HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 9, 1967 ¡' / l ~:J) :·)l'~':jl.~ CC11,ü~ITTj~E -~-----' L t\ V c; -1 of r¡ :..~-'-.l..-....:.::..!2L.. .:~ r1.J~(~<f~in¿ of '(,he Picl\:erin.g To<.'rn.s11il) l·iusc;llr~·~ GO~l~-:^~L-t/Gee~:¡as Ì^H31.cj O~l' TU1~SD1\Y, Lhe Ir[~,'!Ti: cl~J'~ of }.7~·;,,-f, 196'l) a~'> t,Ìle litU1:lciIJal 13~1.i:L(lirlE:) IJic!.:Cl'?i11g, at j~Ii~:·I-IT 0 t eJ..ocl·,: p ~ r1~ P.iŒ3BiIT : I(obert i,~iller, irl tIïe; Cli-Elir' /. I-I. l"ox >i. 1'. Cool': I·¡r~. Dairdre Earle :IilLoc. Parl:in >~. ~.¡ a La~~rco.x E ~ StO.CIJY-, Secretary ~-r~~lltc:c Pascoe, lIt II Zion. C11urcll rt. (Jé;'lil~i..c~son, ì·it. ZiOi1 Cll~l"'c11 Alex. Davidson, Builder l¡OVED by Iir. Cool~, April 25, J.967, Do S8COllcled by Ill' <> f'o:{, that lîinutes ill)proved. of r~Te:?;u~Ll18 llelcl CAlîl:IED C (J·,::~n.= 3 POI.I~.:So~ ,~CE 1? t'J" C,,, }_.,:.n·[sor¡ 31.~,br.lits copY' 0 f ~U}t. tor recei \lsd. ÌrOE~ ~Jolieit/ors or fo~c:_~::~:r U'r:,~Ile'C of pia~lo, (:O~'T O~El.(:;iJ l;y T~lllse:.rr:~. lL:C?}. l:illi:.ll Cr*osb¿t ~JlSlleD -GO rO-1)05:3es8 tl:e l"Ji2.l1C.. J ~. lJI" . 1°.. . ',' 1) ~ -\-. ' j-ltiT.10llC1. aU:Silorl Z~3 f;j ClO:léltio11 of station.ar:.:-- 8n[~in.e s for" LHISCl1rü. ') ;.' . J'Ol-El G ,. '~.I. I:(n,·~il1 \>·Tolllcl l_:_.lc;:; GO r;_leec l,rLtl'l lie. 1.11].L1DC:l" of th.e iitlSCllTll BO;3.rcl I1Cl110C;l'St: fOT" aftel~nOOll of 1'12.:,- 13 or I:Lél;'J" IJ.~ .:Cor· tca, rc IJ1,:lque O~1 11is 1101),8,:] COL~ri~eEì.Or3.ti11g olel E~apti.~)t! Clr~r;.rch. l~" j010(;1 ïIal'sll~11 élClv:Lsc~] 118 ~::j_J.l !lc)t. be able rJQ rl~.n;-ll:J :}flrc~(ì'J rúars~1,':.ll ¡ S ofi--icc; 0::1 IIistor'~r in ~\.ct.io.n ela:'l a~ld x'ecoE1E18Clcl.::3 Ji.:Ll !~as"e3. .I . Frs. i',o':.811a Cole 1:íoulcl ~Libj ~30Llc:onc COLlI)il<; t118 llistor3t of tb.Q 110l'..::'1<; ;3110 co COEl:"'; to li:.)r hD.S dO'~1:.:.:\"t;2(l. , , n0I110 :?.J.1CL helD , l:.cr 6. l;ro cì"lur-c O!l I\Jat iOllal I-Il.1.~3cl.lr:l of' Cal1acla;o 7. Ontario liistorical Socioty An~ual Llcctillß, Port BJ_gin, Ontario) T"nc' I;' 1 01 1'7 U Ll.. -'.-J, .-...., - . 0. J. I:J. Plitz ad~.riscs c011nci]_ passcc1_ i'csoltrtion t.o !:lo1~all:-l support COIoittoc in purchasc of ~dditional lot. S'þ l1Qll::~lcl 7.