HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 24, 1974 - 27 - 9/74 TOWN OF PICKERING MUSEUM BOARD - A meeting of the Town of Pickering Museum Board ~7as held on Tuesday f the 24th day of September, 1974 at 8~OO p.m. PRESENT: Mr. J. Alma (Chairman) Councillor J. Anderson Mr. N. Biernacki ~1r. 'Hm. Clark Mrs. C. Guest Mr. R. ~1iller Councillor K. Spratley Mr. J.P. Myslik (Secretary) ALSO PRESENT: Mrs. D. Earle Mr. R. Freeman Mr. D. Haclean 1. ADOPTION O~ MINUTES MOVED by Wm. Clark, seconded by Mr. W. Biernacki that the minutes of the meetings of August 28th 1974 and September 4th 1974 be adopted. 2. HISTORY IN ACTION History in Action 1974 was analysed in orßer to point out the strength and weaknesses and possible improvements. Gate - This was operated very well, extra help would be needed first of all to get the exhibitors in ~nd seconðly to keep some of the children out. A possible aid would be to have name cards sent to the exhibitors beforehand, a very useful improvement would also be to have a shelter constructed for the gate. Church - Nobody from the Board in the church, there was a display of quilts, but the operation of quilting was not demonstrated; this would be an improvement. Tent ~ The lack of proper electrical outlets made for inadequate coffee making facilities, this should be corrected in the coming year. Hotel - ~~s. Spratley did a very good job of operating the craft shop, she is willing to do this again next year, and would like to be able to prepare immediately for the coming year. Blacksmiths Shop - This was an interesting point of attraction, Mr. Clark would like to have an engine put in. Harness ShO! - This was a very interesting display, but something e se could also be in shop at the same time. Odd Fellows Hall - This location had a great many demonstrators which created a lot of traffic, it was however a very interesting display. Antique Cars - People with antique cars were happy to come, and they have also expressed their willingness to come for a weekend, however, they would like to have a protective barrier for their automobiles. ~ .- 28 - 9/74 HISTORY IN ACTION (Continued) COIDbination Barn - It was suggested that the stone lifter be activated. Cole House - The butter making operation made it a little too crowded. Collins House - The china painting demonstration was a point of attraction but it should have more room. The Herb Display" Received numerous favourable comments. Saugage r.faking .. I f possible more meat should be obtained for sausage makinq in the coming year - Woodsplitter - Many people enjoyed this display especially since samples were given. Thresher -- Hore manpower would be required for this display, but it was a very good point of attraction. Gas Barn - This was also very good. Hot Air Engine - This was very fascinating and if possible someone should be there explaining the operation of the hot air engine. Gasoline Engines - The change of location improved this display. Schoolhouse - This building was quite jammed with visitors and more help would be needed here also. Horses and Wagon - These ~~lere very good, but if possible the Swiss Chalet Park sign should covereð with a Pickering Museum Sign. The Steak Dinner - This had its weaknesses in not being very well organized, a letter to the Kiwa~is should be sent by the chai~~n, expressing our thanks but also indicating a possiblity of more organization in the future, if the case comes up. It was pointed out that the line-up of activities for History-in-Action should be made up by May in order to be able to profit of a considerable amount of free advertising. Concerning the fee charge0 at the gate, especially towards the end of the day, we should try to qet the exhibitors to stay the time, that is up till 6 o'clock because some people felt that they were not able to see all the displays when they came later in the afternoon" In future years no bicycles or cars should be allowed to circulate on the musum grounds. There should also be more help for the demonstrators, that is people to run errands for them. It was also indicated that a display of restoration would be a very interesting demonstration. - 29 - 9/74 HISTORY IN ACTION (Continued) Some questions that were indicated, firstly, could we possibly have a Dial-a-Bus service from Sheridan Mall to the MuseQm for History-in-Action days. Secondly, should \'7e have a. family fare and student fare. These were points open to further discussion and investigation. -- Also, it was suggested that we could have animals in pens, for example sheep. Furthermore, an extra supply of tickets should be available for the gate. As a general comment History-in--Action 1974 was considered to be very effective and very successf.ul. MOTION #41 ~ MOVED by Mr. ~. Biernacki, seconded by Councillor K. Spratley that a letter of thanks be sent to all participants. .i!IJII(Ito CARRIED 3" L. I. P. PROGRAMMF: ,- There was a considerable amount of discussion as to what particular project could be undertaken under the auspices of the L.I.P, Programme. HOTION #42 - MOVED by Councillor K. Spratley, seconded by Councillor A. Anderson that Mr. R. Miller be deleGated to estimate the cost of taJdnq down the Rogers barns, and that this be proposed as a L.I.P. ~rograIDIDe. CARRIED 4~ FURTHER BUSInESS a) Museum Relocation "~ As to the relocation of the Museum. In this regard two Councillors on the Board pointed out that the Board should not become too concerned about relocation at this point in time 1 ~ecause the n(:aotÜ..tions bet'..¡een the Municipality and the two levels of Government would certainly take quite some time. Furthermore the airport has not been definately decided upon and the planning for the North Pickering Project has a long way to go as yet, and we cannot qoad the provincial Government to making a commitment when its own plans have not yet been finalized. MOTION # 43 "~ MOVED by Councillor K. Spratley, seconded by Mr. W. Biernacki that a sub-committee be formed to check properties offered to the Museum and to report back to the. Board. The members nominated for this sub- committee are, J. Alma, tl. Biernacki and K. Spratley. CARRIED ........ - b) - c) - - 30 - 9/74 MOTION #44 MOVED by r~. Biernacki, seconded by Councillor J. Anderson that a letter be sent to Mr. Wm. Newman M.P.P. asking him what the position of the GovernMent is in regards to the Museum vis--a"vis the developments in North Pickerinçr. CARRIED A copy of this letter should be sent to Mr. Norm. Cafik M.P. It was furthermore pointed out that the letter should be elaborate enough and indicate a development of the historical background of the Museum. Aletter of thanks should be sent to Mr. Les. Green at 852 Marinet Crescent, for restoring the wicker stroller. Sheridan Mall is to celebrate its second birthday on October the 24th -. 26th 1974. In connection with this occasion the authorities have given the Board the keys to the Art Gallery, 1t is suggested to have a display and perhaps some demonstrations at this location. Furthermore a sign painter and a truck, to transport exhibits, is made available by the Ha.ll. d) MOTION #45 MOVED by W. Biernacki, seconded by Councillor J. Anderson that Mr. D. Maclean be delsJated into investigating the possibility of having a church s,:;:rvic·' at the Museum the week after Thanksgivinq. CARRIED 5. .NDJOURNr1ENT Date MOVED by Councillor Y.. Spratley, seconded by W. Biernacki that tho MusGum Board meetino Adjourn at 11:30 P.M. Chairman