HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 12, 1974 ......~ .~ 35 - 11/74 TOWN OF PICKERING MUSEUM BOARD A meeting of the Town of Pickering Museum Board was held on Tuesday, the 12th day of November 1974 at 8:00 p.m. PRESENT: Mr. J. Alma (Chairman) Councillor J. Anderson (10:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.) Mr. W. Biernacki Mr. Wm. Clark Mr. R. r·1iller Councillor K. Spratley Mr. J.P. Myslik (Secretary) 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES MOVED by Mr. R. Miller, seconded by Mr. Wm. Clark that the minutes of the meeting of October 8th 1974 be adopted. """"t~ 2. \' ,,.., I' j ;¿/(J\ '''' :µ:(~ v' (/ I .' ~jitÜ~ v " . \.} ..fj:c.;:::. 4¿ k (.. ,.... ~.(....i'......;..AL': 'ct" ¡ 1-, " l!V " ,; "> .'- CARRIED COMMUNICATIONS a) A letter was received from the Hon. William G. Newman, Minister of the Environment, in reply to a letter from Mr. J. Alma in which he asks for a clarification on the use of the monies received from the expropriation of the Museum. It was indicated that a letter be sent to Mr. William Newman to this effect. Furthermore, a report was to be requested from the Treasurer, Mr. J. Walls, to confirm the amount in account for the Museum expropriation to date. b) A letter was received from Mr. Norman Cafik, Parliamentary Secretary, Consumer and Corporate Affairs, in reply to a letter from Mr. Jack Alma. No action was taken on this letter. c) A letter was received from Mrs. Lillian M. Gauslin of Claremont requesting permission to use the maps of Pickering Township put out by the Museum Board in 1967 for a book being published by her. MOTION #52 MOVED by Mr. R. Miller, seconded by Mr. Wm. Clark that the Museum Board give Mrs. Lillian M. Gauslin permission to use the maps published by the Board. CARRIED d) A letter was received from Mr. Peter Head of C.F.R.B. concerning free promotion of activities. It was indicated that a letter of thanks should be sent to Mr. Peter Head and also some background material about the Museum. e) A letter of resignation was received from Mrs. R. Guest. MOTION #53 MOVED by Mr. W. Biernacki, seconded by Mr. ~qm. Clark that the Museum Board accept Mrs. Ruth Guest's resignation with regret and thank her for her past service and ask her for help in the future. CARRIED 2. .)¡tvJ .}'"" 3. - - - -j1ß.¡,J - . ' ./ -j.;..rfr- t/ 'ØIIIo, - 36 - ll/74 COMMUNICATIONS (Continued) f) A letter was received from Mrs. R. Rundle volunteering her assistance with the Museum Board in any of its endeavours in restoration. A reply is to be sent to Mrs. R. Rundle in the name of the Board stating that the Board is interested in her assistance and that it will be contacting her shortly. REPORTS a) Administrator: Mr. R. Miller explaineð that he is trying to get the lO-20 tractor from Batties. The threshing machine was moved from Mr. Milton Parkin's barn. The Administrator has arranged for the corn binder to be brought over. Mr. M. Parkin has a very good stove which he would be willing to sell. MOTION #54 MOVED by Mr. Wm. Clark, seconded by Councillor K. Spratley that Mr. R. Miller be allowed to spend a certain amount of money for some of the objects at Mr. M. Parkin's farm. CARRIED Mr. R. McLean would like to have a letter sent to the Secretary of the Ministerial Association for their assistance in the Thanksgiving service at the Museum. Mr. Lorne White said that the house in which he lives is a restoration of an old shack built by C.P.R. when the railroad was being built. It came from the Fourth Concession bridge. The store at Audley was given as a gift to the Museum in 1967 or 1968 by ~1r. I-1cBraày of Lot 4, Concession 3. Mr. Nicolai has a draa saw without an engine which he is willing to sell for $45.00. The Ad~inistrator has received some pictures of previous Board Members which should be framed and exhibited. The Enoch Turner School in Toronto has a Museum stove on loan. It is suggested that we request that this stove be returned to the Museum. Mr. Bruce Forrester of 333 Centennial Road, West Hill, Ontario has two loan forms for cutters. The windmill has been carefully taken down and the Administrator would like to pay the men for helping to do this very arduous task. JI10TION #55 MOVED by CouncilloJ; 1<. Spratley, seconded by ~1r. W. Biernacki that Mr. R. Miller pay the men for their help in taking down the windmill. CARRIED - 37 - 11/74 3. REPORTS (Continued) The Administrator asked that the price for the new Hasti-Notes be checked and reported. Mr. Alex Grey was in and offered a wind power machine, which is something similar to a windmill but it does not pump water but powers various types of machinery. .... I" ( ~tdi~r. I, )'1-ft '/--~.