HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 11, 1969 PI: rr'l _~'<,¡ ..j,. ......1, It? :.:C;.3r3U:,r BOAPD 12/69 ..~_._--'.-~-" I_:()\!m¡'3E;'~ ll~ 1969 ..t~ :"r.';;,: :.~;;: i !~S'f 01: I? J.C~1~::3r in<':1 rllo~i"m- s~'}5..~) .~',ll~se1;,lTI 1]():\rcl '~}(lS 'held OJ,~ ~C1:J:t:¿;))~\'Y" t:116 ELE\iENrrI~I clay of' 3 19b? ~-t EICHT o'cloc1~ parn';9 PBE3EITT: ;>1r. II.. Coo}::-., Chairman ,,·t........ I. _'..';~ n R. tÜLLe:L ~ ,.t:C ~3 <iii T' ...; " E'1:~l.e 1'1:::-5.. .r-1... Spa:1g Hr.. Vie. RtldD::., Councillor firs. r<uth Hay ~ Cura'tor l;íoal C. Harshall.1 Secretary 1<# ··:'..~'Lr;Jrr:3S- 0'.1 ';1otion. af IIrs.. Earle, seconded 'by Hrs. Spang and carried 1.~,n3.:1Ì~ou31y t'h2 minutes of the ffi2eting held on l'Jovernber the l¿~Ch '//er3 c-::.do?'t'2!d" < ~': .. J:\.(~::()D1'7TS - o~, ¡O:':o::iaJ1 of rtr.. ~liller.. seconded by I'iJ):s. Earle and carried u,:2nimously the following 2_~Collnts "dere approved for payment ~ r:~~:.;?art.W:~71t of Lçl})OlJ.r ^- inspectio:n. ~asting5 Boiler 10.00 Ii' .:~~ CO':.';:3.11 Cc)rnpa.i'1Y LÌil1ited i::'l3tlra¡1.ce 0:1 1J11ildings 12.90 Clifford Postill - plastering Co18 Rausa - Collins House 5;)2.45 l\>:1dyRamsay assisting ;"i,th above ;:;·2 hDlU:S (-õJ $ 2. 8~:. 00 -.., ,) . ;8,Z£12K~~L BTJSI~~ES8- a) A Ie'teer ,,'las read by tn,: S'~cr-3tarytha't h¡:¡d been received from ·è.hê:~ Yv'hi,tby Historical Society offering to the Nuseurn Board a. nUfnber of dOCUffiènts of significant interest to the £.1useUr::1. .I>Ir. Brian ~'¡inter, Archivist indicated that ""hile t'h¿ ~;ociety was more than happy to give the doc1..L.'11.ents to t1i8 Board t1:ey hoped -that anything of a his tor ical na>ture associated ;."il:h Hl1itby might h2! ~Jiven to their society" Hc~ also ::lsked tha-t in the event the docum.ents in question \,12';:"',';;1 .Î:onlard(;d to 'the Board that they be kept in a safe pla,::;:) ::lnc1 that they 1x~ available to the public for study P',.:':pos :);3. - '1:;12 SClcre'¡:ary ¡..Tas asked to ac1;:noér/12dge th.2! com.rn'J.nication a.nd arrange for th2 tra~1sf2r of th:.;;s:~ i·tems to the [·lü.seum. 'I:h2 Board. ,'lOuld also reVi,2T.Vtheir own inventory and endeavour to locate items that "vould 'be of inter2!st to the >~'1hitby Historical Society. 1 ., 12/69 - 1,"",' ~.J I ~.,..",:,-. " .,' ~T1.·ce- p.r..1.',""'. .~i':.-:,·"',·.l f).i- Prenchman's Bav Public ..:..~ :(~~rlrlt~r:j.1 Lli'21 \I _ :.J.-.._____.~,..J.__........I._ .J.. School Eonvards a copy of his lc~tl.:er addressed to the c:)1",.....,...lnt.""'1("~!:1t 0'-: Sr,1100ls of: the Ontt:.\rio County Board of ~ ,'~....- -- . ....ca :'._- , ,'-, - ,-- "'.' D. '.' " '.' ....¡....., ""i- Educat1.on In ~hlcn ne asks ~nat ~n8 00ara ~ndL~a_e ~D~_r " ". I "1 ' - ~- d .,-, ,', J' 0·..., -', ou·tl'''''o. J.n'::;;:reS1: J,n 1:,1e )' useclm d,~, an o.;;! U...<_I.... ~,-.L __'-~ - c) ]:ndian Di CfCJ'inq - Lots 19 & 20, Concession 3 In v i(;'(" of the i11 t:l").~: vicini t:l Bo::'.:cd Eel t that . '.~' 1 pending agreement :cegard1.ng garD2.'JG cnsposa of the indian diggi.nS's in lots 19 and 20 the efforts should be E'3,de to pr'2serve this part- iC1.11ar a]::-ea :tor historical purposes. f.lov.