HomeMy WebLinkAboutJuly 10, 1973 ..'.... ,.iIIItooo>. -" - - - ,!.,..¡fk '...... - PICKERING TOWNSHIP lfUSEUM BOARD 10/73 A meeting of the Pickering Township Museum Board was held on Tuesday, the 10th day of July 1973 at 8.00 p.m. at the ~~useum Grounds. PRESENT: Mro Jack Alma - Chairman Mr. W. Biernacki !'ir. Don 1\1cLean Mr. William Clark Mrs. I. Annis - Custodian Mr. N.C. Marshall - Secretary 1. ~lINUTES - On ~rotion of Mr. McLean, Seconded by Mr. Biernacki the Hinutes of the meeting of June 19th 1973 '-lere adopted. 2. Y.M.C.A. - The Chairman reported that the program anticipated by the Y.M.C.A. was unworkable for the current year in view of the fact that there were insufficient children available to participate in the activity. Evidently the majority of children in this age bracket are moving away from the area as a result of the Federal Expropriation. 3. POSTERS - It was agreed that the posters would be printed. 4. SIGN - It was suggested that the Museum sign located adjacent to Highway # 7 be moved to the west in the vicinity of the centre of the parking lot wr.ere it would be more visible. 5. tiORI{ NIGHT - It was agreed that July 18th 1973 would be deemed a Work Night during which a number of the outstanding jObs at the property could be done. 6. REQUEST FOR FURTHER FUNDS FROM COUNCIL - The Secretary explained the position of Council and the reason it was obliged to accept the expropriation of the portion of the Museum property on which notice had been received. In view of the general uncertainty concerning the status of the property as a whole, and on the advice of the Secretary it was agreed that any further action in this regard should be deferred. Continued......2 - .-. 2 - 10/73. 7. TOUR GUIDES - - The group noted that during the last couple of weeks attendance at the property had been extremely slow. There i8 obviously a need for much greater publicity in the .various Metro media. The group examine i a number of items which could lead to greater attm1dance and explored the possibility of locating a display in the Sheridan Mall. Mr. Alma agreed to investigate this and report back. Mention was made of the interest of Mrs. Simpson of the Oshawa Times and also columnis. such as Scott Young of the Globe and Mail, ~ho had expressed an intereat in writing columna around special events in the past.. It. was 4g'reed that there was a need for more special event. on the weekends and t.hat these should be preceded by adequate publicity. In re8ponse to a sUg'gestion that a general store be located in a portion of the Hotel, the Commdttee agreed that. Mrs. Jack Alma be invited to co-ordinate this activity. The Arts and Crafts peopl$ of Pickering Village could be interested in such an activity and the l-luseum would receive 20' of the gross receipts in return for the facilities. - 8. HISTORY IN ACTION - Mr. Biernacki agreed to dr&ft a letter on which a reply would be requested that would be sent to all the exhibitors inviting them to participate. 9. MASUR MAP OF MUSEUM - !.frS. Annis reported that. there was a grou¡: preparing' master maps of the various Counties on which all of the museums within the area were identified with appropriate notations on the map to assist the public in locating them. For a $5.00 fee the Township Museum would be included. On Motion of Mr. Biernacki, Seconded by Mr. McLean it was a9reed that Mrs. Annis be authorized to have the Township Museum included in the local County map. CARRIED - 10. SPECIAL EVDrrS - SQUARE DANCE The group considered the possibility of holding an evening square dance at the Museum g'rounds and inviting Ivan Fuller to be the caller. Mr. Clark aqreed to investigate t.his further, noting that Mr. Fuller would - be anxious t.o attend such an event.. On Motion the meeting adjourned. CHAIRMAN DA'l'BD . SECRETARY