HomeMy WebLinkAboutJuly 13, 1972 T~ - '/12. PICKERING TÅ’vNSHIP MUSEUM BOARD A meeting of the Pickering Township Museum Board was held on Thursday, July 13th 1972, at 8.00 p.m. at the Municipal Building. PRESENT: !~u H. Cook - Chairman )Jr. R. Hiller - þ"dministrator rlr. Bill Clark fiIrs. Vl. Earle Hr. D. HcLean JYì.x. M. Parkin ~ir. N.C. Marshall - Secretary - - 1. MINUTES- On motion of f·irs. Earle, seconded by I'Ú". !·icLean and carried the minutes of the meeting of June 8th 1972 were adopted. The Chairman extended the appreciation of the group to the Administrator for the enlightening tour of the Museum property that had taken place during the latter part of June. 2. ACCOUNTS- On motion of Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Clark and carried, the accounts as submitted by the Secretary were approved. 3. ADMINISTRATOR I S REPORT - Mr. Ken Lye of the Sir John A. MacDonald School has asked whether it would be possible for the Museum to have conducted tours of the property on the two days immediately preceding History in Action. In this way many of -the displays would be ready and a number of the engines and pieces of machinery set up for the festivities. The children would have a much better understanding of the various display items if they could see it in this form. He anticipated approximately 600 children touring the property during the two day period. - It was suggested that perhaps the two days could be extended for a further two days following the History in Action festivities and thus permit a more leisurely tour for the children. - On motion of ~~. Parkin, seconded by 11rs. E~rle, it was agreed that the Administrator be authorized to expend such funds as are necessary to complete arrangements for conducting tours for the Township school children of the Museum property on the two days before and the two days following the History in Action weekend. CARRIED Speaking to activities at the Museum in general Mr. i1iller reported the following: painting of the church to be completed in several weeks when the new wood is dry. the hotel is almost finished Continued......2 ~.~ - - - 2 - Item 3 contd. the decoration of the Cole House is complete and period furnishings are being provided for the building the men are starting the "lood shed behind the Uuseum building property and the footings are poured. r1ro Hope has agreed to layout the building for the men and assist them with the roof Hotel - arrangements should be made for furnishing the building and a decision reached as to whether or not the picture gallery is to be located in this facility padlocks are required for the various display cases with approximately eight needed posters advertising History in Action Day should be available well in advance, preferably in the early part of August. 4. C.B.Co -- - Mr. Craig Taylor of the C.B.C. contacted the Secretary with the request that the various pieces of machinery utilizing steam be activated for a C.B.C. special dealing with the Industrial Revolution and in particular the part steam played in ito They are prepared to assume any cost involved in this and he hoped that arrangements could be completed to provide a display including activities similar to those found on History in Action. On motion of }'æ. McLean, seconded by Mrs. Earle and carried it was agreed that the Administrator be authorized to complete arrangements that will provide the activities required by the CoB.C. in filming their Special on the Industrial Revolution. It was suggested that rather than asking for a donation from the C.B.C. that possibly they might utilize short film strips taken during the current filming as well as others taken on earlier filmings at the property in an attempt to advertise the Museum property and in particular the festivities of History in Action. These film clips could be shown at key times such as following major news broadcasts. 5. HISTORY IN ACTION - Noting the problems that had occurred last year in allocating space for the various demonstrators, the group reaffirmed its position that the allocation of space for the demonstrators is to be carried out by Mr. McLean. It was agreed that a list of proposed demonstrators should be submitted to him in the very near future in order that he could work out the appropriate space allocation. In this manner, if there were too many domonstrators for the space available, the number of demonstrators asked to participate could be reduced. In connection with the bake sale it was suggested that the Historical Society be asked to assume total responsibility for this. In this connection it was suggested that perhaps the kitchen in the hotel might be an ideal location for combining the bake sale and the tea with a demonstration of baking bread being carried out at the same time. continued......3 _. .- - 3 - Item 5 Another suggestion made was that possibly a program could be prepared to be handed out at History in Action. 6. GENERAL·~ Mrs. Earle remarked on the success of the Museum float in the July 1st Parade at Ajax. She asked that a letter of thanks be extended to ~1r. Ken Balsdon for providing the float.