HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 15, 1973 ~~~ PICKERING TOT¡.JNSHIP HUSEUB BOARD 7/73 .,- 'þ,. meeting of the Pickering TOvTnship Museum Board was held on Tuesday, the 15th day of May 1973 at 8.00 p.m. at the ~1unicipal Building. - '" ~ PRESENT~ Hr. Jack Þlma - Chairman Hr. W. Biernacki Mr. R. Freeman i'irs. R. Guest I1ro W. Clark t-1r. D. HcLean r-1I.r. N. HcGee r-lr. R. ~1iller - Administrator Hr 0 N. C. !1arshall - Secretary ~.Ao ,,,..,."" 1 . HINUTES- - -- On notion of H.r. McLean, seconded by ~1r. Biernacki and carried unanimously the Hinutes of the meeting of Hay 1st 1973 were adopted. ~ 2. FUTURE OF HUSEUB ~. ~ The Chairman apologized for not having the Position Paper that had been written up on this topic available for discussion this evening. He agreed to have copies of it made and distributed to the members for their comments. - 3. HISTORICAL SOCIETY DONATION - ,j*, -,- A S200.00 cheque from the Historical Society towards the purchase of the stove would be forwarded to the Secretary during the week. 4. OPENING DAY - WEDDING - - ""' Mr. McLean reported briefly on the preparations for the vledding to be held on j'1ay 19th 1973, remarking on the work put into cleaning up the church and surrounding property by the Hoskins family. It was hoped that the Parks Department would be able to cut the grass in advance of the wedding. - 5. FINANCIAL STATEHENT -. '~ -- The members had for their consideration a financial statement indicating net expenditures of $3,453.95 and net revenue of $468.50. While only $1,000 had been budgeted for salaries under Renovations and $1,320.00 expended: it was noted that ~720.00 could qualify under the Winter Works Scheme and $416.00 of this represented work done on behalf of the Kiwanis to the church shed. An amount of $359.60 under the Restoration account consisted of material for the church shed and \<!ould also be assumed by the Kiwanis. Continued......2 {iÐ~ -- ,~ - 2 .. 7/73 - Item 5 contd. '!;IJO-""" Noting that $786.00 had been expended on the church shed on behalf of the Kiwanis, it was suggested that the Secretary write to them requesting the $1,000.00 promised in order that other work that had been budgeted for could he continued. ...- 6. EXPROPRIATION .. ~ ._. The Board were advised of the fact that the Federal Government had served Notice of Pinal Expropriation on part of the Museum property, which included the Steam Barn and Gas Barn as well as the two lots on which the Cole House and Collins House were situated. This information could prove useful to the Committee appointed to deal with this subject. .,- .,.f/i*; 7. ADHINISTRATOR'S REPORT ..' Mrs. Annis is arranging for the Guides for Opening Day and the following weekends. f~ :iiIf"".'. A letter of appreciation from the ,Tohn A. Leslie Public School was read following the loan of a number of items for their bi-century celebrations. ,- A quilt had been received from the Senior Citizens in \V'hich the blocks had been made by the grandmother of Mrs. Hilda Lennox. It was suggested that a letter of thanks be directed to them. - il1iss Charlotte Gentiles had invited Museum Board members to participate in her interview show \~hich is televised on the local television station. Arrangements should be made directly with ~!iss Gentiles. - Cha.nnel 19 had borrowed several items for a filming that they were doing. They \!'lere going to complete an interview with r~r. Hiller as a general interest item for one of their up-coming programs. There are several loose shingles on the Collins House and it was felt that these should be repaired before the work crew is laid off. The entire roof of this house requires new shingles and this should be attended to once sufficient funds are available. There is a need for a shed to protect the Saw Hill and this too should be attended to when sufficient funds can be raised. Several men from the Board went to Carnarvon during the past weekend and brought back a truck-load of material from the farm. There was still a 10/20 tractor and one or two other imolements, including a hay rake of the 1900 vintage which would have to be picked up at a later date. A great number of the items donated to the Museum by the late Nicki Corchis,which hed been stored in Hr. Pridmore's chicken house, had been stolen. This was just recently discovered and as a result several of the men had spent an evening trans- porting the remaining i tc:ms to the Huseum property. - Continued......3 ...Jô"i" ".,- .. 3 - 7/73 ",- Item 7 contd. "..¡rtØIIIA. It v!as suggested that the bookle"t prepared by the Secretary should be re·-issued as soon as 'Possible. 9. NEW BUSINESS - ~ ","-' The Chairman mentioned that Mr. Jerry Hasek had offered 10 mature trees of different varieties to the !1useum. He had suggested tha.t holes I¡ feet by 2 feet deep should be prepared in advance of the trees being transported as they would not be bagged. It was agreed that the labourers presently working on the property be directed to prepare the necessary locations for the trees. ..- ..- Mrs. Guest noted that there was a great need for more display cases for the costumes and that a nurnber of them were badly in need of cleaning. .- .- l1r. Miller drew the attention of the Board to the fact that a refrigerator was available which could be utilized to cool pop which would be sold to the visitors to the property throughout the season. He noted that while the price for the unit aP:l?ears high, the individual selling it had donated a numher of items to the Museum. ,.-. - On t1otion of fv1r. J:1cLean, seconded by Nr. HcGee and carried, Mr. Miller was authorized to negotiate the purchase of a Westinghouse refrigerator from Mr. Bruce O'Brien with the cost not to exceed $45.00. Mr. Don Bird had agreed to donate his services as auctioneer for the up-coming Auction. It was suggested that the furniture in the Cabin be changed to accurately reflect the proper period that the building depicts. On Motion the meeting adjourned with it being agreed that the next meeting wou1:1 be held on Hay 29th 1973. CHAI R11AN DATED SECRETARY