HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecember 17, 1974 1. J (1'. ,¡n,¡..¡.......x--~-? - ,-~"'^ti ~. - 39 - 12/74 ,.. r) TO~iN OF PICKERING MUSEUM BOARD ._ - ..--" _._. ~ ....,.".,. ....,.."'or" -" "--/ _ - ...-. - ~. A meeting of the Town of Pickering Museum Board was held on Tuesday, December 17th 1974 at 8.00 p.m. PRESENT: Mr. J. Alma (Chairman) Mr. -v.I. Biernacki Mr. ~.¡. Clark Mr. R. Hiller Councillor K. Spratley Mr. J.P. Mys1ik - Secretary ALSO PRESENT: Hrs. I. Annis Mrs. D. Earle Mr. R. Freeman Mr. D. McLean TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Mr. J. Bryson and Mr. R. Cooper of the M.T.R.C.A. and Mr. William Wilson of the North Pickering Project were present to give their advice and assistance on the manner of setting up a Technical Advisory Committee for the Museum Board. Mr. Bryson intro- duced the M.T.R.C.A. point of view and method of operation. Mr. Russell Cooper explained the steps in setting up a Technical Advisory Committee and showed how this operated, especially in the development of the Black Creek Pioneer Village. He recommends the same procedure for the Pickering t1useum. He pointed out that Pickering is very fortunate in having the opportunities available at this point of its development. He also mentioned the fact that the Provincial Government announced a separate Ministry of Cultural Affairs on December 17th 1974 and this will possibly free more monies for museums. He also suggested the membership of a Technical Advisory Committee. He thought that it should have a Town Planner, a Historical Architect, e.g. Napier Simpson or Doug Richardson, a Furnishing and Furtniture Specialist, e.g. Dorothy Duncan, a specialistin local history and the buildings of the area, a Specialist in the Museum Management Field, e.g. Brigadier General John McGuinness, representatives from the Provincial and Federal Goeernments and representatives of the Museum Board. He suggested that the terms of reference for the Committee be very broad and that the Committee take an overall look beyond the immediate interests of the Museum. It should, for instance, consider the Indian Sites in Pickering, the waterfront, all the buildings of interest in Pickering and of course the Museum itself. Furthermore it should look into the possibility of preserving buildings throughout Pickering on their sites and the use of these buildings in a more effective manner than simply preserving them as museum pieces. Ithas proven quite feasible in some areas to simply zone buildings in such a way that they can be pre- served and yet be used in a very useful and commercial manner. Continued...... - 40 - 12/74 Item 1 contd. Mr. Wilson explained the aims of the North Pickering Project and in answer to a question he pointed out the steps that are taken before any buildings are destroyed. All the members present were then polled for their views on an Advisory Committee. With some reservations as to the timing and the purpose of the Committee, the concensus of opinion was in favour of establishing such a Committee. MOTION # 58 MOVED by Mr. W. Biernacki, seconded by Mr. R. Miller that whereas the Pickering Museum will eventually have to be re-located and a new site will have to be chosen, and whereas a master plan will have to be developed for the new site, and whereas these developments will require technical expertise beyond the capabilities of the Museum Board, be it hereby recommended to the Council of the Town of Pickering that a Technical Advisory Committee made up of a Town Planner, a Historical Architect, a Specialist in Historical Furnishings and Furniture, a Specialist in Local History and Buildings, a Specialist in Museum Management, representatives from the Provincial and Federal Goeernments and representatives of the Museum Board be established to assist the Museum Board. CARRIED The meeting recessed for five minutes and at this point the representatives of M.T.R.C.A. and the North Pickering Project left. 2. ADOPTION OF MINUTES MOVED by Mr. R. Miller, seconded by Mr. W. Biernacki that the minutes of the meeting of November 12th 1974 be adopted. CAHRIED 3. CO~1UNICATIONS ¡~ - .I 'h"0 .~. /\ , ../ y..y¿ c ~ a) A letter from Mr. Norman Cafik, Parliamentary Secretary, Consumer and Corporate Affairs b) Letter re: L.I.P. 1974/75 advising that the Museum Project was not selected for L.I.P. support c) Letter from Mr. William Newman, Minister of the Environment, expresssing his continued support for the Museum d) Letter from E.M. O'Mara, Superintendent of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Chatham stating that an old Sterling Dolphin gasoline engine is at the disposal of the Museum. e) Letter from t1r. V.N. Styrmo, Chief Museums Advisor, re Museum Listing in the 1975 booklet Continued. . . . . . - 41 - 12/74 4. FURTHER BUSINESS ,/ . ~-1\- -\ . t~,'), l-c .,,t ,"-' I( ",,/""' - ",,/' ,/ ¡'..... L ' '\ 1~1- r'''·J - 'x J 'f· ¡v""v ~ i< i£v .' \. j ,./"r, 'v? L µ;!.i"" - 5. - a) MOTION # 59 MOVED by Mr. W. Clark, seconded by Councillor Spratley that the honorarium be paid to the Admini- strator as indicated in the Budget. CARRIED b) It was requested that the program activities during 1975 be put on the next agenda. c) The brochures are to be prepared and sent to the schools - the History in Action dates were set at September 13th and 14th and the Thanksgiving Service on the first Monday of October in 1975. d) It was mentioned that a telephone call should be made to the Administration of the Enoch Turner School House concerning our 1859 cast iron box stove. e) A letter should be sent to Charterways giving information concerning the Museum. f) A letter should be sent to Mr. Carl L. Winch stating that a search is being made for the tongue belonging to the sleigh that was donated by himself to the Museum. g) Letters of thanks should be sent to Mr. John Richman, Mr. William Lishman, ~~r. Joe Champion and Mr. Ivan Fuller. h) The Administrator mentioned that he would like to get a Fleury Seed Drill, a Fleury Reaper, a Hay Baler and an Iron Scraper from Mr. Percy Mountjoy who is now requesting $285.00 for this machinery. t.fOTION # 60 MOVED by Mr. W. Clark, seconded by Councillor Spratley that ~1r. Miller be authorized to spend up to $300.00 for equipment. CARRIED i) The Chairman thanked the members of the Museum Board for their co-operation during 1974. j) A Motion of Thanks was expressed to the Secretary of the Museum Board. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The time of the next meeting will be determined later. Continued...... - - 42 - 12/74 6. ADJOURNMENT MOTION MOVED by Councillor Spratley, seconded by Mr. W. Biernacki that the meeting adjourn at 11.30 p.m. CARRIED Date Chairman