~itchclJ_, Trca.c:r~lrcI', Gtlbrt:.its fina~lc~.L2.1 st.atcf.lGnt. t.o (la.to. l}Cll'il i ;ovin[:; 1~O::··~1..C~T SY:!.l',J3 a~1d CllarJ.cs lic'l'élggart 2.',..:grQtt(;d if'..abilit.:/ to atto11d E1Ce:tilî(; t)~l't. offc:ccd to 11clp iïl CCI1GCD._'_1ial project. .) " . . . . .~.i ~~. :,',: t.; ';_~. ~') ;,~, ~. G ~ I' J.~ L~r' i~.lJ;=·:' :Q::.~t~Li·~~30,n 1 :,~-;.'.<)(t l3.bO"tlt tl1c (1.is~~'_a!1tlillG of "Gh.c tLC.:5C t'l~~.:Ll(li::"lCs ï.',r01.;.lcl r1.ot lic materiaJ. lroilld be us cd to .(1 tJ,;:t:c::l.., ~ , ..,,~ ~ "" j . ".) C~'~.-,:> l:·ii~lC'·.l ::. ::Q.-G ,', ,'\,;, ~~;:, :"~.;J.: :~; {.;Ô ::~:3 '(,.u-;)~ r~o~.;- ;':):.~~~·~-1:~1., -¡)~)(, :... 1\" '-I".J....... (~ ( L.r)t;.,~;tj :')L7._·\..i ,~'t~_l'~;~~~~ f'C\I' t.l~io _"-_ (;-C~\ :..;~,~hjJ~)i t . L:C... L~;;.l~;..~.:;.sGn ~~;¡=.::.;~(;cl t.ll.:.;,t to d~~~~~tl:.~lyLl~) '~;(lC Bc('í SliOlôC; barTl co:~~plctcly 1-Ioi-LId .-; ::;~, .-~ f;·~·:'JEiT: ~:.tca~L., ¿:,l:.,~l i""C:C 'Lli':'::~ it be; Ttd:ç·olJI)<.;cl t1 Ed1(1. Cl'101.1g11 oÎ tllC L "Lc.J.t, ('c>uJ_d. b,:; fjal~\i~;i~·::,>l l)..; bl~'.:n.~.~~;~rG to t11c 1':'l\.lS0~)J~1 E;ro·Ltll~ls.. He '~~ cJ.o.inl~ tl~o J 00 c..:~ ~;l'..O·~lgl·t C):PCl'lSC to 1')1"'C0.1: o-vcn, él.n.d .,~, <:J~Ut'jtc~:J t1;':J."[. h.c; ~~·;c~~.l(J b,:; ~·~1<';2.5·:..;d ¡~O 'T:¡or~l: 11ilCLJr tIle dil"Cctiol1 of Ilorlc~l ~'1,~:; 's, ~.;ld ·d,l~~.·~",~;r L ~1C; SI)O':'lSO~C' Ò Y~_Lp o:¡~ L :.~;'-~: t01'rnsl'1ìI) so tl:~:..:~ tll':; ì:¡orl~ COllIeL -¡~i'~c ~.:o:!..~:'::·n.2..r11 E_~ C{:'.~~~l)':';l"lG'~'.tio.':l }\ct. '. . '''~ . -~"'~ . ·,'-;UCl "GC ,,' jJ',_; :...:,':'~¡.~~~'__:.u t/~ l.~rL ....'~ -s :.3:'~'~). :.J:~,....id:>:;:·'" ~3~n~1::' s 2.~'lC¡1. l-LLJ_lcr r:lc~t ..:s 0 Ll:J.l·:C Ð.r":i.~ang(;Elcllt s ::.(;~·L:;::; ~.;.'j'-:.:::.,r:.t.li:,:; of tho :.;h01'(; [>::"1'n and the <.L~&ll barn nort.h of i,~'J \'~'T~D iLL". Coo~'=", , , .." -,' .<> "'1 / ·ì~ S·':':C:O£10.C~C.~ 1.1'. l'C~~:, T..11aTJ a Yl~a.:':lL.LUrÜ 1)J~J_C(; 0-'_ ~)~,uv:J t}h; clL~l:"·lti.il'E~ G.I -she tì:·J bé~E:S, 2.n::.1 that the job be é~L'::::'cccl llIJ:,)~-~ ));./ IL:::Ejsrs ~ J..lilJ_ol"'~ DG.·¡iclsOll and. Syr110S. C Alü.UED -_.