HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 8, 1974 · - 31 - 10/74 TOWN OF PICKERING r"¡US:SUM BOARD .- A meeting of the Town of Pido:-.ering Huseurn Board was. held on Tuesday, the 8th day of October 1974 at 8.00 p.m. PRESENT: Mr. J. Alma (Chairman) Councillor J. Anderson Mr. W. Biernackì Mr. V1.!·L Clark l-1r. R. IÜ11er Councillor K. Spratley Mr. J.P. Myslik (Secretary) ALSO PRESENT: Mr. D. MacLean Mr. M. Parkin 1. ADOPTION OF l-UNUTES MOVED by HR. R. Hiller, seconded by ~·1r. ~'l.H. Clark that the minutes of the meeting of September 24th 1974 be adopted. CARRIED 2. CO~4UNICATIONS A letter was received from ~1ro Robert R. Lyons, a broom maker from Annan, Ontario. He was contacted before History-in-Action this year but he was unable to contact us in return ~ that is ~..¡hy he did not come. However, he is interested in coming next year. In the meantime, Mr. J. Alma ordered a few samples of his brooms. Mr. J. Alma and Mr. W. Biernacki were at the Ministry of Education where the Young People's Program results of the swmncr were on display. The program that took place at the Huseum \-Tas a great success 0 The Uinistry of 'I'ourism is interested in including the Huseurn in their tourist folder. The Museum Board received a notice of membership subscription to the Canadian Museum Association. 140TION # 46 MOVED by l-1r. R. Hiller, seconded by Mr. t'l.f1. Clark that thE: Pickering Museum Board send a membership sub- scription to the Canadian ~1useum Association. CARRIED ... Mr. Bruce Forrester is to be sent donation forms for the loan of two cutters which he is willing to lend to the Museum. Mr. Dave Burgess has a ì':cLr.mghlin carriage which he has brought to the Huseurn on pe'~pp-tual loan. The carriage is in very good shape. Continued...... .. - 32 - lO/74 3. REPORTS Administrator - The Administrator suggested that a list be made of monies received in History in Action and a report be made which could be included in the minutes. Mrs. Annis would want a list of the mugs, the cast iron articles, etc. that were used for thc craft shop in History in Action. - The Administrator does not think that many people will make commitments in May to come for History in Action in September. It should be remembered that demonstrators are voluntecrs and they must be treated as volunteer labour. - The L.I.P. Grant application for the dismantling of the Rogers barns has been sent away. i>10TION # 47 HOVED by Mr. W.ll. Clark, seconded by Councillor K. Spratley that Mr. R. Miller be authorized to make an offer on a line shaft. CARRIED Most of the objects at the Museum have been stored away and the outside boiler has been drained. A tea wagon has been donated to the Museum. The Admin- istrator will try to bring it to the Museum on Saturday next. Isabel Gregg has given a windmill that is to be dismantled and taken to the Museum. A turnip wagon has been donated to the r1useum. to be picked up. It is nOTION {I: 48 MOVED by Councillor K. Spratley, seconded by Mr. W.M. Clark that Mr. R. Miller be authorized to check various pieces of equipment that are available and to make an offer of approximately $200.00. CARRIED 4. NEW BUSINESS a) Budget - Remaining Projects 1974 - The sign in front of the Museum should be up-dated. Another gate should be put in the fence at the west side of the front entrance. This could be used especially during History in Action. The monies left in.the budget arc not very consi- derable but the Chairman would like to have some shingles made and some of the roofs repaired or re-done, as the case may be. Continued...... " - 3.3 - 10/74 Item 4 contd. b) Budge·c - Adver·tising 1073 I·10TION # 49 MOVED by Councillor K. Spratley, seconded by Mr. W. Biernacki that a permanent Public Relations Advertisin~'" Commit.tee be established with the members being, Mr. Ron Freeman Councillor K. Spratley tlr. .T. Alma CA.RRIED 5. FURTHER BUSINESS a) Hr. D. McLean gave a report concerning the church service that is to be held at the .Huseum fol1m·1ing Thanksgiving Ðay. It is to be an inter-denominational service to be held on October 20th 1974 at 3 o'clock in the af·t.ernoon. The Hinisters are arranging the service ~nd the hymns. It is up to the Board to heat the church and prepars any thing else that is necessary. It was suggested th2t a cup of coffee and biscuits be offered after the service. The Board will certainly be able to get the assistance of some women from the Village under the direction of Mrs. ;·~.arr. It was suggested that a press release be sent to radio stations in the neighbourhood. b) Washroom facilities - r·~OTION ~f 50 r10VED by Councillor K. Sprat.ley. seconded by Mr. N. Biernacki that the feasibility of vTashrooms with a holding tank be recommended for the Budget of 1975. ~ . CARRIED c) An organ dating from the middle of the 19th century has been offered on a permanent loan basis. The Board should look into acquiring it. d) The letter to be sent to the provincial and Federal members of parliament was discussed. It was suggested that a mention of the penr.Ð.nencc of the Þ1useum be made in the body of the letter and also that a request be made for a joint meeting with the Federal and Provincial political n~d st~ff rcpT·~s~nt~tives. e) It was suggested that Mr. Walter Reesor and Mr. Lapp should be contacted concerning the making of apple butter for History in Action in 1975. "M f) !·lOTION if 51 MOVED by Councillor K. Spratley, seconded by r-1r. ~'ï. Biernacki that the Board approachrilr. Alfred Bunker and suggest a visit to the model train which he has opernting on his property. CARRIED - 34 - 10/74 Item 5 contd. q) It was reconunendcd that. a letter be sent to r~r. Beath, the Regional Chairman, indicatin<:"J that the Hunicipa1ity would be pleased to have the Rer.:rional Group tour the Museum during their visit to Pickering. h) Relative to the Sheridan Mall display, it was suggested that there be a meeting at the Mallon Tuesday after Thanksgiving. ,- i) Mr. Milton Parkin was present at the meeting and he mentioned that his property had been sold. He has had several objects belonging to the Museum stored in his barns. Among these objects is a corn binder, a cutter box and a threshing machine. These arc all large imple1T1cnts and need to have a considerably large building for storage. Some members of the Board v.¡ill go on Saturday afternoon next to see what can be done about taking thG objects out of the barns and finding an appropriate storage place. 6. DATE OF NEX'l' HEETING The date of the next meeting W2S set at November 12th 1974. 7. ADJOURNMENT MOVED by Hr. R. lvliller, seconded by t~r. W. Biernacki that the meeting adjourn at 11.18 p.m. CARRIED Date Chairman -