HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 27, 1967 ~ I'ICE.T."~rrIl'IC} 'i\)T, :,:,'f~:'}rIP ........__.___..._.... ~ ......-.-- ........_ __._A'-. rj(};L~+¿D J-f'--~ ')" ~ ('0/7 .. ',J ,'Jl':_..:--L1_2_o_ i~ :n.[.)etirlt~ oj~' t110 Picl~ering' TOl'i:1Sfl:tp l-Iu.ßcu.f:.1 Board \-'Ja~; 118:Ld OIl .-n"'-"11 1 '~Jl"'¡'" I"',, L I' -c, . . 1 n 1, rrtL'~IIrf)~-5X~\!;:!··.,! i.. c..aJf 01 . JL.G, ~/b {/J all "0n8 J.llUllC1I)';.1___ !~)ili clirlE~, o o'clock;: ~).rtl~ Tm~3 )AY, the PicLcring, at PJ.{I~Sßi!T; i-(obert =-¡ilJ.cr, irl tIle Chair" Ere". Deirdre :'~ar le I-I it T. Cool\: li~ilton 1)arlci11 II ~ lit. Fo:x: C. \J. La:rcoz (Part tL~c) Ers. tT. iîcPhcrson (Part time) Eonald Litchcll, Treasurer Elsa Storry, Secreta~r EOV}~D by !:Cr. Parkin, seconded b=r Hr. I.K:l3Tcm.:, Lay 24, 19ó7, be ado])ted. t118.t "_!im:teG of meeting held CAllHIED -.-----......- C(f1iillSPOITDjt~¿CE ---_. - -.---..---...------.- L H. G. Læ',son aclvis8s he ha:3')'e~'}ared deeds for rear lot, c0.1d 1-muld like to accœ\()an¿T -Lhej~ vTith a chequ8 for :¡i2, '790.00 to S8:1d to Io~·¡a for stgnature. -lIr. ?im;bra;¡r has re)ol~ted tl"J.3.t O':Dor ";¡ill tal;:8 nothing less than ::)3,000-, but ..rill sell. ECVLD b:/ Hr. Coo:c, secomted b~" Er. Fo.~~, that H8 acce:)'(, th~ purchase price of l<lnd (rear lot) for ';-'3" GOO Canadian funds) subj ect to a satis- i'actoY7 conclusion ¡Üth the ve;:1doI'~ C¡ti?l~I: ~J) -,....----.,.-.----'- ;!. Bell. 'l'elephŒ1'2: Conpan:, advÜ;es ".oving Hires for Coh: hO'.1,::;8 Hill b8 ~;;300) and st3.tcs that becaL~~)e it is a CentcŒ1Ìal Pi'Oj eet they quote a flat :;:>ate J.::J.d ".-rill absorb al1~" additional costs. IiOV::~D by IiI'. Laycax)" seconded by Drs. Earle) that lIS accept the offer of 'Hire E1ovin.::~ at ~0300 fro::! Bell 'i'elepl1one COElpan:T. CA.i.mIED _.-------- 3. }lrs.- A. HcI(cnzie advises she has planted herbs and :Üal1ts in flm.¡er beds, an.cl vTOuld lU;:e funds for }!l'o)er marlccrs. III's. Earle to consult ¡':ith Ers. EcKenzie re signs. 4. A. ller:::aing'day" Director of Ad~.ünistl~atio:1, Cent.onnial Centre of Science and 'I'echnolo[:;Y, lœites there ic no intention of discarding Hatthe~'¡s Colloction, . but if there are any itew; in their collection the:T vrould not require, I:lUSO'l'.H boards ,¡ill be notified. 5. l{rs. ;':.osoll0. Cole suggests ,'rhere il1formation about. early furnishings of hel~ house 1.10.-3" be obtained. ì . I I ¡ ¡ t ; ~ " f ,; ;¿ - (.. \~(J'.c:: I)iot:.r-;,;!' 3.l1.rJ.. ItLstorìct.:J_ :;DC C:-:te11ds :irJ.