HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 12, 1967 t ~'T(""" ¡--cr' "'~" rTnL'rp ':TJS':'lr' "'O^(' :- _lJ",'_;.'J:"HL.:"'.U· l{......v:.:.\iù.d...... L.\.· .~U1...... ~ - o,.,ry,;:,;,:, 12 1067 ~':'~~~::::::':-:-:L- ~,,')Er'cirlg of the Pic]ce;ring TOlI11Ship lluseurJ. Board ~'ras held 0:1- i ml "'Ti"LI'" T'-[ ('J "~- (' i' 0(1'1'0-)'7) lo/,Nt .....:' +~le ìIlL.'1iCilY'l Eu'; IdinŒ : .. . ~.....J ' 1 . Cl,,~, v ~ v _ . .JL.u.... ) J v , <-I. '-' V -: _ ...-I,.....;,::} , :l:':' :i~I(.~¡IT (; r cl_oc ~( 1).. El. THUl~SDAY, . Pickering, P~:,3S~-D~ST 0 Eob,jct llillcl', in the Chair Hal'::';}" 'I'. Cool: Eilcon Parldn l'lr3'\1 i)" Earle 1Tr8. -- S-t:,or~:·) 3ecret,al~~"" (Both 1;1'. C. La:rcox and :¡I:ï.~s. J. lIcPherso:l atte::c',ed for a brief j.llt81"'·vD.l) Z:iCï:"sD b:r IIr. Cool(} secorlde(lb.:V" .(LI'. Oc-t.ol)ei~ 12 'be c;'~)l)r(rçe.~l. Par!;:in, that ninutes of Y1ceting held CAiffiIED --- IIo\;r:~D 1);)' fIr::;. T':'1:..'lB" s::,conded by L:r. Coa:c, that, the follOlÜng accounts be paid: }Ii8t,o~rs" i:l ,Action. (~:':lT: SI1i·fT1------- It'1oat Sr:u:'¡rice ':j 63.00 i~~:·:~~¿'~?-ái~s =l:~~c~irro r t.. ~I. lStorr-:./" C;I-:1_~.rcll ~';"inclG:Is 3 G .10 (} [' D.·-r,ri..,; 1 tCÌlell T3.ra.'J 'f ,St Q,t1t:; 2ilill/s13S 16.00 __ ]3 .6J~ 52.60 267.20 ~. ~ -~', "I lc',l~;'J'-12 .t:J2.1'G -..----.---.---- D \I L~ iiair3 P.c'cÜrt L'(¡).' Bo:ilc;r 10.L!,5 Ij()tJ2~ Anot.l:r:'.l' aCCOUIfG) that o~' ·\em'l(~c.h 0P'3Dl'S for S:::-)ea':el~ ,S=~stem élt, Eisto:::';¡r :Ll1 t~(;tion.) l/ras lleld Oilec for cla:-cificatiOYla -,........._.~--......_.,_._---._._.- -.- c () LL:c~~~S FC\:1) l:~: ;CS J..... ;l'O~;l1;:;LiI) of I'ìclccrL1:~; c·,clv5.,:;:::,; CC~ltennial COTaxaitt.C8 112..5 a(-'T8ed t.o ~)ay cel-.tD..i¡--l (::;~;';.~)e;-1Ses fo~ l-listoro:;- ill ¡:I.CtiOl1. :-,<'::'.!.t ..~ ¿,; _ .. L;:) .3 -cJ '1. but Sií~C8 :Lt ua.3 not and contac'~ lias been Sec~e-tary ins~ructed tl'lC te18l)l:orl(~ i11)J~108r ~-JìlJ_oi':(1·Sll8 . ';''-'..0C.C: O~l ,::L3tO.r'3~ i:l .!\.C0l0~1 da:". :iatch 'Jas found C"o'j"1PQl +';r.> Þlo"r1(P' -L'e.t·[1l"7Icd lo,1- '1"'" 'l""'e 'f"'" ])a'\~ -L(..:L~~....... ........