HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 22, 1966 p ICI:;:;:InI¡C~ TO',~r3HIP LU:j:s;,n: BOA~m r.~O\,rY':l·I.T'~T~f7. ~;r) lO!)/) -' - --'---- ~.~~"') -'-J'- ':... .oj" E~'~~8..!~.·L~lg of ·tl:c~ Picl~c!,j.nr; To~;r(~.:-:) I~1..J.;:3c1;Ll r~o,:!.:·cc1. ~:.·,:.~3 ~'l(;l(l O-:l "rU:~ISD.;~..~{" ~~C>/C:;Elb¿r 2¿c:(:, :L()ó·~)-, [~t ,~~ o'cl:")cl~ -1_:. Ll~ PP,ESEllT: r(o·be:ct liilleI"" l-,~rs. F~Lo:cr~ee ~:Iiseurot I·Iiss 1·1ar:..- J\:-~clel"'soll I-iilLon ParLin ii::::3. L~1X~ h }IL:.~r IIr~s. =.. storr:]", S~]cr·eto.:c:·'" i'1-CV~~D b::r IEr~). I Ia;l;; c::;ld octot";l~ 25 be seC021deci acloptc;d. o~,- ~ ~ ... .. . ~ , I'll:';."') ~ V;~1..:J8()rO-lJ, tJ:lél"L l~1i~l.:.:tes of neeting CA.IC?~IiD ~O'_~~,P,I'~SPq~I~L 1 Lc;tt.er f'l'Q;",,- IiI's. lio:1Ìca Cool: -. t.Ile-nks for L:ap. 2 I.Jctter fl~O.:_~ 11cllr¿/ 1Jise re Dtlllb,~~rton 13arn 3 Let tor froLl 10 T. J olE1s-G0:1 .- lEo1..Lj,1t Pleas2~ntl SCllOO~L bell 2.liC:. 1)0:p8r5 ~10t a'i¡::~.i.l~~b18, J¡. L':;ot:"Lc·8 I"e 1·;'i~~1t,er 1-Torl:s su.Qß.i.(_:~~.~,} r- j 1e~ t Ç]l~ frOTl ì -: ~... .!.,d.o <.:L-:d Mrs. aich2rd Day .,- tllarllcs for ~::31) .A(·;',~ L"' :j~IT S --- J::~O-\j}:~D b:l Iirs.. l'J.ise~jI~ot, second.(:cl 1J3f fLY.'~So Iiay, ttl,~t tIle fo~Llo1·¡'".Ln.G accot1.nJvs o;~ pa i.;.i: I{1.1ssel1 1¡i~=!-')}]:1l1 - ~3J.'1(Y·..~caCje3 ~;)2DO. 00 10.00 l-¡cBr:1.811 TJ....,an0po~~·t - c;J.r'tage ~'_obert l~il181' - pl;'.T\';ooc.l rOi' 1¡i~clo",,¡s ill I,ir~~. ,J olinstcCl 1 s barrl E: bJ.acl:~3rtitt1 ;'.)11op Centennial lIodah: - ErEJ. Hay 200 t}J 'Xll'ê:.cle - C11ilci1;3 1'¡~l£~011 and ice l)o}: ( ,', 1 r; ('0') ~;>.,L t ..) .ro~~ I.l&IJ s. C .AIIH. lED i~:Sl,Tri)EI\J.I"..j 111.L PF:.O~J ~._~CT To-.-mship advises tLe.t C8~;.tenni2.1 Cü!:'IÚssiol1 Fish GO i:nm¡ uhere board ';,mnts IJl2.t1'Ue for~ CGlltcr=-:.n..i2:.1 l).!:,ojcct :=,l<:..ccci.. 11:C. llillel' nmorted: (a) 1>~r~ l..~ PD.~CC8 , ftaS a tr3.1'13i~'.:. C.:1Ô. ':rill 181[81 eeLl'3rrG 1")0 f:ïG S i'Ol^ church O~') ::-.ltlSell.Ll cr"C~:L~lcl0. (, ' 0) lì~~:. (:o':,:tact.i1'1{; l·Ir. t:3:1 J.Leesor ~·I~Ð.S clo1;:~] .;.J8-~·n".:,3.n b~lrn. at.. Bay it, l!ould Cltlbs cU.:'e illtcrcst.cc.l -Go GLd:G ofî ['J.l-visccl tho.G co~t .'::,1,000. sieling, l'oof if l·lO:L~J.c~r :-3:~/1!lGS tool: If lIt. ZiOll or C·rGe~.l.l;Iood I)Oo.:c'rl élt1l~ roo:LLnB, IIr. S:/":~1{]2 v;otlld l~;·c, dOllYl l)3.rrl r;~t. 2. gTðat savil1~. I r ~, t~ ~' ~'¡ :.) 