\ritatio11 to nCli buildint;, ill:u;';C1U,1 of.' Î~ne '.C-2~T()lc of PC:'J,cc!! Od :J:lturd:lY, ,Inl,}" 8, at 3 ~].T.1. at Sharon, ()r:.L~-1.~cio .> Ii ! . ,f. c. ~:. ,U','Ü¡l \¡:n\:'~;~:; th::.:t· Iv:: 'l¿lS bJcn in COIL;'.Üti),tion \"it" Dr. Sidney ,.. r,:: jJlc.,_pc for ~¡l1it-8·'.r¿Ù(; }¡:.:ptist Chu~ch, and ì-rill leave it to the Board :il"t-,'.1 t,o tliC í'or:~l'31' ChUl~cll E1Gl~11);~rs for (Lctétils 011 t118 plD..qtlG :J ancl tIle date Oj~\ tJI~u ç~::('~.icar~iGn. ~ic. InÜ :JU2;,'~f~StS tÌ\:lt nu.S()'-'-H bo organized si.nilarly to the r¿ed Cross, C:'llCG,C 30cic:,y) etc, 30 tllat annual public subscriy/c.ions may be obtained ~'_~-"J:.l i:1t¡:;C3st 110ig11t(jI1C';:ly " ~ u. ::::-~:1D.diT:1 HU::;3l1L13 A3S0ci8.tioè'!, i'or\-rards questionnaire in atteL'.pt to get report ~j~~¡'-'i:11SQt:.!~~ r'0S0u.rCCL) il""l G3:1a~~la ~ .S8cl~etar¿r to cOLlplete. ù.(.;C(¡"; J,~'TI1S .. ,.----. ,"'. '."------ L,)VI.:;!j by IIr. Cool:, :i~~cœ1dcd by 1'11's. l;ad,c, thJ,t, the follovÜ:1g.acC01.L.'1ts be paid: "'~-7"1 C·~ La~'F;:30~1-, :i.~L t.:c't.1st, for TO~_Ia lot I~~~~.·jJ~)or:. ì'~o:·tj.::~{l:Y'" ~ . for 1101dirlg lJD.~riJ.011i.~ 011 lot ~~~:;::1t~~r~[~ìe~1 l'lD":PE;.: J'Oll.l;' (~r'o~-;::ll)t,) 1').:rirl'C2.11g aÌlcl S1.1ppl:/·illß 1".~2~3. ·JOìl:l C·illrt~2"nJ Cl·lJ.ìlt, I,;.. .~::) "t,~,~l~:~lc lln'j_8..1 II'1o~der s f or J.,'_~t. e ILl".. I{crb l' Parl:i~l "1:iarl.:Ì"~a:~l Off~:_cc 3~Jppl~:..es) G;J.C~~l·J 13,):')1-: ():-'t';",·-l<)io rLy·..j,rQ .-. I{~/;:lro l\GCCYìJlr~: ~j 2-,990.00 10.00 1~78 .00 25.00 10.50 l4·44 9.75 CAIUUED C·'-~~::; :,:~.;~'J\ L ~3~.J ~:.; T~,i=~·3S --. -_.-...,~--...., - ---_.-_. ---- C·~:;.:~, '-; h c L~. E':; ¡j 1'- :(' . "-- .,. CO:J~C I'e;)~),:"·C:>:I t,11Q..t l~,~:.: -'~·Til.l aEjl~ I'JalJiør Sir.ll)SOn 'GO drav¡ plaL'1s --"~_._..- .,-.,- ...~.- ~~~ ()~~.. g:"l'L, eho":_ts.; ;, PO.rl: Board -..,'.-------.-. .. .:';.:-)\~~.~T') !JY I·i.:.'" ~ Coo.!.:) ~,;'~GÜIlð.;:;(:¡. L:.:r.. P.~l~~l·:ill) cl1at t11c; ßrass at L::USC'LLTIl grounds h~.: ,:~r(~-; 0.:::d -t.'ì.~iL1I:l!.'JC: b.y" PicJ':cr:Ln~; 'To~Ir:shj.p P-:J.I~l':s I)(;:.Jar-CLlcl1t at ,18 close a c () ~,:;·t, t·:; ('. 3;J CD:L be otþai113J. Cj~HllI~~D i,,:.J. :~ C ~~ i,:OVi~l) t:i I~I'.. ¡- n~~-:·"1 ,f2'-_foo'~~ ::;::,)/ G Co~)lc) sc~con(J8(i l)~T i·iI'. 138"[. }j.iG~t~ l~ o~c , that a prlc8 be obtained for GAImIED a..___,_·_. ,C:ol; l)2::;~~ Hr. fo.:~ p('()~]l,lcecJ. t,hra,:; copic:s oÎ C-J12 Deed, ¡ihich he had reproduced ;;1-;':, ~lis o1t-r~!. e~;:1.J;·]·:lS<~ of ~Þ30. ":0: ;~,'D ..0·,...... f..l......,....... -i~·.., ·,....1 p ..... :;:) co··... .~, ,:~..' ~,.., r 1- ..1' C......,· "I.... .1.1,....1.. ¡.,," L- ,., ...1.....1.. u~_} .,,; .i.:_;:';'. LJ'__'-1. ...L.'j:, 01.., .:..1.