HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 8, 1969 c ¡ '-, "') - //;/ (';" .,' I,,' ,..v....... -.... ._/\...." ....",·1 1 .' ,...,-,.--' ............' 1?ICt-:"ERING_):'CHNSHIP [,mSE'tJM, BOARD 3/69 :'>,;')('il 8, 1959 2\ sea í: irlg oE the Picked ng Tow~sh~p Museum Board was held on TUESDAY. the EIGHTH day of APRIL. 1969 at the Municipal :.:3uilding at EIGHT 0 'clock p.m. ~)RESENT:: r,'{r. 'f.-larry T. Cook, Chairman Mrs. Deirdre Earle Mr. Robert Miller Mr. Milton Parkin Mr. Donald McLean R.ev. Dr. !,'fJ. A. HcKay Noel C. Marshall, Secretary. , .1.. ". },!inut~3- On motion of Mrs. Earle, seconded by Mr. !-1cLean and carried unanL~ously the minutes of the meeting held on Harch the 11th. 1969 were adopted. 2.. ~c~=ounts- On motion of Mrs. Earle. seconded by Dr. Mc:Kay and carried unanimously the following accounts were approved for pay- ment~ Cntaril;) Hydro - deposit re: moving Oddfellows Hall $ 2,,437.00 Ontario Hydro - hydro bill Museum ge75 ~r. Robert Miller - supplies reI antique repairs 5~OO 'ri1~ Board considered the account of Nr. Harrison for the czost incurred to date for the moving of tne Odd fellows Hall. ConC2rn was expressed over the total of the hill amounting to $1,600.00 in view or the original estimated cost of the complete move of $2,200.00. The Board suggested that before payment was made that Mr. Harrison be contacted and asked to confirm in \>lriting that the cost will not exceed the original estimate. On motion of Mr. Miller. and seconded by Mr. McLean and carri,~d unanimously it was agreed that the invoice of i,lr~ Harrison in the amount of $1.600.00 be paid once written confirmation is rscz=ived that the total cost of moving the :)uilding to the Museum grounds will not exceed $2,200.00e 3. Cddfellows Hall - Tne BQard WðS informed or the events that took place relative to the r;'loving o·f this building and in particular the awkward position that the Secretary was placed in as a result of the !)uilding being left on the road allowance for seme 36 hourse The Board expressed concern on the ge~eral deterioration of relations between itself and Council over thia instance in particular and their total program in general. A large measure of the blame for the lack of knowledge on Council's part (),E tÌ1e activitias or the Huseum Board was due to the lack of attendance of Council representatives at the Board ~eetings. --2- 3í59 I:Je'ie:ctheless 1 it ','ias the qsneral fe~ling of the B03.rd that a ~3n:::oarv o:E the Nuseum Boards activities past and present would be'of great assistance to Council in their delibera- tion and suggested that such a document be prepared. It should highlight such items as the financial implications of the Museum Board; general attendance at the Museum, nlliilber of volunteer people involved in operating the Museum and in particular History In Action and among other things the tremendous education value of the project as evidenced by the large number ·of school children that visit the Museum annually from as far away as Peterborougho In this connection it was suggested that Council arrange to mee-!: with the Board at its next general meeting on Hay the 13t11. in order that the Council members might discuss how the operation of the Museum might be improved. ,; t'.....: ,. Parkin Barn - t- In view of Council's unwillingness to pass the resolution requested by the Solicitor for the Parkin estate it was agreed that this matter be put in abeyance and that the barn raising planned for June be cancelled with a resulting loss in revenue of approximately $1,000.00. It was noted that the Board should have some commitment from the estate as well should they take these buildings at a later date and tnat this commitment should define exactly what buildings are to be removed and the condition in which the property is to be left. The Secretary was asked to contact the Solicitor for the estate on this matter. 5# Royal Ontario Museum - Mr. Marshall indicated to the Board that he had been in touch with Mr. Ivan Lindsay of the Museum staff with regard to the viawing of the display cases that were available for loan purposes. Mr. Finlay was available any time during this week Dr a 2:"epresentative of the Board to ":.lisit the r-iuse1Jmand select the cases necessary for the Board's displays. Mrs. Earle agreed to contact Mr. Finlay and select the necessary cases. It was suggêsted that once the selection had been made that arrangements be made with McBrien Transport of Brooklin to deliver the cases to the grounds. Until such time as the Oâdfellows Hall is located on the property they could be located in the rear of the Blacksmith Shop. 60 11useum Assistance Committee- Mr. Cook apologized for not obtaining the membership list for the Secretary but indicated that he would pursue the matter further. 7. Pinancial Statement The Secretary presented the Board with a copy of the fin- ancial statement for the year 1968 indicating a surplus of $2,931.00. The surplus was due in part to a number of projects not being completed during the year and undoubtedly on completion of these this money would be absorbed. It was agreed that the financial statement be duplicated and dis- tributed to the members of the Board. '<'I "-..;:.'- 3/69 ~ ~~".~' n ~o~ G_ra".t ,'from Province - u" ::~:\':;P_è.lS:ßJ...~O.. .t. - .. - ~ The application was before the Board merely for information a~d t~e signature of tne Chairman. '}" 'I'axes Oddf-ellows Hall It ;¡as notoo that the Board had previously agreed thie O\ffier of the Oc1d:êellows Hall for the 1967 and }:;1':1' 'taxes ()nce the 'building was removed from her to reimburse 1968 build- property. Or:. motion of Nr.. Parkin" seconded by Dr. BcKay and carried uDal'1i~ously it was agreed that the 1967 and 1968 taxes on the Cddfellows Hall be refunded to Mrs.. Cooper by the Museum Board. c:.-\R...'Q.IED .. F!vdro Display - Nuclear Site - .. \ - 11r.. Don Hhite of the Puuli,-= R::;la:.::: c; .3 D ~pt. of the Ontario Hydro submitted for the consideration of the Board two sketches of possible display cases that could be located at t:"1.e observation platform at the ~Juclear Generating St::ltion. One display case could be located around the railings o.r t:he platform and would contain artefacts a",-'.d 3mall items or historical intarest. The second sketch in- dicated a display case in which suitable photographs with ~ccompanying copy would be displayed outlining the history oi the Township and needless to say the Frenchman's Bay area in particular. The Board was in general agreement t'hat the display case for photograpns and copy would be t-:t8 ?referable of the two submitted. Dr. McKay agreed to l~cate 10 or 20 pnotographs with suitable copy on each ::;::-om "jhi::::h the byd'::Ç> authorities could select a dozen 0:: so for display purposes. 11. Cantennial Maps - Tha su?ply of ce!1tennial r:1aps had "¡-Jean exnausted and it was suggested that the Secretary contact Caufield Brown and ar~anga for printing of additional copies with the cost not to 'S!'xc·eed $250.00. 12. Refreshment Buildìnq - I'lr. Cook indicated that tbe Kiwanis had recently engaged ~n architect to prepare sketches and specifications for ,this building and that the drawings would be available in the near future for consideration by the Board. J.J~ plasterinq Church - . ' It was hoped that the plastering of the Church could be complated this year and in this connection tne Secreta~I volunteerad to contact one or two local contractors in an 2fio~t to obtain prices and have the proj~ct completed. On motion of Dr. McKay the meeting adjourned. DATED Chairman Secretary