HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 13, 1968 - - 'I" PICKERING TOWNSHIP MUSEUM BOARD 2/68 February 13, 1968 A meeting of the Pickering Town- ship Museum Board was held on TUESDAY, the THIRTEENTH day of FEBRUARY, 1968, at the Municipal Building at 8:30 p.m. PRESEl'iJT: Mr. Harry T. Cook - Chairman Mrs. Dierdre Earle Mr. Robert Miller Mrs. Ruth Haye - Curator Mr. Noel Marshall, Secretary- arrived 8:55 1. MINUTES The Committee noted that the minutes did not record the previous agreement that future meetings of the Museum Board be held on the second Tuesday of each month. Mr. Miller asked that his recorded statement regarding the invoice of $103.00 from N. Sims and Alex Davidson be amended by deleting the name of Mr. Sims as the invoice came from Mr. Dav idson. It was MOVED by Mr. Miller and seconded by Mrs. Earle that the minutes as amended be approved. CARRIED . 2. ACCOUNTS MOVED by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mrs. Earle that the following accounts be paid: McBrian Transport - timber barns Museum Board <. Mrs. R. Haye .- presentation gift $ 40.00 25.00 .X'" The debit memo from the Township Engineering Department covering the invoice of Edwards & Gunn for the topograph-> ical survey on the Museum property in the amount of $250.00 was held in abeyance. It was MOVED by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mrs. Earle that the debit memo from the Engineering Department ref the survey costs of the Museum property be held in abeyance until the next Committee meeting at which time a decision should be available from Council con..· cerning the disposition of the drainage problem. CARRIED . 3. BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES Centennial Project The delegation appointed to contact Mr. Harrison had been unsuccessful in their attempts as he was absent during their visit. Mr. Miller had phoned Mr. Harrison several times since and had finally reached Mrs. Harrison, requesting that her husband get in touch with him regard- ing the moving of the building for the Centennial project immediately. Mr. Harrison had agreed to start moving the - -, -2- 2/68 buildings commencing on February the 12th, but as of to-day no action has taken place. The Committee directed Mr. Miller to attempt to contact Mr. Harrison once again informing him that unless positive action was taken regard- ing the moving of the buildings by the end of the current week action would be taken to contact another contractor to complete the job. Should this develop the Committe would refer the matter of pre-payment on this project to the Township Solicitor to determine what course of action should be taken to recover these funds. Mr. Miller also agreed to contact Mr. G. Taylor regard~· ing the removal of the Bayshore Barn. Hydro Display Mrs. Earle told the Committee that in talking with the Ontario Hydro Plant she had been informed that they knew nothing of a proposed display by the Township and in fact had no facilities for even a display of their own. The Secretary volunteered to investigate this matter further with the Public Relations Department of the Hydro in Toronto as preliminary discussions con~· cerning such a display had been held previosly. 4. CORRES PONDENCE (1) A letter had been received from Mr. Rempel acknowledg- ing receipt of the correspondence from Mr. Doug Cummings regarding the making of the hinges for the log cabin. It was his opinion that the heart shaped end with a driven pintle should be used. He understood that there was an employee in his school by the name of Cununings whose bobby dealt with black smith work. He wondered whether this could be the same man and asked that the Board contact Mr. cummings and suggest they get to~ gether to discuss the finalization of plans for the hinges. The Secretary agreed to phone Mr. cummings and arrange such a meeting. (2) Mr. Miller had received a letter from the firm of Lawson & Clark dealing with the removal of the black smith's shop in the Village of Greenwood. Miss Green the owner of the property on which the black smith's shop sits has sold the property and acting on her behalf Mr. Lawson requests the Board to sign an under- taking that they will remove the building by the 1st of May, 1968, and failing to do so will relinquish any right or