\.lv~~ ¡_:} l' 1. ,)\....1.",).:.,.) L·!.I.a v t'ir Go j.l!.la11, van a copy for his his"tori.c21 rt~co.~ds. ~flvl1.-.:.1.:~,) ~.¡78:CC C:::~.)!'\Jc:3:.)d to ltr-. Fa::: fox· Lj.s r~cl1erosi·t,;I¡;". of Harld1G.Ll, be CARRIED --- ~~,~.~~~~.rc11 l·L:~'·. 1<~:i.ll.::;I' rcpo:ctcd Lll;J.t I,JOj~~:I-.la11 I-Iod,:~son artcl l-tis frici1ds v;ollld talce ~):':~~ s=Lll~i.D,~ .:l~:1,J rüç~f·j.11((~ fr01~l l?i.lllS()d pa:r~t of Col~; house and put tllem on 1:,118 }':-ç ~ Cool:; C;.c1i~tl[~:ecl to lLO:'··1.·~]:Y S;/-Ll;; ~3 a.::, sc;corlc~ed. b~r i,t:c~-::.. 1,:,::'~~cle tl-lat l'Jolln!£lll ilo·::IßS011 and l1ecessal~ :.:roct d:u;.':::h shed i;md bc:~rns under the supcrvision of ~~)J_. 25 l)~)l-' h(y,¡-c Jt CAl1.ll11i:D 1-J.l.' .. f t ~ f ~ í ¡ f ~' ~,' 1 I I J. - - Church Sheds Sccrct.ar;r direct'::;d to ..,-rite Jetter of thanks to I-It. Zion Church and Orvan Jar:1Ì.(;son, l-íc3riGll Transport, for rCLlot,.ra:l. of church sheds t.o PUSCUl:l grou:ld.s ,) Log _ House AGlLi3D that members of [:,11:.: Doard meet at 1.0[; house Œl Hednesday;> tJ.lly 5 to cleiJ.r 3econd floor and, arrange exhibits. HUSOU1'} Duty Q,t, log hOUf;e Due to' Curator IS sto.y in hospital, Hr. Parlcin agreed to go on duty Sunday, July 2, and IIr s. Earle on IIonday, J 111:/ 3. ParE~dc; HI's. IIcPhorson 'Hill l:L':1Qc:ct::llcc to got. horses fror:l Hessrs. Barett and Pi.coY for Centennial Par8.de, July 1st. Socl'otar;y to contact ClaroLlont Band, Ajox Ladies Pipe Band;> and Pickering Blue Noces for l'Iistor;y irl Action Parade. lIre Cha:L1pion to bo roquested to moun.t and dra-:.: gas engines on float. ::i:-"J.f~Oru Hr. - Ilillcr to contact Ill'. Eaker at Ontario Hospital 1'0 Hoosier and other ...ragons, then sccretal'3T to ì·:rite Dr. lie D. Dymond requesting them for raUSCl.1l::l. llistÇ1_J;'Z in Act.ion' IIOVED by Hr. Cook, seconded by Hr. Fox, that \-re aplycove advance s9.1e fOI' iIistoryin Action Days, :Jcllinr.:; thGY:l, 50¢ for adults a:1d 25\'; for and on the days of History in Action, 601; and 30¢ rospccthrcly. tickets children; CAfw.l.IED III'. CooL a:([d lîrs. Zarlc to 1001: aftor prL-rting of ticlccts. :)ui,}::þ. !/[r. Cook and Llrs. :Sarlo to look after printill!:; of ticket3 for qailt. !\.C·T{,:ECD noxt Heeting be ileld TU3Sf)1-~Y, tTULY 11, 1967. --- _._- HOVED by Hr. Cool-::, seconded by Hr. Fox, that mC0ting adjourn. - .....-.---.-..-. ---.--...------..-. - ----.-- - Secretary 1: 'Pl-Jf?,O\j-lc" If)' Of "; "- ..-, .''--'.___________.__ 'I -~_."- ,--,,_. -- .-.....--- Chairmûn I J ~. ~ .)