HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 15, 1967 PICI~~~:IliG 'l'OUHSEIP Lt';·,I.;UE bOA~Û) -.." -........ --------........-. -..----- - -,._..,. .-.....--..-._.,------ lJOVEl-ID~~~·~ 15 1967 .._._-- - _._~--'-'---- A neeting of the Pickerinc TONllSlÜp EuseULl DoaI'd i'ié.lS held on tŒDlIESDAY, the FIFTEJZWI'1I day of lJOVmllni:~~, 1967, at. the llunicipal Duilc~ing at ß I)· m. P¡¿:¿SEi-1'l' : Hobert Liller, in the hI's. Deirdre Earle ~ti.lton Parki::l Harr~r T. Cook Lrs. J. IJ';:cPh(H'son G. lJ. La~reox. l,irs. ~~uth Ha:- lirD. ;nsa Storr3T, Seeretar~r ,.q . '",.1a1r HOVED by hI's. ;::arle, October 12, 1967, be date, CctobeI' 12, to sGconded. by Er. 1a~'eox, ap:Jroveci, as anendecl b:r .scptellter 26. that LlÌnutes of meeting held etan¿e of ap~roval of recorded CA~Ü~IED _.._.~_.- TLS~::.A:)UlŒJ.t IIKlb-erÊ¡õf tho Board expressed disalJ1Joìnt:ucnt that tm-IDship treasurer Ron ¡'¡itchell had resigned his position, and cOe.imended him highly for the Hork he had clone :;:01' this Boa:cd. r..ï:OVED by Ül'. '.;ook, seconded b~/ ill's. LarJ.e, that the teTO cOUJ.'1cil mejlbers on the Board a:ì:Ta¡lse for a trear.ml'cr frOI.l the t01iJl1ship staff. CAj~~IÆD. SE0,ŒTA:~Y T11e- resignation of tl1e present secretary liaS considered, and it Has aßreed that r¡r. :foel IŒarsha11, Dep'..lt~r Clerk, bc; a~)})roached. lIre La:~cœ¡: "'Tas able to contact Hr. l1arshall, i'rho a:3reeù to act as secretar· for 196G. HOVßD o:r Er. Laycox, seconded b~T lirs. }~arle, tllat lJoel llarshall be appointed secretal'\J of t:.8 museUlI bo¡;u'd aIL'. recoive a stipend of ~ß10.OO per meeting.. G¡Ü:l~IED -,-,-_..--~- ACCOUNTS IIOVBD bY Er. Cool~, seconded 'Jy i·:r. La:rcox, that the folloi'Jing accounts be l)aid: Histo:c~' in Action .._--- ~_._._._._- G. l-I. Smith Ltd. Hauling ste&'. engines home ¡~oncla;T .:wrning ':j 63.00 Dept. of Labour Testing Boiler 10.00 Huseurl Board --.......-..--.... G. H. Smith Ltd. Float ~~ental for stOG-ii enr;ines from Ontario I-Io2i)ital to Brougham 45.00 Barela;)' Transport Hoving Generators -:;j 75.00 '\Jri tten off as dona.tion IJil - 2 - ACC~1t~ (cont'd.) ~Gntelli1ial ~~~~~1 Rad Tru.cking Ltd. 92. n tons :)it run -::;ravel rrruclcs Hauli!l[; above ßravel [; l~6. 40 .J±..9_. 50 .!) 95.90 Vernoy Excavating Lcvellil1: (Travel 105.00 CAFilUED -.----- CŒGŒSPOlm:sucz -.--..-.....------.- .. ......-. 1. I·Irs. .~. 0010 "irites aslcin¿; ',":W her buildiü:::; has not been moved. She sa~Ts ,:mter is';etting in, a vdndmv brolŒl1, aml suggests chiImey holo be c overecl. Secrotar~' to advise III's. 1.;ole the build:inS Hill be Lloved as soon as frost settles, ancl Ill'. liiller ,.