HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 38-06 I) e'"j L'~., 'Ciú! o~ REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: PD 38-06 Date: June 26, 2006 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Goldenridge Road Extension/Rushton Road Road Dedication and Naming By-law Road Closing and Transfers of Land to Adjacent Owners Abandonment of Easements File: D0206 Recommendation: By-laws should be enacted to: (a) dedicate and name certain parts of lots within Registrar's Compiled Plan 1051, being those parts of Lots 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 117 and 118, designated as Parts 16 to 20, 40R-23842, Parts 1 and 2, 40R-23817, Parts 1 and 2, 40R-22516, Part 6, 40R-21832, Part 9, 40R-21831, Block 29, Plan 40M-2299 as Goldenridge Road and Block 30, Plan 40M-2299 as Rushton Road; (b) stop-up and close certain portions of Goldenridge Road lying within Registrar's Compiled Plan 1051, being those parts of Lots 54 and 117, designated as Parts 10, 11, 21 and 22, 40R-21831 and Parts 7, 9, 15 and 16, 40R-21832 as public highway; (c) declare the lands within Registrar's Compiled Plan 1051, being those parts of Lots 54 and 117 designated as Parts 10, 11, 21 and 22, 40R-21831 and Parts 7, 9, 15 and 16, 40R-21832 (portions of Goldenridge Road) surplus to the needs of the Corporation for the purpose of sale to the abutting owners, in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Act and the Acquisition and Disposal of Land Policy subject to any required easements; (d) abandon the easements, in favour of the City, for road maintenance purposes, over those lands lying within Registrar's Compiled Plan 1051, being those parts of Lots 54, 116 and 117, designated as Parts 12, 13, 20 and 23, 40R-21831 and Parts 2, 8,10,14 and 17, 40R-21832; and (e) authorize the execution of all relevant documentation necessary to effect the dedication and naming, abandoning of easements, stopping-up and closing of those portions of Goldenridge Road as public highway and to effect the conveyances of them to the abutting owners for nominal consideration, subject to any required easements. Report PD 38-06 Date: June 26, 2006 0\ {)8 th.o Subject: Goldenridge Road Extension Page 2 Executive Summary: The City has acquired additional lands to allow the completion of another portion of the Goldenridge Road extension and has entered into an Agreement for its construction. Once the construction is complete, the appropriate by-law should be registered to name it and dedicate it as a public highway. Once the construction of this portion of Goldenridge Road is complete, the turning circle located within Plan 40M-2155 and the road maintenance easements taken in favour of the City will no longer be required. Accordingly, a by-law should be enacted to stop-up and close the lands subject of the turning circle, abandon the road maintenance easements and convey same to the abutting owners when the lands subject of the turning circle have been restored to residential capacity. Financial Implications: Advertising, Legal Fees and Disbursements Owner's Cost Registration of Documentation (City's Cost) Approximately $500.00 Background: Goldenridge Road is an internal development road expected to eventually extend from Fairport Road to Dunbarton Road. Currently, the southerly portion extends approximately 42 metres north of Dunbarton Road and the northerly portion of Goldenridge Road was constructed through Plan of Subdivision 40M-2155, leaving the central 160 metres (approximately) to be constructed. The City has acquired an additional 115 metres (approximately) of the lands required to complete the central portion of Goldenridge Road through various land division applications and has entered into a Development Agreement with Grant Morris Associates Ltd. for the construction of this additional section. Once this portion of Goldenridge Road has been constructed, it will require dedication and naming (see Attachment #1 - Road Dedication and Naming Location Map). It should be noted that the residents at 1754 and 1756 Appleview Road (Lots 46 and 47, RCP No. 1051) were not prepared to convey the lands required to complete the extension of Goldenridge Road to the City at this time, therefore the construction of Goldenridge Road will extend to within 45 metres (approximately) from the completed portion at Dunbarton Road. The Agreement between the City and Grant Morris Associates Ltd. also addresses the removal of the turning circle located within Plan 40M-2155. V\fith the extension of Goldenridge Road, the turning circle will no longer be necessary and certain portions of it should be deemed surplus to the needs of the City and conveyed to the adjacent