'.lS quickly as :)ossi1Jlc. ~rinclO'w sill 011 log house brolœn. Er. .I.Üllcr r'portc;cl th'l.t the 8i,,·,. ?,!l ~hc,. mus,.,'l...m builclin~:'~ W?s looso, lEd thJ.t. th.r;. ";'113'1 necrl.. :!?or or.2 C..lcc;,L:U'Hl.';; tJ:ut tJ::~G lJu~.Ldlng ';'}''18 once B:ccu,gh8.l. School - 185~:; tc 1959. of ,¡,¡hich h ;~\; donor to p .\,.--.i..i.. .;.. ab out d for ~:..irl:s¿'lf _ 4-h' uü' , the; ~ ':~,::rt of 1J~· , L'. ]? ·T (:: 8 t '-:lCttøs, .l~:Cl~lG . '.'1,rticlc.,:;" the l':I~ 3 . ""TO:; Ct,··:': .,~.~ -'.. ',,"; \ ' , ~ ~ "'! :¡. :c OJ: .JG!J." F II:. .lti, . C L\.J.... :J:~:;1.:Ll... :~.:;r' '1' .___ ~"_"",,,,,,,' . ',,,,"".'L-.',__"_ j~r(:asu:r:jr :io::;,;Ùc1 ..í.i·schcll s-:.J.;JLi'Gt:::dl 1'iL".I~cial stCtt'é1EGnt on the: Cdl tCEllLÚ pro' JC t sl~owiH'.!. the exca ss cf O:)n tcnr:J.'lJ. n ~J\mU8 over c::::pGndi tUl"':.; S t C' Ü:'. t'::;.1S"lG, Ç;102 .34. A Fl'll"'.J:lC',,1 8t~ì'¡-·:2'lC.:.'11t Lìll II...'L.."'...,·¡-or··.'.' .1;'1. Þ..Ct,Jl_·()L, c1..,-T ·yi,(,·...lD..'.. 17 1066 .J.. ~ _v ",v _ _ ..... ,..'·...r..' ~_.·.~.jM...;.. \....J,. ......, i/ , S"'o"]<"" 1'·'Vt···,.~,. ,C1n "1 lr~.('o) ('!:;' ,··-,..,...,(··l'·~'.L.tlr' S "<.1./'(' ()CI 8'10';"11"1,::' _a, ~. " "v. . ,~"..I"... _'''',,' , ,..' ........., ,.",..,. ,u..... G "'_", ;, ~O "'. ~ "; ..... ".-. '..' ~Jrof~ìt of Slo~3<J. TJ:J.c;~~--·. ";~ìll ~:}:: et sli,zllt c~:laJ1€;C~ ij~~ tl"lc,'s:o; fie;uros, for scú, l'~cci'}ts :u~d '30Ll C:>:l'1··nii tUl...~.\8 "'T;rc:, not ,,It hr-J:ld ~t the tiln.:·'~ tr.~; s t-~. t :~;]'..:.'~.; 11. t 't/n18 ~) :L"'~.'.:.:~ ::::cc d. . :rhc cost of I.l··'.p s, .,:;E19. 06, t:1(l'~" "1.-,', " l'ch l··...,v:...s ° ,. '" .J.. },._ ".,....L. - ", . J. )'.... .." ~ .. th:' :;::ot :::>~p(.r ~ s ..'.L2. 00. "''''.8 ::"Jduc:'c;d b:r .199 .00 ::~rC'l:. ]L: t co S t t c: ell t;' (I:r " SO. 06 . r"·YC!llUC of Profit on AG:rrTI;3D tl1"'~ t I;isto::~':~~ in Act;io:~ d::~T for Cen t'.;E:IÜ-Ü ~r( -.r, 1967, be- held c. S:lturd·'..y, 3\:pt:'·.:I;.'û·~I· 16, 1967. On l¡orrIOJ:T of i.r8. ·'is:,·b!'ct ~~ll': l.L;ctin€~ë!.jo'\.),r!l,<1. Sc:crc tr.>~r·~;T- . " .41??RC'\'r..'.) 1 £;) 3 .....--------~..-.---~- -4. ,__ ChJ.irnan