~----- ij 0 :..: 3':~ ::':, b ~!_2. ~,~ !l~)/.~ f O~.. ¡': (){'~ c T. ~ :.::; ~~'~":.:-: il11 (; }.... I,; ~'>~,.:. -...~ ~,; _(~: ;.,-, .'_.__.~,,_._.'-,----- Di.~·;c~~~~:~:f:):L·.· -/;'·~.·¡:'}'l (~':·;3::.;r~) I> P::"'3COG 1."- J:':~2::'Li.(;50Tt) of Ì¡t. Z.iO~1 Cl-::"lrcll, !.:"C tl1C (;"i.. ;·,1'~c ~.;i~l~ll··:~ll 811(;,:13 to -r-.,1l~) }~r~~~~·:~;'J.hl r;rou!lds ~ :",-,'. .t'! ~l :~::~ C \)i,..; ;~~,:::.;_:~} +,!::~I. ',I " ....0 ".JC',iJ..:¡ ~"·:...;uor~ a~_·t,Cl'· a rli.;ct,J_l·ì_Z O.t' -c..ho Boar(.l of ,~':/'~ ~)~!.',~ Ì:.,,; be;l:i.c'fccl t/l'.c~ ,L[t. ZiOl'l oI"'sallizations ~:--}O ~.<~:;~t: ~~cir~ 00 c~, iO.:.',<3) ~:~ 0 t ll~xt t!~" ,r could be .~)¡,'. ¿~;:. t,<~\ :~~(~ ;'1 !,-; r 'J lll..,'),;,'r·¡__ ~_:.s iTi ll~,r ~':-: .~;., .. .):;,-'..,'~~ :,..).. -' .:: :~ 1:, ~L:.; t,~l-J Sllccls, .__,_, "CO, LS1~.c~· C,:'l-;(;(~ O~1 tliC TIr__!~¿,;C;lJ..i.~ f~"""J1.:r~:J.3 ~ ;,-,': r. ,_.1. ,_. !:.; 1'1 ? ::. ~:'~ (J ì ,~~ ~"; -~-,,,,,.._,._,_., -"-~"_._,, '--- .,.--" : ~.;.;!j ~,' 1 ~ .'~, L 'C~ C i·ll.1.~·;C.;~,'L_: ;, I'.....'" .!,' i.~_lt'i ..~:2~:: ¿"l'~ ·t~ 0_1 d ,:·,.'c ITI'. t.o be el".;ctccL cœ::::.:c.LloI'aGing ~'¡']lllct ablo -¡~O attcncl T~I'·.. i~illcr coul,j not 1)0 ',' , . ~.~'l i ,:~],':0r:c ~_11 ·¡".:i'~i. (;'\.{::t]_L: '.;.) " \ ~ J.. ~j r. 'u; ..J ~_. , , ... :~)llC r) _LaGllG 'j,", ·~(~·vnJ.(: I!~pti3·t Chlirch,~ l-~::c.. P:l"·':·..~Il J l~r, F 0:"·:) u.r" '~.' .::1(; :'~ \.: '3 ;i~.:·iri ,~; -C. !c..~"=-.;. ~)tO~·l~~/. ~ ',', (" ,-' ;",~)rG . r:':'¡.,-~êlC.C --~---,-- ~'i.;~~-l~,=Ij~J t t-l2.t, ~',(;c:t'ctaL'Y' [~f~;k T:::::" 0 I·t:l~,.-·:;c ~~_j~' he \·~···::ru.ld lic l)2.rélClo L!.::'.l~shal fo:r- l:~. ;·;:,-.ü.::"~t :L~~ .:\.:~·:~,O~1 r'C:.l··aC~(; Oil Sc..~:)t.. 1/, .._,,.1 .' ar-:C1. Lo 2.c!.visG t11Q.·C l~l~. Coole ~~:ol.tld D.~) .~;:~ ~.; t~ 1 ~ j~~~;.. »,,1 L'LL~',~. , ,", ,"0 ,~. ,.,,,..;.,') :.;,:;c,~·O"":+';"':'~:/ tCJ fc:,.'I~;F~;,rj J~i+)(;l'::'.^TJ1,ì.t\) ;~L;o~'. C~1::'~".1~:LO Ei_:':j-;"}o;,"lc/ll Soci.(rt:.- all11ttal .; ~ ~\.., "-" ...; 1.'-,' (" j..l ,:"1.. (ii~ 1 ~C-. ) Pic ;:~~ ~:n.'l12ìb:.L ~~ ILL tj-i~) f) .1:'",-1-::; ,=~ 1 ,"', . , oO::;:LGlJ}" . '~""'~ ' " .'" .; :.',,'J~r:./ " ~ ~ " i .;. .," \1 \:'u f.:-:.. C~L;"~b) Oi' l.:.,C. .,' ~ i -it \~. 