HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 1, 1973 "'~ - PICKERING TOWNSHIP HUSEUM BOARD 6/73 <..- - A meeting of the Pickering Township Museum Board was held on Tuesday, the 1st day of Hay 1973 at 8.00 p.m. at the Municipal Building. - Present: Mr. Jack Alma - Chairman Mr. W. Biernacki Mr. R. Freeman Hrs. D. Earle ~1rs. R. Guest Hr. B. Davidge Hr. D. t4cLean Hr. H. Hiller - Administrator Mr. No C. ~'arshall - Secretary - - - 1 0 HINUTES - On Motion of Hrs. Earle, Seconded by j'·1r. Freeman and carried the r·~inutes of the !1eeting of April 17th 1973 ,.,ere adopted. - 2. THE FUTURE OF MUSEUM - The Chairman read for the benefit of the Board a number of the comments received in response to his request for such information concerning the future of the Museum property and the role that it would play in the coming years. Some of the points mentioned included - Passive Huseum A Teaching and Cultural Centre Not to compete with Black Creek Pioneer Village Develop a structure for the administration that would encourage the participation of as many of the existing interested volunteers as possible The Township retain ownership and provide direction through a Board of Trustees A salaried Director should be appointed who would develop the educational aspect of the Museum If an ownership change is envisioned then an independent appraisal by a professional appraiser of historic buildings should be obtained A lengthy discussion ensued dealing with some of the factors mentioned. It was noted that if the property was to be relocated that it was unreasonable to expect a senior level of government to provide thousands of dollars in grants for this purpose and yet permit the existing administration of the Huseum to continue. The Board examined many facets of the problem and the Chairman was able to secure the outline of a position paper which would be drafted and considered by the Board prior to its presentation to the Committee of Council delegated to deal with this subject. <":'i~ - _."..,,- - '2 - 6/73 .~ 3. DONATIONS ..- .- r.1rs. Earle advised that the Historical Society had approved the payment of $200 towards the cost of the stove in the Cole House. 4 . INVIA.T ION - ,~ !v1rs. Doris Hoskin invited any l1embers of the Board who might be interested to attend the wedding of her daughter at the church on the property on May the 19th. 5. - CIVIC APPRECIATION DAY - Councillor Anderson joined the Meeting at this point and explained that the Committee presently meeting on the subject of a Civic Appreciation Day had suggested that such festivities could be coordinated with the History in Action Day festivities. ...- On Motion of Mr. McLean, Seconded by Mrs. Earle and carried it: 'Þ7"lc1.grccd that tll'; ~-useurn BO·'l.rd co-operate to the fullest extent with their counterparts on the Committee dealing with a Civic Appreciation Day and that such festivities be coordinated with the History in Action Day activities in September. - It was agreed that the next meeting be held on Hay the 15th. On Hotion the meeting adjourned. CHAIRMAN - DÞ. TED SECRETARY