-.......L 1.1,""_J.J. V:.,.l..._ _ V/þ !J.l,:;... CL-".,;, .,c;.;.v rJ, r.l.:J.d.C :!Ìth all Days in the Tmfllsl1ip to no avail. to lrrito I~1.(lj_"ln DaC1Cel'S 'Go this effect, giving then of orle, G. T. Day, 1)¡-7-1633, .,rho has since moved to 3. 1[. ;-,. 'l'H8lv:::tr88S" P. ":Clgo} CO')--".lt -,:ll[;:Ll1C~or" advi3C:s 'b1..!.il(lillßS on Brock ;~oad. rl~l,-3t, be; {,to-JCc.l b:~- I:·Jo\r ~ J.5. Sec].'e'tJ.r:- dirocted to advice: ~:r. Tu(;lvetrc8S that b'lÌlclings ~Jill be ~:loved by :·Jov. 15" f.l:~.d advise l:r. ,:al~)h H:L,'I'lson that Board requests rer.loval of the sc: -bu~L:Lclinn::3 t 0 r:l1GC~t~:·~ ::;rou.rlds b:,/ I,IovCrllJel) 1st. ~ ¡ 1\, f .. ~; - 2 4. L~3t, cf }~ist,ðr'icéll 000:-:0 ,.~C;~~j_SC()V\Jl"~~__l\(~'; .;.\.r~(;l"Ole2. -- l!itl1 (~.esei:'i,.yLio;.1S ~t~:",~. ~-;~.)-L(;C~[3 It c, " . c .cd:'.L':))Oli·c<~;l ','o:,,'ontu , - is tJ :'~~~ i"e·'..:~o-.rccl C..11è. states .j C 113 C ~,..~r- 0. it ll3.S 1. .. llaG iœ1 ..,';~~lŒ'ìt; a;ed ;U: ,.~torr:·- barn Otl18l' iil,.::llir'i8s abOtlt it. b2U;1 re:'.ovc:d a~1:": :c8:'ilaindcl' 1;ould S;)Ci..".:;tar:r Tc)Jied tha't,;-)al'ts of it had b8 t:l~_~C::1 c.s 800i1 0.8 )O~~[L.L0~Le. ;:., ·/iJ12-.,~;c ._,0':<: StOí~C) r:.:O:':Cr."1.to, 02."Ò_C S rj_v~ CO~)i8S 01 r.:.'lle I';ic_::el~:L~12; StOl"'"¡t an.cl :':"':"~·t~.ì.ccs o.b011t ~)l.'ic..). S,:;CI10tLL:---:·'· llElE) a(~"'v"isc(. a.~JOlJt. ~)l""ice. rl. , :; él~1·::" c1 i ê-l:'l ~ . . . ~'JI3'3lL·JS ...,'1.[' SO·~.l,~:."':"lO~-: dei1C~,S CO")">' 01' ttt':'a:.::c"Gte ~ i: 11.1". lit ...;. :,,);.EF.r·:li~1["~;:;', :~:12..i":..' "\Ol't Jeac~l, Of.r'3'i)~:,j to ~"·t¡::..~.~e l>L~~l1.(".8S f')r J~o..,: llo-:"'lse. -~'. --._..~.,- (', , . :?i.c· 'l'o~r'l,31Üõ) _..esol:ltioil .0. 30~V67L'3ad- a :;.~e301ut:.iŒ1 Ltstructin['; tO~·;~1\Jl·LL G:l~:ill~el') "La a"':s~Lst 1~1 1.':11e_·c~~\"Oi· ~~;·Cl:7 ~):J3s:LbJ_e ~;it~1 ;.ì~SeU.2'll Cl:.·él~~11D. ,8 ~.)l')oò~Lc~.l, a~l;,;. -~() 1)':) ~''-1.tllOJ.:~=Lz8d to C!:l: :2.:c~e 3. s'~r\r3:'Ol" to ~JI"el)LLi."G t 0)0 ).'il)llÌ8;ll SUi~Ye~r, ]ilsSGd CJ"l Occo1Jcr 2. " '~~8Cr(;·C0.~.-':. ,.·.ii.·8C'G\";C~ co ".rJ.~::.'