HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 5, 1967 .' 1J r·G }~ER.I ~JC~ '1: O~ì·'.í f;T :3H J P iJl.U SI~lJT,1 Cl.JI1J'lj\II ~c TJ~ E; :,IL ~;) 1967 /1 t:::::3T,J. ng o:C th e Picke rir\~ ;.".;," ~-:. "P;:;TT 10"7 ·'t ·th'"" ~~.v..J OJ. .~J. .J.1,..J....:....J J -'- 10 , c:. J I.. V or cloclc p.!:1~ TO\'Inshir\ lluscli'rr Comraittee ,;as held on ' 'UESD,W, the FIFTd !lo;:;e of {;r~;. Ruth Hay, Br0L'gh.:lm~ OntaLo, at EIGHT PI{l~SEI'JT: Rot'ert Ì'Iiller, in the Ch3.ìr hél:>:>ry Cook !,rs. D':)irdre E~rle l-1.rs. Rllth I-lay 1,;r3 . Elsa Storry, Secretary '.<O:¡i~D by .Nr. Cook" s8cor:ded by ¡,;rs. Earle, t1:3. t minutes of meetir.s: held Harch 14 1n ad::;ptc~d. C!',RRIED C C,;:·?Iti-G3P01\IDEt:C E L C:m.Ð.dia:1. i.f11seums ftssociation Convention, ,King Ed',.¡ard .sheraton Toronto, l-I:'-J.::l 318 t to JUr'.8 2nd. £t~C~T~;D b':l (Ir., Cook) sBconderi by ¡·'Ir.. Earle, that the ma.tt,8r of :',:-18 ~·111S3UL13 Co!rrer1tio~ be tabled~ Canadian C,¡\P.RIED ? 'J f~¿r:3.di2..::. C1'1:LrB LinliG~Ô- C~:;nt~~r;ni:~l ph tes r8ad~~ to b~ pi.~ ked up.. ~~ugg~:;.st~.;d th2.t l-Ir. l¡'ox or i.'tx". I\en 'i!'..=t~~~13ay ce asked to picl{ the~'l up. 1,}]íl.E:D b.y >~8~ Earl~J s"8corrJed by r)~r. Coo!<, that. Cnnt8rl.t'1ial [Jl'-'c8s be E~()].d e.~] .r allo....··ls : PIcl t,) '3 Carr::J)f _plus pia te Ce.rr.ie r HaDgc:3r' -oLus p:Late H:o.ngBr ;;v .1 ~ 50 2.25 -75 1.85 .35 C t>-1lt1IED :?_'~" {'·jlS3 ,]. ,~ J.!J ~. Garb::) t would like t.o displa,y lOO-,.ycar-old quilt at l':uSGUm. ''..(}RBED the: t respon.:Übility of borr01.'fÍng quilt could not be Ü,,<cn until C>3nterllli.3.1 Village set up. J. ¡~'~~r S 't " - ~. 41 ù. 'l'yas i~7it2S thanks for arlrnitting Senior Citizens L'ee of charge. ,[;., C. B. GO'dan, Princi-çâlJi\,gincourt PublicSchoolJ thanks Curat'T for loan () f articles for t!1elr histol':i.::::::.J rlL;:)l:',y. 5~ C::nt,mr'ial Conference on L' '.In (~ nl scor:r of the Caradian Lest" at Barl.ff, :Uta. TABLED 5~'-. l."';tter ard ribbon from Jear..-Pi:::rrc Cote, P03 tmélst'Jr Gen'~:L~al, (8 iIk"tugurat.ion of ~post;tl deliverJT in to:·:ri3hi.l) p.rcs:Jnted to l':1,1l3e1.~T~ by' It.~:;<;\r(~ Lrl;YCOX. It t ~¡ ;';C ~.; ¡ I' t I . ') _. ¿.;,.,. III's. N. K. Robinson writes 2Öour. hi';Lcry CI Bibls ~;Jrbti;:m Church, (nm¡ on museum grour.ds). 