interest they may have in the building. He also mentioned a matter of outstanding taxes on this building amounting to $97.60. The Township had acquired ownership of this building on behalf of the the Museum Board back in 1965 and since that time Miss Green has been charged taxes on the building. Mr. Lawson asked that the Board submit a cheque to him covering the outstanding taxes ina.smuch as Miss Green no longer owned the building. It was suggested that a letter be sent to Mr. Lawson agreeing to request the Township Council to write off these taxes once the building is removed from the property. It was pointed out that should the Board fail to have the building moved by the deadline it would revert back to Miss Green and as such would be -. - -3- 2/68 liable for taxes. It was MOVED by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mrs. Earle that the Chairman be authorized to sign the under~ taking agreeing to the removal of the black smith's shop in the Village of Greenwood on or before the 1st of May, 1968. CARRIED . (3) Mr. Miller had received a letter from Mrs. Gostick inquiring as to whether or not the Museum Board planned to acquire the Mount Pleasant School Building. Apparently the school board in area 1 was offering this property for sale. Mr. Miller explained that in prev- ious years a number of residents in the area had in,"" dicated an interest in retaining the school and moving it to the Museum Grounds. At present the village plans indicated a school for which no building was available. The cost of moving the building would 'be in the neigh·~ bourhood of $2,000.00 and in addition a foundation costing approximately $1,000.00 would be required" The board directed that Mr. Miller advise Mrs. Gostick that the Museum would like to have the building but did not have the necessary funds to arrange for its re-location. He was asked to indicate to the interested parties a willingness to locate the building on the property provided sufficient funds could be obtained from private individuals to cover the cost of moving it. 5. GENERAL BUSINESS Budqet - Museum Board The Chairman introduced a proposed budget for the year 1968 for the operation of the Museum Board. It was MOVED by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mrs. Earle that the following budget for the Museum Board be adopted as presented. CARRIED. Museum Board Budqet 1968 Revenue: Carried forward from 1967 Grant Ontario Grant Pickering Township Admissions Maps & Plates History in Action Donations $ 2700..00 500..00- 2200.00 1000.00 500.00 1200.00 1000.00 $ 9100.00 Expenses: Curator's Salary Postage Stationary & Supplies Secretary Hydro Convention Insurance Memberships $ 750.00 100.00 150.00 75.00 75.00 100.00 25.00 .- - ..,4- 2/68 BUDGET CON 'T 0 Building Maintenance Equipment Repairs Equipment operation Antique purchases Drainage Ground Maintenance Moving Masonic Hall 50.00 50.00 175.00 300.00 2000.00 200.00 4000.00 Restorations: (a) Buildings (b) Antiques 1000.00 500.00 Miscellaneous: History in Action contingencies 300.00 . 200.00 . $ 9100.00 6. BUDGET - C~lTENNIAL PROJECT It was MOVED 'by Mrs. Earle, seconded by Mr. Miller that the following budget for the completion of the Centennial project be adopted as presented. CARRIED. centennial Pro;ect .. 1968 Receipts: Balance of grant Hydro Pre..·payment pre-payment of moving costs $ 6100.00 600.00 1000.00 $ 7,700.00 Expenses: Plank house Black Smith's Shop Board Wall House Hotel Printers Shop Barn - Bayshore Barn - Stong $ 1500.00 1900.00 2300.00 1000.00 600.00 2500.00 1500.00 ~ 11,300.00 ~ 3,600.00 DEFERMENT OF RENOVATIONS FOR FUTURE YEARS 7. HISTORY IN ACTIOlif It was MOVED by Mrs. Earle, seconded by Mr. Miller tha:t September the 14th, 1968 be established as the day for History in Action and that further discussion concerning the advisability of a two day celebration be deferred until the next meeting. CARRIED. .- - -5~- 2í58 ... 8. The Chairman introduced a copy of the by-law of the Township of pickering appointing the new members for the year 1968 to the Museum Board. Tbe 1968 member~ ship will consist of the following: Harry Cook Robert Miller M,ilton parkin F. H. Fox Mrs. Dierdre Earle John R. Williams "" council D. Beer - Council 9. On motion the meeting adjourned at 10:55 p.m. APPROVED Chairman Secretary