HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 21, 1975 - 1. JI\IIIIIi 2. - 3. ,"'*' - 1 .- 1/75 TŒ'iTN OF PICKERING MUSEm-i BOARD A meeting of the Town of Pickerina Museum Board was held on Tuesday, January 2lst~1975 at 8:00 p.m. PRESENT: Mr. W. Biernacki Mr. Wm. Clark Mrs. B. Davies Mr. D. McLean Mr. R. Miller Councillor A. Robertson Councillor K. Spratley Mr. J.P. Myslik - Secretary ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN Mr. D. McLean was nominated for the Chairmanship and elected by acclamation. It was suggested that there be a rotating Chairman for the meetings. ADOPTION OF MINUTES MOVED by Mr. Wm. Clark, seconded by Mr. R. Miller that the minutes of the meeting of December 17th 1974 be adopted. CARRIED COMr.1UNICATIONS A letter was received from the Ministry of Colleges and Universities indicating that the Pickering Museum was awarded a grant of $2,863.00 in respect of the 1973 operation of the Museum. MOTION #1/75 MOVED by Councillor K. Spratley, seconded by Mr. R. Miller that the letter and grant from the Ministry of Colleges and Universities be accepted with thanks. CARRIED - 4. NEW BUSINESS a) - b) - Appointment of Administrator~ MOTION #2/75 MOVED by Mr. Wm. Clark, seconded by Councillor A. Robertson that Mr. R. Miller be appointed as Administrator of the Museum for 1975. CARRIED Administrator's Honorarium, Custodian & Guide Salaries: MOTION #3/75 MOVED by Mr. Wm. Clark, seconded by Mrs. B. Davies that the honorarium of the Administrator be increased to $500.00 for 1975. CARRIED MOTION #4/75 MOVED by Councillor A. RObertson, seconded by Mr. Wm. Clark that the Custodian be paid $3.00 per hour and that the Guides be paid the minimum wage of their category. CARRIED - 2 - 1/75 4. NEW BUSINESS (Continued) .'. f/.Þ¡.. r c) Finance: MOTION #5/75 MOVED by Councillor A. Robertson, seconded by Councillor K. Spratley that a letter be sent to Mr. J. Alma requesting that he give a reasonable accounting of monies collected by him from September 1973 to December 1974 and expenditures made during this time, and that a reply would be appreciated by February 10th 1975. \1 CARRIED MOTION #6/75 MOVED by Councillor A. Robertson, seconded by Councillor K. Spratley that the item of $49.00 from Mr. J. Alma be deferred to the next meeting. CARRIED d) Approval of Accounts: MOTION #7/75 MOVED by Mr. Wm. Clark, seconded by Mr. R. Miller that the accounts be approved as presented. CARRIED - e) Board Operational Framework - Committees t-iOTION #8/75 MOVED by Councillor A. Robertson, seconded by Mr. R. Miller that Mrs. Brenda Davies be nominated Chairman of the Public Relations Committee. - CARRIED þtt~·, / - MOTION #9/75 MOVED by Councillor A. Robertson, Deconded by Mr. R. Miller that a letter be sent to the area High School Photography and Art Clubs asking the co-operation of the students in assisting the Pickering Museum Board in producing brochures and posters. CARRIED MOTION #10/75 MOVED by Councillor A. Robertson, seconded by Councillor K. Spratley that Mr. {1. Biernacki be nominated Chairman of the Committee in charge of machinery, i.e. gas and steam engines. CARRIED MOTION #11/75 MOVED by Mr. R. Miller, seconded by Councillor K. Spratley that Mr. Wm~ Clark be in charge of the Blacksmith Shop. CARRIED - MOTION #12/75 MOVED by Councillor K. Spratley, seconded by Councillor A. Robertson that Mr. R. Miller be in charge of the ground maintenance and guides and personnel committees. ClillRIED - ~mTION #13/75 MOVED by Councillor A. Robertson, seconded by Councillor K. Spratley that Mr. R. Miller co-ordinate the persons who will be designated and volunteer to work on cataloguing in the Museum. CARRIED - 3 - 1/75 e) Board Operational Framework - Committees (Continues) Mrs. K. Spratley has already been requested to offer her services in the Craft Shop during the year, and in that capacity it would be e.ppreciated if she would head the Craft Shop Committee. Mr. R. Miller volunteered to organize the weekend demonstrations and projects during the year. 5. REPORTS Mr. W. Biernacki reported that the display in Sheridan Mall has been taken down since the area was rented as a store. - MOTION #14/75 MOVED by Councillor A. Robertson, seconded by Councillor K. Spratley that Mr. W. Biernacki take care of all outside displays for the Museum. CARRIED Mr. W. Biernacki reported that he had hired two boys and a truck to return the articles to the Museum, this amounted to 15 hours labour for one boy and 8 hours for the other and $20.00 for the truck. MOTION #15/75 MOVED by Mr. R. Miller, seconded by Councillor K. ~ Spratley that the bill for the transporting of the displays from Sheridan Mall be paid. CARRIED 6. FURTHER BUSINESS ,- a) MOTION #16/75 MOVED by Councillor K. Spratley, seconded by Councillor A. Robertson that the Museum Board proceed with the dismantling and the transportation of the Rogers barns. Cl\RRIED b) " fl.v J Þ A letter is to be sent to the Enoch Turner School House concerning the cast iron stove which belongs to the Pickering Museum. c) -ri. J þiP"'''' A letter is to be sent to Mr. Bud Good at R.R.#l, Whitby, Ontario, indicating that the Museum Board would be very pleased to accept the donation of a coal sleigh. - 7. MONTHLY MEETINGS The Museum Board meetings will be held regularly on the third Tuesday of the month. The next scheduled meeting is for February 18th 1975 at 8:00 p.m. 8. ADJOURNMENT MOVED by Councillor A. RObertson, seconded by Mr. w. Biernacki that the meeting adjourn at 10:45 p.m. CARRIED .'ßW Date Chi'tirman