7. \[2,1 ter H. Eerri11 searc.1-¡in¡.:.; fo r letters of T,Úrr. Llovd Gttrrison. Ssc Iy to reply nothip.g on museum f ¡~le s 8. Receipt for membership in O(',t:n~io Histo ric:ll Society, 9. Ontario Hydro submits tentat,ivc estimates of moving ';.iÌres for buildings: Collin!:j Fous s Blacksr{:j.t:l Shop Brock Eoad EÜJgs. ¡;i, 225,00 190.00 150,,00 QS.~r::1J BUê.~ness Jolr. Oook reported that 11r. Cook interviewed Nrs. His ebrot about. museum papers in her possession. SOP.le were in disrey;air and almos t ué>Üess; some could be microfilmed. f:Ir. Cook will pick th(~m up, Sec!y write f:lr r'~acNillan ard 18 t hirrr know when they wiJ_l be é'. vailable. !.GREED tr..at l·Iuseu..':l !,ssist.ance Commttee be invited to 3. meetir{!; on FIUD;~Y, APRIL 14, at t."le new mumc ipal hllildi ng, at 8 0 I cl ock p. m. If members cannot att.end, tl1..a t they be asked to send a representative or write letter on id88.s for CentenrÜa.l pro ject. AGREED that an agenda be preoared for discussion on pl'ln of restoration, cataloguingJ p.r'li other CentennìÜ projnct matters. Historv in Action .,,-....,~-~ lillVED by hr. Cook, seconded by tlrs. Earle, that Noel Marsha.ll be Parade Marshall. t.ha t com.m8rcial and non-commercial entries be irwited; that èm entry fee of no " be charged for cOITnnercial floats and ;~5.00 for nOn-COITlì;lercL'll, if they ¡.JÌsh to enter contest vihere prizes Ì'lould œ given for each group; that indi vi. dual entries for historicnl costu.1!les for chi2.dren of all ages be invited - children free; and that l-Ir. H~ T. Cook vlill assist ~:r. Narshall. C1illRIED It w~s suggested that Peter Kaiser also be invited to assist. £I:1;~~~~1l!l Hr. lliiller reported on progress made in attempt to remove barns and draw them to rlìlseum ground s . AGREED that names to ì'Jork on Saturday ard 3urrlay duty at the museum be drawn from EUS8llill ~~ssistanc e Committee. HI's. F.irle Hill look into possibility of teen-agel's looking after a gift and refreSf'J18nt booth. Contact Mrs. Goal: about Girl Guides. It \';(:s suggested that IIOpenfJ and :~Closedll signs be ffi:'),de for mUSelLTJl. ~GREED t~at Curator purchase new Guest Book. I ! fi ,.~ ~~. j 1;0 L~J- Lr. ~ : :;~;co ndi,;d by 1.:':>. F::n'l':, th<, t nc'J iviilter visitors to the G1;Jé','-;'_,::1 cr'C'::Li:C r "hli:;:!:':;, thDtUl'; kc,y,,:L11 not b_ flvaili".ble to an..v but museum C:<':lL'C~ ;:»n~(Y~r'~;.. CfiliR:j:EQ 1.C<1::::.1 ~_,t"~~ .\._~., secor~=led b~y 1-:_~~. :)r~¡-*!_:_~ CC;11T-,¿;\"":~- .