HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 13, 1974 - 18 - 6/74 TOWN OF PICKERING HUSEUM BOARD A meeting of the Town of Pickerin0 Museum Board was held on Tuesday, the 13th day of August 1974 at 8~00 p.m. PRESENT: Mr. ~. Biernacki (Chairman) Mr. Hm. Clark l\1r. R. Þ1iller Mrs. Ruth Guest Mr. J. Alma (arrived 8:20) Councillor J. Anderson (arrived 9~30) N.C. Marshall (Clerk) .- ALSO PRESENT~ Hr . I-I. Cook Mr. D. HcLean Mrs. D. Earle Hr. R. Freeman 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES - MOVED by Mr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Miller that the minutes of the meeting of July 9th 1974 be adopted. 2. COMMm;¡ICATIOHS - Mr. Miller mentioned a letter he had received from the National Museum of Man in Ottawa inquiring as to what agricultural implements, literature or brochures the Museum had that might be available to the Museum. 3. REPORTS - - The Administrator, Mr. Miller, reported as follows~ - Mrs. Annis advises that all of the County Atlases have been sold. The Committee agreed that a further twenty atlases be purchased in advance of History in Action. - He had ordered a book on birds publisl\ed by tà.e Alger Press and written by two gentlemen in Orono. This book retailed at $7.50 to $8.00 and he was of the opinion that it might be of interest to some of the visitors at the Museum. - The R.O.Me had offered to restore the large County map located in the Museum and this would be forwarded to them followin0 the close of the Museum this fall. - Two barns measuring 30 ft. x 40 ft. and 42 ft. x 54 ft. dating back to 1866 were available on the property of Hr. Frank Rogers in Lot 33, Concession 6 in the Town of ~lliitby. As this property has been purchased by the Province as part of its land acquisition program, the barns will be available any time during the next four or five years. - Mr. Miller and Mr. Clark had looked at a 1926 Inter- national 10-20 tractor owned by Mre Robert Batty of Brooklin which could be purchased for $75.00. - Mr. Miller has located a stationary wire hay-baler north of Oshawa which was built some time in the period 1915-1920 and which could be purchased for $100.00. - Several articles from the estate of Mrs. Pratt were available to the Museum and could be purchased for $100.00. They included a sleiqh, a buggy, and a washing machine amongst other ~hings. - ~ - 19 - 6/74 3. REPORTS (Continued) - - Several items still had to be picked up at Kinarvin including a tractor, tank sleigh, wheel scraper, and lumber sleigh. - He had located another line shaft at Tory Hill near Haliburton and hoped to obtain it should the negotia- tions for the one near peterborough be unsuccessful. - He had located a cutter owned by Robert Thompson near Bobcageon, which was originally made in Brougham, and hoped to obtain it for the Huseum. - The dry sink for the coal house was presently being restored by Mr. N. Weller and should be available shortly. - On Auqust 25th the Oshawa McLauqhlin Buick Car Cllili would"be visiting the Museum for lunch with approxi- mately twenty five cars attending. - Additional mugs and plates had been ordered for re- sale at History in Action. - The authorities for the L.I.P. Program had inspected the work that had been done and appeared satisfied. During the past two or three weeks the men had been generally cleaning up the grounds and straightening out some of the buildinqs, as well as assistinq Mr. Middleton in repairing a num1:>er of the gas" engines. They were being laid off this week, but he hoped that perhaps four men could be brought back for the two weeks preceding History in Action in order to get the property ready for the event. He estimated the cost at $520.00 per week for the four men. - Mr. Miller noted that he was in possession of a set of tools dating 1875 including pail making equipment, which he anticipated donating to the Museum for purposes of display in the tinsmith shop. - He mentioned a store which had evidently been donated to the Museum and was located on the fOrmer McBrad¥ property in Lot 4, Concession 3. Further informat10n will be forthcoming on this. MOTION #35 r·lOVED by Hr. Alma f secondeð. by Hr. Clark that the Administrator be authorized to proceed with the purchase of items mentioned in his report with the cost not to exceed $700.00. - - - - - CARRIED - Antique Car Club The Committee were of the op1n1on that an effort should be made to open a number of the buildings in conjunction with the visit of the Car Cllili to the grounds. Preliminary arrangements were made to open the buildings and have them staffed by various people. The blacksmith shop is to be in operation as well as some of the engines in the gas barn and the steam barn. The snack bar will be open and tea and coffee and other refreshments served. A small sub-committee was established to work out the details of a publicity notice on this event and to pre- pare press releases for History in Action. - Financial Report The Clerk reviewed briefly with the Con~ittee the status of their budget, noting that the salary and renovation accounts were nearing their maximum expenditure and that the revenue from attendance was down significantly from the previous year. - 20- 6/74 History in Action The Committee reviewed at length the arrangements that were being made for the various displays at History in Action. It was noted that Council should be asked to pass a resolution permitting the sale of liquor on September 14th in conjunction with the Bar-B-Q being held by the Kiwanis. It was also suggested that the Police Department should be made aware of the weekend festivities in order to avoid any unnecessary traffic tie up. 4. OTHER BUSINESS 5. - - 6. Date: - - - - Mr. Biernacki mentioned that Mrs. Annis was interested in attending a course sponsored by the R. O. t1. in December. He agreed to submit further information once it was available. DATE OF NEXT MEETING It was agreed that the next meetinq be held at the Municipal Building on September 3rd 1974. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 11;00 p.m. Chairman