HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 27, 1969 .~--- :P:,[C.;{B]~Ii~fG: i.i'C,;\ilfSIII? I'.ITJ:.:'Bfj{·l Bl)1\r:IJ :0/SS AUGUST 27 v l',::;6':~ - ,', ,; .'-'h - ',) :,,1- " ,,-.; '''-' "'0 ! 1 A Elc~e'clnq 01. L 1~ ,', J.'....,_ ,";J..1..l^':i .,;. 1 - r~h ii) ïîu':';E~um Boa:.,:d '.'las h(~lc1 on ." -. 1- TTBDt:ŒSDAY v the 'J.'1;r;::;¡ATY··SE"vEi:J''lTI day of AUGU;:;T ß 1{)6S at EIGHT o 'clo::::k poDL PRESEbjT: 1'1r. H ~ Cook J Chai~mal1 ":1'.:- 0 R. 11i118r 1'11" 0 D 0 1<~cL2an l\1rs. D~ '8a:cle Nr. M. Parkin (arrived ~:OO p.m~) H031 C. iYlarshall: Secret.ary IN ATTEHDAHCE: .firs. Bonehill" Huseu.m Assistance Commit.tee 1. IvIinutes- On motion of J:.1r. acLeano seconded by ftIr" rHller and carried Œ1animously -the minutes o£ the meeting held oa August the 12th 'I.'Tere adopted. 2. Accounts- On motion of Ers. Earle) secoaded by Hr. Miller and ::::arried unanimously the accounts were approved for paÿ~ent. NOTE: r.J,'he list of accounts was retained hythe Chairman an.d as he was a\-lay on vacation at: the time of transcribing these minutes the individual accounts are not availahle~ 3. Correspondence- A) In a let-ter dated August the Il·th. IvIr. R. Pric8, Po Ei1g ~ of the Ontario Hydro stipulated the conditions under which the Hydro would approve the operation of the generator located in the steam barn. The conditions were somewhat stringent and in order to assist the men involved in this project in evaluating the conditions a copy of the letter was given to Mr. Millero 4" Gelle:;:al- A) The Claremont band have indicated their willingness to play on both days of History In Action and have asked that a truck and chairs be supplied. H:;:. Hiller agreed to arrange for a truck for the parade. en the same note Mr. Carl Devit has agreed to play the violin during the intermission taken by the band. B) Hemberships - The Secretary is to investigate the legality of selling memberships to the Huseum Board" C) Printing I'..:·ess - Evidei"l'tly Iir. Ron Peacock who resides on Sherwood Road in Markham has avail~Jle a printing press \\lhich he is willing to donate to the museUll1. Hr. î,liller is to arrange for the pîcking up of this item and its delivery to -c.he grounds. D) l1r 0 Cook has arranged for individuals -to head the games for the ~hildren on History In Action. ~1rs. Bonehill agreed to as];: her husband to. sell the game ticke·cs. 3 .:\: "jt:' C) ';) Û. .:~;) Jj'ì~"':) El.2::-L:j::';:._~::) 0,'( t.rte }j:J(:.ly"-ct (l.~;l~c(~d t:C) gl\7C prin-ts oi: ·t118 l)arl1. :-~,).i::;:L.i'J' phoeos to t:he Vct!~·iOU.3 Inei1 i!.l.volvec1 in the c1emoll.stra- -;: i()~1u I-I:;.:-;.> f·"}il~L2r iG t-:o 2..Lra11~J(~ £~)!: ·t11 is Q J.i~ ·:.:1~.(;"; suggested tlla"t "~'hü ~ar~de this Yi~ar~ Coua::::il members be a.sked to participa·te 1\1:30 if pOG;.:;ible thr.;: local I'lIP and --, ) " I':: ':la. ~: LIP.? ~ G)'i'he !'.!·2m.'JG.l:i;3 of tl1e Board a:cei:o meet at 'c11,:: l'Œuseum Grounds O:,ì SUí1~:l2.Y: S3pc.ember the 7i.::h (l·t 2 P Om? to assis-t \vith a g8112~al ·~12an up~ ::i) A 18t.t~~:c 0:( t:"hanks is to be fon-¡a:cd8d to rlh~·s 0 BIT'lTIink :Cor her generous donation of pottery. J.ï: 'Jas agreed that the r;.e:;~-t l\iuseum Board mee'cing be held as usual on -c.he 2nd Tuesday of t:he month, namely September '~::l18 3t:'}1... On motion of Nr. .NcLean the m=et.ing adjour;:¡ed 0 DATED Chairmaa S ecre-tary