-. -I ~-}l.11age is s~::t 1..lp.. ,~cr)k) tha'~ T:'" '~,ter of further souvenirs be left C::JUUED [, (' HLll<r cc :::;:~¡r:'d Lr. Geor~-;8 Smith foe progrcf s he is TI"3,king on Centennial me.p, '1-{':: èisCl-,,:sic () -' pl[i,ces ~'Jhich should CB 8'1TmarkE d for 1967 ensued. ,1':.1"., .(ill~;r su ;1',-"- ·~':':lC~ L3:'Olt: ;"i:,r.,j thtlt a bo()k b:: 1¡¡rH,ten on t~e histo!JT of Broughe.m, and will ~:'[1t'3nn;JÚ group if the.'/ 1.JOu:'_dL'3 1:Ülling to under"œite ihe cost. l' ; ~; ;r'~.rro 5>::;1'''-ì(: I:: !1.._~ r' t__:;) beeD chJ,nged at. the museum tlr:d is now 100 amp. service. '.'...... Co [~-;:. III () C···:,.r~ .'-' ", _~ectric i:~t nJ do 1'12.. ted his t: "nO .......... . 0:;':CT;~·t,r-,-....;;'" TC~q~ ~> ./ d to 'write l¿~tt~~~~ of thaJ:12cs. of IN '~;h:<m subdivÜ3Íon complnin of ;3mcll îrom toilets. AGREED that 11 toi]J "'~,re not U3Dd all vlÍnt.er that HE '11th Unit be contacted to learn ,:)3(, cff;ctiv C êynic'Otl for redUG-Lllg an.? smell. Nr. l:iller complained that someoI'.e r,e.d c;-' from the b2.rn) but it H9S é\greed that rats do not congregate -'~~':~') th:r¿., :¡.~: [,) food) ar.d tho~;..zbt it likely th: t they mF1Y be in adjacent bétrns ill:? li"l'Jstu(~~.~.. OS" ,::·2!~. OJ 3cco~nded b~l ;::,L:'3,. E::..:t'18" th,o,t fence 09 ex~ected .~.3., or ¿t refur.d o:~ rnontJY 03 B:2de to ITìUset1.1'Il. 3.round the C i'.RF.IED rilU~">:,:l,J1T. L:~i1" Di.sC-:,1,3s1on 0.( ::~r(1 car(~;:;nin[~'I /;.t~F:EJi;,D t.ha t Ì;.u.seuJTl ~·;.ssistai1C8 Cornnutt88 be -¡,;:::L~~;d ·¡~~ o COE:':-'.;~nt ~l:d assist lnit.r~ these projt1ctS. ¡'-r. Ljl1')I' '1r:i E's. St.orr:;, to p::>r;Jpé"r8 ~'J:Jrding for signs outli!"'ip.g history of ~':-:.-1~:.~)~~J;.IL D"!J.ilciin2: .. (1d cl~.1J.r CÌ1. 3,;~c;:~t;w.y \..lr'Ü,Ci) I;:;partment o~' :ii.~~L\f3 ro perLir, for buildings to be moved. ~'..:::: :L f r:'iT:LLL hc; ~)bt(Üri)d f01' n'JYil"¿; t'!hi tevale b¡:ilding, should it be pos3ible f,() wc 'fi: -;_ t . :'~r. I':,Lllci.' ::-~. j';~,J. E'\:cle r';::por'sf"1 on m08Jdn¿ in conjunct.ion \·Tith Brougham Cc;~:t ':~~Dnj.>J. rr·~\iC',·.rn. th:l.t 0; cn'_:l¿i: dEW for ItiU[;(':)t¡m thÍ!::; season be Se.turd2Y, Ha7 13. ì<r. L~illct-¡ .~IC~·.,. ,j t'bn.t Ì'{r'. Crl.:'\rles 5\Ll~L(~r m~y sell his ::odel _~ Ford, 19311{ thj,,{.) ~)pcin~g. Fi;~ '1 ;~i,~U II r:r:,~.~C" ,) VTtlS irlte.restGd i11 (t ~~O rn..rn. i'Jo. 19 Kod(1k projector. ·s.~)...{:: .......-, 1 ; , ~_L Drti c " hélve b:::8n c;lker: La ~:'o<:i',l Onc'ètric Luseurll of identification. (in ,CJ:'j~Cn of '>.)ok) the fficòetirc: "djolJ:"ned. J.967 Secretary Crwirm?n r;- tf f" t' r ~. i .. ',' J<,