1- I j - 2 - , ) (, C / l:l~"'. I~arr.L~)')J.1,· t~ c E10'trer, ~;rou.Jd L)c contac"CccL 't.o gl.vc: J!l--iccs 0:1 T::O·"r:.ng C oll~i.n5 110":.1.:';0 _" i~r~; & Cole 1:3 hOt'tf5C.1 1:> lac ~:8E1it ì: fjl10p -' t. :'Tt,) b~li].~_tinE;G an I}l'oC 1'-: T~oa\l, ar~J. ~~l.c)o -;':'}18 rOi.rt. (~ of -t-, 118 r:lo;/i11[~. Tl18Yl H~Tc~"ro é~,,~:.d. Ik;J_1. r~' o 181)}-'.0110 ~'rot;"ld ;)C COìltac Lcd. i.:-t }.~':;gé3.rd to cost of Y:lov·i:C1ß "!;ril"J S. ((1) I.Iro F:'8LlljC}. iIls~octed clr:..:rc}1 ~,;~i"L.ll Dr. .:\rtil"LLr" ~le;/TloJ..(ls. His l~e"Dort; lz;n off C~J.~oui.lcl, lJ01~cll 5' ,'riclc) 1::.or8 or le~3s. Pt1.11e~Is l1Ü·;.:,l"lirlf; to (to \';itll bells; c:lii:~1¡:;ð:- lloJ_c: in roo=.~. llr.3. ~-Jiseljrot l\cportecl t11at S81~\;J.C('; cli:tJE) olltli!1f;ct 21:d. "::JC!"S lmli:ceJ.:::,:- tc be édJJ_e co She 2_~';reed to C011t2.Ct tll0 O"~1a"t1te ¿;co~· the ¡..rol'}:. she 11Qd contac-Led ~laj projects 2..ss:L~'3t vrLtl1 d,:~~r.;_:o:!.~t.io11 of buildirLgs. to ;0,08 if t,h¿ç l[o"J.lc.l ~x:.rticipa::'o in iiX' \I l·iillü::c to as:~ llr \I 1LL11)~r if L~c cotlle: l)ailTt tllC olel. 3lf)1 on. GÌ10 c1111rcÌ1.. Se~:Tetar~r y'c;:D1L,d t.l·w.t no reply h,ld bC:8n !'CCCiV8C.l about lot, frO?:l Ol!Tl;3r in 10'"'[.2... Agreed tlta·t 11istorical Socioty be aslccd to to do l)csear'cll on GrcÐn~'10od cJ.acl~SE1itl-L 3110p û.11d Bro~.1g11aL1 School for IP.atcl.")ial for s:L[-çrlS ¡þ i¡Ir. I;Li~Llcr 1"'3l;ortcd tl-i.:?~t 11<; ilC;8C'lud a -Lirs-scti:Ji::'1C ta:l1l~ fOIl tllC l)l:}cl~SlilJ.tll S1'10p.. I-Ir.. I·Tiller disC;L:4ssod tllO 1)18.11 fo:c t118 J-900 C}::llil¡i.t. IŒ50Ll?2IOIT:3 lIOVSD by ìÜ~s. ï~3Y, scconded by Hr. Parki.n, 1):) SOll.-c to C:'..~-iad:L2.11 i-.~usC'\.U~l il:jsoeie.tio:n, '~,o tllat. t3.1~8 2~p~)J_ication for cfi"ect ill 1967. ~ ' . r~~CE1DerG~llr) Ci'.9,EIED EO'lED by Ere. Ea;;r, ,jccondcd b;y IiI'. Pal'~:in, I>JC1!l~lo.ll barn if 118CeSs3.r3'~ -' btlt I)rQfc;1~l"l:.I.