~C:; cO':~lcil 1.1G"":.13zr:~:i.~1 L 1.,.~l:.:·.\::'C: C.C~i011 01.1 -C.,:1j_ s :i....,,~;.30 l.lr~i O~: ~.', 0 t). . c.,,, :·I:~ç'.liJ:-'e~'~:J~.lt ;_~: 2::"'-1 cl:'ai~1.~lr~e ~)l ')0 1J l8~:S C8.::'1 be ,~,~2: Cc3.j_8C: '081"01"'8 .l.l·C:'~~:;¿j')nll::.:ì. C"L':-l':,~ j~"'~D L_·' .. ,__......_,~ .:.:..J.. "._'. ',..........---- ".CIY,'-~8,1.¡:jO~1 a '1'8011 '~;J 5;;0(;' to C:'l,I':':~LI1~:31"O. In. I-To"<:-,~~.:">d ;3toJ.J.þ 2fl~r.j_,~:-L~l"'·· tllat \~~+~a5.r: ~.a,t: 0': ,-:~: !.-;::;é~f}-G ·2.olC:. ::Jr'.l.:-l . '0" ~') tn' , , C':.!.:nl ',~~" !,.: 01.1'::' :"C~, ~Jell a:1'~·. t.elfr:r 011 . :,. ~ . ' . ;~ ~)Cll00J._ ~:r.ill '0'-; ;Îì):Ji" <:.11C;:1tl~u J.O¿'L1C(_~ ,1 "G 0 )·.::13C1"E·:.. ~)(:C:CC'~, ~:~~':r cli:c.jcT,ed ·~O .'rJ_'Ge 1:,:~·~~t83.."" 0]: t.~lD,:l" 5" .:1::,1'".:, élCCCYC IJeJ_l 2.::1.":' l)'J~~_i.~r:r 4 "'~':':':_''-"~~ J..; :~)I..:·~JI') ~ -.--..----.- - .. ..... J... l~r;ssr::ì~ 0j~cl~lC;~- F\.l[~h ili""J:~" ~"..l~:~'l';jd .:'_Zl:··CS a~)~J8,~\i':Qd l.)'j.fore t:18 Board, to t).i:3Cl183 ti~') ylac:"_:,'3 to ~< 8 c:ccct¿;ci O~l l·:c. J. .J. ~'. I~"1¡j..:n!s 11(),d.,_0 i~l ·.:I·li·~cvc"lc ~ c (rL~G:'.~)i.'2.·t =-l1~~ ..:l1i:0 e·vLì.~Lenn.:.) cist \;:1~11--'cll-, ~ .~1ic~1 Ol~C C [~) L oed o_~ tilO ~Jit 8 , t:~<.~ ~)]jl(~.'l.~ ê1Yl(~. 3.tt811(1~.1..J.'i.t ccre·..¡Oll:~r to bo Ol"2;o..:11~~8(1 t)J"- t,b.e for>.lCI- cI1ll~.:"c11 ~)Ü,·..·.!'C: ~J,ilC.~. t,lle ::'·:.:'lse:l~:l 1Jo<:~'~.r__·(J lit ~>~l. PU,.,ll t3(j,i.-~ t11at a ~)1\J.~.·1.c; 17 ìf }C 13 j¡ llacl DG;.;n C~,Jvj_sccl b:r -:~:18 Doal~d) a:1::. (;-83c:c:Lbccl aIL eTtGr3.Vi!l,~~ of ·G~18 C:111::'cll at t113 to) -' 2.~lC·. ·;:'118 "¡O:Cd:L11é;, Ul1:tC;1 h'J '.iOalc~ li:~e to c~.i::;cuss ',"ith ~:l'. I:CI;in befo:;:'e co:_)18tin.'S'~h; yI'oj ;:~Gt. I)l.1~~rl S2.:Lct G:__~¿?'~:" -L:~L-~ ~.)1:.(r,~8 ~';ol,:l( t,s.',~':; tJ".'.~O 0:-" tl1rec l:ee1:s to co: ~)18te 9 i¡e 1';"')",1.1c1 f~ì~I')ut cllecl,: 11:'_l..11·"1"'. Ir~·;i~1 2.~_·o:rt, -~il~) f3izc C.l1tl 1'rc:'(~i:;t,~: ,3.ii.C~. :.':'~·-SCtl0S a c~¿1.:~e ::Ol> "G..1·:· cloc:.ic2.tioil. :~8 ¿\.l:::() s.::::_rJ. t:l,"-',t llC ·,r<..dd i'J:'i1i <1 a :List 0,[ "8 -¡~O ;.