HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 3, 1969 ?TC~Œn.IHG T'"'~v1-¡S)!L:' NUS.E·;.jt. ..... ..-~~ "" -- 5/'69 ~n..i~Œ J 1 1960 .1\ meeting of the P ickerÌi1g T1jWIl- ship Museum Board was held on WESDAY, the THIRD day of JUNE, 1969 at EIGHT o'clod~ pomo PRESENT : Hr. H. Cook, Chairman plrs. I1. Spang Nr. R. Niller (1r 0 D. PlcLean Hrs. D. Earle In the absence of the Secretary !'lrs" Earle was d.ppointed to take down the minutes of the meetingo 1. Hinutes- MOVED by Mrs. Spang, seconded by Mr. McLean that the minutes of the meeting held on May 13th.. 1'069 be approved. CARRIED. :2. ';\ccounts- ~ll MOVED by 1-11". McLea.n, s.econded by ,Mrs. '~~p.ang t:ha't t.h.e ::ollcw- ing accounts be approved for paymen~ April 21 D X Oil Company ,swan S~::'lJice Ltd.. - map$ Walter Hope, R.R. 3.. Claremont ~1a9 t~~s $·~O.OO May 12-23 175.00 Gas 2~OO Andrew R~~say - May 12-23 Arthur Eall.. C~odwood 68 Hours @ $2.50 Mrs. Erma Lawrence -19 Hours Clar€ffiont Co-Oparatìve - cement Mrs. Peg~J Cambell - 5 Hours A.Storry Sand & Gravel Hauling Logs to sawmill Curran & Briggs Ready Mix Co. Inv. 11404 Gas Barn R. Miller - plywood :? 19., 71 223..42 237.00 138.00 170.00 17..10 28.35 6.50 15.00 206.40 45.40 41. ø .. $1.,.156.88 CARRIED _ 3. It was reported that the Pickering Township Horticultural ::;':Jciety had requested a meeting with the Board members to discuss their offer to do some landscaping on the Museum ground~ and that such a meetinq had been arranged by Mr. Marshall for 2 p.m. on Sunday, June 8th, 1969. MOVED by Mr. Miller, seconded by MnL Spang, that the Horticultural Society be asked to plan' flower beàs on the west side and south side of the church; to plan a bed around the pump and to submit an overall plan for the ground s . CARRIED. } -2- Nr. Hiller :had sug,?v~sted that a small fence be erected around the pump and that possibly the Horticultural Society might care to include this in their plans. He <1180 3uggested placinq one o£ tba large machines, possibly 'the stUffi? puller ¡ in front of the 1'1useurn to attract attc:í'rtion ::md the Board a.greed that Mr. Hiller arrange to do -::his " ':J,.<... M~c. j'·liller reported receiving a call from the ~tletropolitan Conserva-tion Authority asking if the Board \>lould care to at"ti3nd its meeting at 8 p.m. ~ Sunday, June 8th in Greenwood P~rk a~d display items to publicize the Museum. Mr. Cook announced he had asked Dr. l·J. NcKay to attend and speak on beDalf of the Museum and it was agreed that Mr. Miller and Bra.. Earle should decide on a few items to display and to -]0 and supervise them. 5.. B --¡" , ê;:n. .t~a~.s lng - It has been decided to hold a barn raising on Saturday, Juna 28th} 1969v 'i'he barn to be raised \>Iill house the gas engin2s. .:\tr. l/liller & (';1:-. Parkin are to arrange the barn raising crew and Hr.. Niller had already contacted Mr. î"!o~cley Symes ",vno has ;::tgreed to act as foreman. The event will sta~t ¿t 1~30 p.m~ Grounds to be opened '2,",: 12:;:30 p.li1> Admission is to be: - $løOO pee adult - Children under 12 7~~'? ~; ~ ;;. ",,~';"".o..t ._J... accompani~ by an adult ;:!~:,d~tm\ per £a.1D.ily :?2.00 'Childr~:n .on t.hair O'Wn :~:3~ :~. D~r~-~i~:i~g ¡çi1~ìiU1i.~ i'r. ~o pzovià. and ì!ell ':~"'3fr~3.h.'·:H;U"1tg. ¡J¢oà :tot" th'! crew will b~ a¡-r:tngt!d for by :Nrs ~ s 9':1119 . Mr. Þlar3hall is to check on insurance for the crew. 1\1l:"s. Ea::le i$ to cont,~ct CHOO R11dio also 'the Oshawa Radio and the local papers re: publicity and also see if any posters can be obtain~ within one w~ek. ~1a school board is to ba notified and Mr. Cook is to contact CFRB and the television stations. ,~l_ .... 4.:... . j>!ì~ll~çr is to a....'· ;:;J~ 1'-'1r. Brown if he will do gate duty. Mr. r1cL~3n is to arrange a security group to man the build- ings for the day. An extra Board meeting \>dll be held on Tuesday, June 17th, 1969 to finalize plans for this event. } -3- .¡j. Hr. Cook has suggested having photographs t?ken of the various buildings at differenct stages of their reconstruc- tion and it was agreed that he should arrange this. On motion by Hr. HcLean the HH?e"ting adjourned. DATED Chairman Secretary