¡ill cover cLir:ne~r. 2. Er. DouG CUI'Jnings writes thut he 1-rill matl" hinc;e;) and latches for log house. lie requosts .1lÜl-scale drai-¡il:::S of design chosen b:r the board. líI'. John IcGi'll;81 to be c:slæd about the cì.esign used in the period of the lor;; house. HOV.8D b¡,r 1.1'8. ::~2.l"le, SCCml(~Ðd bJr Lr. Parkin, tllQt lire and tolcì that the door o~.-'cns inwarcl. -..empcl be consulted, CAmLIED ....~-_._- 3. Elinor iicrrell, dOi'1 Yo:i.'J -, aclvertises antique fabrics. L:,. ,A:ndre¡,'J Gleil loam, COP;? of ii'l'Ì1'3 FOl'n:~·Give Years, íí ~Jnb1ished bJr Imperial Oil Hevicnv, J ul~r, 1967. HI's. Ha;;r advises sl18 ha~-.: a :,x~n;.al1el1t cOP3r of above book for museUln. Q.e.ll~.r.E-l_Dus~h~e_s_l?.. all!l_C_?.p.:t.er1;.!-ß~~ )~!:o.j ec.t l~r. IÜller a'J.thcrizecl to ilave 1:'1'. Davidson iastall clmrcll i'ri;.ldoHS. nr. liillcr e:;::rÜa.ined need for COllent to hold boiler aúcl building. LOV:':';)) b:r Hr. Cook, SCCŒli'cd b:" LIr. Parldn, proceeded l,-itll as qnicl:ly as :.ioGsible. t.ilÜG this con.eret.8 I!Or1: be CAB,ÜIED --._- -... ÅC~.L::.::m that e~::isti"lL Gate ÌJe -,1~>(>;:'. until t.lîC entrance builc1il18 is erected. Hl'. d.llcr advised that a 8tU..,,) fence had bcen offered L18 ¡:i.USe1lIcl. (Jim Griffin) ilGI~}~::~D tb.at (;.01101'1 LJC Q8l'..el~ tr2T'lGport tL'Ju to ElUseULl. U\! )':,811 tl¡c;: O'lt. and tr;)r to arrange a ¡-vaJ" to Dedication of lÙaque for 1,1'. IrìJiü I s llouse 0: Nove.:.bcr 25, 1967. IllVitation list to be COL.19iled. ~)uggcst.ion tlwt ~.J. C. lJell.'iJ,l1, :ii.P., Harr~r a:\H.1 Tom IJevr.nan, élIlcl -.-.rives be invited tCI dodication. - 3 - 1..'.1'. lIilton Parkin é\dvise0. that h:; had the bell anc"~ bclfr~r from Kinsale School (clm1atecl to ,ùuse~'.jl) in hi;:; 0<.l1'n. I'iOVED by ill'. La~rco:;::, see cí1dcd l.:ç llr. the boll. Co&:, ~~:~:·.t Lr. Ps.rki:1 :::mb1'lit a bill for CA.ilí.I.';D --_............... 1\ disCllssio11 of buildin:::;s to :Y.: noved to ¡¡,-lSeUh ensuod, GÜcl it Fas a[;reed that it 'Hculc: not ')0 f8asib13 ui1tl.l [r,l'oul1'l is harcì.enec.l b3~ frost. Er. Lill~~r advised tild·:':' Oln·..oI' fcr :;00 1[;77 Llél"IS had beel1 c¿ú1celled. Dl'. Geúl'ge d. ',.;. Lucas, dC)¡lato 'C"JdO "t.:reatl:s (o:le ;::~17 ~:,llelc~ra:,c; Blvd., ,.,.1'0·""·.-1+0 4(··0_?ï()3 ,.'; S'J.'lPoS ·"0 .1. v.. v, IU;J 1..._'_ , .~__ ..., lor ·<'-:.a·l. "'r) .1.''':''' _v~l<~ °GO Hrl1.S(~rua. :·ir. CooL ar;l'ced to p:Lcl~ up. AG.G!;:r:':D t~.at IiI'. ~ïlton L()1;'bnl~r be ûs:-'e~l to cn.ll a mcctj.~i.'":, of thE: lIistorieal Society so 196r; ne .bel's i!ldJ be; éJ.:;·'.lolntod. OJ! ;j(¡TIOi. of IiI's. EcPhol'f;mi, tl,C ucet:;.llg adjo';.rned. --- . _.u -~.- -~Šo-c-r-êtä-r::-~ APL~OV:¿D 196'" ----_._---- - ..- --..-.-. ( ._"~ --- - -Cl18.irï:ïâi1----