HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 9, 1971 - I" ¡ t. t:-. ,;','.¿,~:~ 1 - TO~iNSHIP OF PICKERING MUSEUM BOARD 2/71 A meeting of the Pickering Township Museum Board was held on TUESDAY, the NINTH day of J).1ARCH, 1971 at 8:00 p.m. at the Municipal Building PRESEJ:,iT ~ I"lr. H. Coo]<, Chairman l\'Ir. R. Freeman Mr. R. Miller Mr. D. McLean Mr. "\1. Earle Mrs. D. Earle ~1e Chairman welcomed the new members appointed to the Board. 1. MINUTES- - On motion of Mr. McLean, seconded by Mr. Earle and carried unanimously the minutes of the January 12th meeting were approved. 2. ACCOUNTS- As per Mr. Marshall's statement plus a bill of $3.24 from Mr. Miller. Moved by Mr. Miller, seconded by r"lr. Freeman that these accounts be approved for payment. CARRIED. 3. PROVINC IAL GRAl\fT - The Chairman signed the forms applying for the 1971 Provincial Grant. 4. BUSmESS ARISING FROH MnroTES - a) SOUVENIRS- The 1971 catalogue was received from Irwin Specialties Limited. The Chairman appointed Mr. & J).~s. Earle to study the items listed and recommend suitable purchases at the April meeting. b) tr,JIRING- The proposed study of the wiring layout on the Museum grounds will be postponed until after spring thaw. c) PUBLICITY- The Chairman appointed a sub~committee consisting of Messrs. Miller, McLean and Earle to design a suitable pamphlet and submit this at the April meet- ing. - - -2- 2/7l d) MEETING vJITH COUi\fCIL The February meeting with council for the purp~se of discussing the Metropolitan Toronto and Reg~on conservation Authority Report having been cancelled, a new date for such a meeting has been set for March 22nd, 1971, at 8:00 p.m. at the Municipal Building. The Chairman requested that as many members of the Board as possible attend this meeting with him. e) ANTIQUE PURCHASES - - Mr. Miller reported that the Major Harper circular resaw would be delivered as soon as the weather improves. Mr. Miller also reported that he is still in the process of finding out whether the saw mill owned by Mr. R. Nesbitt of Uxbridge is available or not. 5. CORRESPONDENCE- Various items of correspondence were reviewed by the Board. Regarding the letter from the Central Ontario Museums Association it was moved by Mrs. Earle, seconded by Mr. Freeman and carried unanimously that the $2.00 fee be paid for membership and the inclusion of informa- tion on Pickering Tm.¡nship Museum on the map which is to be put out by this Association. The Secretary is re- quested to attend to this matter. 6. NEW BUSINESS - a) The insurance company wishes the R.O.M. case to be repaired as soon as possible so that their file on the item can be closed. Mr. Miller is to contact r~. Pilkey to see when he can do the necessary repairs. b) PUBLIC ITY - Moved by Mr. McLean, seconded by Mrs. Earle that Mr. Marshall write to Mr. N. Volk, Director of Public Relations, C.B.C., Box 500, Station "Au, Toronto, regarding the free publicity which was promised as a reciprocal part of the permission given to C.B.C. when using Museum facilities during the filming of "The Magentic Outlaw" and "J).1acKenzie the Firebrand". The Board would like as much coverage of Museum events as possible. CARRIED. c) ADMISSIONS- Discussion was held on admission fees for the coming season. The possibility arises that extra help may have to be paid for if guided tours are to be conducted on a regular basis. The opinion was that voluntary help ~10uld be tried for these tours at first. - - -3- 2/71 It was therefore moved by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Freeman and carried unanimously that admission fees remain the same as in 1970 for the present, but are to be reviewed in July when the Museum opens on a seven day week schedule CARRIED. A training programme for tour guides will possibly be instituted. b) OPENING DATE - The Museum will open for the season on May l5th, 1971. e) TENTH ANNIVERSARY - It was noted that 1971 marks the tenth anniversary of the opening of Pickering Township Museum and that discussion should be held at the next meeting regard- ing some possible events to mark the occasion. f) HISTORY IN ACTION - - History in Action days will be held this year on September 18th and 19th. Early plans for this event are to get under way at the next meeting. g) TELEPHONE LISTING - The curator has reported the serious problem concern- ing the lack of an official listing of a telephone number for those wishing to contact the Museum. Several complaints have been made by people who wish to call the Museum. The Board requests Mr. Marshall to investigate this matter and report at the next meeting as to whether some listing cannot be made under the Township telephone numbers if a business phone for the Museum is not practical. h) The play, lIr.iacKenzie the Firebrand", filmed partially on the Museum grounds, is to be aired on Hednesday; March 17th at 10:00 p.m. i) The Museum sign at the entrance to the grounds blew down recently. Mr. Miller is to see about having it re-erected. j) The Curator reports that the old maps on the Museum walls are badly in need ò£ repair. The Chairman said that a date will be set at the next meeting for Board members to go up to the Museum before opening date to see vñlat needs to be done to refurbish the Museum for the season. On motion the meeting adjourned.