'f,,' ~-:.¡\';1·~~-~1.-L[.1 F:J.{'l:L:"j j tl rL'·...)~.':, "') . . . ) of c~_:.lt lJ.::':':ll ?,'~~C ' iL~~l'csc~·tativQ, to ti~h·:;s(.;" '~:.hc ELCCt:'L:l.,c: r ~ 1 ¡: ;, ¡> !;' i ~~, .', r.~ j - " j ~:~~l.LOL:.l(l ~),~~ i¡l;'"~'J_~cJ':;cl on CC;~1t0ill'1.5.¿l~!. J.!.·:.~l) r)2."clJEt~~.">c;cl b~r Guo.C[;C ~Elit11., It "~;,;·".~3 l·'~;CO~·j.::::'~l~(.1:..;<. t·l~.~~t t}l~~ ;:,;i'~~ of "t",l :.:;t. C01JXICi~L ,L1~:~C-:>.I~L:'lg, Old. :e(;Ej'~ I.111'1, . - "'!. ' c·· ~. . - ....,.. ," .. " -, ., ., ~,) -~ _. ,'.... ·.·.1.".", .,:'" '.' [.":': r-:. ~..';,..', (: C', .,:~' .,'. _1,.1 ,'. ~ ,J r~ or:1 ·,·.'LT. ':~L_';j-1L scLu(.I~_~.J .::..,i,j, ·};.Uì. cl!_':~)) t;l~\.; 11:,'t.. - - -.- - - _# -.---- -- '"-' ~, --'-'~ """ \_~j_~:~~.';:Lü:l 1)(: fi:¿.1.-;."}~:~:(l 0(1 -{:,l'tC I.l2.I); ::'.~; ~·¡(.;~:.S t~l.~ 1J~~1.'tl'll)lac:.J of TOL!. 'l.~l;'t-..~.~~·;i~orl "l.",_"l( I,: O',·,r(.';1-' (}.'.(l'.i;'~·.;"I_-:·.('~r) f~·\l"[[l.. rlr:,d T,-.Ll·,lotl~.,·.,.,· Ë~o.:-·~.c:r~:_> J.'arl:1C1 III 00 il' A,!. l C ¡.J -- -, - - -- - _U 0 - "~'(:; ~ i-:r;-c'~~ ';"l_~\ - 0:, :;J:~·~~·:1."(":5scd -t~rllat!"20So o i.' thc; ~L.:.\r:'(L:o.l'"'l-:t; SllO~.:.l~l* 1"'·,:; thOf3C 1;1~j_cIl ~,;..:.._L.~:._.,,;C.. __~_ 1¡v7, or ";ï11icllIL"~,C~ -bc:cr~ o-vcrlool~ccl O~_'l -LIl:": ~jrcï,tio;~s 2'j2P il~ lG?? I·~~r'. IIillcr tolcl .!(,tl;_; 1302rd 11'~: 110~>~;~.l to l'la-;"c 2.. llis-cor':r of I}r\)¡J.¿~11artl ITulJlisl10cl ¿li~ l'l=L~; 0:';1-1. ~;~:'pCl'lSC, a11Ô_ [~s~:ocl itJ r.l.L~:ìrt, b8 ~)ol(l (l-G tl-1C L~:.1.S0Ui~~. i.~C-j2D 11:r lirs. ~:lr l~~, s 2~jJ: 8. t t 11 C Ill.l S C; Ü.1l1. sccondc;d by I-Lc. Parl·:i:1 ~., tb:.t , , ï>.L~: B:coll6112.T'.~ bool( go 011 }'Îl.'. C(ìOl'~agl'uc(lt:,o L;ct a n:clce 011 ~c(;-I)ri:'lti~~1G t!L-~; L->~ì.SClU.l p.:-lT.~)llLCï":'" ì:'OV:S.C! b;¡T Hr. ~;c ~- J. Oj~, scconded u" l::..'s. ~.::-'.L·l(; , tlv:t-G -C.LLC lJ':1.Lll=";llJ_')t. })C .not cl¡;~;'!1Gc(1 CA311IED . - (.,;.ll.S :Tcal". -_._--- 1J c;:c arll1V.J1l CI eo 01.... r(ICond,.-\rl b·tJ" 1~y' T10-'- th,~·¡"t.~,·; C' COl·~:~Li·(,tcc r'c:COrJ:t~l(~llCl t.O .J ...\.) w..., "-J__~ ~j _.