~d by I'1rs. Earle, seconded by Nrs. Spang that whereas the Tmv.nship of Pickering and the I,lsl:ropoli tan 'ýJorks Depart- ment are finaliz itlg plans for sanitary land fill sites in the 'I'ovffiship of Pickering; And specific plans include the re-construction of the 3rd Con.:;ession Road in Lots 19 & 20 in the immediate vicinity of -che arch:::oligical site involving the remains o:E an Iroquois Village known as the Niller Site; Be it hereby resolved that the Pickering TO\vnship Nuseum Board strongly recommend that adequate safe guards be built into any such agreement between the Pickering To~mship Council and the Metro Toronto Í'Ìorks Department guaranteeing , co, -' 11 S . .- ,-, , £ . t ... the preservatlon or tne 1"11. er lee. :L'-:'._' U1.8 oene ].' or future generations. CARRIED" It was noted that Hr. Walter ~enyon of t:he Royal Ontario lluseum could p¡::ovide details as to tne exact bou..""ldaries 'Of the site~ 1) ~'1r. ,John Hector Beaton cf Oshawa s'.lhmitted to the Board a hard back copy of the family tree of Hilliam Beaton 1774-1834- of Null, Scotland and Catherine NcFee and their decendents in :North America up to 1969. The members of the Board \Vere extremely interested in the book an.d needless to say it in- cluded the family of two former Tmmship Clerks and interestingly enough the present incumbent: Secretary to the Board. The Secretary was asked to send a letter of thanks to Hr. Beaton for his extremely L~teresting book. e) Publicity - The Chairman suggested that a comprehensive brochure similar to that used by Black Creek should be prepared advertising the many displays at the Museum property. It VIas obvious that a professional approach \olOuld be required and a comprehensive index of known facts made available to such an individual for incorporation in the final document. It was mentioned that the Victoria United Church could help 'I",ith the history of the Bible Christian Church if the name 02 the actual ~ircuit under whi'.:::h 'the Bible Chris'cial1. Church operated could be determined. Hr. Miller agreed to c:ontact Ken Hastings vlho may have this information. ì 0,'- 1-2/69 -- ~1; é1J..3() ~;L"':j':r~.3ted that John In/in could dOC:l.llTI2nt much t.n'::: hi.3C'Jry <15sociatQd ""lith the Oddfellm<ls HalL ;') :: ',:: ".;:'::; ¡P.2,tj.,):.y~Ó that the nanK~S of: the various buildings :3Ì1(¡:,¡lêl 1)8 f:i rl~~li'zca êll1d it ;-,;as concl.uclecl that 51]:.:=11 rlam8S 3~-lO\.!.lj Ì!lCOr¡;)O'cace t11,-3 o;:'iq:Lnal family m,ming th'2 building ~15 ;.'l2l1 dSt:18 typ,S! of constructiDn of it. broc1n.::::-e :"hould also include an acknm·¡ledgement: of ,the '.;:t.::J.,")U3 donors oi: buildini]3 a.nd th·:'.;! donors of p1."i'¡ate funds t:·\,,;: ?ë~ovid'2d. the ;r.eans to develorJinC]' the proj',:ct to its <-; ~,:~ r~. t: st, ~ t.:.:~ ,. ~/ ß; ~ EQCi8T- pudqet .- 1970 ?'::'-: e i :c> 1: :; -. G~~nts ~~ Ontario $ 500., 10,OOO~ 500. - To",vl1ship ),:lmia-sions t·I,Cr?3 etc '. Eistory 1\1 Action C~na·tions & misc4 [I2¡nbS!"i:3~îips ($l04) 250~ 2,,5004 500. L 000. $ l5J250ð .S,:~De.t~.:3~::s - CUX'3.tors 3ala.ry ;T:;.;~?o:cat..:! S-taff 750~ 250. ~o3~age. Stationery & supplies ro 100. 