owners and the easements previously taken for road maintenance purposes abandoned. As the turning circle has been dedicated as a public highway, it is necessary to enact a by-law to stop-up and close the portions no longer required as U:2 9Report PO 38-06 Date: June 26, 2006 Subject: Goldenridge Road Extension Page 3 public highway prior to the City's disposal of them (see Attachment #2 - Stop-up and Close Location Map). Such conveyances will be subject to any required easements. Further, as Rushton Road has now been completed and will connect to this extension of Goldenridge Road, it is also appropriate to lift the 0.3 metre reserve and dedicate Block 30, Plan 40M-2299 as public highway at this time. The appropriate notices have been published in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Act and the City's Notification By-law relating to the stopping-up, closing and naming of these portions of highway and there have been no objections. Staff is seeking enactment of these by-laws at this time as it is anticipated that this extension of Goldenridge Road will be completed during Council's summer recess. The registration of such by-laws will not be effected until such time as the construction inspection has been finalized. By-laws should therefore be enacted to: (a) dedicate and name certain parts of lots within Registrar's Compiled Plan 1051, being those parts of Lots 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 117 and 118, designated as Parts 16 to 20, 40R-23842, Parts 1 and 2, 40R-23817, Parts 1 and 2, 40R-22516, Part 6, Plan 40R-21832, Part 9, Plan 40R-21831, Block 29, Plan 40M-2299 as Goldenridge Road and Block 30, Plan 40M-2299 as Rushton Road; (b) stop-up and close certain portions of Goldenridge Road lying within Registrar's Compiled Plan 1051, being those parts of Lots 54 and 117, designated as Parts 10, 11, 21 and 22, 40R-21831 and Parts 7, 9, 15 and 16, 40R-21832 as public highway; (c) declare the lands within Registrar's Compiled Plan 1051, being those parts of Lots 54 and 117 designated as Parts 10, 11,21 and 22, 40R-21831 and Parts 7, 9, 15 and 16, 40R-21832 (portions of Goldenridge Road) surplus to the needs of the Corporation for the purpose of sale to the abutting owners, in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Act and the Acquisition and Disposal of Land Policy subject to any required easements; (d) abandon the easements, in favour of the City, for road maintenance purposes, over those lands lying within Registrar's Compiled Plan 1051, being those parts of Lots 54, 116 and 117, designated as Parts 12, 13, 20 and 23, 40R-21831 and Parts 2,8,10,14 and 17, 40R-21832; and (e) authorize the execution of all relevant documentation necessary to effect the dedication and naming, abandoning of easements, stopping-up and closing of those portions of Goldenridge Road as public highway and to effect the conveyances of them to the abutting owners for nominal consideration, subject to any required easements. Report PO 38-06 Date: June 26, 2006 U30 Subject: Goldenridge Road Extension Page 4 Attachments: 1. Road Dedication and Naming Location Map 2. Stop-up and Close Location Map 3. Draft Road Dedicating and Naming By-law 4. Draft Stop-up and Close By-law Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: "yj¡ le~ / r..L/ Denise Bye, Supervisor, Property & Development Services DB:bg Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer City Solicitor Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Ci C iI "." G Ü31 ATTACHMENT' I TO REi'ORT (I PD '~9:. - 0 Í£7 () o ;v ~~~ ~ I ~ _____ City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PART 6, 40R-21832, PART 9, 40R-21831, PARTS 16, 17, 18, 19, & 20, 40R-23842, PARTS 1 & 2 40R-22516 PARTS 1 & 2 40R-23817 AND BLOCKS 29 & 30 PLAN 40M-2299 OWNER CITY OF PICKERING DATE JUNE 6, 2006 DRAWN BY JB I I J Ç) 0 r 0 (T Z ;:u 0 0 <t: Ç) 0 (T 0::: , ;:u I- 0 0::: » 0 ( 0 .I 0... 0::: ....., ~ \ RUSHTON ROAD I-- i-- - - - , , I I \ FILE No. ROADDED.462 C aT:'r:~~rcË~~e"p"i.lI. Inc. and ita auppliers. All rights Reaerved. Not 0 plan of aurvey. 2005 MPAC and ita auppliera. All righte Re..rved. Not 0 plan of Survey. \ \ \ ,\ ~ \ f ~ ./ \ 1\ ) \ \ ( \ il-ANDS r( Bar aC)ÈDIC~' I:U AN)'" "GOL1YEJ IFiI / I ..... ~ '" \ I " LOT 47...RCP 1051 1756 AflPLEVIEW ROAD LOT 46...RCP 1051 1754 AflPLEVIEW ROAD o <t: o 0::: ~ W _ ;; W ...J 0... 0... <t: ------r- "- DUNBARTON ROAD C.