__. _ _....) .i _..lJ 1L.....0 ..... ';~n~ ;'1¡1SC'LU~1 Cr¡.l-a"t.Or! 3 3Cll':1r;{ ìJ0 iilCJ..'")~Ð.sc:cl 1"'r02".l \;5()O to <;750 C;..i.!RI2D LOVED by Lr. CO-;"~!1cil t11D.t -.-- ..~ !j,if~CllS3:i_O~1 of tIll:; P~20~)05CcJ. c11ousc) "':::l-li.;rc d(l.:.:.~i~:;sions 1,¡ill L:c tnl:~C~l 2.1-~(l l)OOl~=5) LJ.::~)S, c:tc., sold tool: plr:..cc. lit--. L;~cJ..l~)C:l ~)1.1bEli(,to( _.? -vi.El iII'. 1'.~·.Lll¡~r, 11i3 I'CCOnü}1011dc.tiorlS. IIro c.;o,~)l( û..g~c~od to o:cc~~.li~10 tilC GraD. lIt frorlt OI Gn<.: l~TtJ.SC1.lf!l a~nd clra~1 ·:'1 ro!.-;.~;1l fj1.:CtJcÌl of ";;L~~}t CO-ii. be D_cco~~~·:1..o~:tJ.ta:.:.l in. the 1-,7",0.::/ O~~ i..t [;;¿ll.lC;i1Cll.SC tl1C::r-:J. 1.I}\¡I~D ~)={ :¡)()CD fOi~ IIr 4 COO'~~J ~ .. " ::~c~.] 1J~3"G .L·~1[; SCC011d\,;c1~ b2·" 1~,!.. û. J~:lJ.."lc, ~d'·i_rcs for "G.llC lJíJ\ril1.g of TtllD..·t tll() Ol'l-Gc.r"Ìa 1I~/~c~ro 1)0 ')~:Lcl t.llC l"Ju.ilctj,.rlg:'j 8.S c..~l i~~t(;I'ìrl l>::.~j;-;-:~C:ll TJ . CAn:'UED --- 111.". CO("l.k l'Oc~)or~"J_.d -è,llD..t, tll.: O-iTn8PS oZ n. ~;·(jO:~C::1 rlo·,:tr~.h. 11.:'lc!. l)c.~crl 011 lì.olida~,/:-s, b;_r¡~ It(; 1'lo~"!.1(l in.Sl')(;ct i~~, ;'jI1(;Yl l"t(; (~Ot<Ld. }.~:J.l:::..ß':": it.. J."~l". i>Lî_J..le::c to L~sl'~ Ii:!."'. ]<lìIic13C::ì.. ¡d,)o~¡:;~ s:Lcli:-13 i~"')r Cl,t1_LT"C;:'; :11.50 -GO r'i~:: t.b.C l~oo.)l. 1- '.. r' ~.. . P2rkin bolievos 110 has ~ sil:L fer t11c J_og CQ~ill. ~;ilJ.. filld Ollt. .'.':'J.. Fo~{ I·cIJor'to(1. tl1~t tll0 II~lt.tllCl¡S ;~(1l.1.iI):2Cnt 01'!l1Cd 1JY tilC p¡-'O\TirlCO Llo.~r be c~isc[L:-cclc;d. I·Ie lias spoh:c:n to trlc pcc>pl·::: j_n clìo.rt:c, ~'¡}10 Stl.ggcst tlJ.at if -elll:] Ell1.S0tU':1 is iì1-(:crcst:,cd, the sccro·¡~ai"·T ~'rr'it(,; asl{in~~ fo:-c th.c surplus (;:~~llil~)]:lC~1-t. Sccrctélr~T so clil;·:;ct,Qd. i~~'>. aiì.el J..irs. lte:.rbrol1 C:L011D.tC di3Ì1CS~ L.i"S. Cool.:.' Oslì.:}.~·I-él, àOil2.-GC;S 5.1(;i£:11 2..11d DO:::; l-, dril2.. i'lJ.~,. I....,~~~lCO.:'~ D~dvisc(l tllC'.:.-:~ -[,,¡O l)tLil(l~LltgS Oll. B=cocl'~ ILoacl 110uld be t'llrllcd by ;,~;i if :10(, 1"::oõ,¡ccl b3T thc:n. On l:Ofil101\1 0 .è~· i·J:r" Fo:¡-:, -1.:.118 Lluct illC adj Otlrr~(;(l. ..~----- Sccrctar'Y 1')7 f1.PFiLCJ~JED Chélirm.i.m