HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 19, 1973 - PICKBRING TOWNSHIP MUSEUM BOARD 9/73 A meeting of the Pickering Township Museum Board was held on Tuesday, the 19th day of June 1973 at 8.00 p.m. at the Museum Grounds. - PRESENT: l.fr. Jack Alma - Chairman Mr. William McGee Mr. Don McLean Mrs. Ruth Guest Mr. W. Biernacki Mr. William Clark 1. MINUTES - - On Motion of Mr. Clark, Seconded by Mr. McLean and carried the Minutes of the meeting of ~~y 29th 1973 were adopted. 2. DELEGATION - - - The Chairman introduced Mr. Gerry Thorne of the Y.M.C.A. who outlined to the Board a plan of morning sessions of three hours, at the Museum, five days a week, instructing the younger members of the community in the pioneer crafts. A charge of $10.00 a week per child would pay for the service of an instructor and one adult in charge. A minimum of one week per child. All agreed this could be tried for two weeks this year in anticipation of four to six weeks next year, depending on how successful it works this year. - 3. RESIGNATION - MR. B.L. DAVIDGE - - The Chairman read a letter of resignation from !~. Davidge. This caused great concern as Mr. Davidge has a talent in the way of communication and fresh ideas. We need members with his particular abilities. His resigning will leave a gap difficult to bridge. A number of members wish to speak to ~~. Davidge, hopefully persuading him to rescind his resignation. Mr. Davidge sent the new date sign for History In Action along with several sample letters which could be sent. - A Motion was made to have 3,000 posters for History In Action printed, to be done immediately. (The poster being another of Mr. Davidge's work.) 4. Mr. Alma bought an interim supply of candy sticks to fill in until our order comes through. 5. RENOVATIONS- Discussion on more signs for the Museum property, i.e. a large sandwich board set up on the grassy half circle of the driveway, advertising Museum; 15 buildings; guided tours. Black lettering on white, large enough and high enough to be seen by approaching traffic in both directions. Continued......2 - - - 2 - Item 5 contd. - Mr. McLean made a J1'K)tion to ask Council for $5,000.00 to continue our proj ect for this year. Seconded by t-iJ:;'. CIUk. A Motion to amend the above was moved by IJIr. Biernacki, Seconded by Mrs. Guest to make a list of projects and repairs that need immediate attention, such as shinqling on certain buildings, cleaning of costumes, refinishing furniture - in fact to make the Museum attractive and inviting to visitors. A cost summary to be drawn up from this list. - 6. TOUR GUIDES - Mr. Clark read a letter received from the Tour Guides. Their requests were: - A calander of their particular work days to be set up. Tours to go out at specified times. A break between tours. - A calendar of physical work to be done around the Museum. Hr. Alma suggested a clock with hands that could be set manually to indicate time of tours. Mrs. Annis will be asked to set up calendars requested and see that Guides have a break. On Motion of Mr. McLean, Seconded by Mr. Biernacki and carried it was agreed that Mrs. Guest buy material and a pattern for shirts to be worn by the male Guides, so as to distinguish them in groups. Also name cards to be worn by all Guides. Mrs. Guest suggested that Suzanne Clark and Debbie Guest be asked if they would consent to sew the shirts. - 7. NEXT MEETING - - It was agreed that the next meeting be held at the Museum Grounds on Tuesday, July 10th 1973 at 8.00 p.m. On motion the meeting adjourned. CHAIRMAN DATED SECRETARY