~J.R. SCALE NTs l' CHECKED BY DB PN-7 ATTACHMENT' bt.. TO REPORT # PO '~ ~ '''''Ow 032 Ç) 0 r 0 (T z ;:u 0 Ç) (T ;:u 0 » ABANDONMENT OF ROAD 0 MAINTENANCE EASEMENT PARTS 2, ~ 10,14&17 ") OR-21832 ~ ABANDONMENT OF ROAD MAINTENANCE EASEMENT PARTS ~\ 12, 1it. 20 & 23 '10 ·21831 ~ S70P-UP AND CLOSE P¿ \~ i 7, 9tl15 & 16 \\ '10 ·21832 STOP-UP AND CLOSE PARTS 10,1# 21 &22 '10 -21831 \ RUSHTON ROAD City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PARTS 10,11,21 & 22 40R-21831 AND PARTS 7, 9,15 & 16 4OR-21832 1- OWNER CITY OF PICKERING DATE JUNE 6, 2006 DRAWN BY JB FILE No. STOP-UP AND CLOSE ROAD PARTS SCALE NTS CHECKED BY DB ¡go C oure..: Teranet Enterpri... Inc. and Ita supplier.. All rights Re.erved. Not c plan of .urv.y. PN-7 2005 MÞAC and Its supplier.. All ric:ihts Re..rved. Not c pion of Surv.v. l', 3,) ,: .) An ACHMENT # "3 TO REPORT 1/ PO '3~\'-Q(., THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. .~ ..~~, Being a By-law to dedicate and nå " . rts of lots within Registrar's Compiled Plan 1051, being those parts of Lots 48, , 53, 54, 117 and 118, designated as Parts 16 to 20, 40R-23842, Parts 1 and 2, R-23817, Parts 1 and 2, 40R-22516, Part 6, 40R-21832, Part 9, 40R-21831, Block 29, Plan 40M-2299 as Goldenridge Road and Block 30, Plan 40M-2299 as Rushton Road. WHEREAS The Corporation of the City of Pickering is the owner of the parts of lots within Registrar's Compiled Plan 1051, set out herein and wishes to dedicate them as public highways; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Municipal Act, the Council of a local municipality may pass by-laws for giving names of highways. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Those parts of lots within Registrar's Compiled Plan 1051, being those parts of Lots 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 117 and 118, designated as Parts 16 to 20, 40R-23842, Parts 1 and 2, 40R-23817, Parts 1 and 2, 40R-22516, Part 6, 40R-21832, Part 9, 40R-21831 and Block 29, Plan 40M-2299 are hereby dedicated as public highway (Golden ridge Road) and Block 30, Plan 40M-2299 is hereby dedicated as a public highway (Rushton Road); and 2. Those parts of lots within Registrar's Compiled Plan 1051, being those parts of Lots 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 117 and 118, designated as Parts 16 to 20, 40R-23842, Parts 1 and 2, 40R-23817, Parts 1 and 2, 40R-22516, Part 6, 40R-21832, Part 9, 40R-21831 and Block 29, Plan 40M-2299 are hereby named "Golden ridge Road". BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 26th day of June, 2006. ~or ~~ ...II' Debi A. Bentley, City Clerk Roadded.462 /""'1 ACHr,mn /I if TO r:r:.jRl Ii PD ~9:>-- Dt¿ THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING l}34 BY-LAW NO. Being a By-law to stop-up and cI as public highway, those parts of Goldenridge Road being Parts j and 22, Plan 40R-21831 and Parts 7, 9, 15 and 16, Plan 40R-21 . easements over Parts 15, 16, 21 and 22 for storm drainage purpo iid""~bandon easements, in favour of the City, for road maintenance pur~~L~' authorizing the sale of the lands and the conveyance of easements to th1r abutting owners. WHEREAS, pursuant to the Municipal Act, the Council of the City may pass by-laws to stop-up a highway, or part thereof, and to authorize its sale or the sale of a part thereof; and WHEREAS the appropriate Notice of this By-law has been published in compliance with the provisions of the Municipal Act, the Acquisition and Disposal of Land Policy and Public Notification By-Law 6166/03 relating to the closing of a highway. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The following portions of highway are hereby stopped-up and closed to both vehicular and pedestrian traffic: . Goldenridge Road being those parts of Lots 54 and 117, RCP 1051, designated as Parts 10, 11, 21 and 22, Plan 40R-21831 and Parts 7, 9, 15 and 16, Plan 40R-21832, reserving easements, in favour of the City, for storm drainage purposes over Parts 15, 16,21 and 22. 2. That those portions of Goldenridge Road described above are hereby deemed surplus to the needs of the Corporation and shall therefore be offered for sale to the abutting owners, subject to any required easements, for nominal consideration ($2.00). 3. The following portions of lands are no longer required by the City for road maintenance purposes and shall therefore be conveyed to the abutting owners for nominal consideration: . Those parts of Lots 54, 116 and 117, RCP 1051 designated as Parts 12, 13, 20 and 23, Plan 40R-21831 and Parts 2, 8,10,14 and 17, Plan 40R-21832. 4. The Mayor, City Clerk and City Solicitor are authorized to obtain all relevant documentation necessary and execute all documentation required to effect the stopping-up and closing of these portions of Goldenridge Road and to abandon the road maintenance easements and to effect the conveyance of them. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 26th day of June, 2006. <2 David Ryan, ~ ~ Debi A. Bentley, City Clerk L4500106