HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 12, 1974 - 1 - 1/74 PICKERING TO~m MUSEUM BOARD A meetina of the Pickerina Town Museum Bòard was held on Tuesday, the 12th day of 111arch 1974 at 8:00 p.m. PRESENT: Councillor J. Anderson Councillor K. Spratley Mr. Robert Miller Mr. ~? Clark t-1r. N. Biernacki Mrs. C. Guest Mr. J. .7\lma In attendence: Mr. Don McLean Mr. J.P. Myslik - Deputy Clerk 1. ELECTIONS OF CHAIRMAN OF MUSEUM BOARD Councillor Anderson moved that nominations for Chairman and Vice Chairman be opened. Nominations: Mr. Jack Al!'\a Mr. Robert Miller Mrs. Guest moved that no~inations be closed. Jack Alma was electeð Chairman and Robert Miller ViceChairman by secret ballot. 2. PROCEDURE ro~D MINUTES It was requested that a copy of the rules of procedure of the Library Board be obtained. It was also requested that the last ~inutes of 1973 be sent to mewbers o~ the Board. Purthermore, the names of the people who received copies of the book, The Village of Brouqharn, should be entered in the minutes for the record. 3. POSITION OF ADMINISTRATOR It was pointeð out that R. Miller was the Administrator in 1973. This position is that of a day-to-day Manaqer who is familiar with the detailed operation of the MuseuJ"". 1-10TION # 1/7 4 ~10VED by Councillor Anderson, seconded by Mr. N. Clark that Robert Miller be appointed .~~inistrator of. the Museum for 1974. CARRIED 4. PEPOP.T OF ADMINISTRATOR It was pointed out that Mr.Mac Middleton is very capable at repairing enqines and restorinq them to runninq condition. His present rate of pay is $3.00 per hour. Mr. Miller is to get direction from the Board as to how much money can be spent for this purpose. MOTIOf\1 #2/74 MOVED by Mr. W. Clark, seconded by Mr. ~. Biernacki that Mac Middleton be hired until such time as the 1973 surplus in this budaet item is expended. CARRIED ~ - - 2 - 1/74 There are no more p~phlets, books, mugs or plates lef.t at the Museum. M0TION #3/74 MOVED by Councillor Anderson, seconded by ~r. ~. Clark that Mr. Don McLean be asy.ed to check the present pamphlet f.or revisions and reprintinq. CARRIED MOTION #4/74 MOVED by Mrs. C. Guest, seconded by Councillor Spratley that Robert Miller check with the printer as to the cost of havinq the section of his book pertaininq to the Museum reprinted as a pamphlet to be sold at the ~useum. CARRIED M.OTION # 5/7 t1 MOVED by Mr. R. Miller, seconded by Mr. ~. Biernacki that 2000 copies of the ~1useum Guide be printed. CARRI:8D The owners were in to assess the amount of wind damaqe to the tent. They are not askinq for any compensatiòn, but it was considered advisable that in the future, before any arrangements are made to loan or rent equipment, there should be a more businesslike approach with specific costs, rentals or liabilities indicated. 5. SECRETARY The prohlem of a permanent recorðina Secretary was raised. Mr. N.C. Marshall has fulfilled this ~unction for the past several years. Mr. J.P. ~1yslik was asked to con- tinue this function. MOTION #6/74 MO\ŒD by Mr. R. Miller, seconded by Mr. M. Clark that it be recommended to Council that some remuneration be qiven to the Secretary. CARRIED 6. CUSTODIA.~ r10TION #7/74 HOVED by Mr. R. Miller, seconded by Councillor Spratley that a letter be written askina Mrs. I. Annis for her written comments as to her interest in continuina her duties at the Museum and any other recommendations for the consideration of the Board. CARRIED 7. r''!EDDING AT !-IDSEUM CHURCH Mr. R. Miller presented the request of his dauqhter, Barbara, to be married in the Museum Church on !-1ay ll, 1974. l-1OTION #8/7-1 MOVED by Mr. W. Clark, seconded by Councillor Anderson that Barbara Miller be aranted her request to be married in the Museum Church. CARRIED - - 3 - 1/74 8. OPENING AND CLOSI~1G DATRS, HISTORY IN ACTION HOTION #9/71 MO'fflD by Mr. R. Miller, seconded by Mro rye Biernacki that the Museum be opened to the public on May la, 1974 and closed on October 6, 1974 and that furthermore History in Action will take place on September 14, l5, 1974. 9. ,- - 10. - - CARRIED BUDGET 1974 MOTION #lO/74 M~mD by Councillor Anderson, seconded by Councillor Spratley that Mr. Ro Filler ?nd ~-1r. toT. Biernacki be designated to meet ¡.¡ith Mr. ~q.Co Marshall, 'J:'o~'m Clerk, to strike a Budqet for 1974. CARRIED REPORT ON L.I.P. PROGR~~ Two meetin0s with representatives from I.. I. P. They recommended that a detailed file be kept on each of the buildinqs and that an accurate scale drawing ~ inch = 1 ~oot be made of the top and bottom floor of the buildinq to be restor8~. MOTION #ll/7,l MO'~D by Mr. R. Miller, seconded by Mr. Biernacki that the Planning Department be asked to help in makinq the scale drawinu of the building in question. CARRI~D 11. FURTHER BUSINESS Richard Brock is interested in offerino his volunteer services in the herb gardens. - A letter has been sent to the Historical Automotive Society respective to a meet to be held on the I'1useum crrounds. Councillor J. Anderson is settincr up a joint rneetinr¡- with the respective qovern~Bnts, municipal authorities and Museum Board concerning the future of the Museum. It was suqaested that local artists be invited to paint the varioùs buildings on the grounds as a point of interest. In terms of relocatin~ the Museum, the optimum location in Greenwood should be considered in any neqotiations. The men are to be asked to continue to repair and restore furniture in conjunction wi~~ the L.I.P. grant. It was decided to hold the next Museum Board meeting on April 9, 197~ at 7:30 p.m. 12. ADJOURNMENT MOVED by Mr. W. Clarke, seconded by Councillor Spratley that the meeting adjourn at ll:10 p.m. Dated Chairman