HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 11, 1974 ~ - 13 - 4/74 PIaæ~G ~Or~1 MUSEUM BOA-~ . !i._ U 1.L 1 b..d -4 A meeting of the Pickerinq Town Museum Board was held on Tuesday, the 11th day of June 1974 at 8:00 p.~. PRESENT~ Mr. J. Alma (Chairman) ~1r. rl. Biernacki Hr. ¡'Im. Clark J\1rs. C. Guest Mr. R. M.iller Mr. J.P. Myslik (Secretary) ALSO PRESENT~ Mr. H. Cook ).\~r. R. Freeman Mr. D. McLean - 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES MOVED by Mrs. C. Guest, seconded by Mr. v!m. Clark that the minutes of the meeting of May 14th 1974 be adopted. 2. BUSINESS ARISING FROM MI~UTES a) The list of names of the people to whom the Village of Brougham books were given is to be corrected and completed. - b) Mayor A.she has allowed the Huseum to sell the Ontario County books on a fifty fifty basis. CO~1UNICATIONS - CORRESPONDENCE 3. - A Thank You note from the former Barbara Miller was received. 4. REPORTS - a) Administrator - The Odd Fellows' Hall roof and the Church roof should be repaired, prices are being obtained and investigated. MOTION #26 MOVED by Nr. H. Biernacki, seconded by t1rs. C. Guest that the Churcñ and Hall roof be repaired up to a price of $275.00. CÞ.RRIED The Guides were given an introducto.c:y 1:our by !1r. R. Miller. - - Approximately fifteen large logs have been delivered by the Roads Truck. - - Mr. R. Miller wrote to the M.P.P. of Haliburton con- cerning the acquisition of a tank sleigh. - The Administrator has been negotiatino to obtain a cupboard and table for the log house. 1'10TION # 2 7 MO'lED by Mr. W. Biernacki, seconèed by Mr. ~Jm. Clark that Mr. R. Miller should purchase the back-to-wall cupboard ,nd t.,....bl.~ :"""'..'.. for th:~ first loq honse north of Pickerinq. - CARRIED - It was decided that the barber shop be· set up in the corner of the Odd Fellows' Hall. - It was furthermore agrce6 upon that the Tinsmith shop be set up in the gas barn. - - 14 - 4/74 5. NEW BUSINESS -. - a) Posters It was aoreoo that Hr. R. Miller an 0. M:r. H. Bierftacki will work on ~he posters and that they will bc printed as soon as possible. b) L.IoP. Program Mr. J. Rernple has a letter indicating that there were authenticating problems with the project and is askina for an extension of the L.I.P. Proaram. r1rs. èlaus in Oshawa and Mrs. Dorothy Hiller will also help with the particular project. - c) Summer Student Proqrarn - - A $4,000.00 program for University and College students, made possible by Imperial Oil, has been qranted by the Ministry of Education. The money and project will be administered by the Durham Board of Education. The project intends to provide a complete portfolio of the Museum and to provide a kit for the Museum and for the Durham Board of Education, the kit will be in the form of an audio-visual presentation. The offshoot of this will b8 an edited version, which will also be used by the Museum. d) Craft Classes Thirteen names have been received for the chair caning craft classes. - e) Publicity Hr. R. Miller will contact the local newspapers and supply them with information pertaining to the Museum. f) Petty Cash MOTION #28 MOVED by Mrs. C. Guest, seconded by Mr. ~. Biernacki that a petty cash fund be set up to be administered by the Huseum Administrator. CARRIED 6. FURTHER BUSINESS a) The Personnel Office is to send a letter to Mrs. I. Annis stating that she is hired at the rate of $2.50 per hour. b) MOTION #29 t40VED by Mr. Nm. Clark, seconded by IÆr. R. Miller that the merobers of the Pickering Museum Board wish to express their deep concern about the fact that the !'JIuseum wc.s cOL'Ipletely Of."....i tted fror.:l the f.\,::cr~<:'tion ~rt- ment Newsletter. CARRIED c) Mileage Allowance Due to the rising cost of gasoline, it ~as stated that the members of the Museum Board should receive a mileage allowance for any travelling that is done in connection with Museum business. d) Horticultural Society The Horticultural Society have agreed to make a planting along the fence of broom corn, sunflowers, Indian corn, pumpkins and gourds as a screen to the surroundina houses and properties. They also intend to plant appropriate period flowers around the houses. - .- ~ - 15·· 4/74 - e) Kiwanis Bar-B-Q ~ír. II. Cook expressed the desire of the KÌ\rlanis Club to be able to obtain a licence for liquor refreshments durin0 the Bar-B-O which they intend to hold on the Mus.;un grounds. MOTION #30 ]\1OVED by r,1r. R. Hiller, secondE::d by Hr. ~im. Clark that a liquor licence be operated under the auspices of the Kiwanis Club at the Bar-B-Q that is to be hclrl at the Huseum, subject to the approval of CounciL CARRIED In connection with the Bar-B-Q it was clarified that half of the net profits would qo to th8 benefit of the Museum. 7. ADJOURHMENT MOVED by Mrs. C. Guest, seconded by Mr. N. Biernacki that the Museum Board meeting adjourn at 10~50 p.m. Date: Chairman - - .. - - -