150. 150. ¿:; (~C~ r (~ t. a r~-- r:,. C.l::1'!J e 1'1 t i O~ 1 ("'\ r\ ..Lvv. Hydro and heat Ir:.su:cance L>1:3~berships Bsilding Maint2nance (~(,o'tlnds 35(L 500. 75. 500. 200. 3004 Equipment - Operating & Repairs 1\,~~ t iqt12 'P~J.r,~-ha.3es 300. History In Action Advertisin':J 500. _500. 4,725. ~1Esrj7(JR2-\~i"'IO~1S - See 5 Year Poracast......."*ð....e........._~,,.. $ 10$525. NUS EU~! BOA.RD 5 Year Capital Forecast C()lC2 I-Ic,'J.se $ 800. 500. 2,500. 5;000. 7~500ð 6,,000. ls500. 20,000. 4,000. 7;000. 3,000. $ 57,800. ColI in:;; :;:'¡ouse lIarr.v:-:::ss Shop Odd:f¿Ülows HZlll Ho;::·.~l Se~vice Station (30' x 40') p¿-:.c~: i.n Barns StDrage & fila¡ü¡tenance Building F l1.:::-D,ishings Building Ligl1tinq Landscaping \- , '......,r....... lr' /C'(\ ¿/ ,~) j .., ,-,' ,,.- ""I""" ('1 i S~11c·s·;on ,¡-y,.,.~, -,,~.,:?:;.c::ulr".:_\d .,..., t'11(> buéh,ge>t :cecornrn2nda- 1);.."..._Lj'L'<;;;: ,:....I,.;~;;:¡.." _<.c...·.... _, ~ ,~~...- . ;,:ion it: ¡"ias suggested that it: l:u..ght be possible to relo,.:::ate the old ì-lunicipal Building on the 1'1us,.:wm property thus killing ·C\.'lGbirc1s ¡-,lith one stone) by removing i,t from its pres8nt site and rEakiï:1g use of it at the I'!useUll1 property as t.h(~ his'coric and maintenance building contain~d in the 5 Year Forecast. r"thile no d¿~finite figures Here availabl'2 as to the cost in- volv<~d in moving this building it, was felt ·that in3pite of its SiZ'2 it could in fact be reoved. It ,.¡as sugç¡2sted that th',~ total cost of renovating the building for ·th(;:! purpose suggested including the coat of mov iJlg it might: tot,al $15" 000. as opposed to the cost of a new building. Mr. Miller agreed to contact ~~. Harrison to determine whether or not it v~s possible to move the building. If it was feasible definite costs would be determined and a proposal made to Council at that. t im-e . On Inotìon of Mr. Miller~ seconded by Mrs. Spang and carried unanimously the above noted budgets were adopted. 5. S m'1.'v!ER STAFF- t'lliile no provision was contained in the budget it ,vas suggested that the members of the Board might consider the employment of a university student during the year 1970. His responsibilities ;vould include co-ordinating the current years renovation programme as well as initiating a prograrome of cataloguing the many items possessed by the Board. 6. persuing the discussion held relative to advertisement the Board were of the opinion that one of the priority items for ';-1;.~ ',1'~~ ~ '1 Q'7¡ n ~'h .",",\':1 1 f'Ì .; ~....,"1 '!~.-1"O ~~-r\........t:4~ ~ ," ~~:;:::. U- ';.~ Ã 11 1·\i"i"; 1 ~.=) ~ -..... ...~:""" ,"",,,""'- ~ -~- --' ..... -..----- ....."'_...._-- J:7.."""'¡:-'-..... ~-':J.I..- .J,j, '\WIt.k...L .....,Y.J-.....'\,..J......J.l'::',,,.:;¡¡ presently on the grounds with 'their content to follow that con'cained J.n the buildings that presently have iden·tification signs. On motion the meeting adjourneàe DATED Chairman Secretary