HomeMy WebLinkAboutJuly 13, 1971 - - PICIŒRING TOWNSHIP MUSEUM BOARD 6/71 A meetiùg of the Pickering TOWlL- ship Museum Board was held on TUESDAYg JULY 13th, 1971, at EIGHT porn. at the Municipal Building PRESENT~ Mr. H. Cook, Chairman Mr. W. Clar]( Mr. R. Freeman Mr. D. McLean Mr. R. ~·iiller Mx:. H 0 Earle Mrs. D. Earle 1. l'UNUTES - The minutes 2. ACCOUNTS - from the June meeting had not been received. Moved by ~~. Do McLeang seconded by Mr. W. Clark that the following accounts be approved for payment: R. Miller (for pre-payment to M. BaIsdon of $20. for trans- port of loan items to E. Brown: To Burton $150. for transport of engines from Haliburton) (See note below Total $ 170.00 198.45 105.00 27.36 \'1. ~'Vood - Lumber J. Winterstein - Chimney Work Irwin Specialties - 30uvenirs CARRIED. Received from D. Gibson $36. as a donation (receipt to be sent) N.B. This cash sum turned over to R. Miller leaving total due to him - $ 134.00 3. ADMINISTRATOR- a) Most buildings are now hooked up to the wiring, but the main power source still has to be installed. It was noted that several of the Museum building lights are again out and the suggestion was made that possibly indoor flood bulbs attached to appropriate adaptors may be more satisfactory. Mr. Miller is to have this investigated. b) Mr. Hope is back and able to continue work. Mr. Miller wondered if it was possible to hire Mr. Frank Wright for extra help. The Board advised that Mr. Marshall be consulted. c) Miss Dianne Murkar and Miss Barbara Miller are working on the cataloguing. - -, -2- d) The Beef Ring Barn has been cleared and Mr. Miller is to arrange for the tidying of the Log Barn. e) Mr. Miller queried the possibility of setting up a base for the newly acquired steam. This matter is also to be discussed with Mro Marshall. f) The siding is almost completed on the Harness Shop. New lower windm1s will be needed in the front of the building. Mr. Rempel is coming to inspect the stairway. Mr. Miller was authorized by the Board to have this building painted with at least a primary sealer to protect the new siding. The Plank house is also to be creosoted. g) There is apparently no possibility of being able to acquire the saw mill at this time. 4. AJAX DOMINION DAY PARADE - Mr. Freeman and Mrs. Earle arranged for, decorated and went on the float entered in the Ajax Kinsmen Dominion Day Parade. Miss Nancy Freeman (age 10) also participated and Murray Balsdon supplied both float and transport free of charge. l'1rs. Earle presented the Board with the trophy won for "Best Small Float." This will be kept for one year. 5. CORRESPONDENCE- Mr. Marshall is requested to send letters of thanks to: a) Consolidated Sand & Gravel, for their free help in unloading the steam engineo b) Miss Nancy Freeman, for her help on the parade float. c) Mro Murray Balsdon for the loan of the float and for taking the time to drive it to, in and from the parade. d) Mr. Fred Stitchman, 1255 Haller Avenueo Pickeringq for donating 6 large sheets of plate glass to the Museum. 6. HISTORY IN ACTION - Mr. Cook announced that the newly formed Pickering Town- ship united Community Fund Committee is planning a Beauty Contest to choose Miss United Appeal and this committee would like to hold the final judging of this contest at at the Museum in conjunction with History In Action. Moved by Mrs. Earleo seconded by Mr. Miller that the Committee be informed that the Board would welcome such an event at History In Action. CARRIED .. - - -3- Mrs. Earle submitted a list of possible ideas for new activities at History In Action. The following were approved: a) B~ced goods should be available for sale on both days. b) A Food Hamper Draw will be held. lst Prize - A hamper containing homemade items such as bread, pickles, jam, cakeo butter, plus a turkey or ham. 2nd Prize - A hamo 3rd Prize - A cake. Mrso Earle will try to get as many items as possible by donation. Tickets will sell at 25¢ each or 5 for $1. c) A Baking Contest will be advertised and held. Miss Anne Wanstall, Co~cing Editor for the Toronto Daily Star will be approached to see if she will judge. d) Christmas Cards using the hasti-note motif are to be prepared and sold. Pickering Litho-Print will be asked to print 100 packets, each containing IO cards and lO envelopes for 50¢ per packet. These to sell at $1. 00 per packet. e) Childrens· entertainment is to be better organized, with horseshoe pitching, bean bag throwing, a Lucky Dip and possibly a Corn Roast. Mr. Marshall is asked to arrange for the Rovers to assist again, especially with these activitieso f) A theme for the Parade is to be considered. g) Spiced or fancy candles should be made in advance for sale. Mrs. Earle also asked where demonstrators could operate this year. The Oddfellows Hall space is now limited. It was decided that all the houses must have some demonstrators in them since the idea is action, not the viewing of static rooms. Mr. Marshall is requested to contact the Claremont Band as soon as possibleo 7. CHAIRMAN I S REMARKS - Mr. Cook tharuced Mr. Miller for his good work as Administratorq and also thanked Mr. Freeman and t1rs. Earle for arranging the parade float at such short notice. On motion the meeting adjourned. Dated Chairman