¡;:; Lrv.lcncl to tll:; ce:::'s .Œ'~· cud :;.'.J')Oi:'t ~),:-~c t,,) t::u ~~o2J.."ð.. ~'" " It \'.<"':'. r:,;...")oi)·;'\:;C~ -:':':1~:.~~ :"'/~~:,l~- ~J8o~)1,.. ,.isa)=-,oirl-(.ec~ at :~i;:TGOr':,~ .l~1 ¡.:;¡.ct:iO:·l b....ca lse .~J. ::,i"C.:O::t =';&:1C~ (~:.':.. ~10"~, .l.l:':'V~~j a:1 o:}..)O::.:t1.1l1it:...·c,....J p=La~>;,~' C~l <~:18 ,1~:rol~"Slc~.~31¡o ,·.j'~·Cl·~;Y,.;~~l~~~l" :.~;.i:::~:::c-tc\?~ to víl.··i-Gc.r. .!.~ilto~l I):;¿~~:;J e~:")~"0ssi~1~~ r:'~ ¡Ieto a~'o11t ":~::.i;~.. ,~--::'r1 ;;'~~vi_se tIi.at [jt¿~~,.e ~,~O\i.']:~ .)c~ l()vc\"l, aoll" f~lt"ll.1~(~ ~)l~O~'l"'a,"s 1,"0'.1.1c1 be O:L"~'~¿Ll:'~~C,~\.l ".¡=Lt.~1 ti~-·.":;~; c~et. I i I~ ~ ~ I· , 1 . I I i I ¡ , ~ J ~ j ¡ ) ~. -) ,) , :;,.'¡ ·:·T=~ D b ~.- : , ,.). _<'~;...;.:::.'" _~_r.; ) s (; C cc~:·-~. {..~(i. Par~-~_t::) ~,~~,:,',.~ 1'.:-(j orc~cr 500 oì tl1e .' ::; :~' l-()."'l l:~.!.'. C·ro~I~-~. v' C_L,LI~m .--... ......-........ .-..... . _:':,::-·~.c':.~~:c Ej . ,'·~ooL:, 'c'lts.·¡-__ cl¿"\.l~~; 'LOll'~~ J.:1allcl 1)c; Si\ïC~1. T ~iller ·~o S8CU.J:·C i1.:1:';1::;S uÎ béllld~ (;Jl.~rr¿I:SD ! . ....~~;¡J .t"il' ~-). J.;_;:'~.'l:." .LC , S ~3 C 0 :._~. ;::-H1 ~~.~~.:~~~ .:~.~~L. i.E;.ì) l'()l~ c?.cb. r.~\-?~.'_LI:.::~j:, -,'_.- Li_~;'··. :. ·:i~L~"e.L' C:(L 'Gl1·:1:L. ,_', '.):3 ::-)<~O~1C ·L}1,~:rt, 11,::.:1 oee11 te.:"=e~: to t~le llo:;·al G~'l :l:::"io j_,>l,S',:j'J~':'~ i. O~~~ __C>·~.T¡lO~l }lD..cl :n.ot ;,)08['1 T'e ::'U.rl1"3d.. SeC2....et~lr~j" to :;1...;:'J '- ~L'o:c . . ~j ~,-\C;T,..U.J..·n.. ":~:·i.'·~L·C,8 L t:,~_ ~':) ,,~) \L~~ 'L' tJ .:. L' .:..... to CO(;~.:: :c~:r<)~.'·G :jl~ tl~,3.t:~ ..~. ~:1.C}. ~:.:~r~{:Jš,i,~;atccl t~l:) pJ:oL,le~:~ of a locl:ecl Gas co!'_~~:.ct ¡,-ro:'~.lc.~ I"8íJ.1.:.ì:'c E1. pict~}.l~e of t11c l)uJ.:2.lJ a:;r'2;ecl to )llotoL~:~ta~j)ll it. -;"L:i'_:~) l~~_:. II"·lE:.:Ll"G0::·L, :J~~,:':':. s,::;.j_':..l Ú~LS t.o ':j C2 ;..; l~i-~lj. it ~'J:1 S , 1. !.~;..' . 'I. i '.\) \Fj:~ U -".J.... ~-OÍ to ~:,!J.~CjJ::;t ~3eC!..':l.l':':.·:=:.;). ~)~,... .;., - i~ool: be a~~llorizcd t' I.: Ll·S.:i.J ¡ ,. -'- ~;. (.L ,');:' ,. ;_':~':;W~l ) ",',.,,;., &vé.:.ilablc. CJL_l¿I~D --, -'"' -.