> b) Sheridan Mall Project: Mr. N. Biernacki reported that a display was set up in a store in Sheridan Mall, there were various craft demonstrations such as chair caning, rug making, etc. A total of sixteen people helped out. There was a very good response from the public with many visitors coming to view the exhibit. Also many very good contacts were made during this pro- ject; approximately fifteen volunteers have offered their services to the Museum. After November 26th 1974 the display will be re-arranged and a Christmas scene will be worked into it. 'T ~..I¡~;~,{';~':'#"tl"(. -....- e...(:" '1.. . "'l...1f: ¡;:Ht, ~ C':I",f e:. J .[,"'c ) " ì""Jr -!,}"Ï- ..Ùr." t 7 Green River Basket Factory: The basket factory is owned by Mr. Norm Christianson. At present he is very discouraged because of expro- priation and he is interested in getting a history and pictures taken, which would be very useful for the Museum. The basket factory came from Barnes' Mill in 1920. Everything at Barnes' Mill had been previously moved from Brougham in 1870. The Museum Board will ask to have representative samples of each basket made. Mr. R. Miller will contact Mrs. Smith,who knows a great deal about the history of the basket factory, in order to acquire any knowledge that he is not familiar with himself. It was further- more pointed out that the basket factory has two line shafts. d) Financial Report - History in Action: A financial report of History in Action receipts was presented as follows: Revenue Expenses Deposited Revenue ,- Admissions Apples Bread Rolls Butter Corn Roast Craft Shop Drag Saw Posters Ring Barn Souvenirs Tea Room H. Biernacki Various Supplies 2,357.5l l4.35 73.75 20.35 30.00 233.20 24.00 18.75 20.00 151.50 82.39 13.50 2,357.51 14.35 73.75 20.35 30.00 143.85 24.00 18.75 20.00 151.50 82.39 89.35 ,- $3,025.80 29.99 40.70 $173.54 $2,936.45 - - 38 u 11/74 4. NEB BUS INESS -- 5. ... .J..k""V µfJJ- ~. rjj,". / , . ...''1/. v 'i ...;J- v ~ If ,.,/ f).t~ 6. - 7. - a) 1975 Budget~ MOTION #56 MOVED by Mr. W. Biernacki, seconded by Mr. ~m. Clark that a Budget Co~~ittee be established and that the members thereof be~ Mr. J. Alma Mr. R. Miller Councillor K. Spratley. CARRIED b) L.I.P. Program Revised Application~ A revised application was sQbmitted for a L.I.P. Program for the Museum in which a L.I.Po contribu- tion of $l2,406.00 was submitted. FURTHER BUSINESS a) Councillor J. Anderson reported that during a meeting with the M.T.RoC.A. it was suggested that a Technical Advisory Committee be established to help the Museum Board in developing long range plans for the Museum, especially in view of the expro- priation of the Museum and the development of the North Pickering Project. MOTION #57 MOVED by Councillor J. Anderson, seconded by Councillor K. Spratley that the Museum Board write a letter to the M.T.R.C.A. requesting a meeting with the Chairman of the Historical Sites Committee in order to obtain advice on the setting up of a Technical Advisory Committee. CARRIED b) It was recommended that a letter be sent to Mrs. K. Spratley inviting her to participate in the Craft Shop next year for History in Action. c) It was suggested that a letter of thanks be sent to the Horticultural Society in appreciation for looking after the flower beds. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The date of the next meeting was set tentatively for December lOth 1974. ADJOURNMENT MOVED by Mr. R. Miller, seconded by Councillor K. Spratley that the meeting adjourn at 11:30 p.m. CARRIED Date Chairman