ì)J·3T ~~1ri 101'" C·r('\(:·"V-~r.(')l-l ...-:""'-'·01'.....'(... r10 t11';::' 1·ror1-" 'r;t-l;:-~ .........'_.., - ..1 _......1........... L <..:>.J.. ""1.''''<0../ __ ____):i... ......, _ ~ tl1D_'l~ L:.l'. ~:3:r[leß t~3.I{8 :lO1"!ll t11c tb::t t;¡f; help of the EOUYlt Zion cost not to exceod 81,000. l'.~O~.Tl~D by i,I.r:~ I-Ia¿/·, s.)cond(Jd l);r l'Lr'<) Parl~~L~1, tll,.:~t.. Iir4f tlo~..r1Ji\~12;- be cOi~t2..(;tc.:cl anct r8011c;stcd to \"!~c1tQ r~ l(;ttcf~ to tLc 01';"~lcr of ~Lot ill 10\';3. s.sl:ill:~ £0::-' él rc)12t to tllC I=11SC:l~U~1 Board J s lcd:;~cL~, [tfiCl rcla"t th.8 DO~-TCI"S or 8~~~):"'opl'i':ltj_C:1 \rcst(.}d i~l ·sl:G tOl.';n31:':~.po C/lIŒl lED --"'- 110VEJ b¿/" I·irs. 1Ji:-jcbrot, socon.clceJ L)2/ IiI's. II['l~' J tllat sec~~(/cary -:'.-l""i-se to CC11tcnnial COì'.tmission and tell of cÌl'cur,'l:r~æ:c8s 18ad:!.n:~; to th'.J r.mSCWìl Contc1mial ;J!'oj cct, 0.1,;:: tì10 lo.c:~ of co-opcì:atiol1 and iiltCl'cst of tO~'Tnshi!J CG:._LLc~_lJ S881:illL; tllG:Lr advice. CllF,RIED C· j~l JJ ~~ru-\ ~ --- Tn.(... CO:-llr::.itt.:;:: ~';2S 2~d·v·iscù tl1Ð.t Picl:c2ir:.g ~'o'.:Tisll=Lp CO'l..~llC:i..J_ "':riJ41 ad'\l"e:rtiso tt:c 01(.1 }~rJ.lll.c~p<..~l. 1)llil':.l.lnß .for rC:',lt. j\grcc:i tl-iCi.t ___ ;.~·~~Sl';~:I~l b11Clgct to bo subrlittcd to rI'Ol':-r:Gllip CO\..1.rlc:l.l be disCl~sscè_ ~:;'"iti-~ ¡Trc~lsurc,;r. I I I ~j f G:' ;,: · >~~ ;"_;-~I :"_lY' t~:'" ~. (;''^'!:~;. C: s:.>:; <~ [. () ~..¡ 1'~' :'.-., C; :.:., (J C ,~_, í.~< ~,"~ -ì f _-' l~<;'~~·O:LL._; "::i..[)" ;."',-- ,., r ~. ",}..;.' .'.' :;~.~ S ,,~. J_:L '-'.'. :' :.:_,! '-,~J~ O:T 0- L:.Cì ,', ~c' r~c (:,,;JJ T, :~~(;~.'-.:: to~;;,:: ,':-. ;.JLc ;..:.~r.~ (;.¡..~-~C:.. -¡:,{iC: '..1__ ~\t·;) " ~ ~ . , , :LL ~j (~; í: i.' (YC ) l'"c·:,'/l::;; __~___._______19~)? ';" . 'l' J. :.~; " , '......-'., C,hilCiJ ,~~~ ·~'::r·.,}'- C_ ,",,'./}', ~ ,~, , ...- >.' ) ~ ;-j C(r!~l!]issiO}l a:l:t. aE)~< i,J.n,:l'-S the size .,~ (\.:.1 it::3 J_.oCFd:/tOi1111 rCl)~'-'C: s(;rlt,=-;.-t,i~{~;~_~ (l'G 1ll(;.:;J(¡i1'18-3 i,Hls OU.t ·t~() COl.l~1,~il ttlcir cc:~ l'LC~-~:l.L~]_ ~.·).L·Oj Gct. c: it Has , , , ':-:"C.i.J Ol.ll'llCC~ If SeGrcto.r~y Chair;-.1an ; ~ i. f ~.. , t' ~. :