----- r'_'_~' . t'·_:!_ _._.._.j ::.-. J-./ ','\ C' \.,..'.'-' !'....~ ,-:). .--- J.; I" . _L.~"': "C..C f (I J_.lo~;~· 8 J_'~ . ~c21 proj ect up. ",,;.:,j T~.2~(> Ic~) +(,:i::I_'I':' f or :2l·~·:':,I"2.Lle c; Ill" to COO~.: be 2.l.l·~ ~lOl"i zec1.. ~ .I)'·II:~I.; l({~ , ~)a.:.' ;:';·1:;, ,'~ or ~': \~~ f'''; 1)':.1. ICG. ....-' ~:; '" -(,0 . . '.. lJ''''; ;'_tl"':l~'L_ b~~tilc~i:1L; .. C~-:..:..û~I2D -,- -,---,-,- '." ~w' ,_, ~~":1 ~ ;~~ '-'-.ì J:01.... j:lf~l1. to 1'rcr~,: ar.i. , '...., r,'.':". .. ~.L1J_,:_,:. 2:~:-,~;(j,!..' :~C<l eLL·, a,lcL~~-G_iüll:l~L 111Ci1 ~.!l-:e~î 1:";'-' .l.'.!...L . S3'1;18 S ,. ;.. <'::~' (1 '\:- . ~ ~.~ ::; L :~;-'·t ¡,-... i ' .' ( .. ': ~ ...:.~ ;::.) C..!:. ~L '¡.. ') ,';"...., <", , :_1..S:-~':·i L-Ul.l1.·'-~. ~ 'Il:;:,: Q'i';T1S:-C:3 o~f tl'1.e 'vIi lli.:l:·,.~: ',-. 0·, ~\~)~: /; 1 V'-'" '\fì '.' '-' .,c~~, ,'-"'J V\,.,. ?';,lD.-G t. ~J i~~l~:;ain) 0 e e :Cil"lt~ to Gl'le .:/» ('Ie}] co:::t. o~f r:~~);.ri~lr: tll':-~ i-Ia~/¡~>:nl, ,-__~':.c.l l·il~ Ì·_~iJ_le:c ~'!ij_l see i: G -:F .:;~ -..'(,1. .;; os-L,s . I·~·~,,"., ~·;c,,:,,\ . . -.",j J.:;_~:(; ~L~+j ~:.~c;_~·~-~()'rc::,-~, _., {'. t;.. . ,~.... -J..( V_'_ ',' ^ ..II..,' l.J¿~= !i10l";1 .: . .~~. é. G ~l ';:)1".1 .:. ;; .+'.:.. .~ , ; .~l. ,;, ~ : (J'..:,~L'"l - . 'COZiCll t~~cj_l." f(·.l':..:.l:·~r:> lIr.. I-Iarr~t ~ . \....' . ,~ ,.' , ~; ~'" '. ¡... .. c c~·: .:::,-1, ,,~ \."" ~,._.._ 'J ";¡j .' .,,,'- ,'''' ,( ~~,-=. ~.; '.'OIJ e t.~ t. . ". .""",,"' ::.: l.;J _~_-' T':' (~:'. .' \.- ¡ ~,:' C."J '. : (: I .:~ L:" "=-: ~, 1"", .'....','.:"" . 'j . ~ '-.,J.... ..', J.:~, :1.;3 O}-~ ".''7\ 1j _" 'J ::~~tl. ~~ C Uln , L~~·{·01..~~lC~S . L..L 'J L~,; J. u 1.>., 1.-'"(' :f~~:D .;. . \..:0 fjCC(),n,:~~; ,~ , .-,l" . P ,-1:. ~ 1-:j..:.·_ì. ) 'C ~'l !.~~..). .:.Jar~LC; :)'':; a~)~:~oii:tcd C~\~"~?,I~~D ¡J.i. ", I.'-.',:l.,~:l i ~~~t ~,~J_O[;1".....inG -,---_. v. .i. :,'C: i.~ TO:,; Oi .;...-L . ') th.:; ì',\:::. ,_, '.j O:.lJ.~lled. 3ecr'etar~;- -- - -, -,--.-.'-- . 1~) .:: '; ~r:-~~;] .~. ------_._._,,----- -'_.- -,-,-,--'.- GllairEl3.n. ~ ~ ~ , I i ¡ ~ i: "'-4 j~